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Monroe, Melody S. - Fantasy Ranch [Fantasy Resort 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Melody Snow Monroe

  That was not going to work. “I’ll fall.”


  She carefully placed her instep on his thigh and pushed off. Brett lifted her butt upward and she nearly flew over the horse. She landed with a thud and grabbed the mane. When she tightened her thighs to keep from falling, her inner thighs revolted. She was already sore. By tomorrow, she’d be lucky to walk without a limp.

  Somehow he used the tree trunk as a stepping pad and was seated behind her in one easy motion. In a way, she didn’t want him to touch her anymore. It would only make her hornier. She’d been close to what she believed was a climax, and he’d stopped on purpose. Why? It wasn’t every day the sun comes out to heat the ice. Here, she thought only women were called teases. This man was worse.

  Molly took off at a speed too fast for her comfort, but she refused to complain. Every bounce pounded her pussy to powder, or so it seemed. After the eternal trip back, which probably only took fifteen minutes, Brett eased into the stables. He hopped down and reached up. She thought about asking for the step, but before she could, he’d grabbed her waist and eased her to the ground.

  “You good?”

  No, she wasn’t good. Her thighs were screaming, the entire area between her legs was in pain from more than the horse, and she was mad he’d only given her a taste of something she desperately wanted.

  “I’m great.” Surely he could see the lie on her face.

  “Dinner should be in a few, so you might want to clean up.”

  She hadn’t sweated, but she guessed she was covered in his handprints and dust and probably smelled of horse, too. “Sure.” She held out her hand. “My bra?”

  He grinned, retrieved it from his back pocket, and handed it to her. “Just so you know, you look so much hotter without one.”

  “I’d be hotter naked, but that ain’t going to happen anytime soon.”

  “Don’t be so sure of that, darlin’.”

  * * * *

  Deke had seen Brett and Christina ride in with her shirt blowing open, practically exposing those perky tits. What the hell had Brett done to her? They’d only been gone one hour and already he had her bra off, flapping in the wind from his back pocket. The fact she looked rather exhilarated pissed him off even more.

  What was his brother thinking, racing Molly so fast? Not only did he need to take it easy on the old mare, a novice rider would be in pain even after a short ride without a saddle. He needed to have a talk with his brother about proper protocol.

  But not before he saw that Christina was okay. He also needed to make sure Brett hadn’t broken the rule of no intercourse. If he had, the bet would be off and Brett might be doing double duty for a month.

  Given he probably smelled like Sadie, Deke showered first before checking on Christina. He passed Zach in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Often old Harvey dropped off the meal, the same fare he fed the hands, but Zach probably decided to cook something special for Christina’s first dinner.

  He knocked on her bedroom door and waited. No answer.


  He thought he could hear her talking. Rod had said he’d taken away her phone. Damn it, if Brett was in there trying to screw her on the first day, more than shit would hit the fan. Deke shoved open the door at the same moment Christina walked out of the bathroom with a skimpy towel around her long, lean body. Jesus. H. Christ.

  He froze. Not that he was purposefully looking, but he couldn’t help but notice how her bare pussy showed right below the towel. His cock thickened instantly. My God, she was a vision.

  Other than her eyes widening, she didn’t move a muscle.

  Say something. “Sorry, I just wanted to see if you were okay from your ride. I thought I heard Brett in here.” Lame.

  “No. He’s still in the barn as far as I know.”

  “You sore? Brett shouldn’t have ridden you so hard.” Shit. “I mean, he shouldn’t have ridden Molly so hard.”

  She smiled. “I knew what you meant.”

  He fell a little bit in love with her right then for excusing his slip of the tongue. The image of what Brett probably did with her flashed in his mind. He knew how fast his little brother worked.

  “Did Brett behave himself today?” He forced his hands to stay unclenched at his side.

  She blushed. Damn. “Sort of. He didn’t overstep his bounds, if that’s what you mean.”

