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Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)

Page 20

by Rikki Dyson

  Cody looked at Robbie and asked, “What the heck is a fledgling, anyway?”

  “I don’t know, after we cream the old guys, we’ll ask’em.”

  Before long Grandad, Uncle Douglas and Uncle Farley along with Stacey’s dad were sitting on the sidelines watching the game. Stacey could hear the cheering going on, so she went to take a look. When she put her coat on her mom asked, “Where are you going darling?”

  “The guys are playing touch football. I’m gonna watch. Do you wanna come too?”

  Suzanne and Gram put the twins jackets on them and they all went outside to watch. The January sun was high in the sky and no wind. The players seemed to be well matched, then Shane got possession of the ball and made six points. Stacey knew Shane was good at sports. She had watched him at practice for the Rugby team and at the games played for charity.

  Stacey asked her dad, who’s winning?

  “If my scoring is right, I would say it’s the old guys.”

  Stacey started laughing and said, “I think those young cousins of mine may be in for a surprise.”

  Shane got possession of the ball again and made six more points. When the score was twenty-four to twelve, the young lions conceded to the old loins.

  Robbie came and fell on the grass at his dad’s feet and said, “Next time we play, we get Shane on our team.”

  “No can do,” Alan said. “Shane is over thirty, married and is an expectant father, so technically that makes him one of us old guys.”

  Cody came to his Gram, fell on his knees and said, “I’m so hungry Gram, feed me please.”

  Gram smiled at him and said, “I will darling, but first you must clean up. That goes for the rest of you boys too. As I’ve always told you, I don’t feed wet smelling puppies at my table.”

  As everyone, was gathering to go into the house, Shane made a point to shake hands with the cousins and told them, “Excellent game lads. Thank you in deed for showing me the fundamentals.”

  After the guys had all showered, they were served hot tea, hot chocolate and sandwiches. Shane found Stacey, in the solarium feeding one of the twin babies. He sat and watched her for a while with a smile on his face. Then asked, “What did your Gram mean about boys smelling like wet puppies?”

  As Stacey put the baby on her shoulder to burp him, she said, “I can’t believe you’ve never before heard that. Didn’t your mom or grandmother ever say that to you when you came in hot and sweaty after playing outside.’’

  “No,” Shane said. “Not that I recall. So what you’re telling me is, perspiration on little boys smells different than it does on little girls.”

  “Yes,” Stacey said. “Have you never heard the rhyme, ‘What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice.’ ‘What are little boys made of? Snails and shells and puppy dog tails.”

  Shane grinned and said, “Now I know you’re bloody well pulling my leg.”

  As Stacey got up to take the sleeping baby upstairs, she said, “Just you wait until our little boy gets here and you’ll see who’s joking with whom.” Stacey kissed her husband’s cheek and walked out of the solarium laughing.


  The ranch

  Around mid-morning on January second, Stacey hugged her gram and grandad bye, along with the rest of the family as they got into her mom’s SUV to ride to the ranch. Her gram waved and said, “We’ll see ya’ll next weekend darlings. Drive carefully.”

  The drive from Houston to Rawhide had been a pleasant trip. As they drove into the long driveway, Stacey was feeling a catch in her chest. She had not realized it before, but she had missed the ranch and her family. Her life was full with Shane and school, but there was a tug at her heart here. When she realized Shane was watching her, she smiled and said, “I would never trade you for this. This was my past and you are my present and my future.”

  Stacey’s dad drove the Daimler to the side door. Stacey asked, “Whose truck is that?”

  Stacey’s dad said, “Maybe one of Harlan’s buddies.”

  No more was said as they took the luggage from the SUV, until they stepped into the dining room, where Eric came to meet them. He held his arms out and said, “How ya doing baby cakes?”

  Stacey was in his arms immediately and was full of question. “How long have you been here? Is that your new truck? Why didn’t you let us know you were here?”

  After shaking hands with Shane, Eric said, “Well, I can see marriage and going to be a mommy hasn’t changed you. You’re still a nosy britches!”

  “Never mind all that,” Stacey said. “Just answer the questions.”

