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The Rancher's Hired Fiancee

Page 2

by Judy Duarte

  Dan studied him for a moment. “Is the matchmaking really that bad?”

  He chuffed. “I can’t make it through a single day without someone trying to set me up with a single daughter, niece or neighbor. And that’s not counting the unmarried ladies who approach me on their own behalf.” Ray grumbled under his breath, wishing he’d stayed out of politics and had remained on his ranch full-time.

  “Well, I guess that’s to be expected.” A grin tugged at one side of Dan’s lips, and his eyes lit up with mirth. “You’re not a bad-looking fellow. And you’ve got a little cash put away. I guess that makes you an eligible bachelor in anyone’s book.”

  “Very funny.” Ray had never been full of himself, but most women considered him to be the tall, dark and handsome type. He also had a head for business, which had allowed him to parlay a couple of inheritances into millions. As a result, he had more money and property than he could shake a stick at, something that made every unattached female between the ages of 18 and 40 seem to think he was a prime catch.

  He could always give them the cold shoulder, but his mother had taught him to be polite and courteous—a habit he found hard to shake. Besides, he didn’t know how to keep the women at arm’s distance without alienating half the voters in town.

  “To top it off,” Dan added, “you being the mayor gives you a little more status than just being a run-of-the-mill Texas rancher, which the ladies undoubtedly find even more appealing.”

  Ray sighed. “That’s the problem. I’m not looking for romance. And if the time ever comes that I’m interested again, I’m perfectly capable of finding a woman without help.”

  Dan, who’d been biting back a full-on smile, let it go and chuckled. “There’s got to be a lot of guys who’d be happy to trade places with you.”

  “Maybe, but only for a couple of days. Then they’d get fed up, too. This has been going on since…well, since word got out that my divorce was final. And now I can hardly get any work done—in town or on the ranch.”

  “Why not date someone, just so word will spread that you’re already taken?”

  Ray shook his head. “No, I’m not going to do that. After the marriage I had, I’m steering clear of women in general. But even if I wanted to ask someone out, I don’t have the time to add anything else to my calendar. As it is, I’ve been spending the bulk of my day driving back and forth to the ranch, making sure Mark and Darren have everything under control, then zipping back to town for one meeting or another.”

  “I don’t blame you for not wanting to jump back into another relationship, especially after the hell Heather put you through over the past two years.”

  Dan had that right. Ray’s ex-wife had not only cheated on him, she’d turned out to be a heartless gold digger. And after the long legal battle she’d waged, Ray wasn’t about to make a mistake like that again.

  “You know,” Dan said, “it might not be a bad idea to spread the rumor that you’re already taken. Maybe that way, the matchmaking mamas and their starry-eyed daughters will give you a break and let you get some work done.”

  “That’s an idea, but as simple and easy as it sounds, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’d keep showing up alone at all the various community events I’m required to attend, and people will begin to realize the woman is only a myth. And then I’ll be right back where I started. I’m afraid I’d need the real thing, and that would defeat the purpose of creating a fictitious woman.”

  “Too bad you can’t rent an escort,” Dan said.

  “Yeah, right.”

  At that moment, Catherine reentered the living room and called Dan’s name. “Eva said to tell you that dinner’s ready. She’s already called Hank, and he’s heading over here now.”

  “Thanks,” Dan said. “We’ll be right there.”

  As Catherine returned to the kitchen, Ray watched the sway of her denim-clad hips. It was hard to imagine her as a woman who was at home on the stage, especially since she had a wholesome, girl-next-door appeal. But then again, she was an actress… .

  Suddenly, an idea began to form.

  “How long does Catherine plan to be in town?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. Why?”

  “Do you think she’d want a job?”

  “Probably. Just this morning she mentioned that she’d like to find something part-time and temporary. Why?”

  “Because I want to hire her, if she’s interested.”

  “What did you have in mind? Something clerical?”

  “No, it would be an acting job.”

  Dan looked confused. “I’m not following you.”

  A slow smile stretched across Ray’s face. “I’d like to hire Catherine to be my fiancée.”

  * * *

  After dinner and dessert had been served, Dan’s uncle thanked Eva for another wonderful meal, then headed back to his place so he could watch his favorite TV show.

  Eva sent the older twins to get ready for bed, then she and Dan gathered up the preschoolers and told them it was bath time, leaving Catherine and Ray in the dining room.

  “Can I get you another cup of coffee?” Catherine asked.

  “That sounds good. Thanks.”

  Minutes later she returned with the carafe and filled his cup, then her own.

  “Dan told me that you might be interested in some part-time work,” Ray said.

  Catherine had no idea how long she’d be in Brighton Valley, but it would probably be at least a month. So she’d thought about trying to earn a little cash while she was here.

  Of course, if truth be told, she didn’t have many skills that would come in handy in a place like Brighton Valley.

  “I’m interested,” she said, lifting her coffee cup and taking a sip. “As long as it was only temporary. Do you know of a position that’s open?”

  “Yes, I do. And it’s probably right up your alley.”

