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Because I Love You

Page 128

by Amy Brent

  “That felt like a first time for some reason,” she murmured as I smiled.

  “It was our first time,” I reminded her as she laughed softly.

  “No, more than that. It felt like I’d never been with another man at all.” I felt something surging through me at her words and knew that it was that carnal pride that I did this to her. This was all me. “I hope that it happens again.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that.” I assured her as I pulled her against me. “Get some sleep and I might surprise you in the morning. You were perfect, Leila. Don’t ever be insecure again.”

  Leila laughed as she turned towards me and buried her face in my broad chest. I held her, feeling her warm skin and breath on me as I let it sink in that I was already falling for this girl.



  I woke up in the morning in Lance’s arms, smiling as I glanced around the sunlit bedroom. I hadn’t slept that hard in a long time and I pressed closer to him, wanting this gorgeous man all over again. I thought back to last night and smiled as I played back the way that he felt inside of me as I blushed and hid my face. I felt like a teenager all over again and I tried to focus on today.

  Lance wanted to look at houses. I was going to be his real estate agent today and this might never happen again. People had one-night-stands all the time and never saw each other again. I had to be prepared for the real world and the fact that Lance probably always had women hitting on him and willing to be in his bed.

  I felt him grab me tighter and moan before his mouth was at my neck, sucking gently. I dropped my head back and let out a soft moan as he rolled to his back and pulled me with him, already hard between my legs. I pressed against him and found his mouth with mine as our open mouths met hungrily. He reached over to get a condom for us and I felt my hands shaking as I sheathed him after just a few moments of kissing. I was scared as I positioned myself over him, feeling him slide inside of me easily as I pressed my hands to his chest. Lance was big, and he stretched me with one stroke, but it felt amazing. He felt so good.

  I moved over him, finding the best angle before I rocked harder. I was bent over him and just as I was on the edge of a pleasurable orgasm, Lance leaned up and bit my nipple gently as he turned me to my back. I cried out as he started to take me with hard, eager thrusts, knowing how close I was. I came within just a few movements of his hips and gripped his hair as I let the moan drag out, feeling him keep moving as he searched for his own release. Lance jerked and stilled inside of me as he came, and I breathed in our scent as I imagined us together and bare right now. I wanted to feel him coming inside of me and I blushed at the idea as he kissed me again.

  “Good morning.”

  “That was quite a greeting,” I teased him as Lance kissed my cheek.

  “My favorite kind,” he murmured as he turned his head to look at something. Lance rolled to my side and pulled me close to him as he told me that it was only seven. We could sleep a little longer if I wanted to and I agreed and curled up against him, feeling the need to stay in is arms.

  My habit of waking up early kicked in an hour later and I nearly groaned in response. I moved slowly out of the bed and found a t-shirt of his folded on the dresser that I slipped on along with my underwear. I went into the living room and looked around, realizing that he could sell this for a lot if he found a house. It was spacious, and I knew it had more bedrooms even if I hadn’t seen the others yet. Instill didn’t understand how he had so much money but maybe he did have a trust fund. It wasn’t uncommon, particularly in LA.

  I sat down with my tablet and looked at properties on the water, feeling so much better about it than I had with Nan. I was still riding a high from the night before even though a part of me was scared to death that this would end badly. I couldn’t help but think back to the last several hours and smile, though. He seemed like the real thing.

  “What are you doing out here all alone?” I jumped as he spoke, so lost in my daydreams that I didn’t even hear him come into the room. “Want some coffee?”

  “I’d love it. I’m just looking at some properties. You’re still interested in that, right?” I turned my head to look at him, seeing his gorgeous smile that sent electricity through my body.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Lance headed towards the kitchen and started to brew coffee while I kept looking. Once he was done and brought the cups to the couch, he leaned in to kiss me and eyed me slowly. “I like you in my shirt. I like you even better out of it, but this will do for now.” I giggled and shook my head.

  “I stole it from your dressed. Let me take it home and I’ll sleep in it every night,” I teased, knowing that it would replace Ned’s shirt in a hot second. I loved and missed my brother, but I was in complete lust with Lance now.

  “Not a problem. I have plenty and that color looks good on you.” He looked at the soft blue material and nodded with a smile before sipping his coffee.

  “Thank you.” I knew now that I’d never wash this shirt. “What are you looking for in a house, Lance?”

  “All business now that you’ve gotten what you wanted?” He asked as he pressed his hand to his bare chest in mock horror. I smiled, and he relaxed and ran a hand through his messy hair. “Hmmm. I want something close to the beach and about three bedrooms will do. I am not one for having a lot of guests sleeping over, but I like having the extra room for an office. I like to cook so a great kitchen is in order and I would like the master bedroom to have a great view of the ocean. It’s a nice way to wake up.”

