Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)

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Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) Page 28

by Rikki Dyson

  “I’m not sure. Everything was so good between us, I didn’t want to upset you.”

  “Have you talk to Annie about this?”

  “No, I haven’t, but I did talk to Eric. He was the one who told me to take the photos to an expert. He knew the pictures couldn’t be of you.”

  That was when Stacey started crying. Shane took her in his arms and held her. “Oh, Shane, what am I going to do without him? He has always been the wise head I went to for advice.”

  “I don’t know, sweetheart. We’ll just have to depend on each other. I now know I owe him a debt that I can never repay.” Shane held her until she was calm again. He kissed her and said, “I have to go out for a while sweetheart, but I won’t be long. Will you be okay?”

  “Yes, of course. You do whatever you have to do. I’ll be right here waiting.”

  Shane was livid. His tires screeched from the car park as he drove straight to Miranda’s flat. When he rang the doorbell, Miles opened the door. Shane pushed past him and asked, “Where the hell is Miranda?”

  Miranda sat up on the sofa and said, “I’m right here. Have you come to apologize for that pagan wife of yours? Well, I can assure you it will do you no good. Just look at what she did to me. We just returned from the doctor where he put in a stitch. I may be scared for life.”

  “Do you think I give a damn about that Miranda, after what you did? How could you have sunk so low as to have sent this filth to Stacey? Do you realize because of these we could have lost our baby daughters?” Shane said furiously as he strew the photos on the coffee table in front of Miranda.

  Miranda shrank back as if she had been struck, “I have never before seen these photos. How dare you accuse me of this? My god, Shane, this is not me. Where in the devil did you get these? If Stacey said I send these, she’s a liar. Shane, you should know me better than that. Look at that woman that is not me.”

  “I know it isn’t you, Miranda and I know it isn’t me. I’m not here to debate the authenticity of the photos, but to find out who sent them to my wife. If you didn’t send them, who did? Who would profit by doing such a diabolical misdeed?”

  Miranda looked to Miles. He shook his head slightly for her to keep quiet. He asked, “May I be of some assistance with this matter, Shane? I believe Miranda when she says she had no part in this. I assure you, we want to find the guilty party as much as you. Should these photos become public they could cause great embarrassment to the company as well as personally.”

  Shane looked at Miles, then turned back to Miranda and asked, “How did you know Stacey was pregnant last fall when we were all at the Oxford house?”

  “I don’t remember, it was so long ago. Perhaps your wife told me.”

  “No, Stacey didn’t tell you. If you want me to believe you had nothing to do with these disgusting photos, then you better start remembering how you knew.”

  “Shane, if you will permit, perhaps I can be of some help here. I would like to take these photos to a private investigator I know and see what he can find out. He has worked for me before and he is very discreet. Believe me when I say, I have both yours and Miranda’s interest at heart here.”

  Miles could hear Shane and Miranda’s angry voices while he was thinking. He turned and asked Shane, “When did you say your wife received this packet?”

  Shane thought for a minute, then said, “Possibly in April maybe May, Why?”

  “I asked, because Miranda left for Australia in the middle of March and from there she traveled to the Far East. She didn’t return to London until sometime in June. Give me a few minutes on the computer and I will download her complete itinerary.”

  Miranda, threw her ice pack at Shane and said, “I told you I didn’t do this.”

  Shane dropped the ice pack in the dustbin and said, “The way you’ve been acting lately, I wouldn’t put anything past you. You and I were friends and yes, lovers, but never in love. I’m in love with Stacey and I love my life with her and our daughters. I wish you would accept that and stop with this malicious vendetta against Stacey.”

  Before Miranda could verbalize a stinging retort, Miles interrupted, “Here is Miranda’s itinerary for the first six months of 2004. So she couldn’t possibly have been the one who sent it. Shane, please tell your wife how sorry we are and that I will get to the bottom of this, I promise.”

  When Shane returned to the flat Stacey was sitting in the floor playing with the babies. She was letting them ride her feet as they went up and down. The girls were smiling and giggling. Shane smiled as he sat down to play too. The flat smelled delicious with a roast cooking. Stacey didn’t ask any questions until the twins were fed and in bed.

