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Because I Love You

Page 71

by Amy Brent

  She looked at her feet and then slipped off her sandals. “Thanks, Daddy. I wouldn’t want to mess up my favorite pair of sandals.” And just like that she ran to her room singing and changed into the white shoes.

  While I waited downstairs, Mia showed up. “Hey, I hope you didn’t think I needed you tonight. I’m taking Katie to the carnival.”

  “No, I came to see if you ever cashed that check you mentioned so I could get paid.” She was dressed in tight jeans which while covering as much skin as they did, were still borderline obscene, and of course, her favorite tank top and bra combo.

  I reached into my wallet and took out a crisp hundred. “Here, I’ll get you the rest tomorrow. I was going to ask if you could start coming by more often in the evenings.”

  She leaned in closer and smiled. “More security work or did you find a girlfriend?”

  “It’s work, and you’d make more money, so that’s all you need to know. What do you think?” She’d never told me no before, and I didn’t think she would now, but she wanted me to think she would. I kept my expression unreadable as she seemed to think about it.

  “I will do it on one condition.” She smiled and batted those thick lashes.

  “What’s that?” I waited to see what kind of bargain she came up with and she closed the distance between us and placed her hand on my arm.

  “A kiss.” She put her finger to her mouth, and I leaned in and kissed her forehead. “No, a real kiss.”

  I let out a long breath. “No, what else do you want?”

  She slouched and rolled her eyes. “Fine, but I want to have a friend over with me now and then.”

  I hadn’t let her have her friends in my house, but now that Katie was a tad older, she could tell me if anything went wrong. “Fine, one friend limit, and no sex.”

  “Deal. So, you’re not going to tell me what you’re up to?” She shifted on her feet and gave me a wide grin.



  Katie walked around the corner and saw Mia and her little face fell into a scowl. “You’re not leaving, are you Daddy? We’re going to the carnival, right?”

  Mia held out her hand. “Take it easy, kiddo. I’m not staying.”

  “Mia came to get paid.”

  “Are you taking your boyfriend out again?” Katie grabbed Mia’s hand and hugged her tight around the waste.

  “Maybe. If he’s nice.” Mia smoothed out Katie’s ponytails.

  “He’s not nice. He called you a name.” Mia gave her a look, and she pulled her lips in tight and covered her mouth.

  “When did you hear that?”

  “He just stopped by for a minute, and when I told him he couldn’t stay, he said I was being a B-I-T-C-H.”

  “That spells bitch, Daddy, and that’s what he called her.” I gave Mia a look, and she stuck her hands in her back pocket and lifted her shoulders.

  “Nice. Thanks for the lesson, Katie, but I don’t want you to say that word again. It’s not nice, and a man shouldn’t call a woman that.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t know she overheard.”

  I placed my hand on her shoulder. “Mia, you shouldn’t let anyone talk to you that way. Especially if they are going to use that word.” My wife used to loathe that word and said that people, especially women needed to quit using it.

  “Thanks.” She gave me and then Katie a hug before leaving, and I knew I was going to have to have another talk with her about it later.

  Katie and I went to the carnival, and it didn’t take us long to find the mud.

  “I’m glad this isn’t my red sandals, Daddy.”

  “I’m glad too because I’m not quite sure that mud wasn’t sewage.” I wiped her shoes the best I could, but they were ruined. At least one of them was. I used the sink in the public bathroom to clean up and had Katie stand within sight after making sure the place was empty.

  “Can we go get some cotton candy now?” We hadn’t been to the carnival but for an hour when the shoe incident had occurred, and we hadn’t seen much other than a few exhibits. For some reason, she’d asked the first clown she saw if he was evil, and the guy had looked at me like she’d ripped his heart out. I spent ten minutes explaining why it wasn’t polite to ask that.

  We headed to the first cotton candy stand we could see, and as I waited to place our order, Katie got excited and tugged my pant leg.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” I looked down, and she had one arm out and her finger extended to a woman who was stepping up to the stand; her teacher, Ms. Bloom.

  “Ms. Bloom! We’re getting cotton candy. Do you want some too?”

  I went ahead and ordered a third bag of candy and an extra lemonade. “Oh, no, that’s not necessary.

  “It’s no trouble. It’s good to see you.” The young woman had kind eyes and sexy smile, and she didn’t look a day over nineteen.

  “It’s great to see you too.” A couple of men passed by and stared her up and down, the way I had done before I realized who she was.

  “Are you here alone?”

  “Yes, I was supposed to meet a friend, but she backed out on me, and I was already here so I thought I’d get some cotton candy.”

  “Well, here you go. Mission accomplished. Would you like to walk around with us for a bit? We’re only here another hour or so, and then I’ll get Katie home for bed.”