  “Two bathrooms okay?” I asked as I made notes on the tablet. Lance nodded, and I narrowed my search down based in his needs. There were several and I didn’t think that we could see them all today unless we rushed, something I didn’t want to do quite yet. “You’ll have a lot of choices. The buying market is a bit on the high side right now, but you don’t seem too worried about that. You’re already established with a lender?” He nodded again, and I was amazed at his confidence at a relatively young age. I didn’t think I’d ever have that and that included the way he made me feel last night and this morning.

  “I’ll make some breakfast and we can look at some houses,” Lance told me, standing up and walking back to the kitchen. I drank some coffee and listened as pots and pans were shuffled around, finally moving to ask if he needed any help. I cut up some fresh fruit and watched as he made perfect omelets with sausage and veggies. We finished it off with some toast and sat down at the table with the tablet as he surveyed various houses, and I marked down his favorites as I ate. He had good taste and I felt excited about showing him these places, wondering if our relationship might continue.

  We showered after the dishes were washed, and I eagerly accepted his offer to shower together. Lance was a stunning man and I’d be foolish to turn down any chance to see him naked. I took the chance to drop to my knees and give him a little pleasure after everything that he did for me, and he gripped my wet hair tightly as he moaned my name. He was sexy with his slight dominant attitude that showed every time we were together like this and I drank him in and allowed him to pull me up with a smile.

  “You’re amazing,” Lance told me as he pulled me close to him, kissing my neck. We finished the shower with a quickie as Lance grabbed a condom and held me up as I gripped the shower wall, letting him fuck me hard from behind. I stumbled as we left the shower to dry off, still stunned by everything that was happening between us. I cleaned up my face and brushed my teeth, letting my hair curls naturally as I applied some light makeup. Lance just messed around with his hair and added some product to keep the loose pieces in place, dressing in shorts and a button up blue shirt. I put on the light green shift dress that I packed and some sandals, loving that I didn’t need to dress up for Lance. I always felt like I needed a power suit and heels with any other client in this town so casual felt good. I noted that he put on a ball cap when we left the house and found that strange after all the work on his hair.

headed into Newport Beach for the first few places and Lance dragged me through the houses by the hand, asking my opinion of things as we discussed the features of each house. He was eager to buy but knew what he wanted as he’d look around and talk about everything that he was seeing.

  In the third house, we walked up the stairs to look at two of the bedrooms and Lance headed right for the balcony from the master. He opened the doors and walked out, and we looked over the ocean before he turned to me for a long kiss. I slipped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, throwing my professionalism out the window. The breeze blew my hair around as I felt his tongue dancing with mine, and I felt my body heating up inside at the thought of feeling him again. Lance pushed me back through the door and against the wall of the spacious, empty bedroom as he kissed me harder. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer as he reached down to cup my ass tightly to lift me against him.

  We ended up on the floor as he lifted my skirt and ripped my underwear off to bury his face between my legs. I cried out with it as he searched my pussy carefully and slowly for my firm clit, finding it and sucking it into his mouth. I rocked against him as he gripped my hips and drove his tongue inside of me for a moment, bringing me close to a release. Once I came that way, Lance pulled a condom from his wallet and took me right there on the floor on my knees, fucking me relentlessly until we were both coming. I dropped down once I was done, ready to call of the rest of the day.

  “You don’t ever wear out, do you?” I asked him as Lance chuckled behind me. I heard him stand and dress as I slowly sat up and took a deep breath.

  “Is that a complaint?” He asked as I shook my head and reached for my underwear. “I am going to enjoy this phase as long as I can. It might end someday but for now, be ready for me at any time.”

  “Oh my God.” I stood and fixed my clothes as I laughed. I walked into the master bathroom to fix my appearance and asked him what he thought of this house.

  “I like it. It has everything that I need. There are some special memories in it now, as well.” Lance winked at me in the bathroom as we started to head downstairs as we heard voices in the entry way. I stepped from the stairs to the hardwood floor and glanced up to see Nan and Cameron with their new agent. I blushed as she gave me a shocked look and dropped my face down as I moved to the side to let them by, greeting my colleague in a soft voice as Lance looked on.

  “Is everything okay, Leila?” Nan asked as I gave her a weak smile. She stared at me and then Lance as Cameron chuckled darkly beside her.

  “She looks like everything is great. Don’t worry about her, babe.” Cameron assured her as Lance stepped forward and glared at him.

  “Don’t you even fucking talk about her like that,” he warned as Nan looked surprised. Matt widened his eyes and looked like he was desperately trying to find a way out of the situation when Lance pushed Cameron slightly before we walked out. He took my hand and led me to my car, pushing me against it as he searched my face. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just don’t want to run into them ever again, alone or together.” I felt bad because Nan was a nice woman, if not completely naive where her boyfriend was concerned. I took a deep breath and looked at him, seeing the protective gaze in his eyes as he leaned in to kiss me softly.

