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Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)

Page 44

by Rikki Dyson

  Stacey wiped Nicky’s eyes and said, “I know you miss her sweetheart, but Lady’s fine. Remember Lady’s visiting with Matthew while we’re visiting with Grandma and Grandpa.”

  On board the shuttle on their way back to the hotel, Nicky fell asleep in Stacey’s lap, but every little bit he would take a shaky breath and jerk as if he was crying in his sleep. Later at the hotel after the children were fed and in bed, Stacey talked to her mom about Nicky being upset.

  Jessie said, “He’s probably just tired and missing Lady. Let’s see how he is tomorrow, before we start worrying needlessly.”

  The next morning, after breakfast Nicky seemed fine and was excited about going to swim with the Dolphins. Later in the afternoon, Nicky started talking about Lady again. Shane suggested that he call the Grants and say hello. “Hugh, hello, Shane said. “We’re calling from Disney World. Nicky’s a little worried about Lady, so he wanted to call and see how she’s holding up.”

  “She’s doing fine and she’s right here wagging her tail, if he wants to talk to her.”

  Shane had Nicky in his lap and put the phone to his ear to talk to Lady. Nicky’s eyes got big and he said, “Daddy, Lady talked to me. Her say, woof, woof.” Nicky slid down from his daddy’s lap, ran to his mommy and said, “Mommy, Mommy, Lady said her misses me.” Nicky put his arms around his mommy’s neck and said, “Her said her misses Jessie and Jackie too.” Stacey hugged her son and smiled at her daughters as they talked on the phone to Matthew telling him all about Disney World.

  After a hectic week at Disney World, the McLeod and Scott families flew back to Austin. The fourth of July came around and the families of Sam and Jessie’s all congregated at the ranch and later at the cabin at the lake where they picnicked, water skied, swam and rode Sea-dos. That night they all drove to Rawhide to watch the fireworks show. The following Saturday was Ashley’s and James Randal’s wedding. They had timed it for when Stacey and her family, Mr. Chen and Aunt Lora and Richard could attend. Stacey was Matron of honor; Jessie and Jackie were flower girls. The couple was married in the Presbyterian Church in Houston. The reception was held at the home of the Flemming Grandparents.

  A week later, families from both sides came to the ranch to celebrate an early surprise birthday party for Stacey. After the unwrapping of gifts Stacey said, “Thank you all for being so generous, but I’m gonna’ need another suitcase to take all this home with me.”

  Shane smiled a very satisfied smile, as this was the first time Stacey had referred to England as home.

  Courtney said, “Well, now Stacey, I’ll be more that happy to take charge of any or all of these troublesome gifts if you feel you won’t have room, especially that ugly diamond bracelet Shane gave you. I know it would look quite lovely on my wrist.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it would look lovely on your greedy little wrist, Courtney, but you can quit coveting my bracelet, sugar plum, because it’s going with me and I feel sure I’ll find room for my other gifts too,” Stacey said, laughing at her cousin. Stacey had grown up with her cousins, they were all very close with one another as some people and over zealous young men to their peril had come to understand, if you mess with one, you must be prepared to face them all.


  Happy Parents

  Once again, time had come to say goodbye. Miles, Daphne and the kids arrived around ten that morning. Jessie and Mr. Chen had brunch ready. The entire Scott family was there to say goodbye. The children played and swam in the pool. Goodbyes were hard to say and there were lots of tears. At two p.m. Miles Gulf Stream jet cleared the tarmac and set their course for England.

  Miles and Daphne’s baby was due in September, so in August the McLeod’s and Strayhorn’s’ spent a few quiet days at Menton, France. They flew over in Miles’ jet and Captain Roget sailed the yacht to the Mediterranean for a weekend cruise. It was wonderful to sit on the deck with the gentle rocking motion of the boat on the water and watching the children play with a cool glass of lemonade in hand.

  On September sixteenth, Joshua Thomas Strayhorn was born. Miles was beside himself with pride and joy. Daphne’s children were there as well. They were a united front to meet this new member of the family. George was there with the children looking through the nursery window when Stacey and Shane arrived. Stacey smiled at George and took his arm, as he said, “He’s a magnificent little chap; don’t you think?”

  “Yes, George. I think he’s precious and a very lucky young man to have so many wonderful people to love him. Has his grandmother and Doctor Fein been here yet?”

