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Twisted Wings

Page 11

by J Wells

  I feel the soft squeeze of Jazlynn’s fingers against my arm, and lifting her hand from my waist she points. My gaze follows. Hand in hand Rose and Tristan walk over to join our party. Rose’s dress is a perfect fit for her name in a beautiful rose red, its bodice adorned with sequins that glisten in the light. Her jet-black hair hangs loose and is brushed back from her face. An angel in a tux. They look quite the pair, I think to myself as Tristan lifts his head and straightens the crimson cravat at his neck.

  As they amble over I watch the hem of Rose’s gown sweep against the floor, and see Tristan holding her in his arms.

  I raise my brow.

  “Is there something you’re forgetting?”

  They look to one another, exchanging confused glances.

  “Your masks,” I murmur, pointing to my own.

  Rose’s eyes widen. “We left them on the bed!”

  I click my fingers. “Edmond!”

  He is in deep conversation with Elizabeth and doesn’t respond. Again I click my fingers.

  “Their masks, the bedchamber.”

  Looking over, Edmond nods his understanding.

  “Which room?” he asks.

  Rose shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter, really it doesn’t.”

  “A masked ball without a mask?” Jazlynn giggles. “Edmond, you’ll find them in the Honeysuckle room.”

  I pull in my shoulders and gasp; again, I have an overriding tightness in my chest and an uncomfortable heat rushes up to my head. I pat Jazlynn’s hand.

  “I must rest, sit out this dance; these episodes of breathlessness come so much more readily now.”

  Pulling away, I seat myself on the stump of a fallen tree.

  Jazlynn grins and I feel her eyes asking my permission to dance with Caspar, which my smile permits as he takes her hand. The fiddles are sweet to my ears; men take their partners as the melodic waltz begins. Lost between dancers, Rose and Tristan stand. I glance down, and see that their feet appear uncertain of the right steps.

  My eyes roll; Tristan can’t help going one better. With the rush of wings spreading out from his spine, his tuxedo is ripped from his back. Above waltzing heads they rise into the air, where they hover and dance their own dance.

  My focus returns to Jazlynn. Though Caspar is fortunate to dance with her, her attention is on me. They spin round and my gaze meets Caspar’s expression. His hazel eyes seem totally in awe of my lady. I think back two hundred years, when Jazlynn and Caspar were betrothed to each other since infancy. It is only now that I see the way he looks at her. I look at his hands, the way they hold her, and the closeness of his lips.

  What if I had died that night? Would my family have been better off without me? I scratch my head. Would Caspar have claimed Jazlynn? And whom would Edmond, my loyal valet, have served? Would Felix have taken his father’s title or would he have been disinherited due to the scandal. Emily, Reggie, Harrold… The cogs of my mind turn. I find myself having to look away, yet through my smile I shake my head as my mind journeys back to where this nightmare began. To think of all the years I have witnessed; since becoming a vampire there have been so many changes. I can scarcely remember my previous life, those archaic years.

  I was born into the aristocracy, to such a fortunate bloodline, and bestowed the title of Earl. Being the owner of Fordwickston Castle, I had servants to cater for my every whim. As a young man of those times I had the world at my feet. My scruples were not the best; I bedded whoever took my fancy, whether ladies of title or housemaids, it really was of no consequence. I sewed my wild oats for a considerable time, but eventually one woman became much like the next and boredom crept upon me.

  It was at this time that I began to realise I wanted more than fickle affairs and empty conquests; it was love that I sought. I wanted that one special person to enter my life whom I could call my own and cherish. It took twenty-five long years as a mortal for me to come to this conclusion, but I knew that my soul mate was out there somewhere, waiting.

  The most eligible ladies in all of England sought my hand. The masquerade ball was held on my say-so, with every eligible lady in attendance. How could I fail to fall in love?

  A carriage arrived and I saw the mystery lady step out. We danced, and spoke for a short while. I was sure she was the one I’d been waiting for. But this was not the night I was to find my happy ever after. Instead, it would be the night my heart was ripped out from my chest, and the night I was both to die and to live on forever.

  With a bittersweet smile on my lips, I look back at Jazlynn.

