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What happened in Vegas: Didn't Stay In Vegas!

Page 10

by R. Lorelei

  “You should have had more cut off,” he snapped back spitefully.

  That comment was a huge blow to my self-esteem. I felt my eyes well up so I quickly looked out the window.

  I turned back to him when I gathered more control over my emotions, “Does Chase know that we had something going on between us?”

  Bradley glared at me, “He thought you were with Nick, Chase made some crack about Nick telling him you were indisposed when he visited you at your apartment. I showed up asking to put you with a different doctor and that’s when he suspected you and I were together too.

  “The CEO of the hospital knows all this about me?”

  “The CEO happens to be my brother Chanel, and he was worried about you.”


  “When you asked for your Leave, he said you looked upset.”

  “I was. You told me to go to Nick and you chose to stop working with me.”

  “You slept with Nick, and it was hard to work with you after that. I had no choice but go to Chase for the change. I didn’t mean for all this to come out.When is your leave over?”

  “The day after tomorrow.” I scrutinized him cautiously, “Where do we go from here?”

  “I don’t know Chanel,” his eyes looked despondent. “I’ll take you home.”

  We drove in silence and then he parked in visitors which was empty and walked me up to my loft carrying my bag. When we got to the door I pulled out my keys and dropped them into his hand to open the door for me.

  He faced me. The spark between us undeniable, but what I wondered was, was there anything else between us? I had this urge to run my fingers through his sexy bristle and I caved to it. My hands touched his face and I closed my eyes, stepping closer to him, “Kiss me,” he ordered.”

  He didn’t wait for me because it didn’t matter what I did, he wanted a kiss and he was taking one. He closed the gap between us and then his lips brushed against mine, he began to kiss me aggressively thrusting his tongue into my mouth while his bristle was scratching my face wildly. His kisses showed me what his pride wouldn’t let him express, he really missed me.

  My insides began to melt as his kiss made my clit throb for him. I would have done anything just to have him touch it, but it wasn’t a good time so I pushed him away. He pulled me roughly back to him and increased his grip of me, “I wasn’t done.” He finished kissing me, I was barely able to breath, and then released me.

  He ordered me, “Down on your knees.” He pulled his dick out of his pants without even bothering to take them off and commanded me to suck on his already hard cock. It was turning purple with need and throbbing. I turned my head away from it making him mad. He grabbed my hair close to the scalped and yanked my head to his cock, “Suck it, now!”

  I opened my mouth to him and he shoved his dick in hard and started thrusting it in and out of my mouth. I could barely catch my breath; I grabbed his balls and clenched my fingers tightly around them making him gasp in pain.

  He grabbed me again by the wrist like he always does and hauled me to my room. “You are such a bad girl Chanel,” he chastised. “Others may have let you get away with it in the past, but you will respect me. Get back on your knees.” I was getting what I wanted from him so I submitted lowering myself back to my knees. He held his dick to my lips and in a low and commanding voice he said, “Now suck.”

  I took him into my mouth and I let his warm cock fill me. I sucked hard pulling it in and out of my mouth until his breathing changed and his eyes closed and he was relaxing into it. He encouraged me, “That’s it.” He started to moan and his hands were now grabbing hold of my loose strands of hair.

  He pulled out and now his dick was all red and hard, and he told me to lie with my upper body face down on the bed. He roughly unzipped my jeans and pulled my jeans and underwear down. His two thick fingers rubbed my clit with a rough circular motion making me moan and then his fingers dove into my wet pussy for lubrication. He slid them out and rubbed them over my virginal bum before he thrust his dick into my ass with no warning.

  I was praying that there weren’t any visible marks from Nick on my ass. This was so unexpected. I started freaking, but I couldn’t move.

  He filled me so quickly and brutally and the pressure was overbearing and uncomfortable that I couldn’t help but scream. He grabbed a fistful of my hair really tightly and said, “You are mine now,” and then he started thrusting his dick into my ass making me groan while his fingers let go of that fistful of hair and he started playing with my clit. The pain was now becoming pleasurable and the friction was starting to excite me.