  “Oh, my yes, they spent most of the night in the delivery waiting room. Master Joshua is the long awaited heir to the Strayhorn family.”

  Stacey frowned and said, “That seems an awful lot of expectation to put on one tiny babies shoulders.”

  No sooner had she said that, than she remembered, her own little son would one day hold that same enormous responsibility, on his own young shoulders. Stacey took a deep calming breath and told herself not to borrow trouble, that that day was a long time in the future yet. She patted George on his arm and said, “We’ll see you guys later. We’re off too see the new parents.” George watched Stacey and Shane walk away and wondered what had caused the cloud of uneasiness to cross Stacey’s face, and then quickly faded away.

  In the room, Stacey and Shane congratulated the happy couple. “Have you seen our little guy Stacey?” Stacey nodded her head, “Isn’t he darling? I’m so happy it seems unreal.”

  “Don’t you think he’s the best looking lad in the entire nursery?” Miles said with enormous pride.

  Stacey was holding Daphne’s hand as Shane shook Miles hand and said, “Absolutely, little Joshua is a most handsome lad. George and the children are at the nursery, as we speak, with their noses pressed against the viewing glass.”

  In late September, Stacey was taking freshly folded laundry upstairs when she had a cramp so sever she had to sit down on the steps. Mrs. Wyatt was dusting upstairs when she heard Stacey calling. She quickly answered, “Yes, Mrs. McLeod.” When she saw Stacey sitting on the stairs bent over the basket of laundry she said, “Oh, my lady, who should I call?”

  “My Aunt Lora, please,” Stacey said. “And keep the children in the playroom, if you can.”

  Lora and Richard arrived within twenty minutes. Richard carried Stacey to the car then came back to stay with the children. Doctor Shaw was paged immediately. She examined Stacey and asked many questions. Shane joined her within minutes.

  Stacey said, “I only had the one severe cramp and a few lighter ones later. I should have waited to come in, I feel terribly foolish.”

  Shane took her hand and said, “Don’t give it a thought sweetheart. It’s better safe than sorry.”

  “Your husband is right Stacey,” Doctor Shaw said. “Also I think it’s time to eliminate the stress of the stairs.” Doctor Shaw saw the look on Stacey’s face and entreated the importance of keeping these babies in the womb as long as possible. “We’ve talked about this before, Stacey and now I believe is the time for you to cut back on your activities, starting with the stairs. You have a virile husband, I’m sure he can carry you up and down the stairs.” Doctor Shaw turn to go, then turned back and said, “Also, no hanky-panky.”

  Stacey smiled at her and said, “Yes ma’am, we know. There’s been no hanky-panky for sometime now.” Doctor Shaw left with a smile on her face. She liked Doctor McLeod’s young wife and wondered if there was going to be another onslaught of Doctors from her family once again when this set of twins arrived.

  Aunt Lora drove Stacey home and Shane went back to the neurology wing. He was seated behind his desk with his mind on Stacey and the twins she was carrying. After Stacey and Aunt Lora left for home Shane had gone back to talk with Doctor Shaw. Doctor Shaw was writing in Stacey’s chart when Doctor McLeod knocked on her open door. “What is it you’re not telling my wife, Doctor Shaw?”

  Doctor Shaw removed her reading glasses and said, “Shane, we w
ent through this the time before. I am concerned Stacey will not be able to carry these babies full term, but I do not want her worrying about it. That could make matters worse. I want her off her feet as much as possible. Perhaps you could hire a housekeeper or her Aunt or have a family member that could help out.”

  “We have a housekeeper who comes three hours a day five days a week. I’m sure Aunt Lora will help as much as Stacey will allow.” Shane thought for a minute, and then said, “If my mother or Stacey’s mother came for an extended stay, Stacey would have to be told the truth. However, their may be someone else who will come in under the radar, so to speak. Thank you, Doctor Shaw, I’ll be in touch.”

  Shane called Mr. Chen and explained the situation. Mr. Chen said, “Doctor Shane, do not give it another thought. I will finish my business here in Hong Kong and be there within the week.”

