Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)

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Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) Page 29

by Rikki Dyson

  “Tell him the truth, Miles. That you gave me the information the day I had tea with your mother. I will take it from there. Don’t concern yourself about this, and thank you for calling.”

  When Shane arrived home, it was obvious he was upset. Stacey was feeding the girls their supper. “What’s the matter?” Stacey asked.

  “Oh, I think you’re well aware what the matter is, Stacey. But we’ll wait until the lasses are in bed before we discuss it.”

  Stacey could see he was very upset, however, she felt she had right on her side. Even if she didn’t, she wasn’t going to help destroy a family that was already in strife. She had taken Madison shopping and she and Rachael had taken all four of the kids to watch their dads play Rugby for their charity team. Megan and her two little ones were there too.

  As Stacey came downstairs and went to the kitchen; Shane followed her in and asked, “Well, are you ready to talk now?”

  “Yes, of course, what do you want to talk about?”

  “Don’t give me the innocent act, Stacey. You know perfectly well, what I want to talk about. I spoke with Miles today and he informed me that he entrusted certain information to you a fortnight ago, and you have yet to discuss it with me.”

  “Okay, you’re right. Do you want to discuss it now or after supper?”

  “I bloody well want to discuss it now. I believe I have a right to know who the perpetrator was of such malicious intent, and why have you kept this from me. Why do you always do this, Stacey? You keep me ignorant of certain facts and make decisions on your own that involve both of us.”

  “I kept it from you because, I didn’t want to see you hurt or innocent people hurt.”

  “Innocent people! They can’t be too bloody innocent to have arranged those obscene photos of Miranda and me, and why are you defending this vile person.”

  Stacey walked over to the buffet and took the envelope from the draw and handed it to Shane. He opened it and read the report. He looked at Stacey and read it again.

  “I don’t believe this,” he said. “Why in bloody hell would Rachael do such a thing? I know there’s no love lost between you two, but to do this..., no there has to be another explanation.”

  “Well, Shane, as much as you don’t want to hear it, Rachael was not by herself in all this. Miranda did her part too.”

  “What do you mean, her part too? They hardly know each other. You’re wrong, Stacey. I saw Miranda’s face when she saw those photos. She is not that good an actress. By the way, what did you do with those photos?”

  “I didn’t do anything with them. I haven’t seen the rotten things since you took them to Miranda’s. Maybe you should ask her or Miles what they did with them. Besides, aren’t we getting a little off the subject here. I didn’t say Miranda knew about the photos, but she did encourage Rachael to help get rid of me. She supplied Rachael with snapshots of you and her together. I feel sure she knew Rachael was teetering on the edge of instability, but that didn’t stop her, did it.”

  “I find this all very difficult to believe. Ian stayed here a few days with me. He never said a word about Rachael acting psychotic.”

  “Well, Shane, sometimes the husband is the last to know. They don’t always pay attention. Ian didn’t walk out on his wife only, he left two lonely innocent little kids too. They are so mixed up, wondering what they did to cause their dad to desert them. They’re all hurting. I don’t know what Ian’s problem is, but those sweet kids need him more than ever with their mom going through a hell that we can’t even begin to imagine and where is he when Rachael needs his love and his strong shoulder of support and understanding now more than ever.”

  “You’re so compassionate and understanding about Rachael, can’t you show a little compassion for Miranda. After all, she’s a victim in this also.”

  “Are you deaf or out of your mind, Shane? I just explained her involvement in this to you. I’m not going to discuss this with you anymore, and as far as I’m concerned you can stick Miranda where the sun don’t shine.”

  Stacey went upstairs and checked on the twins. They both were sleeping like angels. Stacey was so mad she could spit nails. She put on her boots and her coat and grabbed her shoulder bag. Shane saw her coming downstairs and asked, “Where are you going?”


  “What about the babies?”

  “You’re their father, remember. I’m sure you can handle it,” and walked out the door. Stacey knew she was too angry to drive, so Alfred hailed her a cab.

  The cabbie asked, “Where to miss?”

