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Because I Love You

Page 138

by Amy Brent

  She was only 2 months now, so he was clueless about it, but she would tell him soon. She enjoyed her afternoon away from the boys but soon she was perfumed and ready for him to come home.

  He found her that way, draped across the bed, naked. Her massive breasts full and eager to please him. She knew what he liked and made sure she was doing all of it when he walked in the door. She had bought a new toy, one that she could strap on and let it work for her, giving her two free hands to massage her breasts and alternate between sucking each one of her own nipples.

  He lost his clothing quickly, smiling at her wickedly, moving to join her on the bed, his hands moving to her hair as he pulled the stiffness out of his pants, and gently tapped her lips with it. She loved him like this, ready eager, and demanding. She opened her pink mouth open for him, and he guided his hardness into it, feeling her tongue slide over the length of him.

  She felt him moving, sliding in in and out gently, working her mouth until she could take more and more. Finally, she felt him move into position. He grabbed both of her massive breasts and held them together, sliding his huge member between them, fucking her this way over and over. He moaned loudly as she licked the top of him each time it poked out of the top of her breasts, giving him just a tease of her mouth again.

  “Oh God Kate, yes.” He groaned out until he couldn’t take it anymore.

  He flipped her over, and she smiled with his actions. This was her favorite, and he knew it. She felt him spread her wide, and she lay flat on the bed this time. Feeling him push into her she moaned loudly and arched her back slightly. He always gave her exactly what she wanted. He pushed into her over and over, the two of them becoming one and she knew it would always be good between them.

  He rolled her over, this time she found herself on top. She slid her tight sheath down over him, until she rested on him, fully encompassed by her body. She leaned forward slightly as she slid up and off slightly and then back down hard and swift. She felt his hands on her hips, guiding her and she watched her huge globes pound him in the face as he worked her hips on his member.

  She pumped harder and harder, faster than she thought possible as she gave him everything she had. She made circles slowly, but he refused to let her slow down, instead grabbing her hips with his hands, and using her to pound hard.

  “Please oh….please, Aaron.”

  He looked at her as she climaxed reaching her orgasm as she came down hard on his staff. He gave her time to recover, before turning her slightly until she was laying on her side, and he had on leg on his shoulders. He was able to push in even deeper this way and she yelled out as he pushed into her the first few times.

  Soon he had a rhythm, pounding her hard as he smacked her ass with one hand, pinching her fat nipple with the other hand. She was his, and he was using her now, just like he had the blonde at the pool. She felt another surge of ecstasy as he fucked her hard, using her tightness to get off. She urged him on.

  “Use me Aaron, take it…..take it.” She yelled out his name as she found another orgasm this time she felt the evidence of it as she felt the wetness covering him as he pumped into her.

  He moaned loudly, this time pulling himself out of her, and she took over, her mouth replacing her wet sheath as she let him pump into her mouth over and over, only stopping as he cried out her name and he spilled all over her face and chest.

  After, they lay together, him staring at her with a faraway look.

  “What?” She asked him.

  “What are we going to do with another baby love?” He arched an eyebrow at her and she blushed profusely.

  “How did you know?” She had a feeling she already knew the answer to her question but she asked it anyway.

  “You do a little something special when you are pregnant Kate, and you scream with your orgasms, they are so much more intense. I know your body.” He gave her a wink as she moved into his arms, letting him hold her tightly.

  “I was going to tell you…” she trailed off.

  “Well I saved you that conversation then, didn’t I?” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I love you Aaron, I have to wonder what would have happened if I didn’t see you with the blonde in the pool that day. If I hadn’t embraced being turned on and let myself have the orgasm in the pool house.”

  He pulled back “Wait what?”

  “Oh yes, I did it right there, watching you. leaning back on the chaise lounge in the pool house, I played and rubbed, if I recall I actually called out your name when I found release.” She blinked at him innocently.

  He moaned.

  “What’s wrong my dear?” She licked her lips wickedly, knowing what he would say.

  “I am an old man Kate, but somehow you find a way of making me forget that every time you’re near me.” He glanced down at his swollen member alert growing and reacting to her story.

  “Poor baby, let me see what I can do about that.” She gave him a gleaming smile as she moved down the length of him, kissing nipping and touching his every muscle until she licked his shaft, watching it grow bigger with her every move.

  She sighed as she heard his moans and intake of breath, her sweet soft mouth covering him and sucking him. She loved pleasing him, and only stopped when they heard the soft cries from next door.

  “I’ll go.” She offered, standing as she threw on a robe and he gently stroked himself. “Don’t waste that, I’ll be back.”

  As she walked down the hallway to Jacks room, she reflected on how much her life had changed in such a short time. She kissed her baby boy, knowing everything was precious. After he was asleep she made her way back to the room, where she dropped the robe and her husband welcomed her with open arms.

