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Page 9

by Gillian Archer

  Reb chuckled hotly against my neck, then tilted me back, so I could collapse onto my bed.

  I lay there panting. I hadn’t had a hickey since high school. But if it made me feel like this, why had I ever stopped necking?

  That might’ve had something to do with the guy I was with. No other man was so masculine. Reb stared down at my prone form with the smuggest little smile. Like he knew how much my body was tingling.

  And like he had more than one lewd idea about what to do about my tingly bits.

  Reb widened his stance and reached up behind his head. Grabbing the back of his T-shirt from behind his neck, he slowly pulled it up his body in a scandalous display of abs, lean muscle, and tattoos. With a flick he tossed his T-shirt to the other side of the room and stood before me half nude, with his worn jeans hanging lower on his hips than the band of his boxer briefs.

  But it was his upper body that held me spellbound. I’d never seen so much finely tuned muscle in person. He could’ve modeled as one of those headless torsos on romance covers. I wanted to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming, because no one looked like that in real life.

  Except, apparently, Reb.

  He was a perfect male specimen, the only flaw being his tattoos—if you could call them flaws. If anything, the arching letters spelling “TRUE” on his abdomen only highlighted his perfect six-pack and made me want to run my tongue over the letters and the divots from his carved muscles. Just looking at his torso had the saliva pooling in my mouth.

  “Wow,” I whispered reverently.

  Reb smiled smugly as he toed his boots off. He had this expression on his face like he was mentally listing all the dirty, sinful things he wanted to do to me. I couldn’t wait to help him cross them off the list. One by one.

  And then he was crawling up the bed until his large arms bracketed my head and his muscular body hovered above mine. The hard press of his erection pushed into the cradle of my hips and was the only point where our bodies touched. I couldn’t wait until we were naked and touching just there. My body throbbed and I helplessly arched my hips into his.

  “Ah, baby. You’ve gotta slow your roll. Hasn’t anyone taught you the joys of delayed gratification?”

  I blushed under the heat of his gaze. “I think you know the answer to that.”

  Reb chuckled darkly, then ducked his head and rubbed his five o’clock shadow against that spot on my neck he’d sucked not so long ago. “You’re about to have a crash course.”

  I shivered at the mixture of his words and the rasp of his stubble against my delicate skin. I just knew I’d have that telling stubble burn tomorrow. Not that I cared. I groaned at his threat. “But why? I thought of anyone, you’d have the ‘If it feels good, do it’ mentality. I feel good, do me!”

  Reb snorted with laughter as he buried his face in my neck. Did I really just tell him to do me? Oh my God. But instead of feeling embarrassment, I shook with laughter, like Reb.

  “Fuck me but you’re cute.” Reb pulled back and I shivered at the intensity in his eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna do ya, baby. I’m just gonna drive you out of your mind first.”

  All my mirth fled, and I trembled as I stared into his baby blue eyes. I didn’t know what to say in the face of his erotic promise. My daring attitude of just minutes ago was gone.

  And then Reb bent his head to mine once more, and in a second I was incapable of thought.

  His lips moved demandingly over mine. His tongue rubbed against mine in a simulated dance we’d do with other parts of our bodies later. The sensation had me arching into his hips again as I groaned into his mouth.

  “Mmm, please.” I broke away from his lips to whisper hotly. “Can we please take some more layers off?”

  “Hmm, I do like that you’re asking permission. We might have to make that a thing between us.”

  Reb’s teasing words didn’t have me irritated, as I should’ve been. But then, that might’ve had something to do with how freaking horny I was.

  “Since you asked so sweetly, you may.” Reb twisted to his side next to me then held his hand out commandingly.

  Wait. What? I looked at him in confusion.

  “Get to stripping, sunshine. You’re interrupting my flow.”

  Suddenly I felt very much on display. There might’ve just been the two of us in the room, but I couldn’t strip. That wasn’t me. I thought of all the women he’d been with. Rhonda. The ones I’d glimpsed in the clubhouse the night before. The kind who belonged on the back of a bike. Tall. Voluptuous. Fearless.

