Because I Love You

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Because I Love You Page 88

by Amy Brent

  “I’m not interested in him,” I let my eyes burn on his and then after what seemed like a long moment of deliberation, he stepped back.

  “Gemma, I think your new clothes are beautiful, but you should really tone it down. Clients might get the wrong idea if they come in here and you’re looking—if you come across too sexy.”

  I kept my chin tucked, but net his eyes with a smirk playing around my lips. “You think I’m sexy, Mr. Porter?” I leaned in, putting my hands behind my back so that my chest stuck out and brushed against him.

  He hissed a breath between his teeth and leaned close enough for me to kiss. “Behave, Gemma.” He turned and went to his office, and I followed.

  “Margaret said that the plants needed to be watered.” I went to the bathroom off of his office and found the container she’d told me was left there to do the job and filled it in the sink.

  “Thank you.” Whitt went to his chair and sat, and I carried the small watering can and took care of his plants, pulling away from the dead leaves and taking my time as he stared at his phone.

  “How old is Dax?” I asked, making small talk that I knew would drive him crazy.

  “Too old for you.”

  “Why do you say that? I like older men. It’s the one thing Lila, and I have in common lately.” I knew the remark would get a rise and sure enough, he cleared his throat.

  “What do you think of Daniel?”

  I couldn’t help but grin. Lila’s boyfriend was gorgeous, and if I weren’t in love with her father, I’d be very jealous. “I don’t know. I think he’s sexy, charming, rich. He seems to treat Lila like a little princess. I think he reminds her of you.” His expression went blank, and he leaned back in his chair.

  “Do you think I’ve been a horrible father? I mean, is she trying to compensate for something? Me not being around as much as I should be.” He put his hands up behind his head, and as I turned and looked across the room, I turned over a large ivy, spilling soil and leaf litter to the floor.

  “I’m so clumsy.” I knelt down, feeling like a total klutz. “This sums up my first day.” I had so wanted to be amazing for him, to do everything right, and be his perfect little helper, but that had gone to shit quick. I looked down and rubbed my temples and tried to regain my composure.

  “It’s fine.” I looked up to see he’d come over to help and he knelt down beside me gathering the crumpled leaves.

  “No, please. I’ve got it.” I took the leaves from his hands, and he closed his around mine and looked into my eyes. For a brief moment, I thought he was going to kiss me, and my heart raced. Instead, he reached up and brushed a smudge of potting soil from my face.

  “You can relax. You’re going to do fine here and fit in; when you tone it down.” He stood, and I stood to my knees in front of him. His pants were bulging in the front again, and I wanted so badly to reach and touch him. If he only knew how much I wanted him. He extended a hand and helped me up, and I took the leaf litter I’d gathered to the trash.

  “I’ll get something for the rest.” I gestured to the crumbs of soil on the floor.

  “No, the offices are vacuumed nightly. They’ll get it.” He plopped down in his seat and straightened his tie.

  I walked to his desk and straightened the picture of Lila he kept on his desk, and the few others beside it. “Could I bring you some fresh coffee?” I wanted to keep busy and to be around him as much as possible. Sitting out at the desk all alone was not only boring but like torture. Who knew being his secretary would be so boring? I glanced down to see a smaller picture of Lila and me both, one we’d taken the day we graduated. The day we’d kissed. I’d never noticed it before, and it had been one of many other smaller snapshots he kept cluttered on his desk.

  He saw me staring at the photo and got a strange look on his face. “Yes, fresh coffee is always welcome. Did Margaret happen to tell you how I like it?”

  “Two sugars.” I glanced at the picture again and wondered if he had ever thought about it being the same day as our kiss. And if he had, did he ever wonder what might have been if he’d given me more than just one kiss?

  I hurried off to get his coffee with the question burning in my brain.

  Chapter 7


  My morning had been so busy with meetings that I’d had to pass on a trip to the gym with Dax, and he hadn’t thought it was funny when I told him that was his opportunity to score without me there to distract the ladies.

  As I rode the elevator up to my office, I couldn’t help but wonder what Gemma had worn to work. She was by far the sexiest secretary I’d ever hired, and I wasn’t sure that was a good thing. I’d gotten into a relationship with one before and that had ended so rough that I had made a vow never to be with another secretary again. That’s about the time I’d moved on to the cook I’d hired at home, which proved even worse.

  I’d tried to be a good boy and not bone the help for the past few years, and since that hot kiss, and all of my fantasies about Gemma, it was hard to be around her and not think about it.

  I’d had to get Dax in line, who’d begged me for a chance to ask her out, promising he’d take it slow and wear a condom. The remarks had nearly gotten him punched, but I knew he’d done it just to goad me.

  The elevator opened up to the hall outside my office, and when I opened the door, there was Gemma, bent over and halfway under her desk.