  That helped relaxed him a bit. Leave. It was inappropriate as hell to be looking at her near-naked body, but his feet wouldn’t move. “Dinner’s almost ready.” Wasn’t he the smooth one? Here, she’d paid good money to be seduced, and he acted like he’d never been near a woman before.

  “Okay. Thanks. I need a few minutes to put on some clothes.”

  She couldn’t have made it more clear that he shouldn’t be here, but while he hadn’t intended to seduce her, if he didn’t “mark his territory,” so to speak, Brett would take over and he’d never get a chance to show her how a man should treat a woman.

  He took a step toward her. She didn’t back up, which meant she wasn’t horrified he was still there. “If you’ve never ridden before, I bet you’re going to be sore tomorrow.”

  She cocked her head. “Tomorrow? Try right now. Pulses are racing up my thighs as I speak.”

  He grinned. “I have just the thing to make it feel better, if you’ll let me.” He had horse liniment, but he doubted a woman would appreciate the smell.

  She laughed. “What? You going to massage my thighs?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am. We all in the ranch world know the sooner you get the blood flowing, the less pain you’ll be in tomorrow. Want to give it a try? I promise to behave myself.” He bet Brett never asked for her permission. He just took what he wanted.

  “I really had hoped to get some work done before dinner.”

  She serious? “Concentrating will be hard if every time you move, an ache races up your leg.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip as if she were weighing the validating of his statement. “Okay, but I’ll need to put on some panties.”

  “Sure.” It’s not like he hadn’t already gotten an eyeful.

  She grabbed some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. His cock was already so hard it pushed out the front of his jeans. Christina must know he wanted her, but he refused to act like he hadn’t gotten laid in a month, which he hadn’t.

  She came out looking more delicious. All she wore was a large T-shirt that had a picture of the earth on the front, with a Save Me slogan underneath, and he presumed a pair of panties.

  “Where do you want me?”

  Under me, beside me, anywhere you want to be as long as I can touch you. “Just get on the bed and relax.” He held up a finger. “You have any lotion? It might be easier on your skin.”

  “Right here.”

  She reached over to the nightstand and handed him a large bottle. He squirted some of the creamy goo on his hands and got ready to explore her wonderful body.

  So as not to spook her, he started at her calves and kneaded her flesh with just enough pressure to give relief, but not so intense to hurt. From the way her shoulders sank into the bed, she enjoyed the attention. He worked his way up to her knees then started on the other leg. Now came the hard part.

  “Why don’t you lie on your stomach? It’ll be easier that way.” Easier to get close to her sweet pussy that he wouldn’t touch. This time.

  “Okay.” She flipped over and stuffed her hands under the pillow cradling her head.

  He ached to pull down her panties and suck on her sweet little pussy, but then he’d be just as bad as his brother. With slow, deliberate strokes, he massaged her legs. The higher he went, the more sore she appeared to be, if her moans were any indication.

  “Is the pressure okay?”

  “Yes, but it hurts all the way up to the top. Make sure you go there.”

  Jesus, she had to be kidding. Surely, she understood what that implied. Hell, why hold back? She seemed to be a
sking to be touched intimately.

  “I bet riding bareback crushed some other parts of you, too.” He moved closer to her sweet spot. He prayed she’d say she wanted him to make her pussy feel better, because if his cock got any harder, it might crack.

  “You have no idea.”

  He slipped his thumb inside her panties, ready to retract the moment she acted skittish. She moaned instead, and his balls tightened. Using both thumbs, he pushed the silky material inward and rubbed her naked mound. “That help at all?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  He never imagined she’d be so wanton. Maybe he should thank Brett for getting her ready for him. “Let me just slip these off for better access.”

  When she didn’t balk, a few drops of cum dribbled out his cock and stained his jeans. He tugged his shirt lower. He slid the panties over her hips and down her legs, removing one leg from the confinement. Dear God, she was beautiful. What she did to him.

