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Sean Michael

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by Pizza, Beer

  Pizza, Beer and Waterbeds By Sean Michael

  Man, if Richards didn't leave him alone? Scotty was going to explode.

  Or scream.

  Or go work for Microsoft.

  Or sell his soul.

  Any would work and get him away from the big bullying jackass micromanaging bastard from...


  Was that Andy?

  Scotty saved the compilation file and stood up, peeking over the cubicle wall.

  Tall, with shaggy hair and a great body, even in the grey janitor's uniform, Andy was rolling a large garbage can through the halls, emptying the little cans in each cubicle.

  Scotty's cheeks heated, heart pounding a little harder, a little faster. Oh. Oh, man. Andy was...




  A guy and probably so straight and shit but...


  Andy made the rounds and came back up along his side of cubicles, headed straight for him.

  Oh. Oh, shit. He was all hard and stiff and stuff and Andy was coming and...

  He sat down. Hard.

  Then Andy was there, emptying out his garbage, brown eyes looking straight at him, giving him a small smile and a nod. "Working late again tonight, Scotty?"

  "Uh-huh. R...richards is being hard. Hard-ass. Richards is being a hard-ass." Duh. Be a dork.

  "Well I hope he's paying you the big bucks -- seems you're always here."

  "Well, I guess. I think I should probably just pay my rent for here, leave the apartment for someone else." Oh, God. Pretty eyes. Andy had pretty eyes.

  Andy lingered, smiling at him. "You'd have to put in a bed and a kitchen."

  "There's the vending machine and that little couch in the employee lounge. Cushy." His heart was going a hundred miles an hour, maybe more. He spent a lot of time touching himself, imagining stuff like this.

  Andy chuckled and ducked his head. "It is cushy, isn't it?"

  "Yeah. Better than my futon at home, yeah?"

  "Futon? Those are never comfortable. Are they a bed or are they a sofa? Of course after a few beers, does it really matter?"

  "Yeah." He nodded, blushing a little. Not that he'd had a beer even. After all? Drinking alone? Creepy. A sign of weirdness and stuff. "Mine's okay, but... Not the lounge couch."

  "I've got a waterbed. Now that's a good place to sack out."

  "A waterbed? Cool!" Ohgodohgodohgod. That was going to feature in his fantasies for days.

  Andy gave him a wide grin. "Yeah, it's awesome. You ever slept in one?"

  Scotty shook his head.

  "No. Nope. But it sounds cool."

  Real cool.


  "It is cool. You should come over sometime. Try it out."

  "Oh." He blushed hard – like painful hard, like his cheeks were on fire dark. "Oh, that would be nifty. Wicked. Uh... Cool. Real cool. Thanks."

  "Yeah, if you didn't have that much longer to work tonight we could go grab a beer or something and you could check it out." Those brown eyes were staring at him, into him, gold flecks bright.

  "Oh." He blinked, found himself nodding before he could change his mind. "Really? Honest? 'Cause I could so... Yeah."

  "Yeah, honest. I've got another half hour before I can clock out -- that good for you?"

  "Uh. Sure. Sure. Great." Perfect in fact because then he could go into the bathroom and uh, well, do stuff so he wasn't a total dork at Andy's.

  "Great." Andy looked happy with his answer, smiling at him.

  "Yeah. Cool." Scotty nodded, smiling back. "Uh, where do you want to meet?"

  "How about out front."

  "Okay. Okay, sure." Even better because then he could use the nice bathroom downstairs, really do it right.


  Andy leaned forward and planted a short, hard kiss on his lips and then took off, rolling his garbage can toward the service elevator.



  He blinked, logging off, fingers tracing his lips.

  Forget the good bathroom. Close. He needed close.


  Shirt straight?


  Fly up?


  Briefcase, cell phone, jacket?

  Check. Check. Check.

  Freshly washed hands?



  He was so ready.

  Scotty bounced on the balls of his feet, watching, waiting for Andy.



  He didn't have to wait long before the elevator dinged and there was Andy, out of the overalls, wearing a pair of jeans that rode low on his hips and black t-shirt that hugged Andy's muscles.

  Oh. Wow. Pretty.

  Like really.

