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Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)

Page 30

by Rikki Dyson

  “Oh, Jen, you will. What makes you think you won’t?”

  “One of my doctors is a cardiologist. I have been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. It’s a malfunction of the heart muscle and it may be hereditary.”

  “But surely medication will take care of that. They know so much today.”

  Jennifer took a folder from her handbag and handed it to Stacey as she said, “Yes, there are medications, beta-blockers and metoprolol, but I can’t take them. They could very well do harm to my son.”

  Stacey frowned at the medical jargon and handed the folder to Shane and said, “We have a friend who is a superb cardiologist. I know Hugh can help you.”

  Shane read the diagnosis and the side effects of the medications. He took Stacey’s hand and explained, “Sweetheart, the medications that might help her could very well harm the fetus. The side effects could cause birth deformity and possible death.”

  Stacey reached over and took Jennifer’s hand. With tears in her eyes she asked, “Oh, Jen, what are we going to do now? Never mind, I know what we’re going to do. We are going to see Hugh. I know he can help.”

  “Yes, Stacey, I will go see your friend Hugh, but first I must ask you and Shane a favor. As you know, my grandmother hasn’t long too live and my brothers are cold, unloving jerks. I talked with Grandy, Harlan and your mom and dad. They all gave me the same advice, come talk with you and Shane. So here I am. If and when I die, will you take little Nicky and raise him as your own. I know this is a lot to ask with your hands full already, but I’ve watched you with your daughters and I know he would be loved and cared for here like no place else. You don’t have to give me an answer right away. I know you will need to talk it over. I’ll be leaving tonight, my grandmother is in hospital, so I must go back right away.”

  Stacey had been sitting silent with tears running down her cheeks. Shane looked at Stacey and said, “Jennifer, I think I speak for Stacey as well as myself. We don’t need time to think it over, we consider it an honor that you would choose us to raise yours and Eric’s son. I assure you, we will love him as our own. We could not do less. God willing, you will raise him yourself, but if other-wise, he will be safe, loved and raised the same as his sisters.”

  Stacey was surprised and grateful. She put her arms around her husband and said, “I knew when I married you, you were the best man in the world. You prove it over and over everyday. Yes, Jennifer, if and when you need us, we will love little Nicky as our own. Thank you for asking us.”

  “I feel so relieved,” Jennifer said. “Everyone in Texas were so supportive and helpful. I knew my son would be loved and cared for there, but to be raised with sisters and by you and Shane and not a nanny, no matter how qualified she might be. I truly feel blessed and I know Eric would approve.”

  Before Jennifer left, she asked, “I know your little angels are still napping, but may I take a peek at them before I leave?”

  “Yes, of course,” Stacey said. “I pray your grandmother will be well, but please come back to us as soon as you can. I’m so sure Hugh will know what to do.”

  Stacey hugged Jennifer bye, Shane took her hand and kissed her cheek. He felt so bad for her. He understood the medical diagnoses far better than Stacey did. But one could always hope.

  Stacey called her dad to talk about Jennifer’s heart problem. Doctor Sam said, “Sweetheart, I’m not a cardiologist, but from what I understand from her cardiologist in New York, her condition is serious. I’m sure she explained about the medications and the harmful effects on the fetus. Did Jennifer talk to you and Shane about the baby, should anything happen to her?”

  “Yes, she did, Dad. And of course, we said, “Yes.” Stacey was quiet for a bit, “This is not fair, Dad. How can fate be so cruel?”

  “I don’t know sweetheart. I wish I had answers for you. How’re my granddaughters?”

  “They’re wonderful Dad. They are so cute. I wish you could see them, jabbering away to each other, but when we put the movie camera on them, they stop and look at the camera so innocent like.”

  Two weeks after Jennifer left, she called to tell Stacey her grandmother had died and she would be back in London as soon as possible. She was all bogged down with lawyers. They being her brother’s and her grandmothers.

  It was six weeks before Jennifer was free to return to England. The twins were now walking and into everything. Their curiosity was boundless. This kept Stacey and Shane on their toes as well as the godparents. Stacey and Shane had talked to Aunt Lora and Richard about Jennifer’s request and the Scott’s advice for her to ask Stacey first.

  Lora was well aware of how the Scott families felt about Eric.

