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The Bad Boy Next Door: Lance & Chastity

Page 18

by Devon Hartford

  “An ani-what?”

  “Animatic. Animated storyboards.”

  “And those are…”

  “A bunch of drawings timed out to the music track to show investors what the video’ll be when I shoot it.”


  “Yeah. I’ve got a big idea for the new video that I can’t afford out of pocket. It’s pretty damn spectacular. But if I can get an angel investor to drop me some serious coin, I can shoot it exactly the way I envision it.”

  “Wow, that sounds amazing.”

  “Hopefully. You need a good track to put you on the map, but you need a killer video to launch your career into the majors. Without a video, your track won’t go nowhere. But my man Skrillex—-”

  “You know Skrillex?” I definitely have heard of him.

  “His studio is downtown near here. I met him at a gig last year when Strapped & Capped hit a million views. Anyway, he took me on tour with him in Europe this spring for twenty-eight dates. I’ve got a lot of juice right now, but if I don’t drop a hit video in the next few months, I could lose it and be back to where I was last year.”

  “What do you mean? Two million people have listened to your song! That’s insane!”

  “That was last year. In the music biz, that’s a lifetime. Gotta keep hustling if I want to get to the next level.”

  “Oh. Sounds hard. I doubt I could do it. So, why did you bring me down here anyway?”

  “To offer you a job.”

  “No way!” I nearly jump out of my seat. Mr. Molton’s supposed call that Mom mentioned has been weighing in the back of my mind all morning. If he means it, I’ll be totally grateful to have my job back. But can I stomach facing him after the way he caught me and Lance having sex in the back room of Marble Slab? I’ll never look at that room or Mr. Molton the same way ever again. If Lance is actually offering me a job, I might just take it. “What do you need me for? I mean, besides moral support? All I know how to do is scoop ice cream.”

  “I need an assistant. I’m juggling too many things with prospective investors. I’m getting calls all the time, emails, meetings, it’s insane. I barely have time to produce music tracks. I need a right hand woman.” He winks and holds his hand up in this weird grip that obviously refers to fingering me.

  “What’s the thumb for?” I giggle.

  “The other entrance,” he chuckles, circling his thumb in the air.

  My eyes pop. “No butts!”

  He laughs. “Have you ever tried it?”

  “Tried what? Butt sex? No! Of course not! I was a total virgin until you!”

  “You’re still partially a virgin. A butt virgin.”

  “Shut up!” I jump up from my chair, laughing nervously as I clap my hands over my butt. “There will be no butts!”

  “Sit down. I’m just fucking around.”

  “Oh, good.” I take a deep breath.

  “For now.” His devil’s grin returns as he leans his muscled forearms on the desk and slays me with those burning eyes.

  Why is it impossible not to wonder what he might do to my behind? And what that might feel like?

  He holds up his hand in that weird fingering grip again and his thumb twirls in a slow circle.

  I’m wet.

  “But first,” he mutters. “We go shopping.”

  “For butt toys?” I giggle. What am I thinking?

  “If you want to…”


  “Joking. If you’re gonna be my assistant, we need to get you a new wardrobe.”

  “Are you seriously offering me a job?” I’m having trouble believing all this is happening.

  “Yeah. And a wardrobe.”

  “You can’t do that,” I snicker.

  “Why not? Did you pay for that Marble Slab uniform you’re wearing?”

  “No, but…”

  “Then I’m going to buy you a business uniform. Trouble is, you can’t wear the same thing every day. You need at least five outfits, right?”

  “Um,” I laugh, “I guess?”

  He stands up and offers his hand. “So let’s go shopping.”

  Chapter 16


  The first place we go is Nasty Doll in the Garment District. Outside it’s a glass walled stainless steel box. Inside all the outfits on the racks and mannequins scream cutting edge sexy. Lark and I have come here several times, but we could never afford anything accept accessories. Lark did steal a bra from here once, but that’s it. Nasty Doll is well out of our price range.

  Lance holds the glass door for me. “Go crazy.”

  “Wait, what do you mean?”

  “Start grabbing dresses. Get whatever you want.”

