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Kill Bin Laden

Page 36

by Dalton Fury

  equipment of

  intelligence on

  9/11 terrorist attacks

  observation posts of


  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Shelter Now International hostage crisis

  Spin Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)



  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Tora Bora Mountains, Afghanistan

  Towr Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Al Qaeda Martyr Memorial (Tora Bora, Afghanistan)

  Al Qaeda’s Great Escape (Smucker)

  American Indians


  supply problems

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Anderson, Bruce

  AN-PEQ2 laser

  AN/PVS-5 night vision goggles (NVGs)

  ANVS-9 night vision goggles (NVGs)

  Arabic. See also language skills

  Ashley, Jake

  assessment process, Delta Force

  Atef, Mohammed

  Baader-Meinhof gang (Germany)

  Badr, Battle of

  Bagram Air Base (Afghanistan)

  Afghanistan operations

  supply problems

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Balkans, Delta Force operations in

  bandits, Afghanistan

  Band of Brothers (film)

  Bargewell, Eldon

  beards, Delta Force

  Beckwith, Charlie

  Belvoir, Fort (Virginia)

  Benning, Fort (Georgia)

  Bergen, Peter

  Berntsen, Gary

  B-52 bomber

  Bierce, Ambrose

  bin Laden, Mohammed

  bin Laden, Usama. See also al Qaeda; Taliban

  Ahmed, Gul

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord)

  BLU-82 bomb (Daisy Cutter)

  capture rumor

  Daruna, Afghanistan

  deception plan for

  Delta Force mission

  disposition of

  escape of

  expectations of

  intelligence on

  last will and testament of

  life and death decision



  popular support for

  reward for


  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Tora Bora Mountains (Afghanistan)

  United States and

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  bin Laden, Uthman

  Blaber, Pete

  Blackfeet people

  Blackhawk Down (film)

  Black Sea, Battle of (Somalia, 1993)

  BLU-82 bomb (Daisy Cutter)

  B-Monkey. See Bryan (code named B-Monkey)

  bombs, unexploded

  B-1 bomber

  Bosnia. See also Balkans

  Bradley fighting vehicle

  Bragg, Fort (North Carolina)

  Bravo Team

  British intelligence

  British Royal Marine commandos

  British SBS commandos

  British Special Air Service (SAS) commandos (U.K.)

  British Special Boat Service (SBS, U.K.)

  Bryan (code named B-Monkey)

  bureaucracy, politics. See also military establishment; politics

  Bush, George W.

  9/11 terrorist attacks

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Bushnell reflex HOLOsights

  Cambone, Steven


  capability exercises (CAPEXs), Delta Force

  CAPEXs (capability exercises), Delta Force

  capture rumor, bin Laden, Usama

  Carlson, William


  al Qaeda


  Engagement Zones (EZ)

  Kolokhel, Afghanistan

  Tora Bora, Battle of (Afghanistan)

  CBU-78 Gator mines


  Spin Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See also actionable intelligence; HUMINT; intelligence


  Ahmed, Gul mission

  Al (Special Forces officer assigned to CIA)

  Ali, Hazret (warlord)

  al Qaeda casualties

  bin Laden, Usama

  BLU-82 bomb (Daisy Cutter)

  Delta Force

  George (agent)

  Jalalabad, Afghanistan

  Kabul, Afghanistan

  language skills

  members of



  Predator (drone aircraft)

  Shelter Now International hostage crisis

  Spin Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)


  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Tora Bora Mountains attack

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun


  Zawahiri, Ayman al-


  Ahmed, Gul mission

  Balkan mission

  Northern Alliance

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Cheney, Dick

  CH-47 helicopter

  civilian casualties. See also casualties

  Engagement Zones (EZ)

  Kolokhel, Afghanistan

  Clancy, Tom

  Clarke, Richard

  Clarke, Torie

  Clinton, William J.

  Clinton administration, Delta Force

  close-quarter combat (CQB), Delta Force

  Coalition Air Operations Center (CAOC)

  Cobra II (Gordon and Trainor)

  Combat Shooting and Tactics Inc.