  “You were there all along,” I whisper, admiring her beauty as she spins round in her lacy white dress.

  Her head turns away from Caspar, and she catches my fleeting glance. Our gaze is broken by Edmond as he passes before me to rejoin Elizabeth.

  Rose stands with her back towards me. Her crimson dress is unmistakable, her bronze shoulders lack the subtle creamy tones of Jazlynn’s, and her silky black locks are brushed to one side of her neck. Tristan leans towards her and pulls her mask over her head. She twists around on her heels. I choke and can hardly catch my breath.

  Forcefully I throw my hands down against the tree stump and spring to my feet.

  “It was you all along!” I bellow.

  Every dancing step is halted, every eye turns and looks my way. Immediately the music dies, the fiddles and bows lying helplessly in Reggie’s and Felix’s arms.

  “You bitch, you fucking bitch!” I shout.

  My chest burns as I storm towards Rose.

  “Out of my way, angel!”

  His body stands between us, acting as a barrier, but I throw my arm against his chest.

  “My grievance is with her,” I scowl past Tristan and into her poker face.

  As I slide my moist tongue across my teeth, I can feel each one lengthening; it is clear from Tristan’s expression that he has seen it too.

  “Lucian, control yourself!” Tristan yells. “You’re not a monster.”

  Paying no heed, I step closer to Rose. Tristan pounces on me, and grabbing my arms he holds me still. My eyes flit between Rose and my family as they gather round.

  “You’ve known all along!”

  She shakes her head.

  “Okay, tell me, Rose, how long have you known?” I growl between gritted teeth.

  My arms struggle to break free, but Tristan’s grip only tightens. She can’t even look at me, and her eyes move to the floor, then to his.

  “It’s me you should blame.” Tristan’s words are rushed as they fall into my ear.

  “Rose, look at me, God damn you, how long?” I repeat.

  “A while,” she mutters, her eyes still focused on Tristan.

  “Traitor!” I yell. “We will help you no longer. From here on, you are on your own.”

  I can feel every vampire trait that I own awaken, the beat of my heart slow and then stop. Jazlynn runs to my side and grabs at my hand.

  “Tristan, get off him!” she shouts as her fingers try to prise us apart.

  Her head snaps around to face me.

  “Lucian, what the hell’s going on?” she asks.

  I see pearl-like tears spill out from beneath her lacy white mask. She’s waited so long for tonight, for her dance, and again Rose has stepped in and ruined it.

  “Family, it’s about time I enlighten you.” The sarcasm in my voice is intended. “She…” I point my finger at Rose. “…is the reason that you and I, that all of us, are vampires. Because in 1813 she was the girl I danced with at the masquerade.”

  I hear the voices of my family rise, and out of the corner of my eye I see them shuffle closer. Loosening his grip on me for a split second, Tristan throws his hands up into the air. Voices drop, and my family stand in silence.

  “That’s impossible,” Jazlynn’s voice mocks. “Rose, look at me, tell me he is lying.”

  But Rose’s eyes don’t comply; it seems she can look neither one of us in the eye.

  “She’s not immortal or a
vampire, so how?” Jazlynn laughs, holding out her hands, palms face up.

  I feel a tenseness grow in Tristan’s body. His fingers tighten around my shoulders, enabling me to pick up the acceleration in his pulse.

  “How, you ask,” Tristan pipes up. “Through her dreams I allowed her to forget Jai and his illness, but the dreams I gave her were far more than that; they became her reality … not only hers, but yours too.”

  Using both hands he manoeuvres me round to face him.

  “Her dreams led her to the year 1813 and into your arms.” Tristan’s voice has lost its softness and I can hear the anger growing. “Rose isn’t the one you should blame. Lucian, it was you who called out to the devil, you he made the pact with that night, not me, not Rose, so the blame comes back on you.”

  “Nevertheless, if you knew, you should have damn well told us.”

  My gaze moves back to Rose.

  “And as for you…”

  She cowers before me and still won’t allow our eyes to meet.

  “We took you in, offered you protection, and in return you deceive us, making a mockery our friendship. What other secrets lie behind that still tongue of yours?”