  The very antithesis of me.

  I was two jobs and a junky car. A librarian, for chrissakes. Short. Flat-chested. Jumped at my own shadow. Hell, I’d only ever been with two men—one was more boy than man, and the other had been so awkward (and quick) it wasn’t even worth mentioning. I wasn’t the seductress. I couldn’t do it. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake.

  I opened my mouth to say as much when Reb gently brushed the hair away from my face. “Hey, if you don’t feel comfortable, that’s okay. I only expect as much as you’re willing to do. So if that means we hang out here and maybe kiss a little more, that’s fucking fine by me. We only go as far as you want.”

  I nodded even as I buried my face in his neck. His arms wrapped around me and I burrowed into his warmth. A sense of peace and home swept through me that I decided not to examine closely. This felt good right now, and that was what was important.

  So we lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, not saying anything.

  Reb’s heart beat strong and sure under my cheek, every thump a reminder that I wasn’t alone. After a few more reassuring beats, I pulled away, and kneeling before him, I reached behind me for my bra closure.

  “Baby, you don’t gotta—”

  Before he could finish the sentence, my bra popped open and fell from my shoulders, and I was all out there for him to see. Every bit of my 34B breasts.

  Chapter 10

  I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. And the silence between us stretched until I wanted to die. My shoulders hunched and I reached for my bra, when I felt it—Reb’s featherlight touch on my breast.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen anything so abso-fucking-beautiful in my life. Damn, baby.”

  His words had me darting a look over at his face, and the reverence I saw there took my breath away. He gently traced the outer edge of my areola, making me shiver. And my nipple hardened into a tight nub.

  Reb’s eyes narrowed with intent. As he bent his head toward me, his tongue darted out and licked my nipple. I couldn’t stop my moan from escaping, and I wantonly arched into him. Reb rumbled his approval with a sexy male groan. The combination of the sound and his tongue had me breaking out in goosebumps. I swayed unsteadily on my knees until Reb tugged me down on top of him.

  I blinked blearily at my change in position. Despite my dominant view, looking down at him, he was very much still in control. My jean-clad legs might’ve been straddling his, but now he was arching up into me. In an awesome display of rippling muscles, he inclined his upper body with no effort and kissed me with quick bruising intensity before continuing on down to my chin, then my neck, where he lingered briefly. A moment later I had a second throbbing hickey. Not that I cared.

  “Oh God, Reb,” I moaned. My hips moved on their own accord, rubbing and pressing the seam of my jeans into my body, but it wasn’t enough. I needed more. More pressure. More intensity. More Reb.

  “My baby is greedy,” Reb murmured into my breast just before he gave me a teasing nip. “I fucking like that. But if we’re gonna continue this party, we need to take at least one more layer off. Or two. You up for that, sunshine?”

  I moaned and ground my pelvis down on him.

  He must’ve taken my action as the yes it was intended to be, since the next thing I knew my bedroom was whirling around me and then the bed was at my back and Reb knelt between my splayed thighs. Reb didn’t even wait a second before he was tugging my jeans down my legs. I fel
t a cool rush of air on my naked legs. Thank God I shaved recently. But now I only had a small scrap of satin between me and Reb’s hot gaze.

  “Damn, baby.” Reb crawled up the bed between my legs. He stopped with his face hovering just above the junction of my thighs. Dropping his head, he ran the tip of his nose over the middle of my panties. “You smell like fucking ambrosia.”

  My whole body heated as my skin flushed. It wasn’t so much what he said as how he said it. Like a dying man hungry for his last meal—like he wanted me to be his last meal. I don’t know if I was ready for oral sex with a man like Reb. Something told me it would be more intense than sex itself.

  And yet my reticence didn’t stop my hips from curving toward him.

  This time he didn’t ask permission. He just took. Grabbing the elastic at my hip in his fists, Reb pulled until I heard a snap.

  He’d just ripped my panties off me like it was nothing. I was shocked, both at his brute strength and at how turned-on it made me. I moved my legs restlessly and felt the slippery wetness between them.

