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The Mermaid And The Beast

Page 28

by Walleye

  “We know the whole story.” Ella declared as she held up the book. “It’s all in here. Your name and your father’s are given in the appendix to this story and so is Johnathan’s.”

  The Queen shrank back in horror. “Where did you get that book? I thought they’d all been destroyed.”

  Ella smiled. “That’s the power of fairytales, Your Majesty. They survive because they speak to the human heart and as long as bards exist to tell them they can never be destroyed.”

  Belle looked with wonder at the Queen. “When you fell in love with him, you had to have had the same feelings about love that I do.”

  “Yes, she did.” Gwen declared. “And so does Maryellen who is an oceanide princess and who has repeatedly demonstrated true love for your son and we suspect that he has the same feelings for her.”

  “Is this all true?” The Queen asked Maryellen. “You being a mermaid princess?”

  Maryellen nodded her head and held up her slate. I want to be with him.

  The Queen studied her for a long moment before sadly shaking her head. “My dear, I am so sorry, but what you have told me is not relevant. Since you can’t speak, you can’t break the curse. Unless.” She looked at her intently. “Have you tried to have the nonspeaking part of the curse removed?”

  Thistledown whom the Queen couldn’t see or hear said sadly. “Not even I or the castle wizard here have the power to do that.”

  Maryellen’s hand shook as she wrote. Not breakable.

  The Queen said to Maryellen. “But my son has clearly indicated that he loves you?”

  Maryellen nodded sadly.

  The Queen declared. “Then my original offer to Belle still stands. She can break the curse by declaring her love for my son. He does not have to love her for her to become a princess and to marry him.” She nodded her head at Maryellen. “Your part is done.”

  Maryellen with Thistledown sadly flying above her head left the room, choking back a sob. She had imagined confronting the Queen and somehow convincing her to relent. It had been a foolish dream. Maybe if she hadn’t been cursed she could have done it but then she could’ve spoken the words to Johnathan herself.

  Back in the room a saddened Belle protested to the Queen “Doesn’t love mean anything to you?”

  The Queen turned to face her and for a moment Belle thought she saw a sadness but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. “No. Because his love will die with him and leave you cold and in terrible pain.” The Queen growled. “It is better to guard your heart and never let love loose as all it does is cause pain in the end.”

  Belle’s eyes filled with tears. “You poor, poor, lonely woman. You walled yourself away from love when there was no need to do so.”

  “Get out.” Snarled the Queen as she angrily pointed a trembling finger at the open doorway. “I don’t need you three judging me.”

  Gwen put her arm around Belle and led her sister from the room, trying to console her. Belle was just too good and took everything to heart.

  Ella started to follow them and then she turned and said to the Queen. “The only one who can judge you in this life is you yourself and you must do that alone. But remember there will always be a judgment rendered after death and then there will be two doing the judging, you and God.” With this said she turned and left the room.

  Ever A Surprise

  Three days had passed and once again Belle was facing the Queen but not alone as the Beast was there standing beside his Mother and looking at her expectantly.

  Belle curtsied and was bid to rise. She was wearing a light red dress that showed off her figure to its best appearance and her blond hair was done up in a coil and piled on top of her head.

  “Have you reached a decision?” The Queen asked.

  Belle swallowed. “I just need to ask your Son a question before I decide as he has avoided me for the last three days.”

  The Beast tugged at his collar as if it was too tight. “I wanted it to be your decision as we will have to live with it for the rest of our lives. I wanted no one to say that I compelled you.”

  “Thank you, Johnathan.” Belle gave him a grateful smile. “You keep showing me how good a person you really are.”

  “And what is your question?” The Queen prompted. “Or has it been answered?”

  Belle looked at the Beast who fidgeted under her inspection. “Do you love me?”

  The Beast looked stricken before he gave a long, sad sigh of frustration. “I can only tell you what is truly in my heart. I care deeply for you.”