  ***The End***

  Two Huge

  Chapter One

  The elevator ride was a long one. More than a few times she wanted to hit the button that would take her back down to the lobby, but she didn’t, she was too excited about the meeting that she was about to go into. Whatever he saw in her it didn’t matter, he was attractive and his invitation to the party had come as a surprise in the first place. The doors opened and with a deep breath, she made it the next three steps to the door of the room. As she was about to knock someone opened the door. He was gorgeous, tall and lean and only wearing his boxer briefs, and obviously intoxicated. He pulled her to him quickly and rammed his tongue in her mouth before pulling her into the room, leaving her speechless. As he thrust her into the room, she stood in shock, unclear what she was doing there after all. There must have been 20 people in various stages of undress, some completely naked. On one couch were a couple obviously having sex and then she saw him. The man was in the kitchen with some woman sitting at the bar in front of him. She was naked and he was kissing her. He saw her arrival and made his way over to say hello. He was naked. Not just a little, but completely. He hugged her to him and kissed her lightly on the cheek. He took her hand and tried to pull her into the room. He noticed the look on my face and walked me to the corner of the room instead.

  “Hey, you ok? You are far too dressed baby.” he asked me.

  “I am afraid I wasn’t sure what kind of party you were talking about that’s all.”

  He chuckled loudly as he waved the woman he had just kissed over to join them. She was beautiful, her massive breasts jutting out of the tight shirt she wore.

  “Give her a kiss Lacey.”

  The woman smiled and moved her hands over Lila’s shirt, pulling her tits out and putting the nipple up to her painted mouth, sucking hard on them until she felt my knees tremble slightly…

  Lila woke up with a start, knowing she was dreaming once more. It was something that had started recently, the dreams ranging from sex with a stranger to sex with a group. It was always a surprise when she fell asleep at night, never knowing anything aside from the fact that she would be wet in her most sensitive areas when she woke, with no release in sight. Glancing up, she noticed the rain pouring do
wn on the window outside of her apartment and she sighed.

  It wasn’t about the rain that bothered her so much. Lila was more than happy with the rain. It suited her mood if she were being honest. The week had been one of her longest, first losing her job and then today… She sighed just thinking about it.

  She had been one of the lucky ones, at least she thought so. Standing at 5’5 she was one the shorter side, but it did nothing to help with all the curves that came with her. She had long black hair, big blue eyes and her skin was soft and white. Jack, her ex, would often tell her she was like a fluffy pillow when he would lay his head down on her at night when they would go to bed.

  Her curves weren’t a problem, not really. Being a big girl certainly had its perks. Two of which sat on her chest. At a size 44E she had massive breasts, something Jack had also loved. It was as far as she let it go when they were together. He would spend hours playing with them, rubbing his fingers over the fat puffy nipples until they were rock hard and standing tall. He loved that she reacted to him like that.

  What he didn’t love was waiting, and she had made him anyway. Some part of her felt responsible, at least a little. They had been together a year, and he had shown some genuine interest in her for a long time. He, like all of her boyfriends in the past, had also been a big person, it was a place she was comfortable. The idea of being with someone smaller than her simply too intimidated to think about, and she had always avoided it.

  He’d said all of the right things, had gone as far as to be there for her through more than a few setbacks over the last year. He said he understood that she was a virgin and wouldn’t push, but when she’d come home and found some skinny girl in their bed, grinding down on him like there was no tomorrow, she knew he wasn’t going to wait any longer.

  Some part of her knew wanted to yell or scream. The other part of her, the part that took over, simply waited and watched until finally one of them realized she was standing in the doorway. They both had the decency to look guilty. Something that hurts even more. Some tiny part of her brain wanted the girl to have been clueless about her existence, but the red faced inability to meet her eyes gave way to the truth, she was just some nasty homewrecker.

  They scurried, both of them. Part of her was surprised at his choice in women. Skinny and tall with no breasts at all, unless you count nipples only as breasts. She was the total and complete opposite of who Lila was. As the skinny one grabbed her things to run out of the apartment Lila, folded her arms and simply waited. Somehow she had expected him to panic or look a little more distraught than he actually did. Instead, he grabbed a blanket and pulled it up with him and walked towards her, a sad look on his face.

  “We are done Lila; I just need more.” He shrugged with slight indifference.

  “Apparently Jack.” I still held my ground, waiting for him to say or do anything else. Instead. He headed for the front door.

  “I’ll come get my stuff later.”

  She waited a good long while, long enough to make sure there was no chance of him coming back up, or walking back in before she let herself lock the door and cry. She had loved him, given him everything she had, but not her virginity and it just hadn’t been enough for him. She was starting to think holding on to it wasn’t worth it after all, but then how would she know what an ass he really was?

