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Pixelmon Gone!

Page 3

by Zack Zombie

  “In the swamp? I thought you could only find Pixelmon in the Forest Biome?” Skelee asked.

  “Yeah, and how did you catch it so quick?” Slimey asked.

  “Well, I doubt someone like you could ever find a real Pixelmon,” Ichabod said rolling his eyes. . .and sticking his little pinky bone up at me.

  “I did so! And I’ll show you. He’s in my bag!”

  Then I put my bag on the table, and I started to zip it open.

  I couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when they see I have the best Pixelmon ever.

  Especially Ichabod. I can’t wait to see how dumb he’s gonna look when he meets Pixelchu.

  Well, it’s probably going to be hard since skeletons don’t have faces, but I know he’s gonna feel real dumb. . .

  “There he is!” I said proudly as I pulled out Pixelchu.





  That’s the last thing I heard before all the guys just scattered.


  “Don’t worry Pixelchu,” I said. “They don’t know you like I do.”


  “Yeah, we’re friends. . .forever.”


  Yeah, Pixelchu really liked that. . .


  . . .a lot.


  Today the school was full of kids again.

  All the kids were back and they were carrying bookbags full of Pixelmon they had caught.

  And at lunchtime all the kids were showing off their new Pixelmon.

  “I got a Snotlax!”

  “I got a Creeperchu!”

  “I got a Skelesaur!”

  “I got a Squaddle!”

  “I got an Endermite!”

  “Hey, that’s not a Pixelmon!”

  “Yeah, I know. . .but they’re soooooo cool.”

  I wanted to show off my Pixelchu, but they would probably laugh me out of the cafeteria like they did yesterday.

  There’s only so much humiliation a thirteen-year-old Zombie can take in his life, you know.

  “Hey, Zombie, did you bring your Pixel-rat to school today?” Ichabod said really loud.

  “HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” was all I heard as I quickly made my way to the janitor’s closet.

  I’ve gotten really used to the janitor’s closet since I’ve been in middle school.

  What can I say. . .it’s my happy place.

  All of a sudden, I started hearing a lot of commotion out in the schoolyard.

  “Hey, it’s Team Cube!”

  I ran out to see what all the fuss was about. There was a big crowd outside circling these two mob kids.

  “So you wanna battle, huh?” A tall Illager kid with a headband said.

  If you don’t know what an Illager is, they’re like Villagers, but like, really mean.

  Think Minecraft Biker Gang. . .

  They just recently moved to our neighborhood from Steve’s Village.

  Steve said that they were causing a lot of trouble there, so he and a bunch of the other villagers kicked them out.

  I think they’re related to Zombie Villagers, but they’re not green and beautiful like we are.

  “Well, I’m ready!” the Illager kid said. “Bruh-Ninja, I choose you!”

  Next thing you know, the Illager kid threw out his red and white cube and after a flash, a tall skinny Pixelmon with an afro jumped out.”


  “Oh, yeah?!” Then the other kid, threw out his cube and said, “PEE-YEW, I choose you!”

  Then a round fluffy Pixelmon jumped out.


  “All right, let’s battle!” The Illager kid said. “Bruh-Ninja, use Bro-Kick!”

  “Bruh-Ninja! Hyahhh!”

  Then the tall Pixelmon with the afro kicked the little round Pixelmon halfway across the schoolyard.

  “Ooooooh!” all the kids said.

  Then the other kid got really mad. “Oh yeah? PEE-YEW, use REPEL!”


  “Oh, man, that stinks!” the crowd yelled.

  Next thing, the tall Pixelmon took a whiff and started hurling chunks of something he ate.

  “Think you got me, huh?!!” The Illager kid said. “Bruh-Ninja use BACK SLAP!”


  Then Bruh-Ninja began to back slap the little round Pixelmon repeatedly.


  Then the little round Pixelmon started staring off into space. Then after a few seconds. . .

  “UUUURRRGGGHH!” the crowd yelled.

  Bruh-Ninja yelled too as he dropped the little Pixelmon and pulled his afro over his face.

  “Let’s finish this!” Then the Illager kid yelled, “BRUH-NINJA, USE FANG ATTACK!!!!”



  All of a sudden, some huge fangs came out of the ground and snapped shut on the little Pixelmon.

  “PEE-YEW!” the other kid yelled.

  Then after the smoke cleared, PEE-YEW was just lying there unconscious.

  And then a voice came out of nowhere and said, “And Pee-Yew is unable to battle! Bruh-Ninja wins!”

  “That’s what you get for messing with Team Cube!” the Illager kid said.

  “Whoa!” the crowd responded.

  Then he snapped his fingers, and a Slime wearing a headband joined him and they started walking away.

  “Way to go, Johnny!” the Slime said as he tried to give the Illager kid a high-five.

