by E. B. White
Addams, Charles, 402
The Adelphi (magazine), 77n., 97
ADOLF, ARLYN S., 629. Letter: 629
Advertising, arts and, 115; for automobiles, 198; for Camel cigarettes, 133; editorial content and, 612–614; for New Yorker, 107; in New Yorker, 477; in New York Times, 507; for “OMM” column, 169–170; testimonial, 136–140
“Afternoon of an American Boy,” 359
Aging, 578, 582, 624, 628, 637, 684
AIKEN, J. H. Letter: 320
Air mail, 162, 235, 277
Alaska, 63–64, 118, 343, 435
Alastor (yawl), 116, 116n.
Alcott, Louisa May, 618, 619
Aleph Samach (Cornell Junior Honor Society), 18
Algonquin Hotel, EBW at, 173, 275, 424, 625, 630; EBW’s bed from, 639, 642, 684; fire at, 431; KSW at, 276–277; literary role of, 528
ALLEN, COLSON HENRY, with bad back, 682; cutting wood, 586; daughter Marianne, 550; driving EBW home, 620; ducklings and, 626; EBW making wheelbarrow for, 602; fixing flat tire, 396; flu bout, 433; hired by EBW, 338;
KSW’s greenhouse and, 611; tomatoes grown by, 636–637. Letters: about brooder pen, 339–340; about flat tire, 396–398
Allen, Forrest, 404, 404n.
ALLEN, FREDERICK LEWIS, as Harper’s editor, 141; “OMM” column and, 198, 198n., 209, 357. Letters: on automobiles, 199–200; on Bromfield and Saxton, 233; EBW’s resignation from “OMM,” 227–229
Allen, John, 114, 151
Allen, Marianne, 550
ALLEN, REGINALD, Trumpet concert and, 560, 581; as Whites’ neighbor, 494; wood duck eggs from, 591. Letters: on killdeer’s nest, 509; on praying mantises, 494; on Trumpet concert, 560–562; on wood duck eggs, 591–592
Allen, Virginia, 530
Alligators, and beer bottles, 487; as pets, 5
“The Almost Perfect State” (Marquis), 160
Alsop, Joe, 483
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 427n., 428n., 606
American Boy’s Handybook, 669
American Cancer Society, 622
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 536, 631
American Legion News Service, 29–30, 32
American Spiders (Gertsch), 325
AMES, ELIZABETH. Letter: 354–355
Anarchists, 436
The Anatomy of Peace (Reves), 682–683
Andania (ship), 70, 73
Angell, Alice, 474n., 617
ANGELL, CAROLINE S. (CALLIE), 272, 272n., 333, 474n., 513. Letter: 506
ANGELL, CAROL ROGGE, 474n., 555, 616, 620n. Letters: for birthday, 549–550; from Florida, 497–499; on misspelled word, 536; from North Brooklin, 512–513; on saililng, 530–531
Angell, Ernest, 81
Angell, Evelyn Baker, divorce from Roger, 459; dog owned by, 246n.; job hunting, 246; marriage to Roger, 209, 222, 224; as mother, 272; visit to EBW, 238
Angell, John Henry, 573, 588
Angell, Katharine Sergeant. See White, Katharine S.
Angell, Nancy. See Stableford, Nancy Angell
ANGELL, ROGER, in Army Air Force, 234, 238; baseball writing by, 493, 587, 587n, 615, 620n.; birth of, 81; in childhood, 87, 99, 103, 118, 120; Christmas presents for, 178; divorce of, 459; at EBW’s death, 685; as editor, 209; as father, 272, 272n.; graduation of, 166, 221; at KSW’s death, 616; marriages of, 209, 222, 223n., 224, 474n.; in North Brooklin, 132, 149, 573. Letters: on baseball, 493, 615; on “A Day in the Life of Roger Angell,” 555–556; from Florida, 452, 497–499; from North Brooklin, 474–475, 512–513; on “The Summer Game,” 587–588
Animals, as amoral, 562; care of, 176, 412; community among, 563; influence on writing, 142, 419, 582; at North Brooklin farm, 232, 335, 369, 503. See also Birds; Pets; specific types
“The Annals of Birdwatching,” 491, 492, 492n.
