by E. B. White
“Commuter,” 69, 597
CONNELLY, DOLLY, 565, 566. Letter: 565–566
The Conning Tower (newspaper column), 18, 69, 80, 351, 660
Consolidated Edison Company, 319–320
COOK, ALISON, 488n. Letter: 488
Cook, Ted, 365
Coolidge, Calvin, 187, 326, 506
“Coon Tree,” 386, 386n.
Cornell Alumni News, 315, 368
Cornell Countryman, 143
Cornell Daily Sun, book reviews in, 357; EBW as editor, 17–18, 20, 463, 675n.; EBW’s honorary society editorial, 510–511; EBW’s interview with (1964), 478; gold charm from, 57, 57n.; plagiarism incident, 315, 316;
Cornell Daily Sun (cont’d) postwar, 638; remuneration for staff of, 651
Cornell Plantations (quarterly), 398, 398n.
Cornell University, Albert and Stanley White at, 6–7; chimes at, 193; EBW as student at, 10, 17–20, 600; EBW’s fiftieth reunion, 566; honor societies at, 510–511; Joel White at, 266, 280; literary society at, 431n.; ornithologists at, 445; presidents of, 17, 314, 315, 316, 373, 568; professors at, 18–19, 410, 470; Student Army Training Corps at, 18, 207
Cornell University Library, EBW’s letters, 524–526, 678, 680; EBW’s New Yorker archive, 441, 472–473; EBW’s preparation of archive, 644; EBW’s Thurber material, 542; Elledge biography and, 656, 657, 675; “The Lady Is Cold,” 630
Cornell Widow, 18, 37
Corporate sponsorship, 611–615
CORSON, DALE R. Letter: 666–667
Costeau, Jacques, 659
Country Life magazine, 234
Countryman’s Companion, 272
Coward, McCann publishers, 142, 186, 201
Cowley, Malcolm, 211, 215, 218
Cows, 223, 399, 413
CRAWFORD, MRS. P. M. Letter: 359–360
“Critic,” 597
Cronyn, Hume, 548
Crows, 201, 204, 205, 326, 469
The Cruise of the Kawa (Chappell), 63n.
Cunard Line, 70, 73, 74
CUSHMAN, HOWARD, at Cornell, 18, 21, 22; dictionary project with EBW, 597; in Life magazine, 74; marriage of, 72n.; Philadelphia zoo visit, 515; trip West, 30–33, 36–60, 62, 311. Letters: on Cornell reunion, 566; from England, 373–374; “Hindsight through Gunsight Pass,” 377; on mutual acquaintances, 72–74; from North Brooklin, 423–424; on Omsk poem, 376–377; on Presidential Medal of Freedom, 456; on travelogues, 62–63; on trip West, 311–313; on Trumpet, 515–516, 518–519, 520, 550–552; on writers, 501–502
CUSHMAN, JEANETTE (JIT), 423, 423n., 518. Letter: 674
Cushman, Nancy. See Dibner, Nancy Cushman
Daily Worker, 290
Daisy (KSW’s Scottish terrier dog), death of, 109, 109n.; at EBW-KSW wedding, 81; hit by car, 93, 93n.; Joel feeding crackers to, 105; letter to KSW, 89; on trip to Maine, 100–101
“Daniel Webster, the Hay Fever, and Me,” 168, 168n., 210, 468
Danzig, Allison, 17–18
Darrow, Whitney, 98
Dartmouth College, 26, 273n.
Das Kapital (Marx), 348
Davis, Bette, 615
DAVIS, EARLE. Letter: 299
DAVIS, ELMER, 318n. Letter: 318
Davis, Les, 534, 534n.
DAVIS, LINDA, 625, 668. Letters: 626, 663
DAVISON, WARREN M., 382n. Letter: 382
Day, Arno, 391n.
DAY, CLARENCE, 98. Letters: 110–111, 112, 115
Day, Madeline. See Snow, Madeline Day
A Day in the Life of Roger Angell (Angell), 555, 555n.