  Then, as they were walking away, suddenly an Ocelot with a headband got up on two feet, put his paw up in the air and made a motion like he dropped a mic.

  Then they all strutted away with their headbands gleaming in the night.

  “What was that?” I asked the guys.

  “That was a Pixelmon battle!” they said. “Kids have been having them all day.”

  “That was. . .AWESOME!!!!” I said.

  “Yeah, the principal even said that they were going to put on a big Pixelmon tournament next week,” Creepy said. “I think it was the only way to get the kids to stop destroying school property with their Pixelmon.”

  My mind was racing. All I could think about on my way home was about how I was going to become the greatest Pixelmon trainer ever.

  But that meant that I needed to win the tournament next week.

  Then I looked in my bag at Pixelchu sleeping.

  Don’t worry, buddy, I’m gonna whip you into shape. They’re never gonna laugh at us again because you’re going to win the tournament and be the greatest Pixelmon ever!


  Today, I decided to start training Pixelchu.

  I didn’t know where to start, so I decided to ask Steve for help.

  “What is that?” Steve asked.

  “It’s my new Pixelmon. I found him in the swamp next to where my dad works at the Nuclear Waste Plant.”

  “Uh. . .Zombie, I don’t think that’s a Pixelmon. . .looks more like a naked mole rat,” Steve said.

  What does Steve know about Pixelmon? He’s never had one, so he probably wouldn’t know what they look like, anyway.

  “Whatever, Steve. Anyway, I need you to help me train my Pixelmon because there’s gonna be a Pixelmon tournament next week.”

  “Uh. . .Okay. . .whatever you say, man,” Steve said.

  “So we need to train Pixelchu to battle all types of Pixelmon, especially Johnny’s,” I said.

p; “JOHNNY! Are you messing with that Illager kid?” Steve asked. “Man, that kid is trouble. He almost burned down half of my village because he wanted to see who would win a breakdance contest between a Creeper and a Magma Cube.”

  “Yeah, well, he’s got the strongest Pixelmon I have ever seen named Bruh-Ninja. . .and I got to get Pixelchu ready to battle him.”

  “All right man. But watch out for that guy,” Steve said. “You never know what kind of dirty trick he’s gonna pull.”

  So, me and Steve started setting up an obstacle course for Pixelchu.

  Steve started punching some trees and putting up blocks for Pixelchu to jump over.

  I set up a few traps to get Pixelchu ready to face Bruh-Ninja’s Fang attack.

  “All right buddy, LET’S GO!”

  But Pixelchu just laid down on the grass and went to sleep.

  “Come on buddy. . .come on. . .you can do it. . .come on. . .”


  Then I heard somebody laughing behind us.

  “HAHAHAHA! What’s the matter Zombie? Is your Pixel-rat unable to battle? HAHAHAHA!”

  Oh, man, it was Ichabod.

  Then Ichabod walked over to me and Steve with that smug look on his face. . .or, I’m sure he did.

  “Steve, this is Ichabod. Ichabod this is Steve.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Steven. I am Ichabod Percival Freely, from the Woodland Freely Royal Family, thirteenth generation on my mother’s side. But my friends call me I.P.”

  “What’s wrong with your pinky, man?” Steve asked.

  “Well, I never!” Ichabod said as he stormed away. . .and rolled his eyes.

  “Ooooh-key. That was weird,” Steve said.

  “Yeah, that guy is so spoiled, he makes rotten flesh taste like cotton candy,” I said.

  “Yeah, or that guy is so spoiled he gets dizzy playing on his high horse,” Steve said.

  “Or, that guy is so spoiled he took a selfie when the teacher told him to pay attention,” I said.

  “Or, that guy is so spoiled that when his mom makes bratwurst, she calls him for advice,” Steve said.

  Then, we just looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  Then, we looked over at Pixelchu sleeping.

  “So what are we going to do about training Pixelchu?”

  “Come on, Pixelchu. I believe in you. You can do it,” I whispered to little Pixelchu.


  “All right, Zombie. If it’s a battle you want, it’s a battle you’ll get!”

  We turned around and it was Ichabod looking really mad and holding a little red and white cube.

  “Okay, Enderdragonite, I choose you!”


  Oh, man, what was I going to do? Pixelchu was just lying there like a lumpy potato.



  Then what looked like a huge glob of snot on fire came hurling at me, Steve and Pixelchu.

  “Oh, man, Zombie. I think we’re in trouble!” Steve said. “RUN!”

  But it was too late. The giant fiery spit wad was about to slather us in red hot jello.



  Suddenly, a giant lightning bolt came out of nowhere and cut through the snot ball and blasted Enderdragonite right out of his skin.

  He landed on Ichabod knocking them both down.

  Then, a voice came out of nowhere. “And Enderdragonite is unable to battle. Pixelchu wins!”

  Man, where is that voice coming from?

