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Crystal and Gold

Page 8

by Carol Storm

  She was giving him an out. It was what he always looked for after a fabulous night in bed. Crystal May gave it willingly. And she did it with honesty and compassion and amazing strength. For the first time in his life Matt felt a desire to push things past the physical, and into the emotional.

  "Listen to me," he growled, gently turning her over so that she lay under him once more. "Crystal May, when I'm with you I want too much. I want you, I want us. I want forever."

  "Then why can't we give it a try?" she asked. "We could be good together, Matt, I know it. Not like we were before. Are you afraid?" Her lips were parted, her blue eyes open wide. Expectant. Yet there was nothing about her question that suggested either a come-on or a complaint. She was just hungry to learn more, to feel more, to be more. Crystal May was always ready for sex. But more, she was always ready for the truth. And she excited him more with each passing day.

  "Yeah." Matt's voice was rough, but his lips touched hers with a tenderness that was nothing like the discipline he usually handed out. "We're going into a very dangerous place. I'm already feeling things for you that make it hard for me to focus. Now when we go to the Senator's ski lodge, we're husband and wife. But it's an act. We're undercover. If our cover is blown, and I start thinking more about saving you than I am about Carla, then both of us are dead. And that means Carla dies right along with us. And Carla is your friend."

  "Yes, she is." Crystal May looked thoughtful. "If you and I start making love like it means something, those feelings could get us killed. Is that what you're saying?"


  "When all this is over, are you going to pretend that nothing happened between us?"

  Matt shook his head. "I'll pay any price to stay alive. But not that price. Not this time."

  "We're going to do really nasty things at the Senator's place, aren't we." Crystal May's voice was soft, gentle. But the words were like steel. "Public things."

  "It has to look real."

  "It will."


  "Take that, you naughty girl!"

  Crystal May couldn't help but giggle as she watched the Senator paddle his wife. Jane Huddleston had the biggest behind she had ever seen! The powerful older woman wasn't nearly as scary bent over a couch as she had been the other day. She was exposed at just the right angle, her expensive designer clothes all carefully disarranged to display her broad derriere to all the watching eyes. It was a butt for the ages. And it was getting redder and redder as her husband whacked away.

  "Your turn," Paul Huddleston said, when he was finished. The slim, silver-haired senator was breathing hard, and his face was flushed. It seemed that the task of disciplining his broad-bottomed, strong-willed wife tired him more than it did her.

  "What do you say, darling?" Matt was looking so handsome tonight, in an expensive blue suit that made him look like a millionaire. Yet the hard strength of his muscles sort of glowed through, even under the expensive fabric. And there was a tension to the way he sat beside her, like a bodyguard alert for any danger.

  "I'm bored," Crystal May replied, crossing her legs and leaning back on the couch facing the two Huddlestons with a delicate yawn. She was wearing a sexy red silk designer dress that showed off all her curves. The yawn was a fake, of course, but her slim fingers fluttered in a way that suggested total tedium. Back at home when she fished in the creek Crystal May had seen worms on the hook dancing just like that. And the biggest fish always fell for it.

  "Your big, handsome husband looks strong enough to spank the boredom right out of you," Jane Huddleston growled, adjusting her skirts as she sat back down on her couch. Her husband was quick to offer her a cooling glass of mineral water, fussing over her just like a flunky. "Let's see it."

  "Oh, no," Crystal May said demurely. "I'd like a spanking, but not if it's just another version of the same old husband and wife scene. I want to be really naughty for a change."

  "Indeed?" Jane Huddleston's throaty voice was bored, but there was a flicker of excitement in her small brown eyes. "Suppose your husband caught you in bed with another man?"

  "Well, the Senator is very attractive," Crystal May murmured, casting a demure glance at the silver-haired man on the sofa. Paul Huddleston immediately perked up and looked mighty pleased. On the other hand, Anne Elliot, his shy, pretty young assistant, looked awfully sad and lonely. She was sitting all alone in the corner of the room and seemed forgotten by everyone present. Crystal May wanted to get everyone in the room involved in what was going on, so much so that they lost all track of time and took no notice of whatever might be going on in the rest of the house or outside.