  Shane talked with Aunt Lora and Richard. “Shane, I assure you Richard and I will be there everyday until Le arrives and we will take the children as often as we’re allowed.” Less than a week later, Mr. Chen arrived. Mrs. Wyatt answered the door a bit surprised, “Well, to be sure, if it isn’t Mr. Chen. Do come in sir, I know the family will be happy to see you.”

  Mr. Chen came in and said, “Thank you most kindly, Mrs. Wyatt and I hope you are well.”

  “Yes, sir, quite well, thank you sir. Mrs. McLeod is at her doctor’s appointment, but Sir Richard is upstairs in the playroom with the children. Would you fancy joining them sir?”

  When Mr. Chen stepped into the playroom, the children stopped what they were doing and in unity ran to him saying, “Papa Chen, Papa Chen.” He hugged each of them and then shook hands with Sir Richard. The children had much to tell Papa Chen and of course, he had gifts for each of them. They were all upstairs having a tea party when Stacey and Aunt Lora returned from her appointment.

  Stacey couldn’t make the stairs, so Mr. Chen came down to her. When Stacey saw him she put her hand over her mouth in surprise and he came to her and she hugged him and started crying. When the tears subsided she said, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I seem to be crying a lot lately.”

  “Cry all you want little daughter, if it makes you feel better,” Mr. Chen encouraged her. Shane arrived home early, and was happy to see Mr. Chen had arrived. They had supper together and bathed the children. Later, Shane read the nightly story. After the children were in bed Lora and Richard left to return the next day.



  Stacey went to bed early too, as she was having fluttering cramps, but this time she wasn’t going to jump the gun. She was sure it was false labor like the last time. Stacey didn’t wake when Shane came to bed, but some hours later Stacey woke him, “Shane, Shane, wake up. I think my water broke, the bed is wet.” Shane turned on the lamp and turned back the covers. What he saw propelled him out of bed. He woke Mr. Chen and said, “Stacey’s hemorrhaging, I’ve call the ambulance. I must get back to her.”

  Shane went back to their bedroom and Stacey calmly said, “I’m bleeding Shane. Don’t let me lose our babies.”

  Shane was packing towels between Stacey’s legs, and said, “I’ll do the best I can sweetheart. The ambulance is on its way.” Shane couldn’t believe how calm

  Stacey was. He leaned over and kissed her, he was struck by the pleading look in her eyes, but never said another word. The ambulance arrived and a blood transfusing was started. All the way there Stacey held Shane’s hand and kept her eyes on him. Shane was talking and encouraging her that she was going to be fine.

  “I’ve called Doctor Shaw, sweetheart and she’ll meet us at hospital.”

  Doctor Shaw and a surgical team met them in OR. As Stacey was wheeled through the doors Stacey said, “Take care of our kids Shane.”

  Shane’s throat was constricted with emotion but he did manage to nod his head and said, “I’ll be in, sweetheart, as soon as I scrub up.”

  Hugh was just leaving the medical center after an emergency when Shane escorted Stacey to OR. Neither one of them said a word for a while. They were long time best friends, they each knew what the other was feeling, no words were necessary yet.

  A few minutes later, Diane ran down the hall into the OR. Shane finished scrubbing, grabbed a cap, gown and mask and entered the operating room. Stacey was sedated with a peaceful look on her face. Within a few minutes, Doctor Shaw delivered the first baby. It was a little boy. Diane took him and was trying to open his airway. In a matter of minutes, a baby girl was delivered also. They both were bloody and fighting for air. Shane started to where the babies were, Diane shook her head no. Shane froze. Did she mean for him not to get in the way or was she was telling him they were not going to survive.

  The anesthesiologist said, “Doctor Shaw, her blood pressure is dropping fast.” Shane pulled his eyes from the babies to his wife. Stacey’s color was disappearing “What can I do to help?” Shane asked. Then he heard the babies crying. Diane gave him a thumbs up. He walked over to where his babies were. They were both in incubators as they were six weeks premature. With a worried look on his face Shane asked, “Are they going to be okay?”

  Behind the mask, Shane couldn’t see Diane’s worried look as she said, “Yes, Shane, I believe they will be. They’ll need some help, but they both seem to be little fighters. Don’t worry about them Shane, give Stacey your strength.”

  Doctor Shaw ordered, “Get doctor Harris in here, I need help, she’s sprang another bleeder.