  As they sat down to eat, Shane took the printed itinerary Miles had given him from his pocket. Stacey read it and asked, “Do you believe they are telling the truth?”

  “Yes, I do, sweetheart. Miles is hiring a private investigator to get to the bottom of this. He will leave no stone unturned. I trust Miles, he seems a decent chap. This has shaken both he and Miranda. Should those photos go public, it would look bad for their company. To tell the truth, it wouldn’t do me or the medical center much good either.”

  “Okay, I’m going to trust you on this. You know these people far better than I do, but I wonder, who could dislike me enough to send photos like that.”

  Shane helped Stacey clear the table and clean the kitchen. As they walked up stairs Stacey said, “I’ll be in shortly, I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Stacey smiled at him and said, “No, I don’t mind.”

  As Shane held Stacey in his arms that night he thanked god their lives were getting back to normal. Still he wondered, who the culprit guilty of this offence was.


  The Enlightenment

  Three weeks had passed, when Stacey was invited to tea with Molly Fein at Oxford house. Aunt Lora came to stay with the twins as it was too cold to take them out in the weather. When Stacey arrived at Oxford house, the table was set before a comfortable warm fire in Molly’s upstairs sitting room. They had just finished eating and were enjoying a hot cup of freshly brewed tea, when Molly’s son, Miles Strayhorn arrived. His mother poured him a hot cup of tea as he sat down.

  Stacey had a feeling this was not a chance meeting, but decided to be patient, after all, they had instigated the meeting.

  Molly and Miles engaged in polite conversation, then Molly said, “Stacey, I’m so sorry to have invited you here under false pretences, but Miles needs to speak with you in private.”

  “Yes,” Stacey said. “I thought there might be more to this than just tea.”

  Miles apologized and said, “Stacey, you are aware I hired a private investigator to clear up this mess.”

  “Yes, I am. What have you found? Do you know who sent me those photos?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid we do. That’s why I asked Mother to arrange this clandestine meeting. I want to give you the chance to decide how you want to handle this. It seems the woman is a friend of yours and Shane’s and the evidence suggests, her husband knew nothing about it.”

  Miles handed Stacey the envelope he took from his pocket. Stacey read the report, folded it and put it back in the envelope. Miles could see the pain in Stacey’s eyes. He had a great urge to hold her in his arms and soothe the hurt and disappointment away. He wonder from the moment he read the report, how could this woman be so cruel as to perpetrate such an ugly hoax and why was she fueling Miranda’s jealousy, and what was in it for her. “What do you plan on doing, Stacey, and can I be of any further assistance?”

  Stacey smiled a weak smile at him and said, “No, thank you. You have done more than enough already. I’ll take it from here. I don’t want to cause innocent people to be hurt. By the way, I need to clarify something. Miranda eluded to a secret you and I have. Could you fill me in about that?”

  Miles grimaced and said, “Ah, well, yes I can, but it’s a bit embarrassing.”

nbsp; “I’m sorry, Miles. I don’t mean to embarrass you, but I need to know.”

  “Do you remember a shared cab ride sometime back?”

  “Yes, of course, I do. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Quite a lot, I’m afraid. I’ll need to go back a ways, so please bear with me. I had been ill with bacterial meningitis for a few months. I understand your father is a doctor, so I’m sure you have some medical knowledge. Because of my health, I had been terribly depressed. I had gone from a healthy male to an unattractive shell, I felt. When I asked to share your cab and I assured you, ‘I was innocuous.’ You looked me up and down and said, ‘you don’t look harmless to me.’ Well, I can’t begin to tell you what a boost those words were to my ego.

  I had an appointment with doctor Fein at the medical center, but it just so happened that Donald was in surgery and I saw doctor McLeod instead. I was in such a good mood that I shared with Shane my feelings about this gorgeous young woman I had shared a taxi with and how she made me feel like a whole man again. I’m afraid I was very graphic in my compliments, so when Shane showed me the photo of his fiancée I couldn’t very well say, ‘Oh, you lucky chap, that’s the young woman I’ve been chatting on about.’