  Matt called it Operation Trojan Horse.

  "I can picture Senator Huddleston seducing a young girl like me," Crystal May continued, in a soft and shy sort of voice, keeping her eyes down and looking at the other couple through the screen of her long lashes. "The only thing is, that just leads to me being spanked by my husband, or by the senator's wife. I want to be the one that gives the spanking, just for a change. I want to be spoiled, and stuck up, and really mean. Then all of a sudden the tables are turned and I'm helpless!"

  "Yes, I see." Jane Huddleston leaned forward, resting her plump hand on Crystal May's knee. "You want to be in the driver's seat, in control. You want to feel utterly powerful and uninhibited."

  "That's just it!" Crystal May beamed at the older woman, ignoring the sly and subtle caress. "To you it's the most natural thing in the world to be in charge, to take control. You do it all the time in real life, so why should you do it in bed? But with me it's different. I want to spank someone!"

  "Jane has already had her turn, and your Matt is much too rugged." Paul Huddleston giggled. "I guess that just leaves me."

  "Well, why can't I spank another woman?" Crystal May took a gulp of champagne, and wiggled around so that Jane Huddleston's big, fat hand fell off of her knee. "The way I see it, Paul has gone behind your back, Jane, and he's having sex with a much younger woman. Only she's not a shy, sensitive, decent person with a career of her own, she's just a cheap gold digger and a real brat!"

  "Oh, I'd never fall for someone like that," Paul Huddleston said, in a prim sort of way.

  "Sure you would," Matt replied, with a good-humored grin. "Any guy would, if she was young and blonde and hot, with big blue eyes and pouty lips. We're talking about a girl with a body to kill for and a totally spoiled sort of arrogance to her. Sort of like my wife here!"

  "Oh, but I'm much worse than that in real life," Crystal May put in, provoking much laughter. "Now where was I, anyway?"

  "You're sleeping with Paul, and I walk in and catch the two of you," Jane Huddleston suggested, her eyes gleaming with lust as she envisioned the scene. "While my husband cowers uselessly in the corner, I give you a good hard spanking. You've never been spanked by a woman before, and it turns you on so much that you and I start making love."

  "Only I'm really turned on the whole time," Paul piped up. "As a matter of fact, I'm so excited by what I'm seeing that I'm actually jacking it! That's when your husband walks in, and he takes out all his frustrations on me by giving me the spanking that you two girls really deserve for being so naughty and sexy together on the couch – and loving it so much!"

  "Better be careful, Senator," Matt warned. "I might get turned on and do you up the ass."

  "You're all off the point!" Crystal May cried, stomping her foot. Her heels were so high and the floor was so thickly carpeted that it was an utterly futile gesture. The tears in her eyes were real. "None of you has heard a word I said this whole time. I want to give the spanking. Me! I do! And I don't want to spank a charming, sophisticated older man like you, Paul. Or a sexy, powerful woman like you, Jane. Or a gorgeous hunk like my husband, or even a shy, quiet, classy beauty like Miss Elliot over there in the corner. I want to be the bored, spoiled mistress who has the run of the house. Paul, you've let me move into your ski lodge, or maybe into a summer house, because Jane hardly ever visits. She's in Washingto
n anyway, doing important things in government."

  "Doing your job for you, dear," Jane Huddleston murmured to her husband.

  "Well, you've been gone a long time," Crystal May continued, determined not to get sidetracked. She had to keep talking, and she had to get everyone involved. And there was one more player she had to get into the game. "You've been gone a long time, and I'm getting really careless, acting like I'm the lady of the house! And you let me get away with it, Paul, because deep down you just don't like spanking pretty girls. You like to be spanked by big strong women and you know it!"

  "God, yes." By this time Paul Huddleston was too into things to make any silly wisecracks. The sophisticated Senator was hanging on her every word. So was his wife. The two of them were just sitting there, paying rapt attention, fascinated by Crystal May's story.