  Combat Talon aircraft

  Combined Arms and Services Staff School

  Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force

  Command and General Staff College


  9/11 terrorist attacks. See also intelligence

  conditioning exercises, Delta Force

  costs, Tora Bora, Battle of

  CQB light

  Crapshoot (assault team leader)

  Cruise, Tom

  C-17 Globemaster (aircraft)

  Dailey, Dell

  Daisy Cutter (BLU-82 bomb)

  Dari language

  Daruna, Afghanistan

  Dayton Peace Accords

  deception plan, Afghanistan mission

  Delphi method, Delta Force

  Delta Force. See also Tora Bora, Battle of (Afghanistan)

  activities of

  Afghanistan mission

  Ahmed, Gul mission

  air force special tactics combat control

  Ali, Hazret (warlord)

  Balkan operations


  bin Laden, Usama

  capability exercises (CAPEXs)

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  conditioning exercises

  Dailey, Dell

  deployment decisions

  equipment of

  evaluation for potential service process

  frustration in

  Fury, Dalton (Redfly)

  Iran hostage crisis

  Iraq War

  life and death decision


  members of


  Murdock, Gus

  observation posts

  officers of

  Omar, Mullah Muhammad, raid on

  organizational model

  planning by

  popularity of

  qualifications for, ix

  readiness of


  secrecy and

  selection and assessment process in

  Shelter Now International hostage crisis



  supply problems

  tactics of

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  training for

>   uniform of

  urban reconnaissance

  Delta Force (Beckwith)

  desert camouflage fatigues

  Desert Storm (Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991)

  The Devil’s Dictionary (Bierce)

  Downing, Wayne

  driving skills

  drug kingpins

  DShK-38 12.7mm heavy machine guns and 82mm mortar tubes

  Dugan (sniper)

  Durant, Mike

  Du-Saraka, Afghanistan

  ear protection

  Eastern Alliance Opposition Group

  organization of

  supplies for


  Eliot, T. S.

  Engagement Zones (EZ), Tora Bora, Battle of

  escape, of bin Laden, Usama

  Escobar, Pablo

  espionage. See also Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); intelligence

  Ahmed, Gul mission

  language skills


  evaluation for potential service process, Delta Force


  F-18 aircraft

  First In (Shroen) 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment (Delta Force). See Delta Force

  flash-bang stun grenades

  flex cuffs

  Floyd, Brandon

  food tasting

  Fort Belvoir, Virginia

  Fort Benning, Georgia

  Fort Bragg, North Carolina


  Frankfurt, Germany

  friendly fire



  Tora Bora, Battle of


  Fury, Dalton (Redfly)

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord)

  army enlistment

  Balkan operations

  childhood of

  Delta Force



  promotion of

  Fusion Cell

  Garmin global positioning system

  GATOR mines

  Genghis Khan (Mongol emperor)

  George (CIA agent)

  Gere, Richard


  Ghulbihar (aide)

  global positioning system (GPS). See also specific systems

  GlobalStar satellite telephone

  Globemaster (aircraft)

  Glock sidearm

  Gordon, Michael

  Green Berets

  Afghanistan operations

  Ali, Hazret (warlord)

  Balkan operations

  Delta Force


  Spin Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)

  terminal guidance operations

  Tora Bora, Battle of


  Grenada, United States invasion of


  Grinch (Jim). See Jim (MSS Grinch)

  Grinch (Jim), Ahmed, Gul operation

  Gritz, James “Bo,” 30-31

  Guantánamo Bay, Cuba

  Haji Musa

  Haney, Eric

  Hard Rock Café (Washington, D. C.)

  Harrell, Gary


  Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin


  bin Laden, Usama escape


  landing zones for

  MH-47 Chinook helicopter

  Soviet Union

  supply problems

  Tora Bora Mountains



  Hezb-e-Islami (militant group)

  Hindu Kush Mountains (Afghanistan)

  H &K G3 assault rifle


  Hopper (recce team leader)

  Horrigan knives

  Hot Wash

  Howe, Paul

  HUMINT. See also actionable intelligence; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); intelligence

  Ahmed, Gul

  bin Laden, Usama

  Hung Ho magazine

  Hunt, David, ix-x

  The Hunt for Bin Laden (Moore)

  Hunting the Jackal (Waugh)

  Hussein, Saddam

  Hutmacher, Clay

  improvised explosive devices (IEDs)

  India Team

  infrared pointers

  Inside Delta Force (Haney)

  intelligence. See also actionable intelligence; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); HUMINT


  Afghanistan mission

  al Qaeda

  bin Laden, Usama



  proactive military stance

  Shelter Now International hostage crisis

  Tora Bora Mountains, Afghanistan

  war criminals

  weapons of mass destruction

  Zawahiri, Ayman al-

  intermediate staging base (ISB), Afghanistan


  Inter-Service Intelligence (Pakistan)

  In the Company of Heroes (Durant)