  I lose sight of Rose as Tristan takes a sideward step.

  “I’m not going to tell you again, leave her out of this.”

  His eyes widen considerably as I look up into his face.

  “Lucian, this is between you and me. I’ve come to take your souls.”

  It is like all our breaths are held, awaiting his next words. I could almost cut the silence, which is then broken by Jazlynn’s voice.

  “Tristan, get your hands off him!” she demands.

  I feel his release as his hands fall to his side. I peer towards Jazlynn and my family.

  “Lucian, your eyes!” she cries.

  I look towards Caspar, Charles and Reggie, and see the familiar amber glare.

  “Can’t you see you’re turning back into monsters, the vampires you were before? And there’s nothing I can do.” Tristan shakes his head. “I can’t help any of you if you keep treating her like this. Your mortality is born from the connection you have with Rose, when unselfishly you agreed to protect her. Now you stand here and turn your back on her, and when she needs your protection the most you offer her none. But it isn’t just her you are turning your back on, but every human attribute you’ve been gifted … your own mortality.”

  I hear the rustling of leaves underfoot.

  “Tristan!” Rose cries out.

  His head shoots round, his knees buckle and he falls to the floor. He lies there unconscious, blood seeping from his temple. Caspar stands over him, a large jagged rock clasped in his hand. With glowing amber eyes he lifts his hand again; I can see the intent on his face.

  “Enough!” I shout. “We are not monsters; we will deal with this as gentlemen.”

  Caspar’s eyes crease and he smirks, dropping the blood-stained rock. Hearing Rose’s sobs I look down; she lies feet away, held within Jazlynn’s arms.

  “I regret the day we ever met,” I spit at her.

  Rose peers up at me through the veil of her ebony tresses. Grabbing Jazlynn’s hand, I pull her away from Rose.

  “Get out of here, get out of my forest.” I open my lips just wide enough to allow Rose to see the sharp tips of my fangs.

  I watch her knees shuffle through the fallen leaves, pulling herself closer to Tristan. I step forward and stamp my foot in the small gap between them.

  “That’s close enough.”

  Jazlynn’s fingers pull me back and my eyes rise to Edmond, who knows me so well. Without verbal instruction, he takes Jazlynn by the elbow and leads her back towards the castle. I watch my women as one by one they follow.

  “Lucian, please.”

  I stare down into her pitiful face; I’ve never wanted to kill anything as much as I want to kill her now. She reaches for my leg, and flinches as I kick away her hand. I turn slightly and see my family gather behind me; together we stand strong. Caspar’s arm brushes against mine as he takes a step nearer. I nod in acknowledgement. Launching forward, his fingers rip through Rose’s hair; she squeals as he thrusts her back, straddling her with his arms and legs. I can see his body tremble, and as my family and I near, I feel a surge of hunger. With his forearm lifted he forces Rose’s head back against the forest floor, where he holds her still. I make out the thick blue vein that runs down her neck and immediately my mouth starts watering as I watch it pulsate.

  Caspar’s head snaps round towards us. His lips part and saliva drips from his teeth.

  “Lucian, give me your permission.”

  I can see the searching look in his eyes.

  “Then…” Caspar pauses. “I will rip off her head.”

  I can sense my family’s apprehension; with Rose’s death we all know what would follow. There are to be no winners, and my quickening breaths slow as I try to reason and remain calm. I can hear her heartfelt sobs as she cries out for Tristan and Jazlynn, though Jazlynn has gone and Tristan lies pale and lifeless at my feet.

  “Caspar, wait.”

  Looking down at her tiny frame I have a sudden change of heart, for I can see such vulnerability, such pure terror etched in her eyes. Caspar’s teeth hover above her neck.

  “Caspar, let her go.”

  His head jerks round and I lower my gaze.

  “After all, she’s just a woman.”

  Caspar’s face falls into a frown, the creases around his eyes hardening.

  “Let her live the rest of her life, and in return we can live out the rest of ours.”

  I can sense pure evil in Caspar’s eyes as they lock themselves onto mine. For just a split second I am unsure of his next move. I know my family inside out, yet Caspar’s unpredictability makes him hard to read. In 1813 we were both men of title, so it is not surprising that at times we locked horns, neither one of us prepared to back down.