  "So now it's a hot summer day, and I'm lying around the swimming pool in my bikini, and I'm bored." Crystal May pouted, showing them all how easily a spoiled brat like her became bored. "Now, in this story my husband is not a rich, powerful businessman from back east. He's the pool boy, Senator. He's your pool boy. And when I get bored, I like to fuck him. Right by the pool. And that's what I've been doing all afternoon, only by now the pool boy is all fucked out and deep asleep. So he's dead to the world, and I'm still bored. And that's when it dawns on me that I've never, ever been in Jane's private bedroom. And I've never tried on her jewels."

  "Wow," Matt said, in a solemn tone. "Do we really fuck like that in real life?"

  "But you haven't come to the spanking yet," Jane Huddleston said excitedly. "Go on, dear."

  "Well, you're in Washington, and Paul is in Reno. So there really isn't anyone to say no to me! But there is one person, someone way down on the totem pool. There's a Mexican maid who's been with you for years, Jane. Your husband never notices her because she's so quiet and modest. But she's got huge melons, very much a voluptuous and powerful type, like you. Of course she's not like you personality wise, she's shy and quiet and she hardly speaks any English. But this girl is loyal to you, Jane, not to your husband. And when the bored, spoiled blonde comes upstairs, she finds the dark, sexy Mexican maid making the bed in your private bedroom. I want to play dress up with your clothes and your jewelry, but the good loyal maid won't let me. One thing leads to another, you see? The girl talks back, and I spank her. Hard."

  "But who gets to play the Mexican maid?" Matt made the question sound quite innocent. But Crystal May knew that a lot was riding on it. The two of them were running out of time.

  "I'd be happy to take the part of the maid," Anne Elliot said softly.

  "Too skinny," Crystal May said, with an almost arrogant toss of her blonde head. "Honey, you're just like me, the delicate type. Oh, I wish we had someone really hot and sexy for me to spank. I've never spanked a woman in my life, but I bet I'd get totally turned on if I did!"

  Jane Huddleston clapped her hands. "Your wish is my command, dear. Anne, why don't you go downstairs and tell the boys we need to borrow Carla for a while."

  "Who's Carla?" Crystal May asked innocently. Her heart was starting to beat very fast.

  The heavily built older woman leaned back on the couch. "Oh, just a girl who's been working for us in the kitchens. Off the books, you understand. She'll be happy to play any part you desire."

  "Well, gee, I don't know," Crystal May said, pretending to struggle with her conscience. "I wouldn't want to force anyone to do anything against their will."

  "Don't be silly, honey," Matt said reassuringly, squeezing her arm. "The girl's probably dying for a little fun and games to break up the monotony of her drab existence. Illegal, isn't she Jane?"

  "Something like that," Jane Huddleston replied. "These days you can't keep up a decent household on a Senator's salary. Illegals are cheap labor. Anne, what are you waiting for?"

  The pale, meek assistant was gazing at Senator Huddleston. "Is it all right?" she asked softly. She glanced at Matt and Crystal May, clearly wondering if they could be trusted with some secret.

  "Go ahead," Paul Huddleston told the girl. "Matt and his wife are swingers just like us."

  "I hope this girl has really huge melons," Crystal May said loudly, as soon as Anne was out of the room. She knew that everything depended on how she reacted when her friend Carla came into the room. She had to go on looking spoiled, and lustful, and not show any joy on seeing her friend. And even if Carla looked beat up, or mistreated, she absolutely could not show any anger or disgust.

  "Are you fond of women with large breasts?" Jane asked, in her throaty voice. She straightened her shoulders so that her own full bosom was displayed to best advantage.

  "Just the opposite," Crystal May chirped. "I'm jealous of them. If this girl has bigger boobs than me I'm going to give her an extra hard spanking just for making me look skinny and ugly!"

  "You're anything but ugly, honey." Matt pulled her into his arms and kissed her, and for a moment Crystal May let herself respond with total sincerity. Then she giggled and pulled away.

  "I wish I had some illegals of my own," she teased. "How did you get yours, Jane?"

  Before the older woman could answer, Anne Elliot returned with a dark-eyed, voluptuous beauty in an old-fashioned chambermaid's outfit, complete with a frilly white apron.

  "Oh my God, she's perfect!" Crystal May exclaimed. She was on her feet before she knew it, drifting towards the captive girl on display with a look of innocent yet greedy admiration on her face. She was almost afraid to look into Carla's eyes, fearing they might give each other away. But Carla was no fool. Sensing what was happening, the tough Italian girl kept her face absolutely blank. Crystal May noticed a fading purple bruise high on her left cheek.