  He smoothed his button down, his Simpsons tie. "Hey."

  Andy gave him a wide grin and bumped their hips slightly. "Hey."

  "I... Should I follow you? I drive the little Honda." He pointed to the little grey car with the... Oh, God. Star Wars plushie hanging off the rear view mirror.

  "It's not far - I usually walk, take the bus if it's raining. I've got brews at home; you could give me a lift."

  "Sure." He started toward the car before his body embarrassed him again. "Have you eaten? I could spring for a pizza?"

  "Cool, I could eat."

  "Cool. I like the pepperoni and mushroom ones from Slick Willie's, but I can eat any except for JJ's. The sauce makes my tongue swell." Uh. Hello? Scotty? Tongue swelling? Not Not sexy.

  "You got allergies? You're not allergic to dogs are you?"

  "Nope. I mean, I get swelly if the acid in the pizza sauce is too much, but dogs are cool." He unlocked the car door. "You got a dog?"

  "Yeah, a mutt. She's a real sweetheart." Andy folded himself into the passenger seat.

  "You can move the seat back, if you want." He fumbled the key in the ignition. "I had a dog when I was a kid. Bertha. She slobbered a lot."

  Andy leaned over and played with the bottom of the seat, suddenly shooting back as far as the seat would go.

  He giggled, the engine humming. The way Andy was sitting, he could reach over, touch. Oh, wow. Touching. "Long legs. Where to?" His voice sounded funny, rough and weird.

  "Left at the lights and then right four blocks later. You okay?"

  Andy adjusted the seat forward a tiny bit.

  "Uh-huh." He grinned, turned on his blinker. "You just... Nice legs."

  "Yeah? You like the giraffe look? Oh, hey -- pull up over there by the flashing 'izza' sign, they've got a pick up counter and the best cheese."

  "Oh? Cool." He grinned at the joke. "And yeah. You... You... Real nice legs."

  "You've got a great smile."

  "Who?" He pulled in a parked. Him? A great smile. Wow. Just. Wow.

  Andy made a show of looking around. "You -- who else?"

  He turned bright pink, grinning and nodding and getting all worked up. "Oh. Thanks."

  Andy smiled at him and rubbed his thigh before climbing out of the car. "Pepperoni and mushroom, right?"

  "Uh. Right. Yeah." He thumped his cock as he got out, trying to make it behave, be good.

  The pizza place was tiny and they stood at the counter, chatting about movies and games and normal shit and, man, Andy was cool, fun, relaxed. Made him feel almost normal. It seemed no time at all before the pizza was being handed over.

  Then they were back in the car. Well... after jostling a little at the door and a little at the car and getting them both in and buckled and backed out and missing the Mercedes that was pulling in...

  Andy pointed out his turn and then pointed to the three story apartment house about halfway down the block. "Man, the smell is making my stomach

  "Yeah. There's nothing like fresh pizza, is there? Spicy and tomato-y and cheesy."

  "Especially with cold beer."

  Andy led him up the stairs to a second floor apartment.

  He was damned proud of himself -- he didn't trip, he didn't stumble, he didn't reach out and squeeze Andy's butt.

  Andy got the door open. "It's um, not fancy or anything, but it's home."

  A brown dog with white patches and a really cute face met them, barking, tail wagging, looking for loving from Andy. Or maybe a piece of pizza.

  "Whoa, Banjo. This is Scotty, he's a good guy, so no eating him, 'k?"

  "Banjo? As in dueling? And you're joking about the eating part, right?" He reached down, stroked the soft little ears.

  Andy chuckled. "Yeah. I was. She's a good mutt. And don't feed her any pizza -- it'll make her fart." He got another one of Andy's awesome grins. "And I'm not joking about that."

  "Oh. Gotcha. No pizza for the dog." He followed Andy over to the couch - a soft, cushy one which made him think of waterbeds which made him hard again. Damn.

  Andy put the pizza box on the coffee table. "Help yourself." Then Andy went over to the tiny kitchen and pulled a couple bottles out of the fridge, opened them and joined him on the couch. He grabbed a piece of pizza, taking a bite and then sucking in at the burn.

  "Careful," Andy warned, handing him his beer.