Death/dying, 128, 508–509, 543, 581, 624, 628, 656
“Death of a Pig,” 270–271, 272, 508–509, 543
DEITCH, GENE, 557, 567. Letters: 562–563, 564, 569–570
Delaware Art Museum, 634
DELONG, ROBERT L., JR. Letter: 458
Denman, Billy, 360
DE ROCHEMONT, LOUIS, 337, 337n., 439. Letter: 439–440
DE ROCHEMONT, RICHARD, 337n., 341n. Letter: 341–342
DETMOLD, JOHN, 341n., 672. Letter: 341
Detmold, Peter, 341, 341n.
Detroit Free Press Magazine, 633
Devol, Dr. Edmund, 196, 196n.
DEVOTO, BERNARD, 183. Letter: 199
Dewey, Melvil, 14, 14n., 16
Dewey, Thomas, 248
“Diary of Our Own Samuel Pepys” (Adams), 29
Dibner, Nancy Cushman, 72, 72n., 377n.
Dick, Elsie, 71, 627
Dies, Martin, 215
DILLING, MILDRED, 527n. Letter: 527
Disarmament, 432, 449, 453, 670
Disney, Walt, 500, 534, 552, 563
DODD, DAVID, 516. Letters: 517, 534–535, 576–577, 585–586
Dodd, Elsie, 516
Dogs. See Pets
“The Doily Menace,” 102n.
DOLENSKY, LEO M. Letter: 636
Dollard, Annie, 217n.
“The Door,” 457–458, 591
Doubleday publishers, 296, 524
“Dr. Vinton,” 77, 77n., 97
Dreiser, Theodore, 502, 522
Ducks, 404, 531, 591–592, 626, 629–630
Duerr, John, 94, 94n.
Dulles, John Foster, 379, 379n., 393
Duncan, Isadora, 535
Duncan, Raymond, 206, 535
Dunn, Alan, 98, 337, 484
Duranty, Walter, 205
Durham, Cathy, 437, 438, 618
E. B. White A Biography (Elledge), EBW’s input for, 648–652, 653–658, 664–665; EBW’s response to, 674–677; research for, 514, 523–524; review of, 672, 672n.; writing of, 470, 644
An E. B. White Reader, 425, 485, 485n.
The E. B. White Papers, 348
Earl, Frances White, 420, 420n.
Earl Firth house, 363, 364
Earp, Fred, 105
Earp, Henry C. (fictional character), 105n.
Eastern Airlines, 507
The Easy Chair column (Harper’s magazine), 199n.
Eaton, Eugene, 365n.
Eaton, Les, 108
Editing, by Doubleday, 524–525; by Macmillan, 416; by New Yorker, 251; by Reader’s Digest, 232, 238–239; small-town, 219; vs. writing, 358
Editor and Publisher magazine, 30
Editors. See Specific names
Edman, Irwin, 287
Education, children’s literature in, 594; in college, 316; English curriculum, 604; in Latin, 604; about liberty, 394–395; via television, 495–496
EDWARD SAMPSON, 478. Letter: 479
Einstein, Albert, 86, 88
EISENBERG, LARRY, 322n. Letter: 322–323
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 347, 393, 459
The Elements of Style (Strunk and White), as ballet, 638; blurb for, 672; EBW’s revisions, 19, 368, 414–418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 488, 544, 570–571, 573, 576; Eleanor Gould Packard’s contributions to, 574–575; original book, 19, 368, 400, 416; Royal Bank of Canada and, 553; royalties from, 407, 407n., 423, 647; sales of, 628
Eliot, T. S., 521
ELLEDGE, SCOTT, 470, 514, 523–524, 644, 665, 672. Letters: on biography manuscript, 648–652, 653–658, 664–665; on EBW’s failing eyesight, 645–646; EBW’s response to biography, 674–677, 682–683; on OMM, 470
ELLSWORTH AMERICAN, 221, 270, 272, 517, 545. Letter: 611–612
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 521
Emery, Dick, 133
Endorsements, in advertising, 136–140; of political candidates, 329
England, 370, 374–376
ENGLISH, D. ANTHONY, 570n. Letters: 570–571, 628, 667, 668
English language, dictionaries of, 291, 316, 384, 479, 536, 597, 631; difficulty of writing, 419n.; as education foundation, 463; Latin sources of, 604
English literature, 19, 463, 470, 598, 648, 676–677
Environmental issues, 408, 421, 422, 432, 544–545
bsp; ERNST, MORRIS, 164, 304. Letter: 304
Esquire magazine, 611–614
Essays, 601–602
Ethan Frome (Wharton), 213, 213n.