ANSPACH, ANDREW A. Letters: 639, 642
“Answers to Hard Questions,” 350, 401
“An Approach to Style,” 676
Arbuthnot, May Hill, 349, 349n. 350
Archy and Mehitabel (Marquis), 286, 598
Arendt, Hannah, 574
Arithmometer, 54–55, 57
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, 214, 218
Armstrong, Louis, 593
Army, ban of OMM, 243, 243n.; EBW as student in, 18, 207; examination for, 222
Army Air Force, 234
ARNAUD, ODETTE, 395. Letter: 395
Arno, Peter, 71, 98, 326
ASCAP, 561
ASHLEY, SALLY. Letter: 659–661
Astrid (cruising boat), mackereling from, 171; maintenance of, 168; prior to year off (1937), 148, 149; reminiscence of, 685; sale of, 220, 220n.; summer trips (1936), 131, 132, 134–136; trip with Bun Rigg (1935), 115–117
Aswell, Ed, 252
Atchley, Dr. Dana W., 362, 362n.
Atkin, William, 281, 281n.
Atkinson, Brooks, 572
Atlantic Monthly, 270, 272, 453n., 507
Atomic weapons, 338, 432, 449, 453, 670
Audubon, John James, 518, 520
August (EBW’s dachshund), 404, 411
Aunt Crully. See Sergeant, Caroline
Aunto Poo. See Omori, Annie Shepley
Automobiles, Albert White’s Buick, 15; design of, 198–200, 633; EBW as driver, 551–552, 564–565, 573, 656, 666, 680; EBW’s accident, 551–552, 564–565; EBW’s DeSoto, 331; EBW’s Lincoln touring car, 145, 149; EBW’s Oldsmobile, 650; EBW’s Pierce Arrow, 90–91, 92, 94, 96, 147; EBW’s Plymouth, 148, 199; EBW writing about, 198, 199; New York taxicabs, 292–293. See also Hotspur
BABCOCK, ROBERT S. Letter: 426–427
Baby (EBW’s canary), 78
Baillie, Hugh, 26
Bainbridge, John, 239
BAKER, CAROL ILLIAN, 7. Letter: 451
Baker, Newton D., 140
Bald eagles, 493, 496
Bangor Daily News, 179, 589, 634
BANZHAF, GRETA LEE, 547. Letters: 547–548, 573
BANZHAF, PARKER, 547. Letter: 573
Barbera, Joseph, 569
Barette, Roy, 611
Bar Harbor, Maine, 129, 132, 171, 196
BARRON, DR. FRANK, 408. Letter: 408–409
Barthelme, Donald, 501, 501n.
Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, 142n.
Baseball, EBW as player, 681; KSW as fan, 452; at Polo Grounds, 349; Roger Angell writing about, 493, 587, 615, 620n.
Baskerville, Charles, 71
BAXTER, MRS. ISABEL. Letter: 494
Beaver, Sam (fictional character), 86n., 560, 561
Beaver, Sam (original), 86, 86n., 92
BECK, BROOKS, 348. Letter: 348
Beck, Wendy, 348
“Bedfellows,” 382
Bedford Village, New York, 81, 90
Belgrade Lakes (Maine), EBW’s childhood summers at, 8–9; EBW’s first visit, 420; later visits to, 75, 75n., 129–130, 205–206, 655; reminiscences of, 607
“Bella Coola” poem, 566
Bellport, Long Island, 147, 147n.
Bemelmans, Ludwig, 557, 663
BEMIS, MR. Letter: 638
BENCHLEY, NATHANIEL, 584, 626, 632. Letters: 584, 626
Benchley, Robert, as Comment writer, 103; EBW filling in for, 106; Fellow Citizens introduction by, 200; influence on EBW, 468, 632–633; as New Yorker theater critic, 98; as reformer, 159
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 195, 195n.
Benson, Ezra Taft, 379, 379n.
BERGMAN, BERNARD, 108n. Letter: 108
BERK, JOE, 546–548, 550, 555, 559, 624. Letters: on Charlotte, 548–549; on Stuart, 485, 486
Berkman, Alexander, 436, 436n.