  "It's hot." He nodded, eyes watering, taking a deep swig of the beer, which was sort of ew and a lot tingly and sort of odd.

  Andy patted him on the back, hand warm. "You okay?"

  "Yeah. Yeah, I'm just..." A dork. A stupid silly dork who was sitting next to the guy who'd fueled his fantasies for months.

  Andy's eyebrows went up. "Just? Forgot how to eat?" He got a wink then and Andy's hand stroked his back again before Andy started in on his own piece of pizza.

  "Nah. Forgot to wait until the blistering sauce of doom cooled."

  Andy nodded around his mouthful. "Sauce of doom. I love it."

  He grinned, relaxing a little. He could do this. He could so do this. He managed to eat a couple of pieces and drink most of his beer without anymore mishaps. In the same time, Andy downed four pieces and went to get them a couple more beers.

  Scotty was feeling loosy-goosy and couldn't stop grinning. The puppy kept coming by for pets, robotwars was on the TV. He was almost on a date.


  Andy tossed him a piece of paper towel to clean his hands and sprawled out on the couch next to him, their arms brushing.

  "Thanks." He degreased and then dared to lean back, draw one leg up under him, his knee touching Andy's leg.

  Andy turned his head and smiled at him, looking lazy and easy in his bones, happy.

  Oh. Wow.

  "You look really good." He blinked as the words sort of fell out of his mouth.

  Oh, that made Andy's smile grow. "You aren't looking so bad yourself."

  Andy kind of leaned in and up, mouth coming right toward him. Scotty watched, a little fascinated, a little nervous, a lot wanting it.

  Andy's eyes were on his, watching him back as their lips pressed together, soft and hot. He made this noise -- kind of a squeak, kind of a purr, all about yes and good and wow.

  "This okay?" Andy asked, lips a breath away as he waited for an answer.

  "Yeah. Real okay." He nodded, grinned and dared to lean closer.

  Andy was smiling as their lips touched again, murmuring cool, the sound sliding against his lips.

  Andy tasted spicy and a little like beer and a lot like something Scotty hadn't ever tasted before but wanted more of. Andy's tongue slid along his lips, pushed at them and slipped just inside. He gasped a little, opening, his own tongue moving to meet Andy's, slide against it.

  Funny, he'd always thought this would be gross.

  Andy sighed into his mouth and shifted, pressing a little closer to him, one hand sliding into his hair and tilting his head slightly and suddenly the kiss was deeper, more intimate.


  Oh, wow.

  He moaned, one hand sliding around Andy's waist like he knew what he was doing, lips opening wide. Andy hummed and pushed a little bit closer, tongue invading his mouth and making him shiver.

  They sort of shifted and slid and he hadn't expected this to be easy, to be so good.

  The kiss flowed from one into another into another, or maybe it was all just one big long kiss that went on forever. Either way? Wow and yes and somehow Andy's hand was on his ass and his hand was in Andy's hair.

  Their kisses grew noisy and wet sounding as their lips parted and came together again and Andy was slowly leaning back against the couch, bringing him along so he was lying against the long body.

  He could feel Andy's cock on his thigh, knew Andy could feel how hard he was against that flat belly.

  "You want to try out the waterbed?" Andy asked him, hands kneading his ass.

  "Oh. Yeah." His butt sort of pushed right back into Andy's hands, wiggling.

  Andy chuckled, the sound kind of husky. "You're pretty sexy, you know that?"

  "No." The response was immediate, honest. He didn't know.

  "Well, you are." Andy rubbed up against him as if to prove his point, cock so hard on his thigh.

  "Mmm..." He dipped his head, nuzzling into Andy's neck. "Do that again?"

  "This?" Andy thrust up a couple more times, the hands on Scotty's ass guiding him so his own prick rubbed against Andy.

  "Oh! Uh-huh. Yeah." He was gasping, tongue sliding out to wet his lips, connecting with the skin of Andy's throat.

  Andy moaned and dropped his head back, one hand coming up to keep Scotty's head in place. Andy kept moving, humping up into him.

  Oh. Okay. Yeah. Scotty groaned and licked again, body rocking, hands tight on Andy's shoulders.