  Belle nodded. “And I for you.”

  The Queen let out a hiss of frustration. “Do you love him? If you don’t this conversation is over.”

  Belle took a deep breath. “Yes. I love him.”

  “And you will marry him?” The Queen demanded.

  Belle looked at the Beast and saw only hope and not love in his eyes. “Yes.” She replied. “I will marry him and break the curse.”

  The Queen fell back in relief before she declared. “And on that day you will become a princess.”

  Belle’s jaw firmed up before she declared. “I demand that my sisters be given recognition as princesses too and that they be established with me here in the castle and this condition is not negotiable.”

  The Queen ground her teeth together before she announced. “Agreed.” This girl had her by the throat and there was no getting out of it. She glared at the unrepentant Belle for a moment before she looked down at a book. She looked up. “According to the wizard’s calculations this wedding must occur no later than the third for after that date the curse becomes permanent.”

  “It will have to be the third.” Belle declared. “Because my aunts and uncles must be given time enough to get here.”

  “You’re cutting it close.” The Queen griped. On seeing Belle’s resolute expression she sighed. “The third it is.”

  “If you will excuse me.” The Beast declared. “I have to see someone.” He walked away with a very determined look on his face.

  Belle watched him go with a sad look in her eyes. “He’s gone to see her, hasn’t he?”

  The Queen didn’t even look up. “She can be escorted off the property or even incarcerated if you so desire.”

  “I do not.” Belle snapped. She considered for a moment. “But I will talk to her.”

  “You could be putting yourself in danger.” The Queen said with a raised eyebrow.

  “I trust Maryellen.” Belle declared. “My sisters and I have gotten to know her well. She is a person of honor and I believe what she says. She would have to be insane to attack me and she is definitely not insane.” With her head held high she followed the just recently departed Beast out the door.

  Johnathan had just paused at the doorway to Maryellen’s room. He did not look forward to this in the slightest. As he stepped through the doorway he saw that Maryellen was seated on the edge of her bed with Thistledown flittering over her head.

  Maryellen looked up and took in the Beast’s expression of sorrow and regret. She sighed and looked away from him. She knew it was over.

  The little fairy flew over and hovered in front of his face as she looked into his eyes. “Belle declared that she loved you and will marry you, didn’t she?”

  The Beast nodded his head. “She did. We wed on the third.”

  On hearing this Maryellen put her head in her hands and began to cry deep sobs that shook her body. The dream was over.

  Johnathan felt his own heart breaking too. He knew that he should just turn around and leave and if he was as cold as his Mother he would have done just that. But he wasn’t.

  He crossed the room in four strides, sat on the bed and cradled her against his chest. “Catalina was my first love.” He declared. “But you will always be my greatest love.” He stroked her long blond hair and delighted once more in all the mingling scents that came off her body. Even her smell could drive him crazy with wanting her.

  Thistledown who was hovering in front of the
m said. “If she could speak she would say….”

  The Beast interrupted her. “I know what she would say.” He looked down at the sobbing woman. “That she loves me with all her heart and soul. She does not need to speak for me to hear her declaration of love in my own heart and soul.”

  He kissed the top of Maryellen’s forehead. His whole mind was filled with her scents and the touch of her body against his own. Part of him wanted to say ‘to the blazes with the crown. I’ll stay with her.’ Another part whispered. ‘You have to be king. It is your destiny.’

  He unwrapped his arms from her body and got up. “Goodbye, my greatest love.”

  As he turned he saw Belle standing there in the doorway and she was crying too. “Belle? You heard?”

  She nodded as tears ran down her cheek and then she went to Maryellen and knelt on the floor so she could take her hands. “Maryellen, I am so sorry. I have never thought of you as a rival for Johnathan’s heart. I hope we can be close.”

  Maryellen leaned forward and kissed Belle on her cheek. Thistledown declared. “Maryellen is saying there is nothing to forgive as she also wants to be close before she has to leave.”

