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The Wild Belle (St. John Series)

Page 25

by Lora Thomas

  Michael pointed to a hill in the distance. “That is where I live. That is where Noah will be.”

  “That close?” Andi asked hopefully.

  “Yes. James has already gone to the livery to get a carriage.”

  “I don’t need a carriage. I can walk,” Andi insisted.

  “The carriage is for Max and Kris, too.”

  “Well, they can have the carriage. Let’s go.”

  Michael watched as Andi left and descended the gangplank.

  “Is she planning on going to the docks alone?” Max asked, watching Andi leave.

  “Appears so,” Michael answered.

  “Are you going to stop her?”


  “Why in the hell not?” Max asked. Michael turned towards Max and raised his brow. Max laughed. “Don’t say it. I know. She would shoot someone.”

  Michael nodded his head and followed his wife.

  “They suit each other,” Kris said, wrapping an arm around her husband.

  “Now why would you say that?”

  “Michael likes everything planned, organized. He has a schedule and likes to keep to it. Andi is a free spirit. She does things on a whim, no timelines, no schedules.”

  “Sounds like a fight waiting to happen to me.”

  “Yet, there he goes calmly after her. She has taken whatever schedule he had planned and tossed it to the wind. She has loosened him up. The last time I met him, before the announcement, he was . . . was . . . well, a prude.”

  “I love you,” Max said and kissed his wife.

  “What was that all about?”

  “You are the only person I know who could find goodness in a chaotic mess.”

  “I like chaos. That’s why I married you.”

  Max swatted his wife’s backside. She gave a girlish giggle.

  “Make sure you have what is needed. If I know one thing, it’s when you get with Madison, we are here for extended visits.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Kris purred as she ran her hand over her husband’s chest and went below deck, leaving Sophia with Max.

  Max watched his wife leave. How he loved her! How he wanted her. She made him so happy. Sophia grabbed her father’s hand. He looked down at his daughter. Kris had given him more enjoyment than he could ever dream possible. She had given him her heart and two beautiful daughters. He was a lucky man.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Andi and Michael didn’t walk to his parents’ home. Michael managed to acquire two horses for them. Just as soon as Andi mounted her steed, she spurred the animal to a run in the direction of his parents’ home. He soon caught up with her. She had slowed her mare to a walk as it began climbing the hill to the mansion.

  He pulled his spotted stallion up beside her. She kept her gaze fixed on the road before them. He said nothing as they rode, waiting for her to begin the conversation. His wait was short-lived for she spoke as soon as they approached his parents’ home.

  “You grew up here?” Andi’s eyes were wide.


  Her eyes never left the large mansion. She had thought her home was huge, but it was a shack compared to the opulence of this home. The St. Johns’ house was unlike anything she had ever seen. It was a massive three-story red brick house. The covered porch’s roof was suspended by massive white marble columns. The windows of each room ran from floor to ceiling, allowing for the ocean breeze to cool the home during the hot summer months. There was a large chimney in the back of the house. The large oak and palm trees surrounding it created a picturesque image.

  “It’s so big,” Andi whispered in awe.

  “There were eleven of us.”

  “But still—”

  Michael shook his head and escorted Andi to the door. He took in her attire. She had changed out of her dress into her male clothing. His mouth curled slightly upward. His mother would swoon upon seeing her.

  As they approached the door, it was opened for them by a tall thin man. He looked down his hawk-like nose at them. “Mr. St. John,” the man replied in a monotone voice, holding open the door and bowing.

  “Geoffrey,” Michael acknowledged, entering behind Andi. “Is Noah here?”

  “He went for a ride with Lady Madison and Lady Alyssa.”

  “Where did they go?” Andi asked as she approached the butler.

  Geoffrey looked Andi up and down, the disapproval apparent in his facial expression.

  Michael knew that look and became defensive. “That is my wife you are disapproving of.”

  “Sorry, sir,” the butler stated, his tone never changing.