European bullfinch, 385–386
Every Day Is Saturday, 99, 114
Ezekiel (Zeke; EBW’s puppy), 167, 169
Fadiman, Clifton, 98, 205
A Fair Wind Home (Moore), 346
Fall Creek Bridge, 334
“Farewell My Lovely,” 58n., 399, 405n.
Farewell to Model T, 58n.
Farming. See Animals; North Brooklin farm
Farrar, Straus publishers, 626, 630
Fawns, birth of, 274–275
Fellow Citizens (Williams), 200
Fern (sloop), 392, 392n., 642
Ferret, black-footed, 537–538
Fisk, Bradley, 21, 21n.
Fitzgerald, Barry, 584
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 521
FLASHNER, AMY. Letter: 172
Fleischmann, Raoul, 71, 164n., 414
Fleischmann, Ruth. See Vischer, Ruth Fleischmann
FLEMING, JOHN RIMER (JACK), 143, 211, 212. Letters: on “The ABC of Security,” 347; on aging, 628, 684; on Cornell plagiarism incident, 315–316; on EBW archive, 680; on Four Freedoms, 217–219; on New Yorker
FLEMING, JOHN RIMER (JACK) (cont’d) submissions, 254; on sheep, 216; on turkey eggs, 143
Flick, Alexander, 204, 204n.
Florida, EBW and Corona Machemer in, 631, 645–646, 656; KSW’s father in, 161; KSW’s health in, 462; Sarasota, 450–452, 466, 508, 520, 585, 620n.
Flounder (scow), 669
Forbush, Edward Howe, 285–286, 491, 518
Ford, Corey, 505, 505n., 632, 664
Foreign publishing rights, 277–278, 344–345, 401
FOUQUET, DOUGLAS M. Telegram: 294
Four Freedoms pamphlet, 211–219, 346
The Fox of Peapack, 127n., 142, 164, 172
FRANK, SUSAN, 478n., 483. Letter: 478
FRANKFURTER, FELIX, 214, 215, 269n., 274. Letters: 269–270, 274
Frascino, Edward, 539, 539n., 545
Freddy (EBW’s dachshund), with arthritis, 247; background of, 133n.; death of, 280, 295, 305; with kitten, 223; with Minnie, 197, 227; personality of, 404; rooster and, 133, 134; as writing subject, 384–385
Freethy, Arlene, 390, 390n., 411
Fresh Waters (Weeks), 508
Friend Memorial Library (Brooklin, Maine), book selection at, 255, 350; Earl Firth house and, 363; Garth Williams drawings to, 509; librarian in charge of, 217, 217n.; review copies donated to, 182, 182n.; at town meeting, 227
Fritillaries, 494
Frueh, Al, 515, 515n.
Fund for the Republic, 394, 394n.
Funny Coincidence Department (New Yorker), 314, 315
Gaebelein, Frank, 677
Galbreath, Mitchell T. (Mike), 69, 74, 106, 106n., 217, 379
Garnett, David, 155
Gaynor, Janet, 144
Gebert, William, 122n.
Geese, care of, 412; egg laying, 568, 596, 652; escaped, 644; goslings hatching, 229, 308–309, 503, 641; nature of, 589–590; nesting of, 324; rival ganders, 571–572; skidding on ice, 369–370
Gellhorn, Martha, 183
“Gentleman from Indiana” (Thurber), 204, 309, 309n.