  “Sure. I’d tell you to let her stay up late, but I don’t want to get myself into trouble.” She giggled, and Katie swung her arm.

  She wore a pair of tight jeans with boots and a loose-fit top and my eyes trailed down to her cleavage. She was not at all the immature type like Mia, and that reflected in her dress and how she carried herself.

  “You don’t look like the type to get into trouble.”

  She turned a soft shade of pink and Katie stepped between us. “She’s not trouble, Daddy. She’s a teacher. She makes the rules.”

  We shared a laugh at Katie’s observation, and finally, our lemonades were ready. We took our drinks to a picnic table and sat. Tori seemed a bit flushed and kept giving me curious glances, the type that a woman gives a man when she’s interested.

  I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. Even though she seemed to have her head on better than most younger women, having a degree and being a teacher, she was still young enough to be my daughter.

  I decided it might be best to keep our conversation geared toward school. “About that program, you were saying you feel Katie would be a shoe-in.”

  “Yes,” she nodded as she stuffed the candy fluff into her mouth. “She’s reading well beyond her level, and she’s even doing so much better than the other kids with math and geography. Granted, we’re just a first-grade level class, but we try to incorporate some of those subjects as an early introduction for second-grade. Do you travel often?”

  “No, not at all, but her mother and I used to.” Her face fell, and I knew she must wonder about Katie’s mother. “She had kidney failure brought on by diabetes. She died three years ago.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She looked at Katie who was busy making a cotton candy mustache. “It’ must be tough raising her all alone.”

  “Raising children is tough for two parents, but we’re hanging in there.”

  “You’re doing quite well. She’s a very impressive little girl.” She wrung her hands together and then put a stray strand of pale blond hair behind her ear. Her eyes were so pale blue they were almost gray. “You can’t go wrong with the GT program. Of course, she will get to stay in my class for half the day, but she’ll have to go down to Mrs. Lewis’ class for the other half.”

  “If that’s what you think is best, I trust you.”

  “Do I get to read more?” Katie had been taking it all on. “And I’d like to have another recess and a few trips to the library more per week.”

  “This isn’t a negotiation, Katie.” I smoothed down her hair in front. “You’ll be in a special class where you can do your best work.”

  “I t
hink you’ll enjoy it, Katie. They do get to go on special trips the other kids don’t get to attend.” That seemed to sell it for Katie. She was bouncing in her seat and then she gave Ms. Bloom a hug. “I will still need you to come in and talk a bit more, and sign the papers.”

  Something told me she just wanted to see me again and I don’t think I was being arrogant. She hadn’t stopped looking at me with that star-struck look. I’d noticed her acting the same that day she hit her head in my car, and I wasn’t blind to her checking me out.

  The idea of fucking her had my blood flowing, but I knew that wasn’t a good idea, not to mention a conflict of interest where my daughter was concerned, and that’s not counting the age difference, which I still was tempted by.

  Working over a hot young thing like her. I could show her things I bet she’d never thought she was capable of and I’d do it all free of charge. I shook off the insane, filthy thoughts and decided I better keep my mind out of the gutter and temptation at bay.

  But then she asked me a simple question that not many did often. “If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”

  “I’m fifty-eight.” She licked her lips, and her cheeks reddened. It was the perfect opportunity to ask her the same. There was no way she was as young as she looked, and with any luck, she was at least twenty-five.

  “I’m twenty-two.” Dammit. Too young. My cock was protesting, but my brain was saying no way.

  “I’m six,” said Katie and then she jumped up to hug me, kneeing me in the crotch. It was what I deserved for having naughty thoughts about her teacher.

  Chapter 10


  My heart pounded the entire time we sat together, and I couldn’t help but check out his body. I’d have bet money that he was not a day over forty, and by his fit shape he must work out every day. Now and then I’d catch him looking as nervous as I felt and he adjusted himself under the table a couple of times which made me take notice.

  When we stood, I could see a rather large bulge in the front of his pants. I’d thought about that part of him more than once, and I longed to have him use it on me. Sitting there with him and his daughter, I could tell that he was just the type of man I needed to give myself to.

  We walked around the carnival and played a few games. I had a stroke of luck at the dart game and ended up winning a teddy bear for Katie.

  Katie yanked on her dad’s pant leg and begged him for tickets. “Ms. Bloom promised a ride with me!”

  His brows pinched with confusion. “She did?” I had made that promise at school, and he turned and glanced my way as if waiting for an explanation.

  “I did. Earlier today she told me that she was coming and I told her I might see her.” He seemed to understand and smiled.

  “What a stroke of luck. How about we play a few more games while you finish your lemonade.” He gave me a crooked grin, and we walked to the next booth which was a goldfish toss. If you ringed the bowl, you kept the fish.

  “Can I get a fish, Daddy?” Katie jumped up and down. “I’ll take good care of him.”