  “Are you serious?”

  He nods.

  “Do I have a budget?”

  “Sky’s the limit.”

  My eyes goggle. “This isn’t really happening.”

  He slaps my butt and I jump. “Feel that?”

  “Yeah! Ouch!” I rub the backs of my khakis.

  “You’re not dreaming. Go shopping.”

  I step into the store with shining eyes and fast walk to the first mannequin I see, resisting the urge to run. The faceless mannequin wears what looks like a long sleeve white lace top with black lace mini skirt, but is actually a single piece A-line dress. The black velvet ribbon tie under the bust line gives it a sexy business look. The fishnet stockings and dominatrix platforms do not.

  “You wear that to the office and I’ll have to bend you over my desk and spank you while I fuck you,” Lance muses behind me. His hands grab my hips and he yanks me into him, pulling my butt up like he wants to start right now.

  I arch my back and my pussy clenches and I start to drip instantly. But I can’t have sex with Lance in a clothing store. “Would you stop?” I whisper. “People are watching!” That’s not exactly true. Although people are here shopping, it’s not that crowded so no one notices us. I should be mad that he’s pawing me in public like I’m his sex toy. But I realize it’s turning me on. Which makes me more mad. Which in turn turns me on even more.

  Okay, I need to stop and focus on dresses.

  Because, shopping spree!

  I gasp when Lance grabs the front waistband of my khakis and pulls it up snug against my folds and twists the pants left to right. The motion rolls the crotch seam across my clit, back and forth. I instantly forget the dresses. If he doesn’t stop, I’ll need to visit the ladies room before I try on any outfits. Good thing I’m wearing these khakis and not a dress. Otherwise, you’d have to follow me with a mop.

  I break free from his grip and shuffle toward a round rack of tops. Everything is incredible. Lance watches from afar, leaning his elbow on a nearby rack. I hold a crop top up to my chest. “What do you think?”

  “Perfect,” he grins.

  “You’re no help,” I chuckle.

  I flip through more tops, not bothering to look at price tags because I know I could never afford any of it without Lance.

  “Can I help you with anything, sir?” a sales girl asks Lance.

  She doesn’t see me because I’m behind a mannequin. I lean to the side to get a good look at her. She’s a brunette dressed in a long sleeve black bodycon dress with diamond cutouts at the waist that reveal a taut stomach and a sheer upper that leaves nothing to the imagination. Her boobs and black mesh bra are totally visible. There is no denying she is bombshell hot.

  Lance smiles at her, “I’m good.”

  “Yeah you are,” she purrs, batting her eyelashes so hard they might fly off her face because they’re obviously fake. When Lance says nothing more, she lifts one black suede ankle strap heel behind her and twirls her foot like it’s sore, but she’s really just showing off her toned leg. “These Jeffrey Campbells are killing me. They always make my calves so tight.” What a humble bragger. Most girls would kill for a body like hers. And those shoes. And she’s complaining? Total humble bragger.

  Lance arches his eyebrows noncommittally.

  She continues, “I don’t know why corporate makes me wear tight outfits every single day.” By tight, she obviously means her outfit and her body. “Sometimes a girl just needs to let loose, you know?” There she goes again with the humble bragging.

  What a butt nugget. I repress a giggle.

  Butt Nugget, a.k.a. the Humble Bragger, takes a dress off the rack Lance is leaning against for no reason and squeezes past him, rubbing her butt across his crotch before hanging the dress on a different rack. “Sorry,” she giggles. “I didn’t realize you were so… big.”

  What a witch! Now she’s gone too far. I toss the top I’m holding onto the rack but it flops to the floor. Let Butt Nugget hang it up later. I stride toward them. “Ahem.”

  Butt Nugget pretends I don’t exist. She’s all eyes on Lance.


  She flashes me a superior smirk. “Can I help you?”

  “I need to buy some clothes. I was thinking you could—”

  “I’ll say,” she snorts as her eyes sweep up and down my Marble slab pink polo and khakis. “Please tell me you wore that to be ironic. Or you’re a kids’ party clown.” She glances at my pink Keds like they’re actual clown shoes and rolls her eyes.

