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Kept: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 13

by Nicole Elliot

  I looked at the exit sign again. I was thinking how far I could run before I blacked out. I didn't know what I would do if I could make to the door, but I felt like it was my only option.

  The two men that were talking pushed their chairs away from the table, and sauntered over to me. I closed my eyes again hoping that they wouldn't do anything to me if they thought I was still injured. The blood on the back of my head gave them a good indication that I was. The one bent down and grabbed my chin, holding it just a hair away from his face. “How you feeling, girly?”

  These two thugs didn't look like Rudolph's other men. They were simply muscle; they didn't have any other interest in the extra business.

  “I guess she doesn't want to talk, do you?”

  I wouldn't give them the pleasure of hearing me speak. I was sure my voice was gravelly, and I didn't want to let them know how terrified I was. I had to be strong.

  He tossed my head back, and stood up, looking at the other men at the table. “Call the boss. He's got a lot of talking to do to this one.”

  I waited to see if they would say anymore, give me more information. But, instead, they walked away, I had to make a move.

  This was my chance. “Talk to me about what?”

  The other guy smiled; he was missing a couple of his teeth. “So she can speak. Good.”

  “I asked you a question. What does Rudolph want with me?”

  “It's not what he wants with you, girly. It's what Hudson owes him.” He spread his arms out wide, “It's what he owes the Empire.” He laughed to himself, and the other guy joined in.

  “He'll come for me.”

  “We know that. We were counting on it.”

  I needed more time. “And what do you think he owes?”

  He cocked his head at me, pulling the tight collar on his shirt even closer to the skin. “He owes the boss money. Lots of money, sweetheart. More than you could ever imagine. He took drugs to Switzerland, and didn't pay for them. This isn't the type of place where you do dishes to pay off your tab.”

  He had stolen from them? Is this why he was so worried about me going back to the club? Was this part of his way to get out? I couldn't believe he had put me in such danger. I hoped he had some underlying plan. “Hudson wouldn’t do that. He's loyal.”

  The man got so close to my face once more that I could see the stubble on his cheeks and the bags under his eyes. “Loyalists don't sell where they're not supposed to. We’ve got eyes everywhere, sweetheart; we know exactly what he's been up to.”

  “Is that how you found me?”

  He shook his head at me. “You work at the club. We would've found out about you, regardless.” He looked towards his comrade. “Tie her hands, and put some duct tape on her mouth until the boss gets back. I don’t want to hear anymore of her shit.”

  “No, wait!” I put my hands up in protest. “What does Rudolph want to know about me? What info is everyone talking about?”

  They both got quiet. They didn’t know any more information than I did. I was just bait.

  “Not our concern. Get rid of her,” he instructed the bigger guy.

  He lifted me up underneath my arms, and attempted to throw me over his shoulder, but I played dead weight. It gave me the opportunity to deliver a swift kick to his balls. He immediately dropped me, and I sprinted towards the exit doors. Without the boss here, these chumps’ mistakes were my best possibility of getting out. I knew that once Rudolph was back, I didn't have a chance in hell. I ran towards the door, but the two thugs at the table got up and blocked my way. I could hear the other guy yelling curse words at me. I considered slugging the guy to my right, but I knew the other would grab me, and I wanted to keep their filthy hands off of me. I considered my options until I felt metal at the back of my head. He pushed it into the already open wound. I screamed and grabbed my head in pain.

  “Put your hands up and turn around. You're not getting out of here on my watch.” It was the first guy who had spoken to me, and I was starting to wonder if he was Rudolph's second-in-command. When I spun around, he held a gun in my face. “Don't think I won't shoot you. Hudson doesn't need to know. No one does. Right, boys?” He began to laugh, and the others joined in, all in on the same sick joke as he was. But I knew that Rudolph wouldn’t be happy if he shot me point blank in the head. Now, had he shot me while I was running away, he would've believed them. But, if he ended me now, he was setting himself up to possibly being killed by his own boss. I didn't know how stupid he was, but I didn't think he was that dumb.

  “You're not going to shoot me.”

  “Why's that?”

  “Because you and I both know Rudolph will end you if you do. I’m leverage. You need me alive.”

  He lowered his gun. “Alive, but not pretty.” My hands were still above my head, and my stomach was unprotected; he punched me first in the stomach, and then as my head dropped down, he kneed me in the face. I felt the rush of blood come from my nose.

  “SHIT! UGH!” I fell to the floor in agony. My face felt like it was on fire. I couldn’t breathe. Every breath I sucked in through my mouth made my ribs burn, and I couldn’t feel half my face. Just pain, so much pain.

  “Now, tell me again why I won’t shoot you.”

  “Because I'm going to shoot you first.” I heard Hudson's voice behind me, and footsteps come in the door that I was trying to get out through. There was a lot more feet that just Hudson’s.

  “You brought friends.”

  The man with the gun put his hands up as I saw SWAT teams surround us. The two men behind me moved away, and the asshole that I had kicked in the balls was lying on the ground. I heard the yelling before Hudson got to me. “Get on the ground now! Put the gun down or we'll shoot!”

  I turned around, tears streaming down my face, as Hudson had a gun pointed in my direction. I put my hands above my head, and I waited for the SWAT members to get all of my kidnappers on the ground. The SWAT team had bulletproof vests on, and so did Hudson. I could hear one of the guys yelling, “He ratted us!” Then he looked at Hudson with disgust. “You'll die for this.”

  Hudson walked over to him and spit in his face. “And you'll rot in a cell. Touch my girl again, and see what happens.”