  IPTAL infrared laser

  Iran hostage crisis

  Iraq War

  Delta Force

  Haditha Dam raid


  Murdock, Gus

  proactive military stance

  Silver Stars

  Ironhead (squadron sergeant major)


  Izlid infrared marking laser

  Jackal Team

  Jalalabad, Afghanistan

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord)

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  journey to

  policing of

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Jawbreaker (Berntsen). See also Team Jawbreaker Juliet (CIA point group)



  Jester (sniper)

  Jim (MSS Grinch)

  Johnson, Billy “White Shoes,” 31

  Joint Commission Observer teams, Balkan


  Joint Intelligence Agency Task Force

  Joint Interrogation Facility (Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan)

  Joint Operations Command (JOC)

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)

  (Advance Force Operations)

  Joint Special Operations Task Force


  Kabul, Afghanistan

  Central Intelligence Agency

  Shelter Now International hostage crisis

  Kandahar, Afghanistan

  Kandahar, Afghanistan airport

  Karzai, Hamid

  Kevlar helmets

  Khan, Adam (CIA agent)

  Khost, Afghanistan

  Khyber Pass (Afghanistan)

  Killer Elite (Smith)

  Kilo Team

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kolokhel, Afghanistan

  Lamb, Christopher

  Lamb, Kyle

  language skills. See also specific languages

  Central Intelligence Agency

  Delta Force




  Laos, prisoners of war

  last will and testament, of bin Laden, Usama


  Delta Force

  Fury, Dalton (Redfly)

  Leebaert, Derek

  Leonidas (king of Sparta)

  life and death decision

  Delta Force

  proactive military stance

  London Spectator (English newspaper)

  MacDill Air Force Base (Hillsborough County, Florida)

  The Man Who Would Be King (Kipling)

  map case


  Hindu Kush Mountains (Afghanistan)

  inadequacy of



  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Marine Corps (U.S.)

  Martinet, Jean

  Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan

  MC-130 Combat Talon aircraft

  Meadows, Dick

  Mecca, Saudi Arabia

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord)

  bin Laden, Usama

  BLU-82 bomb (Daisy Cutter)

  Delta Force

  Iraq War

  Press Pool Ridge

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  medical kits

  M-4 assault rifles

  MH-47 Chinook helicopter

  MIG fighter aircraft

  MilCAM Recon thermal sight

  military establishment. See also bureaucracy; politics


  Delta Force deployment

  proactive stance

  mini video camera, espionage

  Minutemen (U.S. revolutionary war)

  MK-82 bomb

  MK-7 laser range finder

  M-1911 sidearm

  mobile support site (MSS)

  Modelo Prison (Panama City, Panama)

  Mogadishu, Somalia

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh

  money, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Monkey. See Bryan (code named B-Monkey)

  Moore, Robin

  Mosul, Iraq

  MP5 submachine gun

  M-72 LAW rockets

  M-16 rifle

  MSS Monkey. See Bryan (code named B-Monkey)

  M-240 machine guns

  M-249 squad automatic weapons

  Muhammad (prophet)

  mujahideen. See also Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord); Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Afghanistan mission

  al Qaeda prisoners

  bin Laden, Usama

  BLU-82 bomb (Daisy Cutter)

  combat practices

  Delta Force

  friendly fire

  Green Berets

  Mulholland, John

  night vision goggles (NVGs)



  Soviet Union and

  supplies for



  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Mulholland, John

  Murdock, Gus

  Muse, Kurt

  Musharraf, Pervez

  Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan

  bin Laden, Usama

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  National Guard

  National Security Strategy (report)

  Native Americans

  Navy SEALs

  Naylor, Sean

  Newsweek magazine

  Night Stalkers (Durant)

  night vision goggles (NVGs)

  9/11 terrorist attacks

  Northern Advance Force Operations (NAFO)

  Northern Alliance


  Kabul, Afghanistan

  Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan

  supplies for


  Northwest Frontier Province (Pakistan)

  Not a Good Day to Die (Naylor)

  Nuristan Province, Afghanistan

  observation posts

  al Qaeda

  Delta Force

  Tora Bora, Battle of (Afghanistan)

  Omar, Mullah Muhammad

  Delta Force raid on

  hunt for

  intelligence on

  101st Airborne Division

  173rd Airborne Combat Brigade

  The One Percent Solution (Suskind)

  Operation Acid Gambit

  Operation Eagle Claw (Iran hostage crisis)

  Operation Enduring Freedom

  Operation Iraqi Freedom. See also Iraq War

  opium farming

  ordnance, unexploded


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