  I’m instantly furious. “No. I wore it because I slept at my boyfriend’s last night and didn’t have a change of clothes.” I grab Lance’s wrist and tug him toward me.

  Butt Nugget watches with amused disdain.

  I want to add, We had sex last night and this morning and it was so good I can’t describe it and you will never know what it feels like to have my man between your legs. Lance seems to be enjoying all this, but says nothing. I think he’s impressed I’m marking my territory. It fuels my confidence. “So maybe instead of judging me, you can do your job and help me pick out some outfits.”

  “Are you sure you came to the right store? Maybe you’re more of a pink polo shirt kind of girl. There’s a GAP Kids just down the street.”

  Total witch.

  Lance’s grin widens. He covers his mouth with his hand to hold back a laugh, still leaning against the clothing rack like a spectator.

  I grit my teeth at Butt Nugget. “Maybe you could go find your manager and explain to her why you’re being rude to a paying customer.”

  “I am the manager.” Her lips flatten into a white line but she is no less sexy.

  I really hate her. “Then maybe you could have one of your nicer employees help us?”

  Lance turns his face fully away, snickering with wheezy laughter. He’s loving this.

  Butt Nugget rolls her eyes at me. “What do you need?”

  “I need a whole wardrobe.” I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds. Lance flicks a nod, giving me permission. “Like, a bunch of different outfits.”

  Butt Nugget’s face sours. “I’d be glad to help.”

  It takes about twenty minutes to gather an armload of outfits with her help. Her irritation is obvious but she knows my size and her inventory and I can tell everything is going to fit fine. When Lance wanders off, she’s even more irritated her eye candy is gone. Good. She leads me to a curtained dressing room along one of the walls. It’s right out in the open. “Here you go.” She practically throws the clothes at me.

  I fumble to catch them as she storms off.

  What did I ever do to her?

  I sigh, pull the curtain closed, and hang the outfits on the rack. There’s a full length mirror and the usual bench. I smirk at my pink polo shirt and khaki reflection. Yeah, not sexy. I can’t strip my Marble Slab uniform off fast enough, but I fold it neatly on the bench. I’m down to my caramel stained white bra and boring matching white panties. With nothing but the flimsy print curtain between me and the Nasty Doll patrons browsing behind me, I feel vaguely exposed. Oh well. It’s not like someone is going to sneak in here.

  I examine my row of potential outfits. Some of them are pretty racy. I’m so irritated by Butt Nugget’s dripping judgement, I go bold and grab the black bodysuit with the criss-cross side laces. I’m about to step into it, but it will look stupid with my bra and granny panties on underneath. Too bad I forgot to pick out some sexy new underwear. I’ll grab some later. I twist and peek out the curtain to make sure no one is hovering close by. Then I quickly unsnap my bra and jump out of my panties before climbing into the body suit, ignoring the fact I’m buck naked in the full length mirror for several seconds.

  The tight jeans and black leather belt with silver studs that Butt Nugget gave me to go over the bodysuit are the perfect fit. Wearing them lowers my anxiety because I don’t feel nearly so naked. I stand on bare tiptoes twirling in the mirror to check out my butt in the jeans. I wish I had some nice shoes to see the complete ensemble. And I wish Lance was here so he could appreciate the outfit. Butt Nugget actually did good. I stick my head out the curtain looking for Lance, but don’t see him.

  A punker girl with a dress folded over her arm asks, “Are you done with the dressing room?”

  “Oh, no. Sorry.” Darn it. If she wasn’t waiting, I’d go look for Lance so I could surprise him with this outfit. I don’t want to be rude and make her wait. “Did you need to try on that dress?”

  “No,” she smiles, “I’ll keep looking.” She turns and walks off.

  I feel bad because I have like ten outfits and that girl had one and I want to find Lance anyway. So I shimmy out of the jeans and peel them off my feet. I take one last look at myself in the mirror. I look pretty darn good in this black bodysuit. I smile as I peel the straps over my arms and push it down to my waist, revealing my breasts. A quick shiver tightens my nipples. It’s chilly in the store from the A/C.