  Clamp, sponge.” Doctor Shaw noticed Shane and asked, “What’s your blood type, Doctor McLeod?”

  “O positive,” he said. “Good, get on the gurney, Shane, your wife needs your blood.” Within seconds, Shane was attached and the transfusion went straight from him to Stacey. Shane lay there with his blood going to Stacey hoping it would save her life. He knew her life was in peril from loosing so much blood.

  Stacey was riding a big white horse with the wind blowing through her hair. She was riding through the pastures on the ranch and racing over the moors in Yorkshire. Soon she was back at the lake at home. She saw Eric and rode up to him. He grinned at her and said, “Hi, baby cakes, we’ve been waiting for you.”

  “Eric, where have you been, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “We’ve missed you too. Come sit awhile, let’s talk.”

  “No, I don’t wanna’ talk, I wanna’ ride through the wind and I want you to sing to me.”

  “Maybe later, baby cakes, but now we have to meet Jen.”

  “Where is she Eric, I thought she was with you.”

  “She is, she’s down at the lake waiting in the boat.”

  “That old leaky boat, what’s she doing there?”

  “We’re gonna’ row out to the middle of the lake. There’s a door at the bottom of the lake and it will take us anywhere we wanna’ go.”

  “It will, I never knew that. Where’re we gonna’ go?”

  “To your house Stacey. Jen and I wanna’ see Nicky.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad. Hello Jen, I’ll help you row. Are you sure there’s a door at the bottom of the lake?”

  “Yes, we’re sure. We’ll all hold hands and jump at the same time. Now jump.” The water was clear and cool. When they emerged, they were at Shane’s old flat.

  “What’s wrong, Stacey? Let’s go in.”

  “We can’t, we don’t live here anymore. Come, I’ll take you to our new home. But you must be quiet; I don’t want to wake the kids.” As they floated through the streets of London, they came to the town house. As they floated upstairs Stacey said, “This is the girls’ room. Aren’t they beautiful? And this is Nicky’s room. He likes being close to his sisters. Oh, Eric and Jen, he’s so beautiful and smart and we all love him so much.”

  “Oh lord, Stacey, he is so beautiful. May I kiss his little head before we go?”

  “Yes, of course, but where are you going? I don’t want you to go, can’t you stay a while longer. Soon we’ll have two more babies to show you
.” As Eric and Jennifer turned to go, Stacey said, “No wait, I’ll go back to the ranch with you.”

  “I wish you could baby cakes, but you and Shane have a beautiful little family to raise and he can’t do it without you.” As they floated down the stairs, Eric said, “Don’t worry Stacey, those new little ones are gonna’ be fine and they’ll need their mommy.”

  Stacey saw the apparition of Eric and Jennifer at the bottom of the stairs. Over taken by fear, she yelled, “Eric, where are you? Don’t leave me Eric. How do I get back? I don’t know how to get back.”

  “Fight, Stacey, fight hard, you have two new little ones. Fight for them. They need you. Shane and the other kids need you too, so fight your way back, Stacey. You can do it.”

  Doctor Shaw said, “I’m sorry Shane, but I’ll need to do a complete hysterectomy.”

  “Yes, I know Doctor Shaw. Stacey and I have already signed the permission papers. Good god Doctor, just save her life. The children and I will go mad without her.” Shane put his arm over his eyes to hide the hot tears streaming down his face. When he heard the anesthesiologist say, “We’re losing her, Doctor Shaw.”

  Shane’s training had taught him not to panic, but this was his wife’s life that was in jeopardy and he could not imagine life without her. He reached over, took Stacey’s hand and said, “You can’t leave us sweetheart. I won’t let you. My blood is coursing through your veins. Take my strength lass and fight. We can’t make it without you sweetheart, and now we have the new wee ones. For god’s sake sweetheart don’t leave me. I need you more than life its self.”

  Shane was kissing Stacey’s hand and praying so hard he didn’t realize when the surgery was over and they were removing the needle from his arm. Shane came up off the gurney too fast. His head was spinning and he was almost afraid to ask, “How is she...she’s not...oh my god, tell me she’s not...just tell me.”

  “Calm down, Shane. She’s alive. She’s in critical condition, but we’ve stop the bleeding for now. You know there are no guarantees in our business Shane, but I promise you I will use everything at my disposal to keep her with us.”


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