Germany, 376, 386, 489
Gershwin, George, 106
Gertsch, Willis J., 325
GIBBS, MRS. N. M. Letter: 514
Gibbs, Wolcott, as Comment writer, 159, 187, 222, 279; domestic circumstances of, 121, 164; on Morris Markey, 155n.; at New Yorker, 99, 105; Profile of Alexander Woollcott, 575, 576; Profile of Luce, 413, 414
Giere, Raymond, 662
Gill, Brendan, 326, 679
Glacier National Park, 55–57
Gleason, Mae, 53, 53n., 300
Gleason, Millard, 300, 607
God and My Father (Day), 112
Goldman, Emma, 436, 436n.
GOODMAN, DODY, 381n. Letter: 381
Goodwin, Philis, 10
Gordimer, Nadine, 350, 351
GORE, RICHARD T. Letter: 444
Gould, Eleanor. See Packard, Eleanor Gould
Grammarians, EBW as, 448, 574, 576; Elements revision and, 416, 416n., 574–575; KSW as, 415; Strunk as, 461. See also Word usage
Grant, Jane, 507, 508
GRAVELY, ANN. Letter: 290
GRAY, DUANE. Letter: 661–662
Gray, Herman, 99, 135, 150
Gray, Hollis, 224
Gray, Milly, 177
Great Republic (sloop), 108n.
Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst law firm, 304, 306
Greene, Miss (EBW’s kindergarten teacher), 7
GREENSTEIN, MILTON, Charlotte contract and, 324; on civil rights movement, 484; Daise Terry and, 371; driftwood and, 311; Is Sex Necessary? foreign edition, 344; Maine trip with EBW, 309; at New Yorker, 285, 285n. Letters: Answers to Hard Questions, 350; Charlotte, 557; EBW’s Sagittarius payment, 569; Here Is New York, 506–507
Greenwich Village, 81, 98, 104–105, 120, 595
Grey, Zane, 476, 476n.
Grindle, Merle, 558
Griswold, John A., 516
Gude, Helen, 98, 104, 590
GUDE, J. G. (JAP), at Bob Coates’s death, 590; with EBW at puppet studio, 429; as EBW’s film agent, 499, 500, 534, 546, 569; in New York, 98. Letters: on Charlotte film, 552–553, 567, 577–578, 583; on New York days, 663
GUERLAC, HENRY, 568. Letter: 568
Guinea fowl, 589
Gunsmoke (TV show), 486
Gunther, John, 205
GUTH, DOROTHY LOBRANO, 97. Letters: on EBW’s literature medal, 428–429; on Guth’s son, 479–480; on New Yorker work, 442, 634–635; from North Brooklin, 421–422, 622–623, 678–679; on Ruth Moore book, 346–347
“H. L. Mencken Meets a Poet in the West Side Y.M.C.A.,” 127, 127n.
Hachette publishers (France), 395
Hackett, Miss (EBW’s first-grade teacher), 6, 360, 623
HAGEN, BEULAH, 448, 601, 607. Letters: 448, 455
Hahn, Emily, 153
HALL, KATHERINE ROMANS (KATHY), 618. Letter: 627–628
HALL, MRS. CHAFFEE E., JR. Letter: 435
HALSEY, MARGARET. Letter: 345–346
Hamburger, Philip, 213, 279
Hamilton, Frank, 223
HAMILTON, HAMISH (JAMIE), 455. Letter: 556
Hanna-Barbera Productions, 567, 569, 577, 640
Hanrahan, John, 164, 164n.
Happy to Be Here (Keillor), 637
Harding, Warren G., 64
Harlem, 95, 484
Harper & Brothers publishers, advertising by, 245, 255; Charlotte, 323–324, 326, 555, 626; E. B. White Reader, 425; editors at, 174, 451, 524, 671; The Fox of Peapack, 164; Is Sex Necessary?, 80, 443, 627; John Updike and, 428; The Lady Is Cold, 80, 82; The Last Flower (Thurber), 443–444; OMM, 221, 467, 469, 476, 645; PofC, 425; Quo Vad., 164; Second Tree, 322, 352, 353, 353n.; Stuart, 256, 524–525; Trumpet, 539n., 540–541, 551; Zane Grey manuscripts, 476n.