  Time went slowly as she helped pack his things, tossing them methodically out into the stairwell for him to pick up eventually. She called a girlfriend to come over and together they changed the locks on the doors, apparently something that is a standard course of action. The days that followed only made things seem even more bleak. She applied for every Administrative Assistant position she could find, but nothing seemed to be working out right for her. That being said, at some point Jack had come to get his things without saying a word and he slipped out of her life for good.

  Friday came, and with it came opportunity. As she started out her day, her phone came to life and on it was an operator asking her to come in for an interview. Excited that something was finally going right, she got up early, squeezing into her best interview outfit and set off for the address she had been given.

  The building was tall and full, but the storefront was quaint and appealing to the eye, and customers on the street. As she pulled the doors open to the storefront, she had to wonder if she would fit in here at all.

  As she moved into the darker interior she was struck with the enormity of the actual storefront and everything they had inside. The best way to describe it was a high scale jewelry store, with every imaginable diamond and stone anyone could ever want. Moving around the counter, she smoothed down the front of her dress once more, thinking of how she looked, and how badly she needed this job.

  “You must be Miss Winston.” He came around the corner, and she felt her eyes drawn to him immediately.

  There was something dark about him, mysterious, almost that made her feel like she was being drawn into him. He was at least 6 ft tall and his black hair was short. His half smile was full of charm and life as he held out his hand for her to shake. She did so, swallowing hard.

  “Yes, please Lila.” She did her best to seem relaxed but just the contact form his hand was like someone had burned her. He paused a moment, looking at her strangely before he spoke again.

  “I am Derek, I am the CFO of the company, I do all of the hiring and processing, and handle the money matters. Although to be honest, there are only a handful of us, I like to keep people close to me.”

  She would have sworn there was some hidden meaning to his words, and she swallowed hard once more.

  He went on. “My brother is Blake, but he is out of town until this weekend. He is the CEO, and knows far more about running the business side of things. So tell me about you lovely Lila.”

  She felt his eyes on her, boring into her skin and she was suddenly hot all over. “I have many years’ experience, though not in fine jewels like you have here.”

  “Do you like pretty things Lila?” He was staring at her once more.

  “Of course, I am a girl after all.” She smiled slightly.

  “You are not a girl, Lila; you are a woman. Never forget the difference.”

  It was almost a command, and she agreed quickly, not wanting to upset him in anything. It was amazing how much she felt around him, a heightened sense of awareness or something. He stood and waved her to follow him, which she did. He gestured to the diamonds in the case below them.

  “See that one there?” He pointed to the largest one in the case. She nodded.

  “There is a smoothness to it, something that sets it apart from the others. Like skin, under a person’s fingertips.”

  Once more she felt herself blush at his words, this was very unfamiliar territory for her after all.

  He turned once more to walk towards the front door. “When can you start? I will need you to meet my brother on Saturday if you can.”

  She smiled. “I can come anytime Saturday.” She watched as he chuckled at her words.

  “There is so many things I want to say to you right now lovely Lila.” He smiled. “Come… come at 10 that should be about right.”

  She smiled up at him once more, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. She watched his face harden immediately.

  “Be careful now Lila, he touched her chin with his thumb and turned to go back inside, locking the door as she left.

  Chapter Two

  The entire interaction struck her as odd, though she had never been more excited in her life. With the horrible week she’d had, just flirting with a handsome stranger was a nice treat. Something about him, made her feel like he was really up for more than just flirting, but she also knew there was no possible way a man like that would be interested in her. The only thing she knew for certain was that she had wasted far too many years, holding on to her virginity for mister right.

  Saturday came and she found herself back in front of the store, this time during business hours she
it was easier to go inside where she met a nice older woman running the store, showing and selling items out of the massive cases. She only took a moment when she saw him standing in the corner of the room.

  He smiled as he waved her over to him, and she did as he asked as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Smiling down on her, she felt his hand on the small of her back as she was led to a staircase leading to the apartments upstairs.

  “Blake is upstairs making a mess in the kitchen, as usual. He is eager to meet you.” He let his gaze linger on her for a long moment.

  He pushed open the main doors and she came face to face with a mountain of a man who was doing exactly as he predicted, making a mess. He turned to face her and she felt her stomach drop once more. He was sculpted perfectly, and just as gorgeous as his brother, though his hair was lighter, and longer. He also had a full goatee on his face, making him appear rougher around the edges.

  He gave her a once over and then glanced over at his brother who arched an eyebrow in return. He smiled widely at her.

  “You must be Lila? My brother did not tell me what a beautiful woman you were, if you don’t mind me saying?” He smiled widely at her, his dimpled cheeks making him even more attractive.


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