  “Tell my parents I am here and will be waiting in the study.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  Michael escorted Andi in the direction of the study. Her excitement was overshadowed by her nerves. She was going to meet her husband’s parents. No, she was dressed as a boy and going to meet them. She became more nervous. What if they disapproved of her? So what? This was who she was and if they could not accept that, then she had no use of them.

  As they entered the study, Michael walked over to the tall mahogany cabinet and opened the doors. He poured himself a small glass of brandy and then had a seat on the leather sofa.

  Andi looked around the room. It was twice the size of her father’s study. The walls were a dark wood. Several marble statues were scattered about the room. There were two walls filled from floor to ceiling with books. A large desk sat at the back of the room in front of a floor-length window. The sheer curtains in the back of the room gently swayed in the breeze. It was definitely a man’s room.

  Andi could hear a gentle clicking noise coming from outside. The door opened and in walked a stunning lady. Her long auburn hair was piled up in an elegant coiffure. She was dressed in a lovely emerald green day gown, which served to accentuate her emerald eyes. The woman smiled brilliantly at Michael as she crossed the room to him.

  “You’re home.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I thought you wouldn’t return for another six months.”

  “I had a disruption in my schedule.”

  “Nothing bad I hope?”

  “No, Mother. I’ll discuss it with you later. Where’s Father?”

  “He’s at the store with Jonathan. Why?” Elizabeth asked with worry.

  “I have someone I would like you to meet.”

  “Michael Paul, if you are like your brother and tell me you’re married, I will tan your backside!”

  “What?! Alyssa’s married?!” Andi shouted as she approached them.

  Michael’s mother turned towards Andi. She could see the resemblance between this woman and Alyssa.

  “Are you Alyssa’s sister?”

  “Yes,” Andi answered. “What do you mean, she’s married? She only had her coming out a little more than three months ago.” She turned towards Michael. “If your brother took advantage of my sister, I’ll castrate him.”

  “My dear lady, that is no way to speak about my son.”

  “Mother,” Michael began as he walked over to Andi. “I would like you to meet Andrea . . . my wife.”

  “Bloody hell,” Elizabeth mumbled the unladylike term as she rolled her eyes.

  “Andi, this is my mother, Elizabeth.”

  “I’m going to tan your hide, Michael Paul. You were my only hope of a normal wedding. What happened? She’s from the States, isn’t she?” She wagged her finger at Michael. “Did you get caught in bed with her? Did you?”

  “Mother,” Michael protested.

  About that time the study door opened again and Alyssa came running in. “Andi!” she cried out, crossing the room to her sister.

  “Alyssa,” Andi acknowledged at the same time as she wrapped her arms around her sister. “Are you okay? I was so worried. Why did you leave London? Mammy is going to kill you.”

  Alyssa began to laugh. “Oh, Andi, how I missed your rants.”

  Andi pulled back from Alyssa. “Where is he?”


you dare act innocent, Alyssa Ann. Where is he? Did he compromise you? I’ll castrate him if he did.”

  “Who’s going to get castrated?” came the question from the doorway.

  “Oh, no,” Alyssa said as she watched Andi.

  “Don’t you dare,” Elizabeth warned.

  “Andi,” Michael protested.

  All were in shock as Andi marched over to Noah, drew back her fist and punched him in the nose.

  “Ow! What the hell was that for?” Noah asked, grabbing his nose. Noah dabbed his nose with the back of his hand, looking for blood. “I think you broke my nose.”

  “You took advantage of my sister!”

  “If anyone was taken advantage of, it was me,” he protested, walking the rest of the way into the study.


  “Andi?” Alyssa protested.

  “What did we miss?” came Kris’s question from the doorway.

  “Now, Kris, I told you not to barge in,” Max replied from behind his wife.

  “Oh, dear,” Elizabeth said as she sank to the sofa and placed her head in her hands.

  “What are you doing here, pirate?” Noah asked.

  “Watching you get your ass kicked by your sister-in-law,” Max replied as he leaned against the doorframe.

  “What?” Noah asked, turning towards Michael.