  “I know this is something you feel you must do darling, but how will you manage when you already have two toddlers. And what about your plans for going back to school this fall?”

  “Aunt Lora, I hope and pray Jennifer will live and raise her son herself, but if that’s not possible, then I want him with us where he will be loved and cared for the same as our girls are. School can wait. It will still be there when I’m able to continue my studies. You know Eric was my best friend and the closest thing I had to a brother. There is no way in hell I would ever let those jerk-ass brothers of Jennifer’s get their greedy hands on Eric’s son. My brain can’t even imagine how badly they would treat him. No, Aunt Lora, if Jennifer can’t raise little Nicky, then Shane and I will. We have talked about this and we feel the fewer people that know about his parentage, the safer he will be.”


  Hope Springs Eternal

  On June seventh, the McLeod’s flew down from Scotland to celebrate the twins first birthday. Shane had talked with his parents and grandmother about the situation. They all were firmly behind Shane and Stacey adopting the little fellow. Elizabeth saw what a good mother Stacey had become and she had no doubts that she could handle another little one.

  When Jennifer returned to London, she moved into the downstairs bedroom in the flat. Jennifer didn’t resist when Stacey made the offer. She had been through a nightmare of legal maneuvering after her grandmother’s death. Deloris Kerr was nobodies fool. She knew her grandsons quite well and was aware of their greed and lack of compassion for their sister. She had warned Jennifer not to let her brothers know of her pregnancy nor her illness. Only Deloris and her lawyer were privy to this information.

  Deloris Nicole (Conway) Kerr was a wealthy woman in her own right. She had willed her entire fortune to her granddaughter, Jennifer Nicole (Kerr) Brandt and her heirs. Jennifer’s brothers didn’t like it and tried to break the will, but grandmother Kerr was too smart for them. She saw to it that they inherited only, the container company and the two homes of Henry and Amelia Kerr. The mansion in up-state New York, she left to her granddaughter and her future heirs. All monies and assets were sent to a Swiss bank account.

  Jennifer made an appointment to see Doctor Grant. After many tests were run, Hugh came by the flat to give Jennifer the bad news, that there was nothing medical sciences could do until after her pregnancy. That there were no safe alternative drugs until after the baby was born, then she could be put on a regiment of medications.

  This came as no surprise to her. It was the same diagnoses the cardiologist in New York had given her.

  A few days after the London subway bombings, the McLeod’s came down to meet Jennifer and there was instant respect for her. Grandmother McLeod held her in her arms and told her what a brave thing she was doing for her child, but by the grace of god perhaps she would be spared to raise her son, herself.

  “That’s my prayer and hearts desire,” Jennifer said, “But should that not happen, I’m so relieved to know that mine and Eric’s son will be in a good loving home where he’ll grow up happy and loved.”

  For the next few weeks, Jennifer’s pregnancy progressed normally. She helped Stacey feed and bathe the girls. They went for walks in the park pushing the stroller. This was all new and exciting for her. Jennifer said, “I want to do everythi
ng with the twins that I may not be able to do with Nicky.”

  Stacey encouraged her to do so as she could tell that she was getting weaker. One night Stacey awoke hearing her name called. In an instant, she realized it was Jennifer calling. Stacey jumped out of bed and rushed downstairs to find Jennifer on the floor beside the bed. As she helped her up Jennifer was crying, “Oh, Stacey, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to disturb you. I went to the bathroom, but I couldn’t get back, “That’s okay, Jen. You have nothing to be sorry about,” Stacey said as she helped her back into bed.

  “I’ll contact an agency tomorrow and hire a nurse. I knew I was getting weaker, but not this weak. Oh, Stacey, if I can just hold on a few more weeks.”

  “Yes, Jen, I know. We’ll make it. I just know we will. I’ll help you. We can put a monitor down here in your room just like we have in the girl’s room. Then you can call me when you need me.”

  “Stacey, I don’t want to be a burden on you.”

  “You won’t be Jen, I promise you won’t be. I want to do this for you.”

  A week later, Jennifer fainted in the living room. Stacey quickly called the ambulance, as well as Hugh, Aunt Lora and Shane. Jennifer was taken to a private sanitarium, where she had arranged everything before hand, including the adoption papers, should they be needed. Stacey and Shane both stayed the night with Jennifer.

