Because I Love You

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Because I Love You Page 89

by Amy Brent

  She laughed. “If he starts talking to himself or mumbling under his breath, stay clear. It’s better than trying to reason with him. Trust me, I know.”

  “So, what is up with you and Daniel? You two did kind of come up with the marriage talk awfully fast. I remember just a couple of months ago you didn’t want to be stuck in a marriage.”

  “I was just scared. The truth is, it’s not easy being with an older man. He’s so much more experienced in life, and sometimes it’s painfully obvious. But then it’s wonderful because he takes such good care of me.” I hated hearing the negative, but I could imagine how wonderful I would be too and closed my eyes wishing so desperately to have that with Whitt. I’d never had a man take care of me like that; like I was his special girl.

  “Well, I have to admit I’m a little jealous, Lila. It sounds like you’re really in love.”

  “I am, and it’s not just the sex, which is mind blowing, but it’s the way he puts me first. He’s so worried that something will happen to me on those long commutes that’s he’s trying to be closer, but the company he works for is not being good about transferring him. He was going to get a different job, but he makes such good money.”

  “You’d think your father could see all of that.”

  “He’s jealous. He’s losing his baby girl. He’d die if he knew Daniel has me call him daddy in the bedroom. It would break his heart.”

  “I’ll be sure and not let that one slip.” I made a face knowing I couldn’t possibly imagine a situation where that would come out.

  Lila chuckled softly. “Oh, I can’t even believe I told you that.” It had only made me want her father even more and wished things could be that way for us. I’d love to call him anything in bed, in the heat of the moment.

  “It’s okay. Your secret is safe with me.”

  She let out a long breath. “I didn’t want you to end up in the middle if he brings it up. It’s best for you to know and pretend you don’t. Daddy will calm down in a few days when he comes to his senses.”

  “When have you thought about having the wedding?” I thought it might be best to steer the conversation from Whitt for a while.

  “We’ve talked about waiting a month, or maybe at the end of the summer.”

  “Definitely not the spring wedding you’ve always dreamt of.”

  “Yeah, but at least I still have my handsome groom, and I’m learning that’s all that matters. And I’d still like for you to be my bridesmaid. If we have an actual ceremony. I hope though I doubt my daddy will walk me down the aisle.” Her voice broke, and I hated hearing her so upset.

  “Which one?” I had only said it hoping to get a laugh, and sure enough, she giggled, but then I heard a pounding at my door.

  “Hold on, Lila. Someone’s at my door.” I went to peek through the peephole and found Whitt, red-faced and angry on the other side. “Hey, I have to go. I’ll call you later, okay?”

  I made sure the call had ended before I answered the door. “Whitt? What are you doing here?” I decided to play dumb was the best course of action, and he grabbed both of my hands and met my eyes.

  “Is Lila hiding something from me?”

  Saying no right away would be too obvious so I shook my head and pulled my lips in tight as he pulled back and raked his fingers through his hair as he paced the floor.

  “She’s talking about moving out and getting married to that Daniel. That guy has so much influence over her.” He clenched his fist, and I went to the couch to offer him a seat.

  He joined me there and looked me in the eyes.

  “Tell me she's not get pregnant, Gemma. She’d tell you that, I know she would.” He gave me a challenging glare as I shook my head.

  “No, she’s not. She’d tell me that for sure. Have you ever thought that maybe she loves him so much and that’s the only reason?” I rested my elbow on the back of the couch and leaned against my hand.

  “Love? He’s an old man. What does he want with a young girl like Lila? She’s got her whole life ahead of her, and she could do better.”

  “You know, just because that’s your opinion, doesn’t mean that everyone else is so bothered by an age gap. Love doesn’t know age, and neither does attraction.”

  “Attraction is different. There are boundaries.”

  “And she’s twenty-two years old.” I let out a long sigh.

  “I don’t know why I thought you would understand my side of this; you thought you were ready for me at eighteen.” And I had been. I wanted to tell him I was and I’d always been. But I decided to let him ramble. He turned his head and mumbled something under his breath, and I knew that was my sign to steer clear.

  “We’re not kids anymore.”

  “I know that.” He waved his hand dismissively. “But she’s still too young. You’re too young. I remind myself of that all the time, and—

  “You do?” I narrowed my eyes and scooted closer to him on the couch. “What do you mean?”

  “Please, Gemma. Of course, you’re an attractive woman, but it doesn’t make things okay.” He shrugged and looked away then he turned back toward me, shifting in his seat and taking my hands, which this time, he held gently.

  “I know I’ve asked you to keep things secret before and I know that you keep Lila’s secrets as well, but I’m begging you, Gemma. If there is ever anything that you think I should know, you’ll tell me. If she’s ever in any kind of danger or if that Daniel does anything to her like knock her up, or God help him if he hits her.” Desperation burned in his eye, and I gave him a nod, and he pulled me closer. “Say it, Gemma. Promise me.”