  Catherine couldn’t imagine what it might be. She was just about to ask for more details when she realized that Ray had zeroed in on her again, as if mesmerized or intrigued by her.

  If she were in Manhattan, dressed to the nines, she might have taken his interest as a compliment. As it was, she didn’t know what to think.

  “What kind of job is it?” she asked.

  “It’s a little unorthodox,” he admitted, “but it’s only part-time, and the money’s good.”

  “Who would I be working for? And what would I be doing?”

  “You’d be working for me. I need an actress, and you’d be perfect for the part.”

  “I don’t understand.” Catherine lifted her cup and took another sip.

  “I need a fiancée,” Ray said.

  Catherine choked on her coffee. “Excuse me?”

  “I want people in town to think that I’m in a committed relationship. And Dan thinks you have the acting skills to pull it off.”

  “Why in the world would a man like you need to hire a girlfriend?” Once the words were off her tongue, she wanted to take them back. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m not sure I’m following you.”

  “Okay, let me explain. I need a temporary escort to attend various community functions with me, and it would be best if people had the idea that we were serious about each other.”

  Did he think that was an explanation? He’d merely reworded the job description.

  “There are a lot of single women in town who’ve been making my life difficult,” he added. “And for some reason, they seem to think I’m actively looking for another wife.”

  “But you’re not?”

  “No. At least, not for the foreseeable future. My divorce became final a month ago, although my ex-wife moved out nearly two years ago. So I’m not in any hurry to jump into another relationship. I’ve tried to explain that to people, but apparently they don’t believe me.”

  “Maybe you should be more direct.”

  “I thought I was. And I’d rather not alienate or anger a
ny of my constituents.”

  Constituents? Oh, yes. Eva had mentioned he was also the mayor of Brighton Valley. So that meant he was dealing with small-town politics.

  Either way Catherine thought the whole idea was a little weird—if not a bit laughable. But then again, she could use the work—and she was an actress.

  “How long do you need my help?” she asked.

  “Until my interim position as mayor is over—or for as long as you’re in town. Whichever comes first.”

  He seemed to have it all planned out.

  “I’ll pay you a thousand dollars a week,” he added.

  Catherine was still trying to wrap her mind around his job offer, which was crazy. But the money he would pay spoke louder than the craziness, and against her better judgment, she found herself leaning toward an agreement.

  “What would your fiancée have to do?” she asked.

  Ray sketched an appreciative gaze over her that sent her senses reeling and had her wondering just how far he’d want her to go in playing the part.

  “I have to attend a lot of events and fundraisers, so it would be nice to have you go with me whenever possible. I even have a ring for you to wear on your left hand, which you can return when the job is over.”

  He was including the props?

  This was wild. Pretending to be engaged to Ray Mendez was probably the craziest job offer she’d ever had, but she supposed it really didn’t matter. If he was willing to pay for her acting skills, then why not go along with it?

  “All right,” she finally said. “You’ve got yourself a deal. When do I start?”

  “Why don’t you meet me for lunch at Caroline’s tomorrow? A lot of the locals will be there, so it’ll be a good way to send out the message that I’m already taken.”

  “And then…?”

  “I don’t know.” He stroked his square-cut jaw. “Maybe I could greet you with a kiss, then we’ll play it by ear. Hopefully, the rumor mill will kick into gear right away.”

  “What if it doesn’t?”

  He gave a half shrug. “I guess we’ll have to take things day by day.”

  “So you just want me to have lunch with you tomorrow?”

  “Actually, later that evening, I also have a charity event to attend at the Brighton Valley Medical Center. It’s a benefit for the new neonatal intensive care unit, and it would probably be a good idea if we walked in together, holding hands. Maybe, if you looked at me a little starry-eyed, people would get the message.”

  “You want me to look at you starry-eyed?”

  “Hell, I don’t know how to explain it. You’re a woman—and an actress. Just do whatever you’d do if we were actually engaged or at least committed to each other. I want people to think we’re a real couple.”

  “Okay. I can do that. But what’s the dress code tomorrow night?”

  “I’ll be wearing a sport jacket.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip, then glanced down at the simple blouse and black jeans she was wearing now. If truth be told, it was the fanciest outfit she’d brought with her.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “If we were in New York, it wouldn’t be a problem for me to find the right thing to wear. But I’m afraid I didn’t plan to do anything other than kick back on the ranch and play with the kids while I’m here, so I only packed casual outfits.”

  “That’s not a problem.” He scooted back his chair and reached into the pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a money clip with a wad of bills, peeled off three hundred dollars and handed it to her. “After lunch tomorrow you can walk down the street to The Boutique. It’s a shop located a few doors down from the diner.”

  Catherine couldn’t imagine what type of clothing she’d find in Brighton Valley, but then again, she’d chosen to come to Texas because it was light-years from Manhattan and her memories there. She supposed she would have to adjust her tastes to the styles small-town women found appealing—or at least affordable.

  She stole another glance at the handsome rancher seated across the table from her to find that he was studying her, too. Sexual awareness fluttered through her like a swarm of lovesick butterflies.