  Hugh was there too. Aunt Lora had the twins, so Stacey knew they were in good hands. She felt her place was here with Jennifer. Around midnight Jennifer regained consciousness. Stacey was at her bedside immediately. Shane called Hugh and he came right away. Jennifer was hooked up to so much paraphernalia it was difficult to hold her hand, but Stacey was determined to stay by her side. Doctor Davis, Jennifer’s obstetrician came about the same time as Doctor Grant. He did an ultrasound and the baby looked perfect. Jennifer kept the picture to hold on too.

  Stacey called Grandy, to update her on Jennifer’s condition.

  “Hold on to her, Stacey girl, I’ll be on the next flight out. Tell her I love her and to wait for me.”

  “Yes, Grandy I will, but you must hurry; she’s getting weaker by the day.”

  Grandy arrived the next day late in the afternoon. She came straight to the sanitarium from the airport. Just being held in Grandy’s arms seemed to give Jennifer added strength. Jennifer showed Grandy the photo of little Nicky taken from the ultrasound.

  “Oh, honey girl, he’s a handsome little lad. He will grow-up to do you and his dad proud.”

  “Yes, Grandy, I believe he will. I am very much at peace now that I know if anything happens to me that my baby will be happy, secure and loved with Stacey and Shane.”

  Stacey and Grandy took turns staying with Jennifer. Grandy was tired from the long flight from Texas, but would not leave Jennifer until she went to sleep. The sanitarium gave Grandy a room where she could sleep so she would be near if she was needed. Grandy gave orders that she should be notified immediately of any change in Jennifer’s condition. Stacey was there too except for a few hours of sleep and time to check on the twins.

  A week later, Jennifer slipped back into a coma. Stacey and Grandy both refused to leave her bedside. They were both with her as well as was Shane, when she died on the fourteenth, of August at two-twenty-one p.m. She was rushed to surgery to have a caesarean operation to give birth to Nicolas Eric (Brandt) McLeod. Grandy waited in the hall, but Shane and Stacey were both there when their beautiful baby boy was delivered. Diane was there also.

  After the baby was examined, weighted and measured; Diane let Shane and Stacey hold him for a minute, then put him in an incubator as he was five weeks premature. For the next three days Stacey, Shane and Grandy took turns staying with little Nicky. On the fourth day, they were allowed to take their baby son home.

  Jennifer had requested to be buried beside Eric in Rawhide. Stacey said her tearful goodbye to Jen and promised her again that she need never worry about little Nicky, because he was already a part of the family. When Stacey and Shane took him home, the girls gave him kisses and wanted him to play with them.

  Grandy, Aunt Lora and Richard accompanied Jennifer’s body to Texas where she was laid to rest beside Eric. Stacey and Shane couldn’t go because of the new baby and the twins.

  Stacey talked with her parents and was assured that every propriety was observed. That the entire family was there to show their love and respect.

  Stacey’s mom asked, “Sweetheart, is there any chance Jennifer’s brothers will try to interfere in Jennifer’s wishes about the adoption?”

  “No, Mom, I don’t think we need worry about that. Her brothers know nothing about her illness or her pregnancy. Only a few select people know Nicky is adopted other than family. He is ours now and that’s who he will always be. Mom, how is Grandy doing. I know she took Jen’s death hard and she was already worn out from her vigil over Jennifer. Is there anything we can do?”

  “I know she did, sweetheart. Your dad talked to her and she seems to be doing well. I know you have your hands full with the twins and a new baby, but your dad and I thought we might fly over for a week or so. How would that be?”

  “I think that would be great, Mom. It’ll be wonderful to see ya’ll again. You won’t believe how much the girls have grown. I wish you could see them with little Nicky. They are so sweet trying to help out with him. You’ll see when you get here. Tell Gramps and Grandy I love them, and I’ll call in a day or two.”


  A new baby

  Stacey was kept busy with two toddlers and a new baby. When her mom and dad arrived, they were a welcome sight to see. Stacey knew she would have her hands full with three little ones, but she never doubted that she could handle it. Stacey was surprised to see that Harlan had come with her mom and dad.

  Stacey hugged him and said, “Thank you for coming all this way.”

