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Second Chance 3: Ask Me Again 3: David's Story

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by Theresa Hodge

  “I’m coming, David. Oh my god! I’m coming so fucking hard,” Madelyn cried out as I rammed harder and faster into her hot furnace again and again.

  “Ahh-shit! Baby-damn it!” I let loose so many expletives as my orgasm built and swept me over the edge as I poured my hot seed into her pulsating heat. Our essence mixed and blended as I grunted out my undying love for her as we were swept away by a tide of desire that lasted the whole night through.

  Chapter 18


  David and I stood over Mama’s grave site at the Maple Grove Memorial Garden. “Mama would have loved you, David. I wish you would have known her. She was such a good-hearted person. She didn’t meet any strangers and people were drawn to her friendly nature.”

  “I wish I could have known her too. She had to be a beautiful and warm person to produce such a beautiful and warm daughter such as you. You are not alone anymore, Madelyn. You have me and I promise you I am not going anywhere,” promised David.

  “I believe you,” I said looking up at him to see the sincerity of his words. I am glad that you wanted to come and see where Mama was laid to rest. This means the world to me.”

  “Madelyn, you mean the world to me. There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for you. You are so deep in here, baby,” he said pointing at his heart. “You are deeply rooted like a tree and I am never letting you go,” he added in a matter of fact voice.

  “You hear that Mama?” I asked looking up at the clear blue sky. “This man truly loves me and I love him more than I can ever say with words.” I turned to David and embraced him with all the love that was within me.

  "Let's say we get out of here and go get some lunch. Then, I will need to swing by the office and pick up a file. The building should be fairly empty since it's the weekend and past noon," David said.

  "Sure," I said before taking one last look at Mama's grave and the beautiful flowers David had brought to drape over her headstone. I blew her a kiss as David pulled me close to his side. We walked away hand and hand towards his car.

  After eating a leisurely lunch, we rode to the bank to collect David’s important file. When we arrived, the elevator quietly swished us up to his office floor. The dimly lit corridor was empty. We entered his office and David reached for the light switch to flood the room with light.

  "This will only take a moment," David said as he punched a code into a keypad attached to the cabinet before opening it and searching for file he needed. I stood in the center of his office and watched his tall muscular frame. I made love to him with my eyes as I admired the way his Gap jeans fitted him.

  He was really unaware of his own hotness and the total effect he had on me. I slightly fanned myself to cool down as I thought about the feel of his kissable lips on my body and the feel of his length and width inside of my core. His five o'clock shadow added to his good looks. His lips made me crave the feel of his lips on my own.

  The smell of his cologne tantalized my nostrils from across the room. He took that moment to look up at me. Our eyes met in a heated stare. I advanced across the room with the intent of crawling into his skin if I could. My body craved for him like an addict addicted to his sexual prowess.

  A sound at the door disturbed my intent to ravish David in his office. We both turned to confront the intrusion upon my erotic plans. A tall, older man stood in the office doorway. His light skin tone turned pale and he looked as if he had seen a ghost.

  His eyes were wide and held a look of disbelief as he stared at me. I felt a strange feeling course through me from his intense look.

  "Mr. McConnell, hello sir," David said coming forward to stand beside me. David's voice seemed to draw Mr. McConnell out of his trance as he stood like a statue in the office doorway. "Are you okay?" David asked him with a concern tone of voice.

  "I'm-I'm fine, David," he stuttered before getting his words together. "I was leaving my office and I noticed your door was open with the lights on. I figured you were in here and I wanted to say hello and wish you a good weekend on my way out," he said before his eyes found their way back to me. "I came by to pick up a file," he said holding up the file in his hand.

  David seemed to notice Mr. McConnell's strange behavior as I did. "Madelyn, this is the president of this fine establishment, Mr. Theodore McConnell and this is Madelyn, the love of my life," David said introducing us.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you young lady," he said coming forward with his hand extended. He enclosed my hand in a strong but warm grip. "Excuse me for staring, but would your last name by any chance be Stowe?"

  "Yes, it is," I answered in a surprised tone of voice.

  "Is your mother's name Annie Stowe?" he asked this with a strange look that I was unable to decipher.

  "Yes," I gasped with surprise. "Did you know my mother when she was alive?" I asked him as he finally released my hand from his strong grip.

  "Do you mean she is no longer alive?" he asked, as a pained look marred his weathered face, without answering my question.

  "My mother died almost two years ago, sir."

  A sorrowful expression settled on his face and deep sadness appeared in his eyes before he tried to conceal it.

  "Did you know my mother, sir?" I questioned him again, as I looked up into his face.

  "Yes, I knew her once, a very long time ago," he finally admitted. "It seems like a lifetime ago. I am so sorry to hear of her passing," he added.

  "That's kind of you, sir. Thank you."

  He nodded his head briefly, before he began to speak. "I just can't get over how much you look like Annie," he said in a wistful tone. "You are the replica of your mother in almost every way. When I walked into this room and saw you standing there, I was taken aback at your resemblance of her. Forgive an old man for rambling on like this. You two must have somewhere to be, since it's the weekend and all."