  “Okay,” Eric said. “Since Christmas, and yes, we wanted to surprise you.”

  “We, who’s we?” Stacey asked possessively.

  As they walked into the living room, a lovely young woman was standing waiting. Eric put his arm around her and said, “Jennifer honey, I’d like for you to meet Doctor Shane McLeod, the bravest man in the world to have married this one. Stacey, this is my fiancée Jennifer Kerr.”

  Stacey went right to her, hugged her and asked, “Are you really going to marry this buck-a-roo?”

  Jennifer looked at Eric, then said, “Yes, Stacey, I believe I am. We don’t have many buck-a-roos back where I live.”

  Stacey smiled at Jennifer and told Eric, “I approve of your choice.”

  Eric grinned, shook his head and said. “Believe it or not miss bossy britches, I didn’t bring her here for your approval.”

  “Yes, you did,” Stacey said, “And I do approve. She is beautiful, but I don’t know what she sees in you, though.”

  Stacey took Jennifer’s hand and said, “Come, let’s get acquainted while I tell you all kinds of stuff about this guy.”

  Jennifer liked Stacey. She had been prepared for hers and Eric’s friendship. She knew they were as close as brother and sister. Maybe more so, she knew their friendship was thicker than blood. She had heard so much about Stacey. Harlan was one of her greatest admires along with his cousin J. B. Thornton and Eric’s friend.

  Jennifer was a city girl, having been raised in up-state New York. Eric was a Texan through and through. Her mother and father had been skeptical at first, but the more they got to know Eric, the better they liked him. Her family was very well off and heirs to a container company.

  Jennifer was surprised, when Eric told her about himself and his family. It was hard to believe because he had the manners and social graces of a gentleman. After meeting the Scott family, she understood why. They all treated him as if he were a part of the family.

  When she mentioned this to Grandy Scott, she was told, “Honey girl, don’t you ever say that in front of Jessie or Stacey. They couldn’t love him more if he was their very own. We all love Eric and to us, he is family.”

  Stacey and Jennifer, were sitting in the kitchen talking about how she and Eric had met. Stacey knew they had met at graduate school. They both being archaeologist gave them common ground.

  “I knew I liked him right away,” Jennifer said, “But Eric was a little standoffish. I loved his Texas drawl. I was always asking him to talk to me.”

  “When do you and Eric plan on getting married?”

  “I’m not sure,” Jennifer said. “We haven’t set a date yet.”

  Stacey didn’t know why, but an alarm bell went off in her head. Something was going on under the surface. She made a mental note to talk to Eric when she could get him alone.

  They were sitting in the kitchen talking when Mr. Chen came in the door with groceries. Stacey jumped up to help him. He said in Chinese, “No, no, little daughter. Your husband and Eric are helping me.” About that time in walked both of them with their arms full.

  After helping put, everything away they were sitting in the living room with coffee and tea when Brandon bounded through the door.

  He headed straight for Stacey, as she did to him. As they met Stacey went down on her knees to hug him. Brandon asked in a loud voice, “Vhere’s ou was tacey? I loo
ks ederfer fer ou.”

  Stacey kissed him and said, “I’ve been with Shane. Remember, we got married.” Shane was by his side and hugged him too.

  Stacey asked Jennifer, “Have you met my little guy, Brandon?”

  “Yes, I have,” she said. “We spent Christmas and New Years together.”

  Stacey was busy hugging Gramps, Grandy and the rest of the family. It had only been seven months, but it seemed a lot longer. Jason and Christopher had grown so much. Jason was now fourteen, Christopher twelve and Brandon three years and four months.

  Gramps said, “Your aunt Kathleen and her family will be up tomorrow.”

  “I’m so glad,” Stacey said. “I’ve missed you’ll.”

  That night as Stacey got in bed, Shane said, “This day has tired you some what, hasn’t it?”

  As Stacey snuggled in Shane’s arms, she said, “Yes, it has, but it’s been wonderful.” Before she knew it she was fast asleep.



  The next morning, Shane found himself alone when he woke. His biological clock seemed to still be on London time. After a shower, he went in search of Stacey. In the kitchen, he found Jennifer looking out the back window. After greeting her, “Good morning,” he asked, “Where is everyone?”