  One of Andy's hands pushed between them and he might have thought something was wrong, except Andy's other hand stayed on his ass, kept him moving. Then he realized Andy was pulling his shirt out of his pants.

  He wasn't ever going to make it to the bed. He wasn't ever going to make it anywhere, as good as this felt.

  Andy opened his pants and fished out his prick, just wrapped that hand around it and tugged it out, lying it against the warm, flat belly.

  "Oh..." He raised his head, blinking into Andy's eyes, dazed. "So warm."

  Andy nodded, eyes dark. "You're on fire."

  "I've thought about this. A lot." Andy looked better than he'd imagined, though, and felt? Oh, God, his own hand was nothing.

  "Don't we all?" Andy asked, grinning fiercely up at him, freeing the long prick and moving him so they slid together. "Oh... fuck."

  "Uh-huh..." He pressed down, hips moving like they had minds of their own.

  Andy bent and brought their mouths back together again, the kiss breathless and gaspy as their bodies moved, rubbing together.

  He was going to come, but it was okay, because Andy was making little noises and squeezing him and moving and he wasn't alone with needing so badly.

  "Shit, Scotty... gonna come."

  "Yeah. Me too. Don't stop." He whimpered a little, moved faster.

  "No, no stopping." Both Andy's hands were on his ass again, pressing him harder against Andy's cock and belly.

  He felt the pleasure swell in his cock, the familiar, deep ache in his balls.

  "Scott..." Andy pushed up hard, heat splashing between them.

  His own spunk sprayed out of him, pushed over the edge by the scent of Andy, the heat.

  One of Andy's hands slid behind his head, tilting his head up again and bringing their mouths together for a long, softer kiss. It was sweeter now, the motions of their tongues almost lazy.

  Andy moaned softly. "You want to check that waterbed out now? 'S more comfy than the couch, I promise."

  "Oh, yeah. Yeah, please." He moved slowly, reluctant to slide off that hot body.

  Andy pushed off his jeans, underwear and shoes, t-shirt still rucked u
p as he got up. "You don't mind testing it naked, right?"

  "No. No, that's cool, if you don't mind scrawny guys..."

  Naked? He'd never. But he wanted. So. Okay. Yeah. Cool.

  Andy grinned at him after pulling off his t-shirt, butt naked now. "Everything's in the usual places, yeah?"

  "As far as I know, yeah." He giggled, cheeks pinking. "Except for that third nipple? I'm good."

  "No shit -- you've got a third nipple? They've got a name for that you know, well I guess you would. Let's see."

  Scotty stretched, showing the smaller, pink nipple about three inches under his left, normal sized one. "It's sort of weird, but different, yeah?"

  "Wow, cool." Andy came up close and slid his finger over it. "Is it sensitive?"

  He shivered, going up on his toes a little. "I... Yeah. Tingly. Wow."

  "Yeah? It's like, freaky but cool." Andy stroked it again and then stroked his other 'regular' nipples.

  "Oh." They tightened up, sort of drawing into points like he was cold, like he wanted Andy's fingers to warm him up.

  Andy gave him a grin and another kiss and grabbed his hand, pulling him down the short hall and into the bedroom. "You try the bed and then I want to check it out some more."

  He sort of stumbled, sort of flopped onto the bed, giggling as it waved and jiggled. "Oh, too fun!"

  Andy grinned and climbed on, making the bed wave some more. He reached out, touching, loving that he could touch and Andy liked it. Andy moved closer, bringing their bodies closer. They slid together as the bed moved.

  "Wow. It's so... alive." He wrapped his arm around Andy's waist. "This is okay?"

  Andy nodded and murmured, "Yeah, it's all good," before bringing their mouths together. He moaned, shifting closer, rubbing them together, groaning at the sensation of skin on skin.

  Andy's fingers slid between them, touching one nipple and then the other and then sliding down to stroke and explore the little extra one.

  He was all on fire and needing and hard again.


  Scotty hoped it wasn't like dangerous or anything.

  Andy pushed him onto his back, following him, hand sliding over his skin and finding his cock, holding it loosely, stroking. His hands slid down, trying to focus, trying to return the touch; his fantasies never lasted, never let him lick and learn and touch.

  Andy smiled down at him. "You feel good. Nice and warm. It's nice touching you."


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