  His rhythm was flawless and his speed quickened. I started to call out as the pleasure was more than I thought I could bear and I was on the brink of losing it. He warned me, “I’m going to come.” I released myself as his fingers continued to rub me. His thrusts were powerful and deliberate. I could feel his warm cum spraying my back after I collapsed completely on my bed.

  He went to the bathroom and came back with a warm towel. He wiped my back down and then encouraged me to lie on my back. I thought we were going to cuddle. He stood before the bed and started stroking himself while I watched. Then he went down on his knees and took me into his mouth licking the lips of my pussy until I started panting with excitement again.

  He slid two thick fingers in and started playing with it while he kept tonguing my clit. His other hand never leaving his own dick. He was masturbating with these quick movements and in seconds he was ready all over again and this time he took me without heed and he fucked me hard. I felt like I was going to break open, I screamed BRADLEY and his thrusts became more vigorous. “Come, he ordered,” but I wasn’t close.

  I told him, “You’re not fucking me hard enough.” He started fucking me even harder and then my body started making these uncontrollable jerking movements as he began to pump his fluids into me. We collapsed in each other’s arms and that’s when he told me, “Chanel, I love you. That’s why I stayed with you even after I found out you were with him. I don’t want to be with anyone but you, can you handle that? I want us to be exclusive, that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  I was spent, but I liked the lion in him. No I correct myself, I was starting to love the lion in him, “I can handle it.”

  He asked to stay over but I told him I was working tomorrow, so he kissed me affectionately before leaving for the night.


  Dr. Shelly Morden was waiting for me on the floor. We had met before so I recognized her immediately and she stood to introduce herself, “Good morning Chanel, I look forward to working with you.”

  Shelly took her white coat off and cloaked it on the back of her chair leaving her computer open, staking her claim to that computer, “Come with me.”

  I followed her to Tim Horton’s where she insisted on buying me a breakfast sandwich and a coffee on our first day together.

  We ate the sandwiches briskly at a small table and brought our coffee’s back up to the floor with us. She informed me that Bradley was on call and we would be doing angiograms so I was expecting it would be a busy day for us.

  We weren’t even back to the station and her pager already went off for an emergency angioplasty. She pulled the pager from her pants pocket and pressed a button. She rolled her eyes, “It’s the Coronary Care Unit, they are expecting a forty-one year old from Brampton Civic with an acute MI, you finish your coffee and meet me when you are done.

  She didn’t let me argue, she signed off her computer, grabbed her lab coat and was already heading out of the nursing station before I could swallow the sip of coffee I had in my mouth. Shelly seemed very quick on her feet, and I got the impression she was going to keep me very busy and that’s what I needed. I only downed two-thirds of my coffee before I went to join her in her in the Cath lab.

  I glanced up at the clock and then over to Shelly remembering an appointment I made with Chase, “Dr. Morden.”

  Shelly interrupted, “Please, call me Shelly.”

  I continued making the correction, “Shelly, I have an appointment with Dr. Chase Hart in five minutes if that’s okay? I’ll be back soon.”

  “No worries Chanel, take your time. I’m going to be sending the patient to Cardiac Short Stay when I’m done and then I’ll meet you back on the floor.”

  I walked briskly to the shark tank. When I got there, his secretary was nowhere to be found. His door was ajar and I peeked in. He hadn’t looked up yet so I had a chance to study him unnoticed. He was enthralling me.

  He was dressed in a dark suit and his hair was cut very short all over except on the top. I pictured running my fingers through the short hair on the back of his head. He looked different today. It was like I was seeing him in a different light.

  He was clean shaved unlike his brother and exuded a confidence I had never seen in anyone before. He wore reading glasses that were refined and complimented his facial features. He was my definition of dignified. He looked deeply engrossed in whatever he was looking at when his voice startled me, “Come in Chanel.” Oh. My. God. He had to have known I was there the entire time.