  There was a sheen of unshed tears in Mr. McConnell's eyes. He hastily tried to blink them away, but neither David nor I missed it. David and I quickly exchanged glances wondering what the story was with him. I wanted to pry, but he was already turning to walk away. "Sir, you are no bother," I quickly said. For some odd reason, I didn't want this man to leave. I wanted to get to know him and when and how exactly that he knew my mother.

  "I must go," he muttered, as he continued to quickly walk away without turning around.

  "What was all that about?" I asked David feeling confused by the emotions that warred within my soul.

  "I have absolutely no idea," he answered sounding confused, as well. “Mr. McConnell is usually professional and never shows any weakness. But today something rattled him pretty bad," said David. "I have never seen him as distraught as this. I am worried about him. He is a widower and he works much too hard for a man of his age."

  "I am really sad to hear that," I said. My heart went out to Mr. McConnell, for some odd reason, even though it was my first time meeting the man. I wanted to reach out to him in some way, but I had no idea how. "I like him," I finally said to David.

  "The way that he was looking at you, I guess the feeling was mutual," he teased. "Do I have any reason to be jealous of Mr. McConnell?"

  "Of course not, silly," I playfully punched him in the chest. "If I was twenty years older, he would be giving you a run for your money," I teased back.

  "Don't play with me woman. I will drop kick anybody who tries to steal you away from me and that includes a sixty five year old man."

  "You are silly," I giggled.

  "You think so, huh?" he said as we made our way out the building towards his car. He stopped as we were walking to the reserved parking space where his car was parked and pulled me into his warm embrace. His head swooped down as he captured my lips in a sultry kiss before I could answer. My mouth opened to his intruding tongue. He kissed me, until I was swooning and leaning on him for his support to keep me on my feet. "You are mines," he declared in a voice thickened with desire.

  "I am yours," I conceded. I knew it was the
truth and so did he. I had no trouble declaring my love for him, leaving no doubt who I belonged to body, mind and soul.

  Chapter 19


  "Mr. McConnell, sir, I hope that you don't think that I am too forward or anything, but I noticed your reaction to Madelyn when you stopped by my office over the weekend," I said to him at the end of the day on Wednesday, after most of the employees had left for the day.

  "Come on in and grab a seat, David," he said as I leaned against his office door frame. I walked in and took a seat across from his desk in one of the comfortable wingback leather chairs. I looked at him expectantly for his explanation of his strange behavior. He cleared his throat as he seemed to contemplate where to begin. "I knew Madelyn's mother a long time ago. We met in the hospital during my wife's first miscarriage. Annie Stowe was kind to us and I never forgot her beautiful spirit. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, besides my wife. By the time my wife had her second miscarriage, we were already on rocky and shaky ground."

  Mr. McConnell paused as he took a sip from a water bottle sitting on his desk. "Would you like something to drink, David?" he asked as an afterthought.

  "No, sir," I answered in hopes he would resumed his story.

  "Annie Stowe, was a nurse and she was present during my wife's second miscarriage, as well. The doctor urged her to not to try to have any more babies after the second miscarriage. My wife didn't listen. She blamed me for both miscarriages as time went on.” A faraway look entered Mr. McConnell's eyes. He became lost in another time and another place as he continued to talk. "My wife was in so much pain from the loss of our babies. I was in pain too, but I handled mines differently. The colder my wife treated me, the more I threw myself into my work. I went home later and later, because I got physically sick of her accusing looks. She couldn't stand for me to touch her. The only time she wanted me to touch her was when she wanted to become pregnant again."

  Mr. McConnell took a deep breath and raked a hand across his eyes before speaking again. "One day, I walked into this little coffee shop out on Atlantic Avenue. I bumped into Annie, that day. She was still as beautiful as I remembered. I offered to buy her coffee and lunch. She resisted at first, but I convinced her it was harmless. Her amber colored eyes listened to me talk with compassion. It was so cold that day and I remembered it like it was yesterday. Looking into Annie's eyes warmed me to my soul." He picked up the water bottle and took another sip, as he seemed to reflect on what he wanted to say. "Annie was so easy to talk to. My wife seemed to hate me more and more. By my wife's third pregnancy, she had become hell to live with. Annie and I started seeing more and more of each other. It was all innocent at first, but eventually we became lovers. I came close to leaving my wife for her several times, and then my wife miscarried a third child. I could not find it in my heart to leave her. Annie and I had been seeing each other for almost three years, when she also became pregnant with my child."

  I sat there and listened intently. My heart filled with emotion as he continued to talk.

  "Annie and I were so in love, but when she told me she was pregnant I got scared. How could I confront my wife with my affair and tell her I had a child on the way after her three miscarriages? It seemed as if my wife was having a miscarriage every year. With the last miscarriage, she was forced to admit to herself that she would never have kids. We started sleeping in separate bedrooms. It was a big house and the rooms were far away from each other.

  Then, all of a sudden, my wife moved back into our master bedroom. She became the loving bride that I married. I fell in love with my wife all over again. I had no choice but to walk away from Annie. It wasn't an easy choice, but it was the only choice I felt I had at the time," he said.