  “Goddamn. You look more gorgeous than I dreamed.” Reb bent down until he was inches from my sex, and inhaled audibly. “Fucking ambrosia.”

  This time embarrassment was the furthest thing from my mind. All I saw in Reb’s eyes was arousal and acceptance. I didn’t need to wonder if he liked what he saw, because he was an open book. He wanted me. Desperately.

  And then I wasn’t capable of thought at all.

  Reb dropped his face those last two inches and licked my mound. He made a hungry little sound at the back of his throat, then burrowed deeper. Separating my outer lips with his fingers, he ran his tongue from my vagina up until he found the hidden nub of my clitoris. Then he did something with his tongue and fingers on my clit that had me seeing whorls of light.

  I think I might’ve screamed something—“Oh God,” or maybe Reb’s name—but when he did that thing to my clit one more time, I broke. My body wracked with shudders as my orgasm crashed over me. I shook and tried to roll over to recover, but Reb wouldn’t let me. He continued to kiss and suck and flick my clit until I could feel my body building toward another climax.

  “Oh God, Reb. Give me a second. I can’t breathe.”

  “You can breathe later, baby,” Reb whispered huskily back to me. “I need you to come one more time, then we can play.”

  I didn’t even have the time to process what he had just said to me. He flicked my clit one more time, and I was done. This time I screamed as I came. More intense than my first orgasm, the second one had me gasping as I rolled away from Reb. Or maybe it was my screaming that left me breathless. Probably both. But at least this time Reb let me roll away from him.

  On my side with my hands tucked under my face, I tried to concentrate on breathing. What had just happened? I’d never been able to get there so fast before. Half the time it took so long that I gave up and stopped, if I was by myself; or if I was with someone else I faked it—at least I’d had to during that one disastrous time with what’s-his-name. He was relegated to a shadow of a distant memory. I couldn’t remember any man who had come before Reb. There was only Reb and the two amazing orgasms he’d given me in the span of minutes. I couldn’t imagine what he’d be capable of in a whole night.

  I couldn’t wait to find out.

  Feeling smug and so damn good, I looked up at Reb with a drunken smile. “So is this the part of the night where we do you?”

  Reb sat back on his heels between my legs and looked down at me with a smug grin of his own. His lips were wet with a mixture of his saliva and me. “If you want. Or we can do you again.”

  I huffed with laughter. Honestly, that was all I was capable of at the moment, and even that took too much effort. “We do me one more time, and I’ll be a boneless pile of flesh.”

  “Fine by me. I can’t wait to hear you scream my name again. Never would’ve taken you for a screamer, sunshine.”

  My cheeks heated with my blush, and I looked down. Suddenly I felt very naked, and not just physically. “I never had been before,” I whispered.

  “Good,” Reb rumbled. “I’m fucking ecstatic to know that no one has ever fucking seen you like this.” Then he said something under his breath that I couldn’t make out a hundred percent, but kinda sounded like “and I’ll make sure no one else ever will.”

  But that couldn’t be right. He was just getting out of a disastrous marriage. The last thing a guy like him would want was another commitment. The reminder cooled my heated blood. A man like Reb wasn’t happy with just one woman. Especially not when he was in the middle of a divorce.

  This wasn’t forever, I reminded myself. Just a good time. And after those last two amazing orgasms, the temporary status didn’t depress me. Instead it filled me with a resolve. I had to get what I could from Reb before he left.

  Because he would. His type always did.

  Feeling more confident in my skin, I wrapped an arm around the back of his neck and pulled him down until his lips teasingly brushed against mine. I leaned back slightly and looked at his wet lips, as the slight tang was a reminder of just where he’d been only moments ago, pleasuring me. After taking a steadying breath, my tongue darted out and brushed against his damp lips. Reb’s eyes narrowed on mine. I took another teasing swipe at his mouth with my tongue, then leaned back and deliberately swallowed.

  Reb closed his eyes as his head dropped. “Fuck. Me.”

  “I thought you’d never ask, but first I think we need to peel a few more layers off you.” I tugged at the waistband of his jeans. “I want in. Oh, and just for the record, that’s not the only thing I swallow.”