  Stacey smiled at him as he related the incident. This boosted his courage to continue. At the neurology wing dinner when you recognized me, Mother jumped to my rescue, she thought. I assure you Miranda knows nothing. She is very astute and suspicious, but only Mother and I know. I’m so sorry if this has inconvenienced you in any way, or caused problems in your marriage.”

  Stacey had been smiling about half way through Miles narrative, now she frowned and said, “No, there are no problems that I can’t take care of, but your friend Miranda must get a life of her own and stay out of ours.”

  “Yes, of course, I understand. I will have a talk with her. Stacey, are you going to share this information with Shane? I understand this woman’s husband and Shane are good friends.”

  “I’m not sure, Miles. I plan on talking with the lady, then I’ll take it from there.” As Stacey was saying goodbye, she said, “Thank you, Miles for everything, I’ll see myself out.”

  The butler helped her on with her coat and closed the door behind her. As she unlocked the H-3, she glanced up at the window. Miles stood watching her. They both waved to one another. As Stacey started the engine, the fleeting, thought, ran through her mind; what would it feel like to be held in his arms. The thought, caught her unaware, as she backed out and started down the driveway, she said to herself; stop it stupid. Are you out of your mind?

  Stacey’s mind was occupied with many thoughts on her drive back to London. Before she realized it, she was turning onto Rachael’s street. She called on her cell phone and asked could she stop by. When Rachael answered the door, both Madison and Andy came bounding down the stairs. Stacey went down on her knees to hug them.

  Madison, in her exuberance kissed Stacey’s cheek and said, “Oh, Stacey, thank you for my lovely birthday card and my gift card. I can hardly wait to go shopping.”

  “You’re very welcome, sweetheart. Maybe we can go shopping together sometime.”

  “Me too,” five year old Andy said. “Stacey, are you going to give me a card and a gift card on my birthday too?”

  “Well, yes. I don’t see why not. Will you want to go shopping as well?”

  “Maybe,” he said. “Or maybe my dad will take me to a Rugby game.”

  Stacey looked at Rachael, and realized something was very wrong. Rachael told the kids to run upstairs and play for a while so she and Stacey could visit. Stacey and Rachael went into the living room. Rachael poured tea for both of them and told her how sorry she was to hear about her foster brother.

  Stacey could see Rachael was nervous, so she waited for her to speak. They both sat and sipped their tea. Finally, Rachael said, “You know, don’t you Stacey?”

  “Yes, I do Rachael, but I don’t understand why.”

  “No, of course you don’t. I’m not sure I do either,” she said. “I’ve been seeing a Harley street man, you know; a psychiatrist since last November. I knew what I had been feeling was irrational, but until the concert last fall, I was so sure you were just biding your time before leaving. Of course, my meetings with Miranda Cox didn’t help. She was so sure, that Shane would be returning to her and that you were just a diversion. To say, I’m sorry, would be like a drop of water in a river.”

  “What possessed you to send me those obscene photos? Didn’t you have any idea of the pain they could have caused?”

  “No, I think I was beyond rational thinking by that time. I made opportunities to casually run into Miranda and rationalize my feelings toward you. You were the outsider who had invaded our world. To my sick thinking, I had to get rid of you at any cost. I thought Miranda would fit into our world much better, and I suppose I had mercenary allusion. I was aware that she was wealthy and I thought she was perfect for Shane. He was so handsome and debonair and Miranda was sexy, rich and older. Much closer to our age. You were so young and so bloody pure. Miranda could laugh at or tell an off colored joke, but you were quiet and unobtrusive. I didn’t for a minute believe you were truly in love with Shane. I the same as Hugh, fancied you would tire of this older man and return to your former life with no one the wiser.