  I stepped into his office, “I didn’t want to disturb you.” I went to the chair sitting directly in front of his desk and waited for him to suggest I sit.

  He motioned for the chair and I took it graciously, “How has your day been so far with Dr. Morden?”

  “Great, I think she’s just what I need. She’s intelligent, fast paced. I’m going to learn a lot from her.”

  He took his glasses off and looked up at me, “She’ll be good to learn from because of her EPS background. When you are finished your residency you can decide if you want to be an interventionist or an electro physiologist!” He put the end of the arm of his glasses in his mouth and sucked on it. I was lost for a second and found myself staring at his lips. ‘Snap out of it,’ my inner voice reprimanded.

  Chase handed me a piece of paper and on it were five different caterers names, “Chanel, I want you to call these caterers and set up a sampling of food so we can pick the best. Try to have them come here so we don’t have to waste our time going to five different places. We’ll pick the one we like best and then you can choose the menu for the fundraiser. I’ve booked the venue. It will be at Eglinton Grand in the Main Ballroom.”

  He started doing something on his MacBook Pro and then turned it around on his desk so I could see it, “This is the Ballroom I booked.”

  I studied the picture and gasped quietly. It was beautiful.

  He turned the computer back to face him, “I will be giving budget maximums for decorations and food. You must stay within the guidelines I set for you.”

  I smiled at him, “It’s going to be like planning a wedding without the pressure.”

  Chase continued, “Have the caterers come Friday afternoon around five. If they want the job they will show up. I will advertise the fundraiser to staff moreover in the paper. Staff will get a discount of fifty dollars per person so we want more of the general public to come. Do you have any questions?”

  His eyes bore into mine it almost felt uncomfortable, “No.” I wanted to thank him for the leave of absence he permitted but thought better of it.

  The room got quiet, “You look well rested and tanned. Did you go somewhere when you were on leave?” He placed his glasses on the desk next to his computer and stood to escort me from his office.

  His hand touched my elbow as he began to escort me to the door, “I did, I went to Las Vegas.” His cologne made my senses go on high alert as he smelt as good as he looked. I wanted to close my eyes and focus on the feel of his touch as he gently held my arm. I didn’t want to leave but had no excuse to prolong the stay. Why was I feeling like this?

  I had to act cool. I was dating his brother. It was understandable that since they were twins, I would be attracted to both. That was what the little voice inside my head was trying to persuade my self-conscience. It had to be perfectly normal. Where the fuck was Nick when I needed him! Chase snapped me out of my thoughts, “Well Las Vegas looked like it agreed with you. You look wonderful.”

  The two brothers had very different personalities; I had to reassure myself that I chose the nicer of the two. Chase was just a hard ass cold executive who didn’t care about the patients, but the more time I spent with him, the more I realized my animosity to everything he stood for was decreasing.


  I texted Bradley between cases.

  Chanel: Can I come over tonight?

  Bradley: Sure.

  I finished working with Shelly and went home to shower and get my things before going to Bradley’s. I didn’t work tomorrow so I thought it would be fun to spend the night with him. I didn’t bother eating I just grabbed my vintage Coach purse that I got from an antique store and shoved my favorite movie in it; hoping Bradley would let us watch it, “Crazy, Stupid, Love.” I stuck a bag of microwavable popcorn and a water bottle in my purse and I was off.

  It was a beautiful summer night and when I pulled up to Bradley’s I parked in the driveway. I could hear the summer noises of creepy crawlers as I headed for his door.

  I rang his bell impatiently looking at the brick on his house to see if I could spot any spiders. I was relieved he answered the door and let me in before I found what I was looking for. I had this habit of freaking myself out when it came to bugs. I was terrified of them.

  He surprised me, he was dressed in dress pants and a nice white ironed shirt and his facial hair was completely gone and the hair on his head was shaggy sexy with the fresh smell of body wash filling the air around him.