  Belle stared at the fairy. “Where will she be going?”

  Thistledown sighed. “I can’t tell you that but after it is over you will never see her again.”

  Belle blanched. “She’s going to die, isn’t she? It’s like all those other fairytales with sad endings.”

  Maryellen nodded. She kissed Belle on the other cheek and then reached over and handed Belle the sword in its scabbard. She pointed at the sword and then at Belle. Thistledown interpreted. “As a sign of her friendship for you she gifts you with the sword which cleaves all hostile magic. It may save your and the Beast’s lives.”

  “Oh Maryellen.” Belle put the sword aside and hugged her. “I will pray that you will not have to die. You’ve become one of my dearest friends. Keep the sword for now as you are under a spell you may need it before I will.”

  Maryellen nodded, took the sword and laid it aside. She then beckoned Belle forward, hugged her, patted her back and kissed her right cheek one more time. Belle stood and looked a long time at her. In many ways she realized they were very similar. “I’m so sorry.” She said before she ran from the room, wiping at her eyes.

  Johnathan felt his insides clenching. Maryellen was going to die. He felt sick inside. This was not any part of a happy ending such as he had imagined. What he wanted to do was take her in his arms and make her safe again but to make her safe he had to give up his dreams and now he found himself torn and no longer sure what he should do.

  “Maryellen.” He ventured. She shook her head and pointed at the door. He felt terrible. “I’m so sorry.” He managed to get out before he turned and left feeling like he was going to cry and afraid that he would embarrass himself if he did so.

  He heard her make a sobbing sound and something started to tear inside him. He wanted to go to her and carry her off and flee this insane place. But he didn’t. He put one infinitely heavy foot in front of the other and left the room as tears ran down his cheeks.

  Thistledown said softly to Maryellen. “You know that you could leave and go back to the river. Maybe its magic could protect you.”

  Maryellen shook her head. She was not going to run. She thought that might make her vulnerable too to the Sidhe and it might leave Johnathan vulnerable if she wasn’t there. She knew that this wasn’t rational but she had to see this tale through to its end.

  Thistledown sighed sadly and sat down on her shoulder. “If that’s your decision, then I’ll give you what company I can.”

  Maryellen took the fairy gently in her hands and kissed her on her head. Thistledown kissed her back, flitted back to her shoulder and sat there. She would be there until the end too.

  The next few days were busy as the guests arrived from all over the kingdom for the nuptials. The day of the wedding started out sunny but an hour before the ceremony dark black clouds began rolling in and thunder began grumbling off in the distance. Dark clouds were swirling and boiling above the mountains as they approached the castle while lightning bolts leapt from cloud to cloud and the sound of thunder became continuous.

  Then abruptly the storm subsided as if cut off by someone slamming a door shut on its power source and as the hour of the wedding approached, it began to gently rain.

  “Lovely weather for a wedding.” Belle’s Father complained to himself as he awaited at the entrance to the church for his daughters to escort Belle to him

  Maryellen and Thistledown were waiting at the back of the church. Maryellen looked at her sword and saw no sign of dark magic being in the now quiet storm. Still the storm by its very presence worried her.

  She looked over to the fairy who shook her head. “I don’t detect the Sidhe Morgin anywhere. Yet this storm was created by the Sidhe magic but something or someone stopped it and used magic something like theirs.”

  Unseen by them a dark and grotesque figure watched them from the shadows out in the courtyard. He had eyes for only one of the three girls who emerged from the castle and crossed the courtyard.

  Her two sisters held umbrellas over Belle’s head to prevent her dress from getting stained as they hurried across the courtyard. Belle was wearing a lovely two piece dress lined with white pearls and fastened together by oyster shell hooks.

  Gwen stopped at the entrance to the church and took the umbrella from Ella. As Ella led Belle to their Father, Gwen commented. “Thank God that the storm didn’t get any worse.”