  “Good morning. I dropped my pen, and I can’t seem to reach it. I think my top is a bit too tight.” She tugged up her sleeves up and got to her feet. “I’ll try to get it tomorrow.”

  “I’ll get it.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of her sweet tits. As inappropriately as she dressed, I loved her confidence to wear it, and as she pulled herself up from the floor, I dropped to my knees and bent down, retrieving the pen which was in a bit of a tight spot. She offered her hand, and I stood, noticing how tight and short this particular skirt was, and the fact that she didn’t have panty lines. I could so easily push her against the desk and fuck her without even getting undressed, and I was beginning to wonder if that was her point.

  “Here you go.” I handed her the pen, and she slipped it inside her shirt, tucking it in her cleavage. I let out a long breath and headed to my office where I had to go over some of the new property offers. The expansions were already costing me a fortune, and now the land owners wanted to play hardball. I’d been through the same thing every time and now considered the obstacle just another step in the process.

  I glanced at Gemma’s picture and shifted in my seat. She’d looked particularly tasty today, and I wished I had an open office so I could see her. Because of her wardrobe, I considered rearranging and leaving my door open for a better view.

  I took out her stocking, which I’d stuck down in my bottom desk drawer with the other where I kept my emergency stash of condoms and a finger vibe. Her perfume tickled my nose as I held it to my nose and I closed my eyes imagining myself between her legs, slipping those stockings down. My cock stayed hard in her presence, and I was beginning to have thoughts. Maybe if I fucked her and got I over with I’d stop being so tempted, but then again, I kind of liked the longing and how hot it made me look and not touch.

  I got up and went into the bathroom, bringing the stocking with me. And I leaned back against the door and undid my belt. I hadn’t done this at work in a while, and usually, I could control my urges, but I had to feel her against me.

  I wrapped the silky stocking around my cock and rolled my hands at each end and held it tight, squeezing it. My head grew nice and red, like a ripe berry, and I rubbed the stocking up and down my shaft, the soft silk gliding with ease. A small tear wept at the tip, and I worked it faster, knowing it wouldn’t take long. Sure enough, I felt my release and stepped forward roping the bowl with the thick jets of my release. I cleaned up and walked out, still holding the stocking which I quickly returned to the drawer.

  My mind felt clearer already, and when it was time to order lunch, I called her
into my office with a plan. “I’m far too busy this morning to go out for lunch, but I thought you could order us something in and join me here?” A smile lit her eyes, and she nodded.

  “What would you like?” She walked up to the desk and leaned on it like she did each time she came into my office. The other secretaries had all kept their distance, but not Gemma. She was always up close and personal, which had made my fantasies that much easier to imagine.

  “You choose. I’m sure you’ve seen the menus in your desk. Find something you like and make it a double. My treat to celebrate your first days.”

  “That’s so thoughtful, thank you.” She hurried to her desk and quickly returned with the menus. I’d assumed that she was going to order from her desk, but she grabbed the phone and dialed. She ordered us two steak sandwiches and asked for them to deliver and then she hung up the phone.

  “I hope that’s acceptable. Those sandwiches are my favorite.” She rubbed a hand flat against her tummy.

  “Mine too, you did good.”

  “Well, it does help that you’ve never been a picky eater. Remember that time Lila and I cooked breakfast? You ate our raw pancakes.”

  I laughed at the memory, and it was nice to have those times to reflect on. “I actually asked the cook to start preparing them a little undercooked for me ever since.”

  “Ah, the cook. How does Gorgio feel about that?” I wasn’t aware she’d been around to meet Gorgio.

  “He’s not happy. But then neither were the last two.” I was sure she remembered Felicity, the cook I was fucking the night she spied on us and then kissed me.

  “What ever happened to that one? You really liked her. Felicity, was it?” I knew she remembered the name and was just being sly.

  “I didn’t see her again after that and kept things strictly professional from then on. It wasn’t meant to be.”

  The phone rang ending that line of conversation, which was a relief considering where my last thoughts about the kiss had landed me with the stocking. If I got that worked up again, I’d surely take her right over the desk and I wouldn’t stop until we were both moaning each other’s names.

  The sandwiches were amazing, and we made small talk, learning we had a few other things in common. Conversation was easy with her, and I found all the stress of the morning gone, which was good since I had an afternoon meeting.

  As we laughed over a story about Lila’s first day of school, there was a knock at the door. I glanced up to see my ex-girlfriend, Samantha giving me a narrowed look.

  Gemma sat up and gathered the remainder of her lunch, and though I hated to, I asked her to excuse us.

  She and Samantha glared at one another, but when Gemma closed the door, Samantha slapped on a fake smile. She had once been the most beautiful woman until I saw that her gorgeous blonde exterior was just a mask to hide the viper beneath it.

  “I see you’re still up to the same old tricks.” She rolled her eyes and brushed off the chair that Gemma was in and took a seat. I tossed the rest of my sandwich in the trash and met her wicked stare.