  “I don’t know. Just drive around the block a few times. I’m trying to cool off.”

  The cabbie smiled at her, through the rear view mirror and said, “Yes, ma’am. I know how you feel. I’ve been there a time or two myself.”

  As they passed by the park, Stacey said, “Maybe you can just let me out here and I’ll walk around for a bit.”

  “I grant you this is a nice neighborhood miss, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. You never know who might be hanging about just looking for trouble.”

  “To tell you the truth sir, the mood I’m in right now, I just might enjoy kicking some ass.”

  The cabbie smiled and said, “Tell you what, miss. I’ll stop the meter and we’ll just ride around for a wee bit.”

  When Stacey walked out the door, Shane sat confused. She had never walked out on him before like that. He sat for a while, then called Miles. When Miles answered, Shane asked point blank, “Miles, what did you do with the photos, they weren’t with the report you gave Stacey?”

  “I put them in the Shredder, Shane. I didn’t think you would want them back.”

  “No, of course not, thank you. And thank you for your assistance in this matter.”

  Shane was quiet and thoughtful for a few seconds, then said, “Miles, Stacey mentioned Miranda’s involvement with Rachael in this hoax. You know her as well as anyone or better than most. What are your feelings on this?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid she was involved, Shane. Why don’t we meet for a drink and we can talk about this. You know Miranda, she sometimes jumps in, where angels fear to tread.”

  “I’d like too, Miles, but Stacey’s out and I’m minding the lasses.”

  “How about I come by then. I think we should discuss Miranda and her many faults.”

  Shane and Miles were sitting in the living room drinking a glass of wine when Stacey came in the door. She hung her coat and bag on the hall tree. She stepped a few steps into the living room and stood with her thumbs hooked in the hip pockets of her jeans and said with some sarcasm, “Well now, what do we have here. Two gallant knights to save their damsel in distress from the wicked witch from Texas, or to perhaps protect their fair lady’s good name?”

  Shane knew that stubborn stance so well. That was part of the reason he loved her so much. After talking with Miles, he now knew Miranda had been more involved with Rachael than she would admit. True, she didn’t know about the photos, but she did suspect Rachael was a bit deranged.

  Miles had never witnessed Stacey angry. Watching her, he felt his heart pounding. He wondered; how in heavens name could Shane take up for Miranda when he had this real live woman to hold and love. Each time he saw her, he fell more enamored with her.

  “Hello Miles, did my husband call you in for reinforcements?”

  “No, just for some clarification. I’ll say goodnight now. So good to see you again, Stacey. I hope you and Shane will come to dinner at Oxford house one night soon.”

  Stacey shook hands with him and said, “Yes, that sounds very nice. Thank you. We’ll be looking forward to it. And thank you for your help on this other matter.”

  “You’re more than welcome. If I can ever be of help to you, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  As Shane shook hands with Miles and said goodnight, he had a strange feeling about the way he and Stacey looked at each other. But that was ridicules, they hardly knew one another. Shane decided there and then, it wou
ld be to his best interest to eliminate both Miles and Miranda from their lives.


  To Error is Human, to Forgive is Devine

  Stacey started upstairs when Shane asked, “Where are you going?”

  “To check on my babies, why do you ask?”

  “I want us to talk about this abominable situation.”

  Stacey nodded her head as she went to check on her babies, then went to her bedroom to remove her boots. As she descended the stairs in her sock feet, she stopped and her heart went out to Shane. He was sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands. He looked so forlorn and dejected. She just wanted to hold him in her arms and soothe his hurt away.

  As she sat on the coffee table in front of him, she took his hands in hers. Shane kissed her hands and said, “I’ve been so unfair to you, sweetheart. I’m sorry, can you ever forgive me.”

  “Yes, I think I can. You’re such a good man Shane, and you trust others that you think of as friends.”

  “Yes, you’re right. I always thought of Miranda as a friend. I never expected her of all people to help orchestrate such a vendetta against you, my wife of choice; because of your youth. That’s incomprehensible to me and unforgivable.”

  Stacey moved to his lap and put her arms around him. “It’s late Shane, why don’t we go to bed. This will all look better in the morning light.”