  Be careful not to make her uncomfortable.

  Continuing to rub the soreness around the outside of her mound, every once in a while he dragged his thumb over her wet pussy to gauge her reaction and to see how far he could go. “Does that feel good, too?”

  “Mmm.” She wiggled her hips, and he had to inhale just to keep it in his pants.

  He loved her scent, a mixture of lavender soap and woman. Taking a chance, he pushed open her legs wide and scooted down between her thighs. He licked her pussy quickly, and she bucked off the bed. “Easy there. You’ll feel so much better in a moment.” He placed a hand on her butt to keep her from moving.

  He explored her with his tongue and with his fingers, loving the feel of her ribbed walls. What he wouldn’t give to have his cock wedged tight inside her, but that couldn’t happen.

  “Can I roll over?” she asked.

  “Absolutely.” He moved out of the way.

  She flipped and raised her hands over her head, looking too delicious. This was not going to work. He couldn’t eat her and not fuck her afterward. He was too hard, and too turned on.

  As if the god of cocks was looking after him, someone knocked hard on the door then pushed it open.

  He looked up to see the identity of the intruder. “Zach.” His brother’s lips were pressed together, and his fists clenched at his side.

  Christina dragged her T-shirt down to cover herself.

  “I was working the soreness out of—”

  “Don’t care. Dinner’s ready.” He shot a look of disgust at Christina then huffed out, slamming the door shut in his wake.

  “Who was that?” she asked.

  He’d been about to say his brother but stopped in time. That would have been fatal. “The owner.”

  “I take it he doesn’t approve of me being here.”

  “Oh, I think he approves, especially after he saw you, but he claims he won’t participate in your education.”

  A small smile came to her lips. “We’ll have to see about that.”

  He did not like her comment one bit.

  Chapter Four

  Zach took the pan off the heat and set it aside. He shouldn’t be upset. Hell, he’d caught both his brothers in the act many times, but never with someone who looked like so much like Maria, the only woman he’d ever loved.

  The question that kept rattling around his head was whether this Christina person had duped his family and Rod. Wasn’t she supposed to be rather innocent? Politicians’ children often led sheltered lives. Either this was her first taste of freedom or she’d lied.

  It could be his two siblings were slicker than he gave them credit for, and they’d been able to easily seduce her, but he doubted it. If he and his brothers had owed money, which they didn’t, he might think she was a debt collector, checking up on their lifestyle. So who was she really? Had she been hired by a jealous neighbor to investigate where they purchased their livestock? He mentally slapped his head. Paranoia was an ugly trait.

  Before he could come up with any answers, Brett ambled in and sat down at the unset table. “You meet Christina yet?”


  “Whoa. What’s biting your ass?”

  “She remind you of anyone?”

  His brother’s face remained blank. “No.”


  Brett waved a dismissive hand. “Nothing like her. Trust me.”

  Maybe his imagination had caught him off guard. He ought to bury his grief for the evening. “Set the table, will ya?”

  Brett shrugged and got up.

  His lack of lip was a nice change. Brett still acted as if Mom were alive doing everything for him.

  Feet sounded down the hallway. Zach stiffened, not mentally ready to eat dinner with someone who might be a threat to his family. When Christina came into the kitchen, she was all smiles. Her hair was damp from her shower and her face had a rosy color to it. No surprise, given what Deke had just done to her. This was more proof Christina wasn’t who she claimed to be.

  He placed the steaks on the island, along with the baked potatoes and green beans. “Help yourselves.”

  Beer in hand, he pulled out a seat at the head of the table. He would have preferred sitting outside, alone, but observing the newcomer might be wiser.

  Brett and Deke vied for her attention, and she seemed to glow from their responsiveness. Deke asked about her job, and she went into the right amount of detail about what she did, enough to show she knew her stuff, but not too much to bore.

  After fifteen minutes, he decided to cut to the chase. “So Christina, could you ever imagine yourself living on a ranch, away from the shops and the high-stress life?”