Bermuda, 161–162
Bernstein, Burton, 579
Berry, Romeyn, 159, 159n., 187, 189
The Berry Patch (Sun column), 18, 32, 37
Best-seller lists, 556
nger, Hoyland, 427
Bhimsa, the Dancing Bear (Weston), 257–258
Bicycling, in Bermuda, 161, 162; in North Brooklin, 576–577, 677–678; on Racycle, 681; vs. driving, 573
Bierce, Ambrose, 409
BINGER, DR. CARL, 343. Letter: 343
BIRD, KENNETH. Letter: 320–321
Birds, bobwhites, 285–286; canaries, 78, 143; catbirds, 561; Cornell program, 445; crows, 201, 204, 205, 326, 469; European bullfinches, 385–386; guineas, 589; hummingbirds, 491–492; killdeer, 509; kingfishers, 286; Nick (pet), 167; observation of, 294, 426; orioles, 471; pigeons, 15, 251, 401, 402–403; robins, 294, 308, 475, 561; at Turtle Bay Garden residence, 294; whippoorwills, 492n.; whisky-jacks, 378, 426, 426n.; woodcock, 230; yellow warblers, 494. See also Chickens; Ducks; Geese; Raptors; Trumpeter swans; Turkeys
Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States (Forbush), 285–286, 491, 492n.
“The Birth of an Adult,” 164, 164n.
Bishop, Alison, 174, 174n.
BISHOP, MORRIS, at Cornell, 18; marriage/family of, 174n.; postcard collection, 431n.; remarks about EBW, 426, 528. Letters: on Cornell, 188–189; on Cornell invitation, 431–432; on North Brooklin farm, 174; on OMM introduction, 286–287; on S. Frank compliment, 483
Blackburn, Howard, 108n.
Blacklisting, 267, 272, 328. See also McCarthyism
BLAIR, WALTER, 467, 471. Letters: 468–469
“The Blessed Man of Boston, My Grandmother’s Thimble, and Fanning Island” (Updike), 446n.
Blethen, Colonel C. B., 59
Bliss, Dr. Raymond V. N., 151, 157
Blue Hill, Maine, driving to, 113; EBW funeral, 685; mining at, 484; residents of, 165; in summer 1930, 99; Whites’ stay in, 156, 157, 159
Blue Hill Fair, 134, 134n., 152, 259, 595
Boats/ships, building, 254; canoes, 85, 92, 634, 642, 655; designed/built by Joel White, 317, 391n., 392, 429, 505n., 558, 669; Joel White’s love of, 141; skulls on the Schuylkill, 423; in trade for sheep, 302, 303. See also specific names
Bobwhites, 285–286
“Bold son of Runnymede . . .,” 479
Bolognese, Don, 539, 539n., 540
Bolté, Charles, 683
BONDY, MARILYN. Letter: 582
Book blurbs, 273, 293, 443
Book-of-the-Month Club, 352, 353, 353n., 360–361
Books I Love (Kieran), 539
BOOTH, PHILIP, 529n. Letters: 529–530, 558
Boston, 259, 373, 383, 652
BOTSFORD, GARDNER, 411. Letter: 411
Bowdoin College, 617, 618
Bowling Green (newspaper column), 18, 479
Bowman, John McEntee, 409
BOYER, MARILYN. Letter: 321
Boyer, Richard, 289–290
BOYNTON, MRS. DAMON. Letter: 334
Bradford, Robert W., 425
BRADLEY, DAVID. Letter: 457
Bridges, James, 2, 123
Brief (Air Force magazine), 209
Brittingham, Arthur, 4–5, 370
Brittingham, Arthur, Jr., 4
Brittingham, Frank, 4
Brittingham, Jessie, 4, 418
Brittingham, Marion Robertson White, in childhood, 4; death of, 5, 424; EBW’s visit to, 370; with jaundice, 418; marriage/family of, 8; as redhead, 360
Brittingham, Sam, 4
Brittingham, Stanley, 4
Broadway (Atkinson), 572
BRODER, DAVID, 670. Letter: 670
Bromfield, Louis, 233
Bronfman, Edgar, 552, 569
Bronx Zoo, 274
Brooklin Boat Yard, 391, 429, 463, 505n., 529n., 550
Brooklin Library. See Friend Memorial Library
Brooklyn Academy of Design, 4
BROOKS, PAUL, 366, 378n. Letters: on “Walden—1954,” 366; on whiskey-jacks, 378; on Wild Flag, 445–446
Broun, Heywood, 101, 102
BROWN, C. J. Letter: 403
“The Browning Off of Pelham Manor,” 555n.