  “God damn,” Lance whispers, peeking through a crack in the curtain.

  I almost cover my breasts, but don’t. I stand there and stare at his burning eyes in the mirror. Something about Lance and the magic of mirrors turns me on in a way I don’t understand and makes me bold. I smirk at him. “Do you like what you see?”

  He pushes through the curtain and stands behind me, hands on my hips. He runs them up and down the outsides. Slowly. “These hips are fucking perfect.”

  I moan and lean my head against his chest, closing my eyes.

  He kisses the top of my head. “You are so fucking sexy it kills me.”

  Through half hooded eyes, I smile at him. Without my panties on, I am soaking this bodysuit with my sex. I guess I’ll have to buy it.

  Lance’s hands massage my breasts. “Look how fucking hot you are.”

  Mirror me is a knockout. I’ve never considered myself a knockout, but the mirror never lies. I credit Lance. He brought out this side of me. Without him, I’d still be in the clowny polo shirt and matching Keds. But I am a half naked goddess in a black body suit.

  “I have to fuck you. Right here. Right now.” His fingers slip beneath the V-line of the body suit crotch and slide down my stomach, tickling my trim pubic hair before hooking between my legs. “You can’t get any wetter, can you?”

  I shake my head. “Mmm-mmm.” I can’t even form words I’m so turned on.

  His belt buckle tinkles and the leather tongue tickles my back as he loosens his jeans. He pulls the crotch of the bodysuit to one side and hooks it against the inside of my thigh. The head of his hot cock appears between my legs in the mirror. I arch my back and his cock disappears when he grabs it with one hand. I feel it brush languidly up and down my slick crevice.

  The porno movie of us in the full length mirror is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I reach up behind me and cup Lance’s cheek in my palm. He leans down and we kiss sideways for a moment, but we’re both more interested in the magic mirror show in front of us.

  I push my entrance against the head of his hard shaft.

  “Fuck, Chastity. I need to be inside you. Your pussy feels so good on my dick.” His fingers stroke my clit from the front as his fist works his hot head up and down.

  It would be so easy for him to slip inside.

  He pulls back, looking dow
n behind me, between us, watching the action closely. “Fuck…” he groans.

  I wish I could see.

  He wants to be inside me as badly as I do. But he’s just sliding up and down, teasing me. It’s driving me crazy. What is he doing back there? What are we doing in here? We’re in a clothing store, for goodness sake! Anyone could accidentally open the curtain and see us like this. The punker girl, Butt Nugget, anybody. Butt Nugget would definitely call the cops just to get back at me. Do I want to get arrested for indecent exposure or sex in public or whatever?

  Believe it or not, I don’t care.

  The danger heightens everything.

  I don’t want to stop.

  I whisper, “Are you gonna fuck me or not?”

  The sudden pressure of him just inside my entrance shocks me. I suddenly thrust against him. I don’t know if I did it on purpose or if he surprised me or pulled me into him, but I am intensely aware of the fact he is now halfway inside me.

  Without a condom.

  I am not on birth control.

  This is insane.

  He pushes forward.

  All the way.

  I am full.

  Lance’s cock is deep inside me.

  Without a condom.

  I am so scared I want to come.

  Yes, come.

  I want him to come too.

  Our eyes lock in the mirror.

  Both of us frozen with fear.

  But Lance won’t let go of my hips.

  I don’t want him to.

  I feel him swell inside me.

  Is he going to come?

  I don’t know, but I’m going to.

  He yanks himself out of me. “Fuck, sorry.” He hisses. “I shouldn’t have done that. Fuck, fuck. That was stupid. Fuck. We should stop.”

  “Do you have any condoms?”

  He nods.

  “Put one on.”

  Lance takes a deep breath, staring at me in the mirror the whole time.

  I mutter, “It’s too late to do anything now.” I can’t believe my confidence. I sound like I’ve done this before. But I haven’t done any of this before. Unprotected dressing room sex in front of a full length mirror? Not even close. I can change that right now. “Put on a condom.”


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