  After Hugh met Annie, he changed his mind about you. I thought because of Annie was why he became your advocate. I never believe you would go through with the wedding, but you did. Then Shane announced you were pregnant. Miranda was furious. I didn’t want to lose my golden goose, I knew I had to stop you somehow. My cousin works in a photo shop, so I asked him to help me play a joke on someone. He called a week ago to tell me there was an investigator asking questions. I swear to you Stacey, I had forgotten I had sent those awful photos to you. After the twins were born, I more or less accepted you. Then the night of the concert, well, I saw you in a completely different light.”

  Rachael was quiet for a bit and Stacey waited for her to gather her, thoughts together. She kept licking her lips and jumping from one thought to another. “We happened to run into Miranda and Shane at a club one night. It was stormy and the place was getting ready to close when Miranda invited us all to her flat. The flat was spacious, reeked of wealth and over-looked the Thames. I wanted to live like that, I wanted her to be my friend. I knew she had a chateau in France, a villa in Tuscany and god only knows where else. If she and Shane were together, then we would be invited too.

  Then you turned up out of the blue. You were more a child than an adult. Another child I did not need in my life. Remember I’m a teacher. I had children all day clamoring for my attention, and then when I arrived home, there were two more of the little pest demanding attention. You look shocked, Stacey. Do you understand now how far I had sunk into psychoneurosis?”

  “Yes, I believe I do. Did no one notice this change in you?”

  “Only my children, Ian was oblivious to everything that didn’t concern him. You know, I was shocked when there was no reaction to the photos. I thought, maybe you didn’t receive them. You were still sweet to my children and nice to me. I didn’t understand how you could not leave Shane after such a betrayal.”

  “I had no idea it was you who sent the photos, but I knew the photos weren’t of Shane. I thought, Miranda was the culprit. I had no intentions of letting her or anyone else break up my marriage. Rachael, I must ask, why did you start consulting a psychiatrist? What brought you to that point?”

  “It was just before, and again, after the concert. My children had been so hurt because of my attitude. What you did for Madison by pitching your hat to her and the confidence that thoughtful act instilled in her. She was so proud of that red hat. To tell you the truth, I was afraid I might hurt my children. I found myself having difficulty distinguishing fact from fancy.”

  Stacey moved over and put her arms around Rachael. “I’m so sorry, I wish there was some way I could help you through this. One good thing did c
ome out of this. It gave me a legitimate reason to punch Miranda.”

  “I’m so sorry, Stacey. I wish you would strike me too. I think it would make me feel better. By the way, does Shane know about me too?”

  “No, he doesn’t. I just found out today.”

  “Are you going to tell him?”

  “Yes, of course, eventually. I don’t want to cause hurt to you or your family. Perhaps you should confide in Ian; after all, he is a doctor. I know men take wives for granted, but surely he has not been completely oblivious to your inner-turmoil.”

  “Ian, no longer lives here, Stacey. He packed his bags and moved out about a month or so ago. I’m surprised you didn’t know. Oh, I’m sorry, of course, you didn’t know. You were still in Texas at the time. Has Shane said nothing to you about Ian no longer living here?”

  Stacey shook her head, no, and looked at her watch and said, “I’m sorry to cut this short, Rachael, but I need to get home to the girls. Perhaps you will come visit sometime and we can talk more. Bring the children and we’ll go to the park.”

  On the way home, Stacey decided not to tell Shane about the information Miles had given her. As for as she was concerned Rachael had more than enough to deal with, without more piled on her fragile psyche.

  That night after the twins were fed, bathed and put in bed, Stacey told Shane as they were cleaning up the kitchen, “I stopped by Rachael’s to say, ‘Hello.’ Did you know Ian had moved out?”

  “Yes, I did, sweetheart. He stayed here a couple of nights until he found a place. Did Rachael discuss their problems with you?”

  “No, she didn’t. As you well know, she and I have never been that close, but I think now because of Madison and Andy we may get closer. She said she sees me in a different light after the concert. Whatever that means.”

  Two weeks to the day later, the house phone rang. Stacey was surprised to hear Miles on the other end. “Stacey, Shane is on my other line. He wants to know if the investigator has information on the photos yet. What do you want me to tell him?”


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