  “Kris!” Madison yelled as she entered from behind Noah.

  “Madison!” Kris said.

  Andi began looking around the room. It had quickly filled with over twelve people, most she hadn’t seen or heard enter. Her eyes narrowed.

  “Uh-oh,” Max stated as he stepped away from the door. “I know that look. Everyone hold onto your weapons.”

  “Shut up, Max,” Andi hissed as she looked around the room. Everyone was talking at once. So she did the only thing plausible—she placed her fingers in her mouth and made a loud shrill whistle.

  “Egad,” Noah protested, covering his ears. “That would break glass.”

  “I still have a bone to pick with you,” Andi growled as she advanced towards Noah again.

  Alyssa stepped between her sister and her husband.

  “Get out of my way, Alyssa.”


  “No?” Andi asked in disbelief

  “That’s right, no.”

  “Where is this feat of defiance coming from? It’s not like you, Alyssa.”

  “After that horrid man kidnapped me, I had to learn to make a stand for myself, Andi.”

  “Peterson brought about your newfound—”

  “Peterson?” echoed throughout the room by Michael’s family.

  “I’ll explain later,” Michael said. He gestured towards his wife. “Continue, Pixie.”

  The women in the center of the room returned to their discussion as if they were alone.

  “Now, Andi, why are you so upset? I believe you married Michael after you were found in his bed.” Alyssa defended as she placed her hands on her hips.

  Andi flared her fingers outward. “But nothing happened! Why doesn’t anyone believe me?”

  “Well, look how you’re dressed,” Elizabeth said.

  “Mother,” Madison said as she approached the argument in progress. “I believe we both dress that way from time-to-time.”

  “I have never dressed in such a manner,” Elizabeth defended.

  “If you say so. But I will openly admit it,” Madison replied with a girlish smile.

  “And I quite enjoy the view of your derrière when you do dress that way,” came the response from the man at the door.

  Andi studied the newcomer. He was standing beside Max. She didn’t have to be told who was who. She had heard Michael explain his family extensively. This must be Nicholas or Alex, whatever one wanted to call him. He looked like no one else in the room. He was just as tall and broad as Max. He had unfashionably long blond hair that he had tied back with a ribbon. His face was covered in several days’ growth of beard that was neatly trimmed. His blue eyes gleamed with mischievousness. She could see the pirate in both the men standing side-by-side. They were intimidating to say the least.

  “Nicholas!” Madison protested.

  “Da da,” came a voice from behind and a small redheaded child entered and wrapped her arms around Nicholas’s legs.

  “Alex, please let go of your father in case he has to protect himself,” Madison said, placing her hands on her hips.

  Andi then took in Madison’s attire and found that she was dressed as a male as well. Andi turned her gaze to Elizabeth. “You criticize me, yet your own daughter dresses the same way.”

  “Oh, she’s not criticizing you,” Madison interjected. “She disapproves of women with open minds.”

  “Madison Olivia,” Elizabeth scolded.

  “Oh, Mother, I’m teasing,” Madison said and looked at her mother. She turned back to Andi. “So you’re Alyssa’s sister?”


  “And my wife,” Michael stated.

  “Really?” Madison asked excitedly. She rushed to Andi, pulled her close and embraced her. “Welcome to the family!”

  “Who are you welcoming to the family?” the deep voice from behind Andi asked.

  “Daddy!” Madison exclaimed.

  Andi turned and her eyes grew wide. She then looked at Max.

  “Oh, no,” Michael said just as Andi blurted out, “It took you all these years to admit Max was your son?”

  “Aw, hell,” Noah said, placing his head in his hand.

  Nicholas burst out in laughter. “I like her.”

  “Who are you?” Robert asked as he walked over to her.

  Andi held her head up proudly. “Andrea St. John.”

  “St. John? Are you a distant cousin that I am not aware of? If so, you have overstepped your bounds.”

  “Father,” Michael said as he crossed to them.

  “Not now, Michael,” Robert said, his eyes never leaving Andi.