  He knew the answer, but he wanted his brothers to understand this woman would be gone in six days with no regrets. Deke was the one who got hurt too easily. Brett didn’t give a damn about many things, but from the way he was ogling her, this might be the one woman he’d want to stay.

  “I will admit, I was not happy when my mother insisted I come here. You pegged me right. I like to shop and go out to dinner, but in the one day I’ve been here, there’s this calm that seems to be surrounding me. I like it.”

  He bet. “I understand the calm part.” Her reaction was not what he wanted to hear.

  Zach picked up his plate and dumped it in the sink. “Deke, since you’re getting the good accommodations this week, how about you clean up?”

  Christina stood. “No, let me.”

  Both his brothers jumped up. Shit. She had them eating out of hand already.

  “We’ll all help,” Brett said.

  “I don’t care who cleans up. Just get it done.”

  His two siblings glared at him, but he didn’t care. All he wanted was his beer and some peace and quiet, away from the image of Christina spread-eagle in his house on a bed he’d shared with Maria.

  * * * *

  It was close to midnight by the time Zach went inside. He’d enjoyed his quiet time, listening to the cows moo and the horses whinny. These sounds and smells were what made life good. Okay, one aspect was lacking. He’d like to be able to share this life with someone. Seeing his brother with Christina brought home the fact he had no one and probably would be alone for a long time. Running the ranch took most of his time, and he’d had no luck finding someone who was as excited about the ranch as he was.

  Besides, he was young, relatively, and had time. He just hoped his two brothers continued to help with the ranch. His ultimate dream was that they’d want to stay here and raise a family with one woman, one very special woman.

  He went in through the kitchen door and expected silence. The demands of running the ranch required all three of them hit the hay by ten, but apparently tonight was an exception. A much-too-loud TV and a lot of laughter met him. His blood pressure spiked.

  His brothers must be in the media room watching movies and probably entertaining Christina.

  A part of him was a little jealous they were having a good time. He strained to remember a time in the last year when he’d lau
ghed as much. He came up blank. He told himself he wanted to check on the group to make sure his brothers hadn’t tied her up or done something against her will. When Brett was involved, there was no telling what might occur.

  Zach walked into the room, and the sound from the comedy hurt his ears, but that’s not what disturbed him. Deke and Brett had Christina’s blouse open and were sucking on her perfectly shaped tits. His cock strained against his fly. At least she seemed to be enjoying the dual assault. Given the stack of beer bottles in front of them, he wondered if she’d remember much tomorrow. This woman didn’t know his brothers at all. Whether she’d enticed them or not, first-night protocol had been breached.

  He walked over to the TV and hit the power button. He expected jeers, but none of them said anything, as if they were too enthralled with the newcomer to comment. Enough was enough.

  “Time to call it quits, guys.”

  He sounded like his father. He could remember when Dad would shut off the TV if he and his brothers stayed up past bedtime.

  Deke stopped what he was doing and looked up. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had a stupid look on his face. Brett hiccupped. Clearly, they’d all had way too much to drink.

  “What’s your problem? That movie was good.”

  Like they were watching any of it?

  Zach stepped over to Christina and held out his hand to help her up. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”

  Brett half stood then dropped back onto the seat. Shit. Both were stinking drunk. What were they thinking? This would only prove to Christina his brothers were cavemen.

  She looked at both of her cohorts and grabbed his hand. He pulled her up, and her knees collapsed. “Easy.” Zach was able to wrap an arm around her waist before her butt hit the ground.

  “Whoops.” She giggled, and his anger softened. She was too cute.

  Fearing she might trip on the way to her bedroom, he swept her into his arms. Despite her impossibly long legs, she weighed less than a bale of hay. She placed her head on his shoulder and pressed her palm to his chest. That little movement nearly did him in. He didn’t want to like her, but there was a tiny voice inside his head that said she was the victim here.


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