  He smelled edible and if I didn’t know where I was, I would swear this was Chase standing in front of me. I gave him a hug stepping onto my tippy toes just to reach my arms around his neck. My burly monster boyfriend looked more like his brother with the golden shoes. I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or not. He dropped his head and planted a kiss on my lips before he asked, “Have you eaten?”

  “I haven’t, I showered and came right over.”

  “That’s great,” he said. “I’ll make us pizza; did you have anything in mind for tonight?

  I smiled coyly at him, “I did! I brought a movie!”

  He rolled his eyes, “Please tell me there’s no hospital scenes and no Bette Middler!”

  “None of the above!” I pulled the movie from my purse and he groaned an insufferable hate Chick Flick’s groan if I ever heard one. “Have you seen it?”

  He grins looking alarmingly handsome, “Can’t say that I’ve had the misfortune!”

  “We’ll change that!” I say snidely.

  He started preheating his oven and I started rummaging through his very large fridge. I was never this unreserved at his house before and I wasn’t sure how he was going to take it. He looked sideways at me curiously then said, “What are you looking for?”

  I continued looking into the fridge, “A drink of choice, seriously you have nothing! I expect you to have at least something if you want me to sleep over at your house. I’m just laying down the law now.”

  “Oh! You are, are you? I have another refrigerator downstairs. The light is at the top of the stairs. See if it suits your standards.” So I went downstairs expecting to see barely anything, but the fridge was stocked to capacity. It was mini pop machine/liquor store all wrapped in one. I grabbed a bottle of red wine sitting near the fridge and went upstairs to join him again.

  He looked at my hands with hesitation, “Tell me you didn’t find that in the fridge? I’m not into red vinegar.”

  “I found it next to but not in the fridge. Where’s your bottle opener?” He pointed to a drawer and I opened it. When I conquered the bottle, which I felt was the most important part of the meal; I set out the dinner table next. His kitchen was organized logically. He seemed to be anal about facing labels out, and remaining orderly. If it was my kitchen I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

  We worked on the salad as a team. He dug the veggies out of the fridge
while I washed them and then we chopped together. I tossed while he got the salad plates from the cabinet. It was like we had been doing this for ages. We kept it informal and ate at the breakfast bar.

  He took a drink of his wine and then he asked, “How do you like working with Shelly?”

  My mouth was full with a fresh forkful of lettuce that I didn’t cut up enough before putting it in the bowl so it took a second to answer, “It was fine, she kept me really busy, which is what I need.”

  When our food was done, Bradley took me to a room I had never seen before. It was simple. It had four of the most luxurious recliners I had ever seen with a hundred and ten inch projector screen. The downfall of the recliners was there was no way of cuddling with each other.

  I picked a middle recliner and Bradley helped me open it by showing me where the lever was. He handed me a cooler and my own popcorn and blanket. I was set. He chose a seat next to me and had his own cooler and popping corn and blanket. We did hold hands though.

  The room smelled like a theatre, and the couch prevented any unforeseen expectations. When the movie was over, we undressed for bed and curled up naked in each other’s arms. It felt right being in his arms. Nick was all wrong about him. I wondered how his flight was, I hadn’t heard from him and I couldn’t call him, not from here anyway.

  Waking up to the sun streaming into Bradley’s bedroom wouldn’t have been half bad if I hadn’t found myself in an empty bed. I was half tempted to page him to get his ass back here but I didn’t have the nerve. How he managed to get up and get dressed without waking me was baffling. I was a light sleeper in my heaviest of sleeps, and somehow he managed to get ready for work and go without waking me. The man deserved an award.

  I picked up the clean change of clothes I brought over last night and placed them in his en suite for the shower I was planning to take. I turned the faucet on waiting for the water to get warm and went into the kitchen, hallway, and living room, to see if he might have left me a note, nota. When I got back to the en suite the water was perfect so I undressed and stepped into a luxuriously warm shower.


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