  The dark figure stepped out of the shadows to be revealed as a wrinkled little man with a black beard and dressed in a silver shirt and black pants. He was solidly built while being only about four feet tall. He wasn’t much to look at but his eyes flashed with a fire that revealed the loving and kindly heart that dwelled there.

  “Thanks should always be given to the Almighty.” He declared. “But if those Sidhe thought they were going to hurt the ones I love, they were sadly mistaken.”

  Gwen whirled. “Rumpelstiltskin!” She cried out with joy.

  “Darn. You got my name right on the first try.” He declared with a grin revealing missing teeth. Then he stopped talking as Gwen swept him into her arms and kissed him.

  “Well, Lass.” He said softly after their lips broke apart. “I be glad to see you now know where your heart belongs.”

  Gwen blushed. “I think I always did. It just took me time to realize it.” She set his feet back on the ground and held him at arm’s length. “So you were the one who stopped the storm?”

  “Well, it wasn’t the Sidhe thunder god Taranis.” He said with a grin. “I’ll match my dwarf powers against his or any Sidhe witch for that matter any day. Taranis can only create a storm while I can transmute elements from one form to another. It is a power we metal workers of the earth always have had.”

  “Come on.” Gwen seized his arm and pulled him after her. “Belle is about to get married.”

  “Is she now?” The dwarf chuckled. “Well, we can’t miss that, can we?” He allowed her to pull him inside.

  Thistledown shivered as the pair passed her. She had not felt such power since she had met the wizard Toby at the Magic Council. This dwarf could brush her aside as if she was a leaf. She was just glad he was no threat.

  Belle took her Father’s arm and while her sisters watched began her walk down the aisle. She could see Johnathan waiting for her, still tugging at his itchy collar. She saw his eyes come to rest on her and then they flicked away to someone behind her and from the sad little smile he showed she knew it was Maryellen.

  Maryellen wondered if turning into an air spirit and losing her body would hurt? Well, it couldn’t hurt any more than she was already hurting and maybe after that she would feel nothing at all. She would prefer that.

  Her eyes met those of her beloved and she felt the message passing between them. He would always love her and she would always love him. She lowered her head, not wantin
g to watch the ceremony.

  Johnathan flinched as Maryellen broke contact and he felt ice filling his soul to overflowing. He tried to tell himself that this was it. He would be the heir and human again. But he would never see his beloved mermaid again. She would be destroyed. But so would he. Was her death worth a crown?

  As Belle took his hand in hers he knew he wanted it to be someone else. But he would have to choose between his dreams. He threw back his head and roared his frustration to the skies, echoes ran through the cathedral. When he lowered his head he knew what his choice was.

  “Belle.” He started to say.

  She reached up and touched a finger to his mouth, cutting off his words. “I know.” She said. “I’ve been soul searching too. Your heart belongs to another and will never be mine.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Go to her.” She commanded, trying to smile. “She needs you.”

  Johnathan looked over at the stunned Queen. “Mother. I can’t do it.”

  “What will I do for a heir?” She wailed.

  “Make Belle a princess and your heir.” He declared. “She has more heart than both of us combined.”

  He began striding down the aisle while the babble of voices rose around him. At that moment a cock crowed three times and a cackling Sidhe voice proclaimed from the rafters. “It is done. The curse is permanent.”

  “Go to Hades, you witch!” He shouted as he broke into a run. “I no longer care.”

  In front of him he saw Maryellen stagger out as if she was trying to reach him and then she crumpled to the floor. “Maryellen!” He cried. When he reached her he saw her body was already becoming transparent. Her curse had been completed just as his had been finished.

  He scooped her up and wept against her fading cheek. “Don’t leave me.”

  A gnarled hand fell on his shoulder and he felt magic flowing through him and into her. He looked up and saw the concerned face of a dwarf. “Take her to the river, Son. Go as fast as you can. I’ve strengthened her with my magic but it will not last unless you can reach the magic waters in time.”


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