  “Let’s take a break and have a drink. I need to think about this house for a minute.” Lance settled me into the passenger side of my car and walked around to the driver’s side to start the engine and pull away from the curb. I closed my eyes as we drove, exhausted from the last few minutes and allowed him to choose where we were going. We pulled into a small parking lot and he parked facing the ocean, sitting there for a moment as I looked over the water. It always brought me peace and as Lance reached over to take my hand, something warmer filled my body. “He’s an asshole and she’s stupid,” Lance told me as I looked over at him. “That guy is using her for her money and I can guarantee that he’s sleeping around. If he ever bothers you, let me know.”

  “I don’t think he will. Today was just bad luck.” I smiled at him and looked back at the ocean, trying to sort through my racing thoughts. I reminded myself that it was a beautiful day and that I was spending it with a great guy. Nan and Cameron were a thing of the past.

  We made our way into the building and sat at the bar, ordering two drinks as Lance glanced at the TV where a game was playing.

  “Are you into sports?” I asked him as he smiled and nodded. “My older brother plays for the Bruins. Kellan Evans.”

  “He’s awesome. I love hockey.” Lance said with a smile of approval. I realized that he didn’t know my last name until that moment and blushed as I thought about all the times we had been together.



  I hated that mother fucker, Cameron. Every time I saw him, he was looking at Leila like she was a piece of meat. I almost beat the shit out of him at the beach house, but I chose to walk out after warning him to leave her alone.

  Granted, I was sleeping with Leila, but I respected her. She was a kindhearted, hardworking woman that was trying to make a name of herself after moving here. Leila was beautiful, and I know that I looked at her the same way that he did at times, especially after seeing her naked. Her curves were sexy, and I wanted her every time that I looked at her, but I wouldn’t talk about her the way that he did.


  I suggested getting a drink so we could both calm down and just relax. I was still feeling the adrenaline from our tryst upstairs and the near fight that I got into, and I needed to sort through it before we continued with our day. The run in also made me realize that I was feeling more protective of Leila than I ever had before, apart from family members.

  Was I falling for her already?

  I made sure that she was okay before we went inside and ordered some drinks. I was sticking to just the one beer and allowing her more, and I added an order of appetizers at the last minute. Leila looked at me with an amused smile and I told her that I was hungry a lot. We talked about the houses that we’d seen today, and I liked the last one a lot. It had the master bedroom that I was looking for, and a great living room with a lot of windows. There were three large bedrooms and two bathrooms and a chef’s kitchen for me to mess around in. It was perfect and although the studio was a bit of a commute, I’d never tell Leila that.

  “How about we head into Santa Monica and look around there?” I asked when we were finished, and she was laughing at my jokes again. It was a little closer to work and her and I liked the pier.

  “Okay. That sounds good.” Leila agreed as she finished her drink and pressed the napkin to her mouth. I drove us again, winding down the curvy road to her home as we talked about what was available here. It seemed like there were a lot of houses for sale right now since the market was great for sellers. I thought it was a little prettier than Newport Beach, though the pier made it a bit of a tourist trap at times. I just liked the beaches and the vibe there more.

  We pulled into a nice neighborhood right along the water and I parked in a long driveway as I surveyed the spacious, light blue house. It was spread out and I could see the ocean behind it as I glanced over at Leila.

  “Like it?” I asked as she seemed to think about it for a moment.

  “It has good bones. Let’s check it out,” she said as she opened the door and slipped out of the car. We walked up to the door, checking out the landscaped yard that Leila assured me added some value to the house if I kept it up. She opened the door and we walked into a foyer that overlooked the sunken living room with a great view. There was a chef’s kitchen to the left and a hallway to the right and I walked forward, looking at the wall of windows and large fireplace. There was plenty of room for one of my big TVs and furniture and I slid open the glass doors to walk outside. It offered a large entertaining area with a custom grill and table to eat outside at, along with a pool a few steps below. The ocean was beyond that and went for miles as I searched for a path. �
��It’s just below the pool. It’s a private beach for residents of this neighborhood.”

  “How far do you live from here?” I asked her as I looked back to see her raising an eyebrow.

  “Ten minutes,” Leila responded as I grinned. “Want to look at the inside?”

  “Sure.” I took one more long look around and turned to walk back inside with her, taking in the kitchen and then heading down the long hallway. There were three big bedrooms with the master on the left side. It had a view of the ocean and another private balcony that seemed to curve around to the master bathroom. I looked around the room, seeing a lot of space and another smaller fireplace before walking out onto that balcony. It had a lot of space and another great view and I walked around to see a private corner that would be a great place to relax at night. “This is great.”

  “It’s pretty.” Leila agreed as she looked over the water. “How do you like it compared to the other house?”


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