  “I promise.” I knew it was a promise I could only keep if I felt she was truly in danger and I didn’t think that would ever happen. Not to Lila and not by Daniel.

  “Thank you.” He reached up and stroked my cheek and then pulled me into his embrace. I closed my eyes and smelled his cologne. It was like all of my dreams were so close to a reality that I wanted to kiss him. But it wasn’t the time.

  He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “You’re a good friend, Gemma, to Lila and to me, you both mean a lot to me.”

  I wanted to ask how much I meant and kiss him deeply. “You mean a lot to me too, Mr. Porter.”

  He sat there a minute and looked around my house and then raked his hand through his hair again. “I’m sorry that I barged in here like this.”

  “You’re welcome to come anytime. I wasn’t doing anything. I bought a new blouse.” I held it up, and his eyes widened.

  “Do you like it?”

  “It doesn’t look like it would cover much.” He scratched his hairy chin.

  “You want to see it on me? Then you can tell me what you think.” Before he could answer, I leaned up and stripped off my shirt and slipped the new one on. His eyes widened that I’d done it right there.

  “I’m sorry. Maybe that wasn’t appropriate of me.” I gave a devilish grin, and he laughed.

  “I think you know damned well what is and isn’t appropriate. You like to try and shock me, don’t you?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “Maybe I do.”

  “You’re a very naughty girl, Gemma. You should learn to behave, especially around the office. Dax is still making inappropriate jokes about you.”

  “He’s a nice guy, though. Or so he seemed.” I liked teasing him about Dax.

  His hand fell on my shoulder, and he gave it a squeeze. “Looks can be deceiving.”

  “Would it bother you if I was interested in him?” I lifted my shirt, but he put his hand out to stop me.

  His face fell, and he narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think you are. I think you like to tease me. You know he’s not right for you.”

  “Too old, or not right?” I lifted the top up successfully over my head, and his gaze immediately fell to my breasts.

  “Both,” he spoke softly as if in a trance and then he met my eyes.

  I leaned in closer still wearing nothing but my thin, lacy bra. “Who do you think I shou
ld be with then?”

  “I find it hard to believe that you don’t have a boyfriend lurking around here somewhere.” He glanced around the room and laughed. Then his eyes focused on me. “Put your top on.”

  “I don’t have a boyfriend. I haven’t ever really.” Not since our kiss.

  “They don’t know what they’re missing,” he said, glancing down at my body.

  “Yet, you do, and still, you don’t want me?” I challenged him.

  “I want lots of things, but mostly, I want what’s best for you, Gemma.” He reached up and cupped my chin, and I turned my head to the side, lying on it like it was the only place in the world I wanted to be.

  “I should be going, Gemma. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He got up, and in a moment, he was gone.

  Chapter 9


  It had been a few days since my blow up with Lila, and she still hadn’t come home. I knew she was hell-bent on proving her point and I was helpless to do anything. I couldn’t just drive up to his house and pummel the guy and drag my daughter home kicking and scream. She was a grown woman, as much as I hated to admit it.

  And so was Gemma.

  I’d been so close to kissing her that night at her house, and I knew she’d been doing things to try and get a rise out of me.

  “You’ve been awfully quiet lately,” Dax said as he smashed his burger down small enough to fit it into his mouth. He was the only person who would order a burger at the most expensive restaurant in the city.

  We’d left the office for lunch, and even though I’d done it to get away from Gemma and her taunting wardrobe, I couldn’t help but think about her and where she was.

  Had she met someone for lunch? I knew she’d claimed not to have a boyfriend, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going out or hooking up. She was so seductive that I could imagine her having a different man each day and it made my blood boil.

  I finally finished chewing and answered Dax. “Yeah, I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

  “It’s got to be a woman. If it were work, I wouldn’t be able to get you to shut up about it. Are you still having problems, is it Lila?”

  “Nothing I can’t handle, but I wish she’d come home so I could handle them, or at least answer her phone.”

  “She’s trying to leave the nest, man. And you’re not giving her the wings.”

  “She’s determined she’s in love with this guy. I don’t know, maybe she is?” I knew the more I thought about how I felt about Gemma, the less fucked up Lila’s relationship seemed.

  “Of course, she is. Your daughter has always had a good head on her shoulders, so why worry now? Besides, wouldn’t you want her with someone like you who is a bit older and knows how to treat a girl? These punks today, they just want sex, dope, and video games. And something tells me that’s not the only thing rattling around in your brain.”

  He had always been able to read me. “Yeah, there is something else, and if I tell you, you better not utter one fucking word.”

  “Ooh, that good, huh? You’ve been seeing someone new?”

  “Not seeing, exactly, but Gemma’s been coming onto me pretty hard, and it’s getting harder and harder to resist.”

  “Wow, what a hypocrite move that would be.”