BRUBAKER, MRS. MAX. Letter: 521
BRUSH, JOHN. Letter: 361
BRYAN, JOSEPH, III, 117, 161. Letter: 156
Bryan, William Jennings, 5
Bryn Mawr, KSW archive at, 617, 618; KSW attending, 72, 81; KSW exhibit at, 622, 625; KSW/Updike correspondence and, 636
Buckley, Jennifer, 671
Buffa, Josephine, 89, 89n., 91n., 155, 156
Buffa, Willy, 91n., 109
Buford (ship), 63–64, 343, 344, 435, 436, 436n., 651
Bunker, Ellsworth, 103
Burchfield, Alice. See Sumner, Alice Burchfield
Burgess, Lucy, 680
BURNETT, WHIT, 543. Letter: 543
BURR, GEORGE LINCOLN, 20, 478. Letter: 20
Cachalot (sloop), 550
Camden, South Carolina, 111–112
Campbell, Dr. Archibald, 7
Camp Otter (Dorset, Ontario), EBW’s summer job at (1920, 1921), 20–23; EBW’s vacation at (1929), 83–86; EBW’s vacation at (1930), 91–95; lack of otters at, 383; minister at, 96n.; porcupine at, 492
Canada jays. See Whiskey-jacks
Canaries, 78, 143
CANBY, DR. HENRY S., 263n., 333. Letter: 263
Candage, Lennie, 175, 176, 176n.
CANFIELD, CASS, assistants to, 448, 607; book-of-the-month club deal, 360; as EBW’s editor, 174; EBW’s National Medal for Literature and, 578; Is Sex Necessary? preface and, 284. Letters: on book blurbs, 273; on Charlotte, 325, 329, 336–337; on collected work, 366,
CANFIELD, CASS (cont’d) 601–602; on E. B. White Papers, 349; on EBW’s medal, 427–428; on Here Is NY, 542–543; on Lasker Award, 470–471; on Last Flower (Thurber), 443–444; from North Brooklin, 180–181; on OMM, 233, 369, 467–468, 476; on PofC, 448–449, 455–456, 457; on Quo Vad., 175; on Second Tree, 352, 353; OMM new edition, 467
Canfield, Jane, 470, 470n.
“A Canoe on the Border Lakes” (Brooks), 378n.
Canoeing, at Belgrade Lakes, 607, 655; in Ontario, 20, 22, 85, 92, 94; at Walker’s Pond, 684
Cantor, Eddie, 206
Cantwell, Robert, 336–337
Capote, Truman, 310n.
Carleton Miscellany, 470
Carnegie Commission on Educational Television, 495
Carson, Johnny, 491
Carson, Rachel, 445
CASE, J. G. (JACK), death of, 557, 570n.; editorial suggestions of, 676; Elements revision and, 368, 417, 570, 574. Letters: on Elements grammar error, 448; on Elements revision, 407, 414–418, 419; on “hopefully” usage, 543–544; on prepositions, 447; on Strunk’s markings in Elements, 502–503
Cass County Pioneer, 48, 312
Catbirds, 561
Cather, Willa, 372
Cerf, Bennett, 366
CHAPMAN, RUTH. Letter: 265
Chappell, George Shepard, 63n.