  But that shouldn’t surprise her. Ray Mendez was a handsome man. No wonder every woman in town was after him.

  Of course, he was paying her to keep the other women at bay.

  It would be an easy job, she decided—and one she might actually enjoy. Her biggest Broadway role had been the mistress of a 1920s Chicago mobster. The actor who’d played her lover had been twenty years older than she and about forty pounds overweight. His ruddy appearance had suited the character he’d played, although it had taken some real skills on her part to pretend she was sexually attracted to him.

  Ray Mendez was going to make a much better costar, though—especially if her role was going to require a few starry-eyed gazes, some hand-holding and maybe a kiss or two.

  For the first time since leaving Manhattan, she was actually looking forward to getting on stage again.

  Chapter Two

  At a few minutes before noon, Ray stood in front of Caroline’s Diner, waiting for his hired fiancée to arrive. The plan had been for Catherine to borrow Eva’s minivan, then to meet him in town.

  To his surprise, he was actually looking forward to seeing her again—and not just because she was the solution to one of his many problems.

  Even when she’d been wearing sweatpants and an oversize T-shirt, the tall, leggy blonde with bed-head curls had been a lovely sight. Her blue-green eyes—almost a turquoise shade, really—and an expressive smile only added to the overall effect.

  Of course, those little heart and flower stickers that the younger Walker twins had stuck on her face while she’d slept had been an interesting touch.

  When Ray had pointed them out, she’d made a joke of it without missing a beat. And that meant she would probably be able to handle anything the townspeople might throw at her. If anyone quizzed her about their past or their plans for the future, she’d be quick on her feet.

  They hadn’t talked much after dinner last night, since Dan and Eva had returned to the table once they’d gotten the kids in bed. But they’d managed to concoct a believable past for their imaginary romance.

  Fortunately, she wasn’t a well-known Broadway actress, so they’d agreed to tell people they’d met in Houston six months ago and that they’d been dating ever since.

  The day Ray’s divorce had been final—after two long years in legal limbo—he’d proposed over a glass of champagne during a candlelit dinner in the city. She’d accepted, although they’d decided not to make an official announcement of their engagement until she could take some vacation time and come to Brighton Valley.

  So now here he was, standing outside Caroline’s Diner, ready to reveal their phony engagement to the locals who’d already begun to file into the small restaurant and fill the tables.

  Ray glanced at his wristwatch again, knowing that he’d arrived a few minutes early and realizing that Catherine really wasn’t late. Rather, he was a little nervous. Could they pull it off?

  “Hello, Mayor,” a woman called out in a chipper voice.

  Ray glanced up to see Melanie Robertson approaching the diner wearing a smile.

  Aw, man. This was just the kind of thing he’d been trying to avoid. Where was his “fiancée” when he needed her?

  “Are you waiting for someone?” Melanie asked. “Or would you like to join Carla Guerrero and me for lunch?”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I am meeting someone.”

  “Is it business or pleasure?” she asked, her lashes fluttering in a flirtatious manner.

  “It’s definitely pleasure.” Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Catherine walking down the street. At least, that tall, blonde stranger striding toward him appeared to be the woman he’d met last night.

  She’d told him that she hadn’t brought anything fancy to Texas, but…hot damn. She hadn’t needed a shopping trip for their
lunch today. A pair of tight jeans, a little makeup and a dab of lipstick had made a stunning transformation from attractive girl next door to dazzling.

  “Hi, honey.” Catherine burst into a smile as she reached him. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  Then she leaned forward and brushed her lips across his, giving him a brief hint of peppermint breath mints.

  Her fragrance—something light and exotic—snaked around him, squeezing the air out of his lungs and making it nearly impossible to speak.

  Then she turned to Melanie, offered a confident, bright-eyed smile and reached out her hand in greeting. “Hi, I’m Catherine Loza.”

  The same pesky cat that seemed to have gotten Ray’s tongue appeared to have captured Melanie’s, as well. He could understand her surprised reaction to Catherine’s arrival and greeting, but not his own. Not when he’d been the one to set up the whole fake fiancée thing in the first place.

  So why had Catherine’s performance set him off balance?

  Because she was so damn good at what she was doing, he supposed.

  Shaking off the real effects of the pretend kiss, he introduced the women, adding, “Melanie’s family owns the ice cream shop down the street.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Catherine said.

  Melanie, whose eyes kept bouncing from Ray to his “date” and back again, said, “Same here. I…uh…” She nodded toward the entrance of Caroline’s Diner. “I came to have lunch with a coworker, so I guess I’ll see you two inside.” Then she reached for the door and let herself in.

  Well, what do you know? Catherine had been on the job only a minute or two, and the ploy was already working like a charm.

  When they were alone, she asked, “So how did I do?”

  “You were great.” In fact, she was better than great. She both looked and acted the part of a loving fiancée, and even Ray found himself believing the romantic story they’d concocted was true.

  “Now what?” she asked. “Did you want to go inside?”

  “Yes, but I’ve got something to give you first. Come with me.” Ray led her to the street corner, then turned to the left. When they reached the alley, he made a second left.


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