Harper’s magazine, advertising by, 169–170; Benson’s letter, 379, 379n.; EBW’s “Walden” piece, 454–455; formula of, 298; “OMM” column, 141, 187–188, 198n., 202, 208, 209, 210, 228, 230–231, 357
Harriman, Averell, 383
Harris, Julie, Charlotte recording, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550; Stuart recording, 485, 546, 654
HARRIS, W. B. Letter: 588
Hart, Harry, 53, 399
Hart, James (EBW’s great grandfather), 3
Hart, James (William’s brother), 3
Hart, Marion Robertson, 3
HART, NAN, 53. Letter: 399
Hart, William, 3–4, 624
Hartman, Lee, 141, 170, 198, 198n., 228, 233
Hartzell, Paul, 96, 96n.
Harvard Educational Review, 314
Harvard Law School Forum, 382, 382n.
d University, 221, 361n.
Hautzig, Esther, 672
HAVERKAMP, DAN. Letter: 526–527
Hawks, 496
HAYES, DOROTHY, 539. Letters: 539–540, 545–546
HAYWARD, LELAND. Letter: 507
HEALEY, GEORGE H., 441. Letters: 441, 477, 481, 526
HELLMAN, GEOFFREY, 98, 492n. Letters: 201, 492–493, 606
Helm, Carl, 29, 32, 73, 73n., 313
Helm, Harriet, 73, 73n.
Hemingway, Ernest, 372, 446, 501, 521, 522, 591
Henderson, Bill, 223, 224
Henderson, Charles, 658
Henderson, Mrs. Charles, 285
Here Is New York, advertisement for, 507; changing Manhattan and, 594; film proposal, 337n., 341n.; new edition of, 542–543; production of, 282; publication of, 257
Here Is New York (TV show), 411
Hersey, John, 347
Herzig, Sig, 102, 103, 158
Hesse, Mildred. See Smith, Mildred Hesse
HEWES, PHILIP. Letter: 605
Hibben, Sheila, 153
HICKEY, EVELYN M. Letter: 636–637
Hinckley, Max, 157
“Hindsight through Gunsight Pass,” 377
Hitler, Adolf, 248, 489
HOISINGTON, HARLAND W., JR. Letter: 300–301
Hokinson, Helen, 98
Holiday magazine, EBW’s cross-country trip for, 311; Here Is NY in, 257; possible Queen Mary piece, 277; Roger Angell at, 272, 493
Hollywood Ten, 267–270, 270n., 272
Homestead magazine, 302
Honeycutt, Ann (Honey). See McKelway, Ann Honeycutt (Honey)
The Hoopoe (Weston), 556
Horace Waters & Company, 2
Horn Book magazine, 185
Horse races, 42–45
Horses, 243
“The Hotel of the Total Stranger,” 357, 357n.
Hotspur (EBW’s Model T Ford), description of, 30–31; fiftieth anniversary, 566; as “mature car,” 41; service/repairs to, 42, 49, 51–52, 57, 58, 312, 313; tonneau as writing surface, 50; in trade, 59
Houghton Mifflin publishers, 209, 366, 445
House Un-American Activities Committee, 267, 272, 416
Housman, A. E., 178
Howard, Ed, 26, 26n.
Howe, Helen, 494
Howes, Raymond F., 188–189
Hoyt, Phil, 153, 153n.
Hubbard, Elbert, 520
Hubbard, Louise, 94
Hubbard, Robert (Hub), 21, 22, 84, 85, 86, 94, 105
Hubley, Faith, 499, 500, 534
Hubley, John, 499, 500, 534, 552
HUDSON, ARTHUR. Letter: 372
Hudson River school, 4
HUEBSCH, B. W. Letter: 436
Human rights, 328, 345–346
Hummingbirds, 491–492