Charlotte’s Web, in archives, 472; basis for, 331, 341, 344, 593; book jacket, 330; Book-of-the-Month Club plan, 360–361; characters in, 441–442, 483, 491–492, 562, 567, 582, 598, 607; fair in, 134n.; French edition, 395; illustrations for, 324, 325, 329, 533–534; love of domestic animals in, 142; as massage parlor name, 626; movie versions, 306, 337, 337n., 388, 389, 439–440, 499–500, 534, 534n., 552–553, 556, 557, 562–563, 567, 569–570, 576–578, 586, 595; music for, 583; payment for, 323–324, 447; publication of, 322, 326, 356n.; recording of, 488, 546–547, 548–549, 550, 555; response to, 333, 334,
Charlotte’s Web (cont’d) 335–336, 369, 590; reworking of, 303, 303n.; theme of, 142, 562, 594
Chase, Mary Ellen, 177
CHATTERTON, WAYNE, 572n. Letters: 572, 575–576
Chichester, Francis, 505n.
Chickens, breeds of, 564; brooding, 591–592; care of, 184, 192, 412, 678; diseases of, 178; in EBW’s childhood, 13, 592; housing for, 339–340, 568, 652; at North Brooklin farm, 133, 134, 168, 175, 224, 404, 666, 678, 680–681
Children, EBW as role model for, 531; letters f
rom, 335–336, 369, 412–413, 437, 481, 519–520, 580, 596–597
Children’s literature, audience for, 336; authors of, 437–438; best-sellers, 556; conventions in, 252, 253; EBW’s views on, 182, 436, 593–594; Newbery Award, 564; at New York Public Library, 181, 255–256; plots in, 324. See also specific titles
“Child’s Play,” 298
Chloe (Evelyn Angell’s St. Bernard), 246, 246n.
Choragos (Mount Holyoke College publication), 608, 609
Christmas, 1918, 19; 1937, 158, 159; 1938, 180; 1940, 200; 1942, 224, 226; 1944, 249; 1948, 280, 676, 676n.; 1956, 393–394, 393n.; 1957, 412; 1958, 418; 1967, 506; 1968, 522; 1969, 542; 1970, 559; 1978, 623; 1979, 631; 1981, 644; 1983, 674; dachshund card, 296, 297; Das Kapital and, 348; EBW’s attitude toward, 143, 565, 674; in Florida, 488n., 499
Christopher Columbus (sloop), 108
Chrysler Building (New York), 337–338, 338n.
Circuses, 40, 461–462, 490, 497
“The Circus,” 70
Civil rights movement, 484
“A Classic Waits for Me,” 238, 238n.
Claxton, Oliver, 71
Cleaver, Eldridge, 521
CLOUDMAN, HARRY, 419, 419n. Letters: 557, 630–631
COATES, ASTRID P. (Boo). Letter: 590–591, 451n.
Coates, Elsa, 98, 103, 104, 154
COATES, ROBERT (BOB), at Danbury Fair, 103; death of, 590–591; EBW’s visit to (1937), 154; mugging of, 104–105; at New Yorker, 98; “Special Care” story,
COATES, ROBERT (BOB) (cont’d) 450, 450n.; “up/down” New Yorker piece by, 422. Letters: 450–451, 532–533
Coca-Cola, 9, 206
Cohn, Roy, 416
Colby College, 361n., 473, 474, 600
“Coldly, to the Bronze Bust of Holley in Washington Square,” 70
COLE, CHARLES. Letter: 278
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), lobstering documentary, 365, 365n.; proposed Cronkite interview, 628; “Radio in the Rain” broadcast, 195, 195n.
Comment page (New Yorker), anti-noise piece, 273–274; EBW archives, 473; as EBW contributions, 71, 112, 121, 141, 248, 280n.; EBW’s bank of unused, 119–120; on fawns at Bronx Zoo, 274; on God and My Father (Day), 112; on “hopefully,” 544; on human rights, 345; on Korea, 334; length of, 188; limitations of, 170; on McCarthyism, 257, 270n., 272; on modern weapons, 338; other writers of, 103, 130–131, 159, 279, 430; remuneration for, 99, 231; on Ross and Fowler, 676, 676n.; suggestions for, 167; on Thoreau’s Walden, 364; treatment of, 187; on wild flag, 209, 304, 304n.; writing of, 202–203, 222
Communism/Communists, blacklisting of, 328; China and, 304; demonstrations by, 110; expansionism of, 327–328, 481; HUAC investigation of, 267–270, 272; on New Yorker staff, 289–290; publishing by, 402