  As Stacey stood up, Shane took her in his arms, kissed her and said, “You’re right lass, a good nights sleep will do us both good.”

  Upstairs as they turned to go into the bedroom, Stacey heard a whimper from the nursery. She smiled at Shane and said, “Well, so much for a good nights sleep. You go warm the bottles and I’ll be changing nappies.”

  As soon as Stacey touched, Jackie to change her diaper the heat from her body was intense. She grabbed the thermometer and put it to her little ear. Her temperature was 104. Stacey checked Jessie, but she was cool. When Shane entered the nursery with the bottles, Stacey was sponging Jackie with cool water.

  “What wrong with Jackie?”

  “She has a high fever, Shane. Please call Diane.”

  The twins had had fevers before when they were teething, but this time was different. Diane came right away. She examined Jackie and then Jessie. Her diagnoses was a viral infection. She called the chemist and had medications delivered to the flat. The rest of the night found Stacey walking the floor with a stuffed up unhappy baby girl.

  Two days later, Jessie became ill with the same virus. Shane couldn’t help, as he had surgeries back to back and Aunt Lora and Richard were in Milan, so Stacey was on her own. Mrs. Wyatt helped all she could. Annie was busy with Mathew, as he had contracted the same virus, most likely from the girls.

  The weeks flew by with no more surprises. Ian moved back home and participated in Rachael’s therapy. The twins were ten months old now, and saying more and more words. Stacey took them with her to meet Shane and have lunch at the hospital cafeteria. They were sitting in highchairs drinking from their sippy-cups and chattering away. Shane was eating his lunch and talking to Stacey when Jessie threw her cup. Shane reached out and caught it, then sat it back in front of Jessie. After a few sips, she threw it again. He caught it again and sat it back in front of Jessie. This time, Stacey reached over and moved it out of her reach. Jessie threw a hissie fit. Jackie watched her sister, then began to cry too. When they were removed from the highchairs and seated in their stroller, they both were screaming, bloody murder.

  An employee of the cafeteria said, “You have a pair of spoiled little darlings there, Doctor McLeod. Best you nip it in the bud before their any older.”

  With a good bit of sarcasm, Shane said, “Well, thank you Mrs. Miller, it’s comforting to know you have a degree in child rearing as well as table and floor care.”

  Stacey laughed. She just couldn’t hold it back. There was no way Shane was going to hear criticism of his two little lasses. Just as Stacey’s parents before them, he was sure they would out grow their fit throwing. After all, they were just babies. By the time they got their jackets on and were outside the fit throwing was over. Shane helped seat them in their car seats, kissed his three girls bye and ran back to the warmth of his office. Many of the people who knew doctor McLeod before he was married and had become a father marveled at the change in him.

  In the month of April, Stacey received a surprise phone call from Jennifer. Stacey and Jennifer had stayed in close touch over the months since Eric’s death. But still it was a bit of a surprise when Jennifer called and said she was in London and asked if she might stop by.

  “Yes, of course,” Stacey said. “You know you are always more than welcome here.”

  Stacey hadn’t seen Jennifer since January. She couldn’t help but see the difference in her looks. As she hugged her, she asked, “Are you alright, Jennifer?”

  “No, not really, but we’ll talk about it later. Right now I want to see your darling little angels, so I can hold and play with them.”

  “Well, their both napping right now, but when they wake I’ll be more than happy for your help.”

  Stacey smiled at Jennifer and said, “While we’re waiting for the girls to wake, why don’t we get your luggage and we’ll hang up your things. You’ll be staying with us, of course.”

  “Thank you, Stacey, but no, I’m already checked in at the Brown hotel.”

  Stacey didn’t know what, but she knew something was drastically wrong with Jennifer. She made coffee for both of them and they sat at the kitchen table. “Have you talked to Grandy or Harlan lately?”

  “Yes, I saw them a few days ago. Stacey, my grandmother is quite old and we don’t expect her to be with us much longer. You know Grandy and I are very close. I hope you don’t mind. Eric always said, ‘She was the best Grandy in the world.”