  Jennifer offered him coffee and said, “Doctor and Mrs. Scott have gone to the clinic for awhile. Eric and Stacey are at the stables, I believe.”

  Shane heard an intonation in her voice as she looked out the window again. Shane could identify with what she was feeling. He remembered having those same feeling when he first saw Stacey and Eric’s closeness. He wasn’t sure how to help her abolish those fears. Gracie had helped him by her logic and straight forwardness. Perhaps that was what, was needed here as well.

  Shane took a sip of his coffee and said with a smile, “I remember the first time I saw Stacey and Eric together. I was overcome with jealousy. In my heart, I knew it was uncalled for, but my head wasn’t so sure. Watching them on the dance floor and them singing together, well, you could tell right off, they were so... in-tuned to one another.”

  Jennifer turned from the window and said, “Eric said you met in hospital after Stacey’s fall.”

  “Yes, that’s correct,” Shane said, “But that was before I fell hopelessly in love with her. I carried the burden of jealousy with me for some months until a young heart patient helped me see colors other than green.”

  Jennifer poured herself another cup of coffee and sat down in the booth across from Shane and said, “Eric told me that they sang together at a country western club. He took me there to meet the Harmon’s. They seem like really nice people.”

  “Yes, very nice people,” Shane said. “I met them at our wedding. On our honeymoon, Stacey told me about how she and Eric met and how their friendship grew. Having never had a sibling or a close platonic female friend, it took some time for me to grasp hold of their relationship, but at the same time I never doubted Stacey’s love for me.”

  As Jennifer reached across the table and touched Shane’s hand she said, “Thank you for sharing this with me,” in walked Stacey and Eric.

  Stacey with great enthusiasm told Shane and Jennifer, “You must come to the stables. There are the most darling set of twins. Do you know how rare that is?”

  Shane chortled and asked, “May we finish our coffee first?”

  “Yes if you must, sleepy head,” Stacey said as she gave him a good morning kiss.

  Shane returned her kiss and said, “You must remember I’m an expectant father. I need a certain amount of sleep.” That brought on a laugh from all of them.

  Stacey read the note on the refrigerator from her mom. She knew Mr. Chen left last night for Austin, so she took out bacon, eggs and biscuits for breakfast.

  Jennifer asked, “May I be of help?”

  “Sure, you can make another pot of coffee.”

  Soon breakfast was ready, and in walked Tony and Rich. Rich said, “Umm, that sure smells good.”

  “Haven’t you had breakfast yet?” Stacey asked.

  “Sure,” he said, “But that was a couple of hours ago.”

  Stacey put another can of biscuits in the oven and scrambled more eggs while Tony and Rich got themselves a plate and a cup of coffee. As they ate Rich told Stacey, “Guess what princess, I’m moving to California.”

  “For what reason?” Stacey asked.

  “I’ve transferred to UCLA to study to be a director. You know that’s what I’ve always wanted to do.”

  “Yes,” Stacey said. “You’ll be very good at it. Someday I’ll be able to say, I knew him when he was a bow-legged cowboy.”

  Rich shook his finger at Stacey and said, “Cowboy, yes, bow-legged, never.”

  Stacey turned to Tony and asked, “We’re not going to lose you too are we?

  “Nope,” Tony said, “As soon as I get my Veterinarian licenses I’m gonna throw in with your gramps. Rawhide’s not getting rid of me.”

  That night as they were getting ready for bed Shane asked, “What’s going on with Eric?”

  Stacey frowned and asked, “What makes you think anything is?”

  “You’re a clever lass,” Shane said, “But not that clever. Is it confidential?”

  “No, not from you, but it’s a bit of a tangle,” Stacey said as she related what Eric had told her in the barn. Eric and Jennifer had met at the university. There had been instant attraction for both of them. They dated a few times, then one weekend Jennifer flew home for the weekend. She had been engaged to her childhood sweetheart since last winter. Now she knew it wasn’t true love, so she broke off their engagement. Her family wasn’t very happy about that. When Eric met her parents they were cordial. That’s more than he could say for her two older brothers, they were down right rude. They implied Eric was a redneck ‘nouveau riche.’ “That means opportunist,” Stacey said.