  “YEEEAAHH!!! Zombie that was awesome!” Steve said. “How did he do that?”

  “I don’t know, he just does it.”

  “Well, it looks like Pixelchu only responds when he feels like he’s being attacked. So now we know how to get him going,” Steve said.

  So then we spent all day training Pixelchu.

  We had to dress up like hostile mobs in order to get him moving.

  But, Pixelchu was awesome. He never let up.

  Blast after blast, he took everything we threw at him.

  I think Pixelchu is gonna beat every Pixelmon out there, even Bruh-Ninja.

  Pixelmon tournament, here we come!

  But I think me and Steve are gonna need a few days to grow our teeth back.




  I heard a loud noise that woke me out of bed.


  Oh, boy, what did I do now?

  “Look at this!”


  The whole kitchen looked like a Creeper convention at a Cactus factory.

  “Nice touch, Mom.”

  “That’s not funny! The whole house is a mess, and it was all because of that rodent I told you to get rid of!” my mom said.

  Oh, man! Pixelchu must’ve snuck out of my room while I was sleeping!”

  “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll find him and get him out of the house now, I promise.”

  “Well, it’s too late. I called the exterminator and they just left a few minutes ago with that. . .thing!”


  All I could think about was all my hopes and dreams of becoming the greatest Pixelmon champion of the Minecraft World going down the drain.

  “And you, young Zombie, are going to clean up this mess or you can kiss your Pixelmon tournament goodbye!”

  Man, I’m going to miss the Pixelmon tournament and I’m going to miss my chance at become a Pixelmon Master!

  But then it hit me. . .

  “Uh, Mom. . .the Exterminator is going to find a nice home for Pixelchu, right?”

  Silence filled the room.

  Then I realized they weren’t called Exterminators for nothing!

  “Oh no! Pixelchu!”

  I dropped everything and ran out of the house.


  But I had to save my buddy from getting exterminated. . .

  I just had to!

  Sunday Later that Day…

  When I finally made it to the Exterminators, it was closed.

  That’s weird, I thought. Then who were those guys that came to the house?

  And when I went around the back, there were these suspicious looking Endermen selling cages full of Pixelmon to Team Cube!

  Whoa. What’s going on?

  So, I snuck up a little closer to get a better look.

  “Man, the boss is gonna be really happy when we bring him all these Pixelmon!” the Ocelot with the headband said.

  “Yeah! He needs as many as he can get for his big experiment at Woodland Mansion,” the Slime said.

  “We still need more,” Johnny the Illager said. “And I know exactly where to get them.”

  Then they all looked at each other with a creepy smile and said, “THE PIXELMON TOURNAMENT. . . HAHAHA!”

  Then the Ocelot lifted his paw again and made a motion like he dropped the mic.

  “You really need to stop that you know,” Johnny said.

  They were loading all the different cages of Pixelmon onto a truck.

  But there were so many, I couldn’t see Pixelchu.

  “Eeeeewwww! Look at this one! I think it’s sick!” the Slime said.

  It was Pixelchu!

  “Oh, man, I think I’m gonna hurl,” the Ocelot blurted.

  “Well, get rid of him! We can’t bring that thing to the boss!” Johnny said

  “Man, why do I get stuck with the dirty jobs?”

  So, the Ocelot with the headband let Pixelchu out of his cage, but Pixelchu just laid there.

  “Move, you pink, stinky, flesh pile!” then the Ocelot started poking him with a stick.

  All of a sudden. . .


  Suddenly, all the Pixelmon’s cages flew open.

  Team Cube were so busy putting out the fire and trying to catch the Pixelmon that they didn’t see me sneak up and pick up Pixelchu.

  “Don’t worry,” I whispered. “I’m here, buddy.”

  “Chu. . .Chu,” Pixelchu said as he gave me a wrinkly smile.

  So, I got back to my house, but I knew I couldn’t keep Pixelchu there.

  So, I went to see Steve.

  “Wath up, Zombie?”

  “Hey, Steve, how you feelin’?”

  “Gooth, haws it goingth?”

  “Good. . .so, did you find your missing teeth?”

  “Naw, buth ith all right. I hath a feeling thath the tooth fairy isnth real. . .Whath up?”

  “Hey, I wanted to see if I can keep Pixelchu with you for a while,” I said. My mom is giving me a really hard time about him.”

  Even though Steve was a little weirded out by Pixelchu, he still let me keep him there.

  I think he said something about how he was doing a new experiment and that Pixelchu could help him.

  Something about creating a potion that brings mobs back from the dead.

  Yeah, Steve can be weird sometimes.

  Especially when he ends his sentences with a maniacal laugh.


  Well, at least I don’t have to worry about my mom calling the Exterminators on Pixelchu anymore.

  But what was Team Cube doing with all those Pixelmon?

  And who was the boss?

  And where did they get all of those Pixelmon from?


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