  “He was right, and of course, I don’t mind. Grandy has enough love to go round.” Stacey could tell Jennifer was nervous. She kept looking at her watch. “The girls should be up soon, and then you can help me feed them. Afterwards, you will stay for supper, I won’t take ‘no,’ for an answer.”

  Jennifer smiled for the first time, “Yes, I would love to have supper with you and your little family.” She said as she reached out and touched Stacey’s arm.

  It wasn’t long before the twins woke up and were ready to play. Jennifer spent the afternoon playing with the girls and talking with Stacey. The twins played on a talking play mat. When they crawled are sat on a part that talked, sang or played music, they would laugh and clap their hands.

  “Oh, Stacey, they’re such adorable little darlings. I just want to hug and squeeze them to pieces.”

  “Yes, I know what you mean, but I can guarantee you they won’t sit still for too much of that.”

  Stacey felt there was more than met the eye where Jennifer was concerned. She knew Jennifer’s grandmother was not well, but for some reason she didn’t feel that was what was occupying Jen’s mind. Jennifer helped Stacey feed the girls their supper. There was something about the way Jennifer held and played with the girls that tore at Stacey’s heart. She knew there was something going on with Jennifer, but she would wait until she was ready to talk.

  Shane tried to get home around six p.m. so he could play with the girls before supper, bath and bedtime. He was surprised and pleased to find Jennifer there. While Stacey fixed supper, Shane and Jennifer played with the twins and got reacquainted. He noticed Jennifer watching how he and Stacey reacted to the twins and to each other.

  She was so surprised when Shane brought the high chairs to the table for the girls to sit at the table while the adults had their supper, and were given tidbits.

  “This is our together time,” Stacey said. “We want them to grow up knowing we are a family and how important they are to us. Shane and I try to read to them each night after their bath and before their bedtime. I’m not sure how much they understand but their vocabulary is increasing.”

  After watching Stacey and Shane’s routine with
the twins and helping Stacey with the dishes, Jennifer said, “I’ll say goodnight now, and may I come back tomorrow.”

  “Of course, you can. Stacey and Shane said simultaneously.” Stacey hugged her and said, “I wish you would come stay here with us while you’re in London.”

  “Maybe next time,” Jennifer said, “But I’ll be back tomorrow for sure.”

  After Jennifer left, Shane asked, “What’s going on with Jennifer? She seems sad and resolute at the same time.”

  “I don’t know, Shane. Maybe she’ll feel like telling me tomorrow. She did say her grandmother is not well.”

  When Jennifer arrived at the flat the next day, Shane was just coming home. They met in the corridor. Shane said, “Well, this was great timing. Fridays are my early afternoon off.”

  “Yes, I know Shane, I more or less planed it this way. I need to talk with you and Stacey.”

  Shane was concerned, but he couldn’t imagine why Jennifer was being so ambiguous. Stacey met them both with a hug as they entered the flat. She had just put the twins down for their afternoon nap. Stacey made coffee and they sat in the living room to talk. Stacey knew Jennifer was nervous and seemed reluctant to talk.

  Finally, she asked, “Stacey, do you remember last summer when Eric and I were here and I was holding one of the twins and I said, “Eric, I want one of these and he jokingly said, ask Stacey if you can have one.” Then he said, “Next year honey, I promise.” Well, he has kept that promise.”

  “I don’t understand Jennifer, what do you mean, he kept his promise?”

  “What I mean, Shane, is I’m almost five months pregnant.”

  Stacey was off the sofa and hugging Jennifer. “Oh Jen, this is wonderful news. Is that why you went to see Grandy and Harlan, to tell them the news. This is such good news, why didn’t you tell us yesterday.”

  Jennifer took a deep breathe, and her voice shook as she told her story. “I had not been feeling well for sometime. In March, I went to the doctor and he ran quite a few tests. Two weeks later, I received wonderful as well as devastating news. My obstetrician confirmed that I’m in my second trimester. That’s the good news, the bad news is, I may not live to see and hold my son.”


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