  The SWAT team began to cuff all of the men, and other members started walking around and took in a view of all the prescription drugs. A woman with a SWAT vest approached me. “You’re okay, you’re going to be okay.”

  She put a blanket around my shoulders. “Let’s get you out of here.”

  I shook my head. “I want Hudson. Please.” I was in the middle of chaos until Hudson came over to me. He gave his gun to the woman, and I was a hot mess on the floor, trembling with fear. I had almost just died. But he had saved me.

  I fell into his arms shaking. He wrapped his arms around me, and held me up, putting his hand on the back of my head, and pulling me into him. I was finally safe. After a few minutes of me wiping my tears on his bulletproof vest, I pulled away. “You didn't tell me. How long have you been working with the feds?”

  “For years. I’m undercover FBI Calla. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you.”

  “So this whole thing, the drugs, everything… it wasn’t real?”

  “No, it’s not. The money is, but not the job.”

  “This is why you wanted to protect me.”

  “It’s in my nature. I am the son of a pharmaceutical millionaire, everything about my family is true. But I joined law enforcement to end the cycle. To help people.”

  “So what about these guys, how many did you catch?”

  He nodded. “Just the ones I knew of. These idiots didn’t know that Rudolph was never going to show up here today. He's in the wind.”

  This all sounded like more secrets, like the job wasn’t done yet. And I didn't think we could handle any more of those. “What about me? What about us?” I asked through my blubbering.

  I could hear the sirens outside, cars taking my captors away. But there had to be at least thi
rty agents inside the building. The woman stood by, and kept others away from us. I noticed an EMT near the door.

  “You need to be looked at. There's an ambulance outside.”

  “No! I want a straight answer. What happens to you and me?”

  “I imagine you’ll be debriefed and released. If you testify, you’ll also be put in witness protection.”

  “And then what? Where do I go?”

  He placed his hands on either side of my arms to steady me, pulling me off the ground. He knew I was losing control, he always made me do that. “I hear France is beautiful this time of year. And I should probably get out of the country for a little while. They’re going to be looking for me. I'm sure I could sway the US attorney to let you have part of your witness protection there.”

  He had it all planned. Once again, Hudson James had proven to me that he really was protecting me the whole time. Somehow, our lives were both completely real, and all a fabrication. He was the only one who could do that.

  “France? I think I could do France.” He took his hand, caressed my skin along my jawbone, lifting my lips up to his. His soft lips breaching mine. That was just us, sharing a savory moment in all the chaos.

  “You need to get your head and face looked at. But I'm sure there's some agents that need to talk to you. Can you handle that?” He held my face in his hands. “Baby, I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. I can’t tell you how worried I was.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you think you are ready to talk to them?”

  I nodded. “I think I'm ready.”

  We walked out into the night, and in front of me was the display of an ambulance, cop cars, and unmarked vehicles. There was an FBI agent standing next to the ambulance waiting for me. He had his arms crossed, but a calm look on his face. I would have to relive my nightmare of an evening so they could get it down as testimony against the mob. But for now it was over. For now I was safe.

  Two Months Later

  Classes were done. I was free from college for three whole months. Luckily, I had a place to hang out while I figured out my life. A safe place.

  I got out of testifying. They said I wasn't a strong enough witness due to my impaired state. I told them I could identify anyone they wanted me to, but the case was strong enough without me: the entire warehouse full of prescription drugs and over two million in cash. Hudson had given them all of that. And he still had a lot more to tell them. He had been undercover for nearly three years, he hadn’t seen his family at all. He made arrangements to visit with his mother before fleeing the country. His superiors were worried Lenko would have heard some of his thugs were caught and his biggest warehouse destroyed. They didn’t want him following it back to Hudson. For now he was still on the job, just avoiding his fake boss.

  “Miss, would you like a refill?” A maid was offering me more lemonade as I sat on a chase lounge overlooking the ocean. I pulled up my floppy hat and down my sunglasses to make eye contact with her. I felt like that was important with the staff. They were people, and I treated them that way.

  “That would be wonderful, thank you.” She took my glass, and refilled it, using the pitcher of lemonade I had made earlier in the day.

  Hudson was still making deals, but I didn't know anything about it anymore, and my ignorance was complete bliss. I got to stay on the beach all day and read books while overlooking the ocean, instead of worrying about Russian mobsters, and if my boyfriend’s deals were going to go bad. I couldn't help but wonder if every day he wouldn’t come home because he had a bullet in his head.

  Slowly he was turning over more information. He had clients and connections on every continent, and he was focusing his efforts on the worst ones. He wasn’t supposed to take down the ring that day, but my involvement had changed all that. Some of the FBI were still unhappy with him. He wasn’t supposed to fall for a girl. He still had another year on the task force. But here we were. He also said it was time to uncover all of the illusions about prescription drugs, and who was using them. So many of his clients were hospice patients; people with big money, but who were not getting what they needed.

  The maid put the glass back down, and I took a long sip, allowing the sweet liquid to go down my throat. She walked away with a smile on her face. I watched her carefully from beneath my glasses, and, as I set down my magazine, I felt for the gun underneath my chair. I was a girl who kept a gun now. For protection. Because there were still people out there who would come for me, and I wouldn’t be anyone’s victim ever again.

  I had gotten so lucky falling in love with Hudson James. It was a dangerous love, but I couldn't help the way I felt about him. He knew all my secrets, and I finally know his. And I love him for it.

  He'll destroy me in the end.

  But it will have all been worth it.

  It already has.

  I hope you enjoyed this story!

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