  Harlan was a tall quiet man that seldom did things on impulse. “Would you like to see little Nicky? He’s asleep right now, but we could take a peek.”

  Harlan smiled at her and said, “Yes, I would. That’s why I came all this way.”

  After standing for sometime looking at the baby, Harlan turned to Stacey and asked, “When this little fellow is a mite older you’re not gonna tell him he’s adopted, are you?”

  “No, Harlan, we have no intentions of ever telling him until he’s a grown man. Then we will have too someday. He has a fortune waiting for him. We promised Jennifer to tell him when he is mature and able to handle his inheritance.” Stacey lovingly touched the tiny blond head of her little son. “We don’t have to cross that bridge for many, many years yet. When he wakes you can hold him, if you want.”

  “Yes, Stacey, I want too.” With a crooked smile on his rugged face he said, “I don’t reckon it’ll be any harder than holding a calf or a new foal.”

  Harlan was pleased that Doctor Grant and Annie were to be Nicky’s godparents. He stayed three days, just long enough to see Eric and Jennifer’s son Christened, then said he had to get back to the ranch. Stacey’s mom and dad stayed two weeks longer. Shane’s family came while the Scotts were there. They had all become a united family.

  The Grant and McLeod families were closer than ever. Gracie’s mother, Mary Bostick, a retired R.N. became the nanny to little Matthew Grant. Annie was back to teaching and Stacey had her hands full with three little ones and online classes. She had to go to the university once a week for tests and exams. Life was hectic and busy. With Shane being a successful doctor there were a few functions he and Stacey were required to attend. Once or twice they ran into Miles; always with a beautiful woman on his arm, but saw nothing more of Miranda.

  Stacey and Shane were invited to Oxford house to attend a holiday party. Doctor and Mrs. Fein met them at the door. As always, they were running a little late. The O’Conner’s and Grants were already there. Megan, Annie and Stacey talked for a while, then their husbands rejoined them. They served themselves canapés from the buffet.

  Stacey was just looking around when to her surprise she saw Miles was there with Diane. They came over to say, “Hello.”

  “I didn’t know you knew Miles,” Stacey said as she and Diane walked away to sit and talk while Shane and Miles fetched drinks.

  “Yes, we met by accident back last spring when he was leaving your flat. I had an emergency, but my car had a puncture. Miles heard me ask Alfred to call me a cab and he offered to drop me off at the medical center. A few weeks later, he called and invited me out to dinner. We’ve only seen each other a couple of times since then. I understand his business takes him abroad much of the time.”

  “I don’t know what his business is, but he seems like a nice man,” Stacey said, then changed the subject as Shane and Miles joined them with flutes of champagne in their hands.

  “Shane tells me you have a young son now. Congratulations, you look marvelous.”

  “Thank you, I feel marvelous tonight. I don’t get out much, now days,” Stacey said as she glanced toward Diane and wondered if she had said anything to Miles about the adoption.

  “Well, we’ll have to do something about that,” Miles said. “I’m having a New Years party at my flat. I hope you and Shane will attend. I assure you, you will be among friends. I’m inviting your rugby friends also.”

  Miles had been admiring Stacey since she and Shane had walked through the door. Tonight she was wearing a dark green velvet dress that covered her breast then light green tulle covered her top, back and long sleeves. The neck had a dark green satin collar as well as the sleeves had dark green satin turn-back cuffs. Her shoes were dark and light green satin pumps and her jewelry, a diamond chocker, bracelet and earrings.

  Her dress hem was a just above her knees. Her hair was down and lay in soft curls a few inches below her shoulders.

  Miles was attentive to Diane, but kept Stacey in his range of vision. He saw her talking with his mother. They were seated near the fireplace. Stacey sat with her long legs crossed and as she leaned forward to take up her teacup, the fire reflected the highlights of red in her silky auburn hair. Miles couldn’t remember ever wanting a woman as much as he did Stacey. He knew she was committed to Shane and they now had a young son as well as twin daughters. He had had many restless nights remembering how she had looked that night when she had returned to the flat with her defiant stance and her eyes full of anger. He knew she and Shane had disagreed over Miranda, and for the life of him, he could not understand how Shane could’ve taken Miranda’s side over Stacey’s.


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