  “I’m his wife,” Andi answered and pointed to Michael.

  Robert’s eyes went to his fourth child. “Is she serious?”

  Michael nodded his head. “Yes.”

  “Good. Then she will not protest when I take her over my knee.”

  “Like hell you will,” Andi protested.

  “Five pounds on Robert,” Nicholas wagered.

  “I’ll take that bet,” Max replied as he grinned smugly. He extended his hand to Alex to set the wager.

  “Don’t you dare stand there and puff your pompous chest at me,” Andi began, her southern drawl becoming thick with anger. “I’ll have you know that I am intimidated by no man. So you can take your threats and shove them—”

  “Andi,” Alyssa protested. “This is our father-in-law.”

  “I don’t give a hoot if he’s the president himself. I will not be talked down to.”

  “Enough!” Michael yelled.

  “That came out of nowhere,” Madison stated in shock. “What’s gotten into you, Michael? You are normally so quiet and reserved.”

  “I tell you what has gotten into me. I am here in my home and hoped for a joyful reunion between my wife and her sister. Instead it has turned into a chaotic circus. Andi, Alyssa is married to Noah, so you must find a way to deal with it. Mother, Father, I am married to Andi, and if you reject her, then you reject me. She is my wife and is carrying my child. So no matter what you say, it does not matter.”

  “Well, don’t stay married to me just because I’m expecting,” Andi commented bitterly. “I know you are planning on sending me home.”

  “Where did you get that idea?”

  “You said so.”


  “In your sleep. You said you couldn’t wait to send me back to South Carolina.”

  “Why would I want to send you back?”

  “I don’t know. I guess so you can go whoring like you used to. I know I’m not a catch. Why do you think I never married? No man wants me, so why would you?”

  “Have you lost your mind

  “I guess I have, because I love a man who doesn’t want me!”

  Michael lowered his tone. “Why haven’t you said so before?”

  “I have showed you. What more do you want?” Andi asked in frustration.

  “Just to hear it,” Michael softly replied.

  Andi looked around the room. She had forgotten they were surrounded by his family.

  “No point in doing this in private,” Nicholas said. “You have already shouted it from the rooftops. And if we leave, the women will just press their ears to the door. Please don’t ask Madison to do so. She is so clumsy when she’s expecting.”

  “I heard that,” Madison stated.

  “I know.”

  “You owe me an apology,” Madison sassily tossed to her husband.

  “I love you.”

  “That’s better. Now, please continue,” Madison said, gesturing towards Michael and Andi.

  Andi looked at the occupants in the room like they all had grown horns. She shook her head and turned back to face her husband. “I do love you.”

  Michael smiled and wrapped his arms around his wife. He kissed her heatedly in front of his entire family. “I love you, too, Pixie.”

  “Well, damn. She didn’t shoot anyone,” Max complained with disappointment.

  Robert turned his gaze to Max and then noticed Kris holding a tiny baby. “You allowed your wife to travel with my new grandchild?”

  “Got a problem with that?” Max asked.

  As Robert and Max heatedly discussed the dangers of traveling with a newborn, Michael pulled Andi over to the corner of the room.

  “Your family’s worse than mine,” Andi said as she eyed them all with fearful curiosity.

  “I know. How do you think I handled your family so well, when my family is like this constantly?”

  She looked back to her husband. “Do you really want to be married to me?”

  “If I didn’t, your father never would have gotten me into his study that morning. I love you, Andi. I always have.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Michael smiled as he leaned over and kissed his wife. The woman who he found irresistible . . . his lover . . . his pixie . . . the wild belle.


  About The Author

  Lora Thomas is a longtime reader of romance novels. By accepting a challenge from her husband, she wrote her first book Love’s Abyss. Born in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, she grew up in Owingsville, a small town in Eastern Kentucky. She graduated from Morehead State University with degrees in Business, Health Promotion and Nursing. Today, Lora resides in Kentucky on her family’s farm with her husband, son and several family pets . . . including her Russian blue cat named Pepper.


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