  "Poor baby," she cooed, stroking Carla's uninjured cheek. "Who's been mean to you?"

  "How do we know this girl isn't being held against her will?" Matt demanded. "Do you speak English, honey?"

  Carla looked at him without any sign of recognition. "Yes, sir," she said softly.

  "She's very well trained," Crystal May said approvingly. "I bet you disciplined her yourself, didn't you, Jane?"

  The older woman nodded. "Yes, I did. But Carla received much worse treatment at the hands of the drug cartel. She's not an illegal. As a matter of fact, she's from an old mob family back east. Paul and I averted a major drug war when we rescued her."

  "Why didn't you give her back to the people she belongs to?" Matt asked.

  "Well, just look at her," Senator Paul Huddleston said proudly. "Isn't she amazingly beautiful? If we let her go, she'd just marry some dumb mob guy and pump out more useless kids."

  "This way, she's receiving an education," Jane Huddleston purred. "Aren't you, dear?"

  "Yes, ma'am," Carla said softly. "I like it here."

  "You've got plenty of nerve, not to be afraid of the mob," Matt said admiringly.

  Paul was pleased. "I've been doing business with them for years. But lately they've been getting sort of stingy with the bribes and payoffs. That's why I switched to the Mexican cartel."

  "You sound like a guy in a TV commercial," Crystal May giggled.

  "Perhaps we should get on with your story, my dear." Jane was clearly getting impatient.

  "Oh, right!" Crystal May took a deep breath. "Well, the first thing is, I need to get out of my clothes. Everyone turn around, please." Nobody peeked and Crystal May was down to her bra and panties in about three seconds flat. "Now, these are my underthings, but really I'm in a bikini."

  "It helps that you have such a sensational body," Senator Huddleston told her in his oily way.

  "And that your underwear is bright red," Jane added drily. "Will we see more later?"

  "Just keep your eyes open and your mouths shut," Crystal May said tartly. The crooked older couple were pretty much cooked, she decided. They'd said far too much and lost themselves in her story even before she began to strip out of her clothes. Now she turned to Carla, hating what she had to do yet knowing it had to be a slow
act of total seduction, decadent and perfectly convincing.

  "You're very honest and very brave," she said softly, looking deep into Carla's dark eyes. "When you offer your friendship and loyalty to a person it's always for real, and always for life."

  "Yes, ma'am." Carla's eyes showed she understood the true meaning of her friend's words.

  "Now you work for that lady there, and you love her. But I'm her husband's girlfriend, and I'm no good. So when I come into the bedroom, and try to take her jewels, you try to stop me."

  The little group moved into the adjoining bedroom, where Carla pretended to make the bed. Crystal May slinked into the room wearing nothing but her bright red underwear.

  "I'm bored," she announced, to the tiny audience watching from folding chairs in the shadows. "And it's too hot to lie by the pool. Where's the key to the jewelry box?"

  "Those jewels are not yours," Carla replied softly. "You are not the lady of the house."

  "I'm the one Paul wants!" Crystal May cried arrogantly. "The Senator is leaving his wife for me. He told me so himself! Now show me where that key is or I'll spank your behind good and hard."

  "No, no, you must not do that!" The dark-eyed, soft-spoken maid reached out to grab the arrogant young blonde as she tried to push past the bed and claim the jewelry box.

  "How dare you!" Crystal May gave a shove that sent her friend sprawling across the bed. "I see what's wrong with you, honey. You need to be taught a lesson. Take off your clothes!"

  "No, no!" Carla raised her hands as if to ward off a blow. "No spanking, no spanking please!"

  Crystal May narrowed her blue eyes and hissed her command with venom. "You take off every stitch of clothing right now, or I'll send you back across the border and you'll starve to death!"

  Carla played her part perfectly, fumbling at her clothes and sobbing, making every move seem all the more erotic because of the maid's trembling innocence. Jane and Paul Huddleston were so into the story by now that Crystal May could almost smell and taste and feel their wicked arousal.


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