  “Sweet Christ, sunshine. When you let go, you don’t hold nothin’ back, do you?” Reb pushed to his heels, then pivoted off the bed.

  I laughed as I sat up to enjoy the view. “You must bring it out of me.”

  “That won’t be the only thing I bring outta you. I can guaran-fucking-tee it.” His eyes burned into mine as he unbuttoned his fly, then pushed his jeans down his legs. He calmly stepped from them before kicking them out of his way. His boxers proudly displayed what his jeans had only hinted at.

  He was huge.

  I mean, yes, it did make sense. The man was big. With his height and linebacker shoulders, he took over my tiny bedroom when he stood up. But I was kinda hoping he’d be…less down there. Judging by his boxers, he wasn’t.

  He did this half-smile thing while staring into my eyes, which made me think that he knew exactly what I was thinking. Then he pushed his boxers down and proved every thought I’d had about him.

  I stared at him, slack-jawed. I must’ve started to slowly inch away because Reb stalked toward me. I shook my head. “I might need a little more foreplay before we—holy hell! Are you pierced?”

  I stared in disbelief at the glint of metal coming from the head of his penis. The metal arched from the center of the head and down to the base of the head in a loop. He had a Prince Albert piercing. That was the last thing I expected from this man. I mean, he was all big and burly. Tattooed and scarred, but a piercing? It didn’t fit.

  My eyes darted between his penis and his face. I could’ve sworn I saw a hint of red in his cheeks.

  Reb shrugged uncomfortably. “Got drunk one night after I kicked Rhonda out. I don’t even remember it.”

  “Someone jabbed a huge needle through that part of you, and you don’t remember?”

  “I was drunk,” Reb said, like that explained everything. His eye took on that dangerous glint from earlier and he slowly stalked toward me. “Now, where were we?”

  “Not going there now! I wasn’t gonna let you come near me with that thing when I saw how big it is. No way are we doing that with you pierced. I mean, doesn’t it…hurt?”

  “Nah. It did at first but that was months ago. Now it feels awesome. The little hoop rubs in a way that’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before.”

  “So I’ll be able to feel it inside me?”

  I wasn�
��t too happy when I saw the size of that, let alone his hardware.

  “Ah, baby.” Reb closed the distance between us and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached up and brushed the hair away from my eyes. “It kills me to see you scared. Do you really think I’d do something to hurt you?”

  I mutely shook my head.

  “I can take it out if you want. Or we can stop now. I told you before, you’re driving the bus. We only go as far as you want.”

  I swallowed hard and reached a trembling hand up to his chest. I knew that what I said now would mark the rest of our time together. If I ran away now I probably wouldn’t have another chance with Reb. He was an all-or-nothing kinda guy. Yes, I was scared, but I also knew that he’d take care of me. I could trust him. And that meant every bit of him.

  Hardware and all.

  Meeting his eyes, I slowly ran my hand down his chest and his abdomen and stopped when I reached his hard cock. It practically leapt into my hand. I couldn’t stop the tremor that shook my body when I saw close up just how large Reb was.

  This was gonna work. I was ready. I’d had two orgasms to smooth the way. Reb wouldn’t hurt me. All those fragmented thoughts ran through my mind and robbed from me the ability to speak.

  “You sure, baby? You wanna do this?”

  Again I nodded.

  “Piercing and all?”

  I nodded slowly.

  Reb hummed his relief. “You won’t regret it, baby. I’ll make fucking sure of it.”

  Leaning down, Reb covered my lips with his and gave me a sweet kiss—which was incredible, considering the fact that I was holding his rock-hard cock.

  I couldn’t contain the giggle that left me.

  “You still okay?” Reb leaned back and lifted an eyebrow as he examined me. “You’re not cracking up, are you?”

  I slipped around him to kneel at his feet. “Nope. How about we make good on some of the head debt I owe you.”

  I leaned forward to lap at the straining head of his cock, but only managed to brush it before Reb tugged me up with a groan.


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