  "My wife was always a fragile creature. There was no way I could have dumped my infidelity on her, or tell her that my infidelity produced the one thing she wanted most, a precious baby. I was wrong, but I ran as fast as I could to my wife and tried to forget Annie, but I never could. I stayed a faithful, loving husband from that point on. I recommitted myself to our marriage and our vows. In retrospect, I would make a different choice today. I wouldn't have deserted my baby. I would have found some way to do right by all parties involved," he admitted.

  "How do you figure Madelyn is your daughter?" I asked him.

  "I know she is. Not only does she look like her mother, but she looks just like mine as well," he replied picking up a framed picture from his desk and handing it over.

  I took the picture and studied it in great detail. I had to agree, Madelyn did resemble the woman in the picture a lot. "I believe she is your daughter," I said giving him back the picture. "Madelyn was her only child," I added.

  "A blood test would prove what I already know in my heart," he said.

  "When will you tell her that you are her father?" I asked.

  "I-I don't know," he stuttered. “I may have waited too long to approach her, so maybe it is best if she never finds out about me."

  "How is that best for her? How is it best for you?" I questioned him. "Have you ever thought that, after all those miscarriages your wife had, maybe God was finally giving you a chance to be a father?" I couldn't judge him and I wasn't even going to try. God knows I could never judge anyone with the things I had done in the past, I thought. "She deserves to know that you are her father and she deserves an explanation of why you couldn't be there for her while growing up. Being truthful with her is the key, sir," I urged him.

  "You really love Madelyn, don't you?" he asked me.

  "I love her a lot," I admitted.

  "I can see that son and I appreciate you being as outspoken as you are. I will tell her I’m her father as soon as possible."

  "Come to dinner at my house on Saturday. You can tell her then," I suggested.

  "What time shall I be there?"

  "Six o'clock will be good," I said scribbling down my address on the back of my business card and giving it to him. "You won't regret telling her sir. Madelyn is a beautiful woman on the inside and on the outside," I said standing.

  "Thank you, David," Mr., McConnell said coming to his feet as well and extending his hand. "Thank you for not judging me and listening to everything that I had to say."

  "Everyone deserves to right their wrongs. I was blessed enough to right mines and I have a feeling that you will be blessed to right yours, as well," I said before leaving his office in high spirits.

  Chapter 20


  "This spaghetti sauce smells delicious," I said to David, as I sampled the meat sauce. "I didn't know that you were such a great cook. What other surprises are you keeping from me?" I asked him teasingly.

  "There are many layers to me, babe. I have many surprises in store for you, but you have to promise to stick around to find out," he teased back.

  "You can count on it," I said on a serious note. "I am not going anywhere," I promised. "You are stuck with me for the long haul," I said going up behind him to wrap my arms around his trim waist. I laid my head against his broad back and inhaled his masculine clean scent.

  I closed my eyes briefly to luxuriate in the warm feel of him against my cheek. He stopped what he was doing and turned in my arms. I reached up to intertwine my arms around his neck to pull his lips down to mines. I meshed my mouth tentatively against his succulent lips.

  His lips clung to mines for a brief moment before he slowly drew them away. He boldly took control and initiated another kiss. He made a statement without even saying one word. He let his kiss speak for him. The kiss said that he wanted me, but he needed me like he need oxygen to breathe. It said, he wanted me, but he needed me like he needed fresh water to quench his thirst.

  David is a must in my life, I mused between soul satisfying kisses.

  He bestowed deep, sensuous kisses on my lips. Our tongues mated with the intimacy of making love. My receptive mouth received each thrust of his tongue with relish. I was becoming like a drugged woman intoxicated off his seduc
ing kisses. His brand of sensuousness needed to be bottled and branded for all time, but consumed only by me.

  The sound of the doorbell put a stop to us taking things any further. We pulled apart reluctantly. "Will you get the door for me?" he asked. "That should be our guest and he is right on time," he added before swatting me playfully on the bottom as I went to answer the door.


  The meal is really delicious," Mr. McConnell said as he finished up his second serving of spaghetti. "My compliments to the chef," he added.

  "Thank you sir," David said with a grin.

  "There is no need for that sir business here, David. We are off the clock. Both of you, please call me Theodore," he jovially suggested, his glance including us both.

  "Theodore it is," David agreed.

  "Theodore, is right, David. This meal was delicious," I said rubbing a hand across my full tummy.

  "Thank you, sweetheart. Will you do me a favor sweetie?" David asked me.

  "Of course, what do you need?" I asked.

  His green eyes clouded over with desire for a minute before he quickly hid it. “While I clear the table, will you take Theodore into the living room and keep him company?"

  "Let me clear the table. You cooked us this wonderful meal," I offered.

  David and Theodore exchanged a look, before Theodore stood. "Madelyn, I would be honored if you and I could get to know each other better."

  I wondered to myself what the look between David and Theodore was all about. I smiled at the older man before standing and leading him into the living room as directed. I seated myself in a chair and he seated himself across from me on the sofa.


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