  Something feels wrong, and I cock my head towards the night sky. It is distant, yet it nears. Treading over Rose, Caspar stands, his eyes shifting to the left.

  “Brooke, the fucking schoolgirl.” Caspar barges past. “Lucian, the pigs are coming.”

  Sucking back his anger, he hocks a mouthful of saliva and spits into Tristan’s face.

  My senses pick up the shrill sound of sirens; I can even separate and count the number of cars that head towards the forest.

  Caspar clicks his fingers. “Reggie, the lanterns.”

  Dropping his bow and fiddle, Reggie runs towards the trees. Like a cat at great speed, he rushes up one trunk and then the next, dousing the flames. We have been allowed the darkness we need as the sky lies devoid of stars.

  “Caspar, grab Tristan! Everyone back to the castle,” I order.

  “He told us what happened with Brooke; the cops want him, so let them have him!” Caspar barks.

  “No, I will deal with Tristan in my own way.”

  Caspar bends down, throwing Tristan’s limp body over his shoulders. The family scatter.

  Rose’s sobs ebb as I crouch over her. I feel her fingers clasp around my neck, but just as quickly I remove them. Through the darkness I gaze down into the silhouette of her face.

  “For the past two hundred years I have loved you more than life itself. You are the masked girl I placed on a pedestal.”

  The whites of her eyes glow up at me.

  “You betrayed me, Rose, and it hurts. Betrayal is hard to take from anyone, but from one you’ve loved as I have loved you…”

  I shake my head. Her hand reaches up, and her soft fingers stroke my cheek.

  “Lucian, I’m so sorry.”

  I grab her wrist between my hands and lift her to her knees. I can taste her breath, her lips are so near. I pull her off balance and she falls into my arms. I crush her open mouth with my kiss, and feel her lips as she kisses me back. Once again I feel the beat of my heart quicken, though this is not a kiss of love or lust, but one for her to remember me by, and for me it is closure for the
pent-up emotion I have lived with for the past two centuries.

  My hands push her away and I hold her at arm’s length.

  “Goodbye, Rose.”

  I lay her back on the leaves, stand and walk away.

  I throw up the hatch and scramble onto the stairs that lead down to the castle. The screams of sirens pierce my ears. I secure the hatch and rush down the stairs in search of my family.

  The oaken bedchamber lies silent as I enter. The drawer to the dresser lies open, but the keys are gone. I know where they are, where Caspar waits with Tristan.

  The soles of my boots echo through the hallway as I make my way towards a small room adjacent to the dungeon, which I personally named the gunnery. Our pistols hang on the walls, and our ammo is stacked high on open shelves. The corridor is dark; it is unlike Reggie not to light the candles. Passing the library, I gasp as I bump head-on into Edmond. He looks to my side and then peers over my shoulder.

  “Is Jazlynn with you?” he queries.

  “No, she was with you.”

  He shakes his head. “She would not stop talking about Rose. I lowered her down the hatch, released her hand for just a moment to help the other woman, and she nearly knocked Chloe down the stairs in her rush to escape. I called her back, I even went into the forest to find her.”

  “God damn it, Edmond, one thing I ask of you, and to be out-smarted by such clumsy feet and one so loud,” I huff. “She must have gone in search of Rose.” I pause.

  Slamming my fist against the wall, the candles shake in their holders. God, I hope she didn’t see the kiss we shared.

  “Edmond, let’s go sort out that fucking angel.”

  I push open the heavy metal door and the women run sobbing from the room. I grab Elizabeth’s wrist and spin her round to face me. She looks up; her eyes are a delicate green.

  “Why have you not changed?” I blurt out.

  “It appears the women have no angst with Rose and so still have all their human traits,” Edmond pipes up.

  I release Elizabeth.

  “Be gone, wench, get out of my sight.”

  “You should be ashamed of yourself!” she shouts in my face.

  I laugh in response. Apart from Jazlynn, never before have any of my women had the nerve to answer me back. I watch her scamper along the hallway.


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