  Shane smiled and said, “Yes, sweetheart, I’m familiar with the term.”

  Stacey continued, “So, naturally, Eric had to bust him in his chops and told him he was a presumptuous Yankee”

  “Well, yes, naturally,” Shane said with a grin.

  Stacey asked, “Do you want to hear the rest of this story or not?”

  Shane reached over and pulled her into the bed, kissed her and said, “Yes, Mrs. McLeod, tell me all.”

  “Actually, that’s about it,” Stacey said. “I think the thing that set her brother off was the fact that Jennifer’s ex- fiancée was his best friend. Most likely, it will all blow over in time. To help it along, next summer Eric and Jennifer will be participating in a dig in Peru. Eric said, he isn’t going to rush into anything. He said he loves Jenn, but he’s not in any hurry to get married.”


  A troubled mind

  On Wednesday morning, Eric and Jennifer left for Chicago. As Stacey was walking around the other side of the yard, she put her hand up to shade her eyes. She stood there a while watching Katie working the quarter horse, Ulysses. They were beauty in motion.

  Stacey’s dad walked up beside her and put his arm around her and said, “I think we’ve got us a champion there. We’re gonna enter him in the world quarter horse reining competition in Oklahoma City, December second, two thousand-four. Sonia has been taking Katie and Ulysses to reining competitions. He’s doing very well. Now that he’s six years old, we’ll enter him in the FEI world reining master’s finals. Katie had ridden Ulysses in the international equestrian games where he made an excellent showing.”

  “Is Blue boy still winning blue ribbons for cutting?” Stacey asked.

  Doctor Sam smiled and said, “You betch’a my darling, but I think he misses you.”

  Stacey laughed and asked, “Who’s showing him now?”

  “Randy Wood,” her dad said. “He’s a little younger than you. Do you remember him?”

  “Yes, of course,” Stacey said. “I haven’t been gone that long.”

  They watched Katie and Ulysses a while longer. Stace
y hugged her dad, and then they walked into the house together. Shane and Jessie had been watching from the porch.

  Jessie turned to Shane and said, “Those two are a lot more alike than they think they are.”

  “In what way?” Shane asked.

  “Their love of horses,” Jessie said. “They both have other vocations, but their love of horses keep pulling them back.”

  When they came in the house Stacey told her mom and Shane, “Dad and I are going for a ride, do ya’ll wanna come along?”

  “Sure,” Shane said. “Where are we going?”

  “Just a mile or so up the pasture, maybe to the lake.” Stacey said.

  Shane was surprised and worried. “Do you think that’s advisable,” he asked. “What about the baby?”

  Stacey tried to alleviate his concern by assuring him a short ride wouldn’t do her or the baby any harm. Jessie could see Shane wasn’t comfortable with this, so she said, “Give me a minute to get my boots on and we’ll all go. The fresh air will do us all good.”

  An hour or so later, when they returned to the stables. Shane gave a sigh of relief. In his head, he knew neither Stacey, nor her mom or dad would put her or the baby in jeopardy, but still he was relieved when the ride was over.

  The next morning, Stacey, Shane and her mom and dad flew to Cincinnati to meet their long lost relatives. Mark met them at the door with a house full of people. They were introduced as his parents, Michael and Debra, his twin brother Matthew, with his wife Paula and their two children, Brooke and Austin, and his older sister Jordan, her husband Jason, and their two sons, Hunter and Parker. Last, but not least, my wife Chelisa and our very young son, Landyn, who was named after my great-great-grandfather. There are more, but they live out of state.” Mark said.

  The next morning, the St. John grandparents arrived along with cousins, aunts and uncles. We had to come when Mark said you Texas folks have the same ancestor as we do. There were introductions and hand shakes hugs all around and conversation on who was kin to who. Stacey had brought her, Ancestor Search, with her as well as Sir Richard’s and Miss Leona Fitz-William’s journals, also Professor Ethan Howard and his family journal.


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