  “These fish don’t live very long.” He gave her a warning look.

  “I’ll have to make what life he does have really special, then.” The little girl seemed to truly believe that was all that mattered and it warmed my heart that she had such compassion for her age.

  I saw the moment he gave in; his shoulders slouched and he let out a sigh. “Indeed. I don’t suppose one tiny fish will hurt.” He paid the man and got three rings. The first he tossed without a care as if he assumed it would be easy. But the ring bounced off the rims and landed in an empty space. On the second, he stuck out his tongue, curling it up against his top lip, which gave me all kinds of ideas where he could put it. He tossed the ring and looped a bowl.

  Katie cheered and hugged his legs then she turned and hugged mine too. My eyes met Ross’s, and he smiled, happy to hand back the third ring to the attendant.

  “No, sir. You have another chance. Two fish are better than one.” The guy turned around to take another players tickets, and Ross made a face.

  “That’s debatable,” he said. He put his tongue out and tossed the last ring and ringed another bowl.

  Katie let out a little squeal of delight, and the attendant let her pick out her two fish. She took one that was white and gold speckled and the other which was standard gold. “Aren’t they beautiful?” She had a bit of trouble holding both bowls, and so I took one of her hands and her father, who was still holding her lemonade, took the other.

  “Are you done with this?” He asked about the drink and Katie nodded, still looking into the bowl he held. Ross handed me the other bowl and headed to the nearest trash and then he took the bowl back. “That’s much better. Have you decided what to name them?”

  “This one is Ms. Bloom, and this one is Mr. Daddy. They are going to get married.” My cheeks stained with blush as his eyes met mine and then he let out a nervous laugh and patted her head.

  “That’s nice, sweetheart, but I’m not sure fish get married.”

  “Of course, they do, Daddy. How else do they make baby fish?” She shrugged her little shoulders as he stifled a chuckle and glanced my way.

  “I guess I walked right into that one.”

  “Can I ride something now?” Katie tapped the glass of the bowl and made little kissing sounds at her new fish.

  “I guess. What do you want to ride?”

  “How about we go on the carousel, and that will be our ride together?” I held out my hand and led the way after she jumped with delight and Ross gave an approving nod.

  He held the two fish as we went around and around and I couldn’t help but stare at him as I passed. I could get used to this. Not just spending the night with Ross, but Katie as well. I’d never had a mom or a dad, and my aunt had never taken the time to take me places like this. I’d had to go along with friends and watch the family thing from the outside looking in. Katie was a real sweetheart and an all-around good kid, and Ross seemed like the perfect father, and I imagined he’d be the perfect boyfriend.

  I was going to do it. I would ask him out before the night was over.

  We rode the bumper cars next, and the attendant was nice enough to babysit our fish for us so we could all three participate. Katie drove her car into her father, and he bounced into me pinning me against the wall.

  “Sorry,” he called over his shoulder as he drove away and I took off after him, prepared for impact.

  “Oops, I said as I slammed into him. He belted a laugh that rose above the noise of the cars, and then Katie smashed into us both. We were having a wonderful time, and then the ride was over. When I stepped out of the ride, I stumbled, tripping on a large cable. I felt myself lunge forward, but Ross caught me before I went down, his strong arms wrapping around me. He smelled amazing. As he put me back on my feet, I looked into his eyes which were smoldering, and his mouth was so close it would have been nothing to reach up and kiss him.

  My breath hitched as a wave of desire washed over me with a tingle between my legs. And he stared at me with an unreadable expression, and then he cleared his throat and backed away. It all happened so fast, but seemed to me, to be in slow motion.

  “Are you okay, Ms. Bloom?” Katie took my hand, and I smiled at her.

  “Yes, thank you.” I met his eyes. “I’m afraid I was still getting my land legs back. That must have been an awfully hard hit your daddy gave me.” And oh, I’d love for him to give me more.

  “That was fun,” said Katie taking her fish from the man. She made soft cooing noises at them and then saw the next ride she wanted to take. “Daddy! Can I do that?” She pointed up at a huge slide, and he took her fish and gave her the tickets as we followed her to it.

  We stood against the railing with our namesakes and watched as she went up the long ladder and waited in line behind the other kids halfway to the top.

  “Thanks for letting me tag along. I haven’t had this much fun in a long while.” I stared
as he kept his eyes on Katie as if she were much too far away for his comfort.

  “It has been fun. Katie really likes you.” My heart was in my throat. I wanted him to like me, and to know I liked him. With Katie busy, it was my chance to let him know how I felt.

  “You know, maybe we could go grab a drink sometime? I’d like to get to know you a bit better.” I couldn’t believe I’d managed to get the words out without stuttering. My nerves were buzzing so bad I was on the verge of shaking.


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