  “Thanks, asshole.” I shook my head and took a sip of my drink. I didn’t know why I even bothered telling him anything.

  “I’m sorry, but you made such a big deal and all. I’ve been telling you; she’s fucking hot. I’d hit that, daddy/daughter dilemma or not.”

  “Easy. It’s bad enough she’s so close to Lila, I don’t want to think any worse.” I had struggled with my desires for so long, and I couldn’t believe I was talking about them with Dax of all people. But who else was there?

  “Does Lila know her friend has the hots for her father?” He gave a soft chuckle, and I wanted to kick his teeth in.

  “She doesn’t have the hots for me; she’s a confused girl. She was too young four years ago, and she’s still too young. She doesn’t know what she wants.”

  Dax leaned in across the table. “Wait, you banged her at eighteen? Damn.”

  “No!” My voice carried out through the restaurant, and I leaned in and lowered it. “We only kissed. She had caught me fucking the help, and I asked her not to tell Lila. She wanted me to kiss her and to keep her quiet, I did. That’s it.” I left out the whole part about her grabbing my dick and how I’d dreamt of that time over and over for the last four years.

  “Damn, I want your problems, man. You should hit it. I’m telling you.”

  “Of course, that’s what you’d say. But she’s my daughter’s friend.”

  “Who says she has to know? Unless you like this girl for—you do! You like her for more. You’re in love?”

  It was an absurd thought, and I had never claimed to be in love with Gemma, but I did care deeply. Too deeply to just use her for sex and move on to the next. “It’s a delicate situation.”

  “I feel you, man. It’s too bad.”

  “Yeah, it’s never going to happen.” I was so certain when I’d said that. I had felt a touch of relief that I’d finally made a decision to stop encouraging things. And I would try and put her out of my mind. We finished the rest of our meal talking about Dax and how he’d managed to score three numbers with me not around at the gym lately and how I needed to get my old ass back in gear.

  We returned to work, and I went up to find Gemma behind her desk. She had small, wrapped gift box on her desk and I wondered if I’d missed her birthday or if some young suitor had brought her a gift.

  “Hi, Mr. Porter.” She got up and grabbed the package and followed me into my office. “I bought you something.” She placed the gift on my desk as I sat down. “Open it!” She bounced in her seat, her perky breasts bouncing with her and causing my cock to turn diamond hard.

  “You shouldn’t have done this, Gemma.” I gave her a warm smile and pulled the tie out. “It’s very nice. Thank you.”

  “I wanted to thank you for everything. Your bonus helped me so much, and it was so generous.”

  “You’re like family, Gemma. I like taking care of you.” I wished there was more I could do and I suddenly realized that everything I’d decided at the restaurant was out the window. I couldn’t shake her that easily.

  She walked around and perched herself on the edge of my desk and reached for my collar, her slim, cool fingers brushing my skin as she loosened my tie.

  “What are you doing?” I chuckled.

  “Putting on your new tie, silly. I think it will look nice with this suit.” She worked her magic and soon my new tie was secure and seemed perfectly straight. But Gemma didn’t pull away.

  She looked deep into my eyes as if lost in a trance and then leaned down and brushed her lips against mine. And at that moment I knew I didn’t have any fight left in me. I deepened the kiss and pulled her down off the desk and into my lap, but then my better judgment made one last attempt.

  I grabbed her hands and held them tight. “It’s not right, Gemma.”

  Her eyes burned into mine. “I’ve waited four years for this kiss. I’ve thought of it every day. Don’t deprive me of this moment.” Having her in my lap, in my arm, and against me felt so right, and I was tired of depriving myself as well.

  I pulled her close with one hand and cupped her breast with the other. She rubbed me through my pants, moaning and panting.

  I slipped my hand up her skirt and felt the lace of her panties. I went beneath them, between the lace and her soft, trimmed mound. She whimpered and crushed her mouth against mine again and then she undid my belt and pants and searched the layers of fabric to get to my cock. But I wasn’t done with her, and I was so impressed by her little mound that I wanted to taste it. I dipped my finger between her folds and pushed it into her tight channel. She pulled away a bit, and she was so tight, I decided I wanted to eat that sweet pussy.

  “Hop up on the desk for me and spread those sweet knees.” I helped her up,
and then I eased her back, still with a finger inside her panties.

  I pushed her skirt up and pulled her panties to the side and brought my mouth down to her little snatch which I licked and prodded.

  She was very tight, so I worked her little tender bud at the apex of her thighs.

  “That feels good,” she cried. “I’ve wanted this for so long.” I had to. Ever since that first, hot kiss. She’d been so young and tender, and I knew if I fucked her I’d be much too much for her to handle. I lapped at her sweet hole and didn’t stop until she was writhing against me, bucking her hips upward. Her little slit glistened with her release, and I sucked and licked thinking about how good it would be to fuck her.


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