  “She’s Lila’s friend, practically a daughter to me.”

  “I think I would have known if you had another daughter running around causing problems. How is Lila doing?”

  Things between the two hadn’t ended well, so I didn’t dignify her question with a response. She didn’t care about Lila and more than she’d cared about me. She’d wanted my money all along. “Why are you here?”

  “I need a bit of advice, and I know you’ll want to be the one to give it to me.”

  “Definitely take the pills; a gun is so messy.” It was a cold thing to say, but she’d once suggested something similar to my daughter, so I had no love lost for this woman or concern as to where she got her advice.

  “Before you hurt my feelings, perhaps you should hear me out. I have a friend who wants me to invest in a piece of land that is precariously close to your St. Croix resort. Normally, I wouldn’t give a damn, but since it was where we spent so much time together, it touched a sentimental nerve.”

  “Who is the main investor?”

  “Milton.” Her new lover and one of my biggest adversaries. She hadn’t come to warn me. She’d come to gloat.

  I looked up to the ceiling and let out a long sigh. “Ah, yes. Good old Milton. What’s the catch, Sammy?” She’d always hated when I’d called her that and thought that shortened names were unsophisticated, and she had gotten a bug up her butt that I’d never admitted that Whitt was short for something.

  “There is no catch. I came to warn you. He’s going to buy the land and keep you from having it. He’s bitter knowing it meant something to us. And I wanted you to know so you could beat him to the punch.”

  “What’s in it for you?” I knew there had to be a catch. Samantha did nothing for other without it benefiting herself.

  “Well, to be honest, I have my eye on a little place near the Mediterranean, and quite frankly I’d rather his money not be tied up in some revenge scheme.”

  “Much easier to lay your hands on it if it’s not.” That remark earned me a bitter glare.

  “Think what you want, Whitt. I loved you.” She met my eyes with such sincerity that for a split second, I thought she meant it. But I knew better.

  Hearing the words from her lips made me cringe, and I wondered how I could have ever been blinded by her charms. “Me and my billions? I’m sure you did.”

  She huffed, clutching the front of her blouse. “I didn’t come to fight, but I’m sure you can see my situation without rubbing it in my face.” Her tone was much more bitter than it had been.

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Whitt, he’s going to offer double. Strike fast.” She took her bag from her lap and sauntered out, leaving the door open behind her. I leaned over to see Gemma deliver a venomous glare to Samantha’s back.

  I had to be careful. Either Sam was warning me about Milton was on the up and up, or she was in cahoots with the seller and wanted me to snatch it up in a hurry. I’d have to put my men on it.

  But first, I had something else I needed to do. I walked out and stood at Gemma’s desk.

  She looked up at me with a half-hearted grin. “I remember her.”

  “I’m going to have to ask you to keep her visit to yourself.” Her eyes widened. “No, it’s not like that. Strictly business with that one, but you know Lila. And I wanted to apologize for sending you out. Lunch was a lot of fun, and I hated that it ended that way.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “And I won’t tell Lila. Secrets are my specialty.”

  And wasn’t that a good thing.

  Chapter 8


  I knew keeping secrets was going to be tough but I found out Lila, and her father would take things to a whole new level when she called me just as I finished dinner. I hadn’t told her about my job, and I hoped that she wouldn’t be mad at me, but she’s the one who had been out of touch for the past few days.

  “Congratulations, Gemma!” her voice sang the word, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I had almost expected her to chew me out and ask why I’d gone behind her back, but I should have known better. Lila wanted the best for others and always had.

  “I was going to tell you, but—where have you been?” I’d tried to call after my first day to no avail.

  She let loose a sound of frustration. “I’ve been with Daniel at his place. We’ve been having some serious issues with his job and relocating, and frankly, I’m exhausted with the commute.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you two were having trouble.” They’d seemed like things were perfect.

  “No, we’re fine. The issues are with his job, but I wanted to warn you. My father is pissed off at me, and he’s going to play twenty questions with you. I was hoping you’d keep the things I’ve told you in the past about Daniel and me a secret.” I knew the things she was talking about specifically, without asking. The most important one being the pregnancy scare they’d had a little over
a month earlier.

  “Of course.” I had kept her secrets forever and his as well and I often wondered if I’d lose them both if either’s truth ever were exposed.

  “I told him that I want to move out and he’d go crazy. I know he’s only flipping out because it’s Daniel, and now he’s insisting there has to be some hidden reason why we want to rush things. He even accused me of being pregnant and said that Daniel is a master manipulator and insinuated that he'd brainwashed me.”

  “Wow, it sounds like he’s gone off the deep end. Thanks for the warning.” I wondered if my working for him had come at a bad time. I’d hoped that he’d see his daughter happy with an older man and the idea of being with me wouldn’t turn him off.


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