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Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story

Page 8

by Dawson, Devyn

  Storm bounces over to me in his footsie pajamas and his brown curls. It always breaks my heart to walk out the door when he looks so cute. A day of ice-cream and SpongeBob sounds like fun. We’ll have to do that this weekend.

  “Bye mommy, drive careful. I lub you.”

  “I lub you too. Be good for grandmommy, we’ll go for ice-cream when I get home. You have to be good though.”

  “I be good mommy. See you yater gator.”

  “Phire, will you put Jackass outside before you leave. He’s so peculiar, the way he reacts to Storm should be recorded and put on that show about funny videos,” mom says.

  She’s right; Jackass flips out when he sees Storm. He arches his back and bounces sideways as he growls and hisses.

  “Mom, remember we’re calling him Jack…not jackbutt,” I scold. “Bye!”

  Pulling into the parking lot on my chopper, my very loud chopper, always makes me smile. The shop across the way has this older couple that run it. They always look at me like I’m going to run over and slit their throat. The loud muffler makes it impossible to hear for the first five minutes after I turn off the motor. When I started riding, the vibrations of the bike literally made my ears rattle. I pull off my gloves and without noticing a person behind me, he grabs me around my throat with a handkerchief held over my mouth.

  What the hell? Where am I? My head hurts, shit I must have hit it on something. Opening my eyes, I take mental notes of my surroundings. It’s a house with seventies green shag carpet and reeks from years of wear and cigarettes. My hands are bound behind my back and my legs are secured to the chair I’m sitting in. “Where the hell am I?” I shout out loud.

  The door to the room swings open and this guy is standing there, rage across his face.

  “So you finally decided to wake the fuck up. Let’s get the party started.” He puts his hand on the wall and belches.

  Chapter 13. Babysitting


  “They’re going to Paris? I’ll be out there soon.” I hung up and cussed under my breath. I’ve kept a low profile since Abel has lived at the farm. It isn’t that I’m against him; I want him to get a feel for the pack and decide who he wants as his beta. How in the hell did I get stuck with a babysitting gig? The drive to Oklahoma City is about four hours from Wichita, Kansas. I’d been chasing a vampire that I’d heard was working with a couple of rogue wolves. I load up my SUV with all of my gear and my guns. I’m guessing I’ll be staying at the farm again.

  This asswipe rogue has run around biting humans and leaving them to figure out they’ve been infected with werewolf venom. When I hunt him down, he’s gonna wish he were dead. I’m not playing games with this bullshit anymore. It’s been hard enough hunting the General’s murderer and now I have to find who is being reckless. I’ve been hopeful to avenge the death of my alpha, hopefully, everyone in Paris will find some information. His death has changed everything and everyone. He would have been honored to have know the Great Wolf exists, and Abel is indeed him. Now, my role is babysitter of the newly made werewolves. One of the were’s came to the farm with amnesia. She doesn’t remember what happened and from Oakley’s description she’s hot. Funny thing about being bitten, if you’re not in touch with your humanity when you shift, you risk never turning back to human. This girl, they nicknamed her Sam until she remembers who she is, has shifted to a wolf, but not back to human.

  It isn’t uncommon for a bitten person to shift and not shift back for a day or two. Typically they do shift back to human by the end of the week. Those that don’t shift back must be destroyed. We can’t risk a werewolf running around in our woods scared and toxic. A few years back the General had a special holding room made for the new wolves. On the surface, it resembles a jail cell. We added a few creature comforts, such as music and a TV which is placed outside of the cell. Pru and Dolly came up with the show line-up. The monitors come on for Ellen and Animal Planet for a few hours every day. Oakley and Abel were able to tell her about being a werewolf before she shifted, but I heard it was dramatic. Watching Oakley fumble around as he shifted to do a show-and-tell game makes me laugh on the inside. I’m sure the chick flipped out. These days, I don’t do too much laughing. I don’t have time for laughter or socializing.

  At least I’ll get time with Tatiana while I’m in town. She was recruited by Pru to join our IT department a couple of months ago. She came to us from the Dallas pack after having a fallout with one of the guys. Tat earned her degree from MIT at the age of twenty. Wiz is an understatement; she’s a damn rock-god of technology and a sex-kitten. I smack the steering wheel and laugh just thinking about how she’d react if she knew I called her a kitten.

  We hooked up after a night of drinking heavily. We’re more of a supply and demand kind of relationship, she keeps me in supply, and I’m demanding. We don’t date, we fuck. I’m a wolf, I need to fuck…she’s a wolf and needs it too. We don’t hold each other’s hands, we don’t sleep together, and we don’t go anywhere in public together. I once asked her to a movie, she wrinkled her nose and said I’m not really her type. I paddled her the next time we didn’t sleep together.

  She’s the polar opposite of Sapphire, which is good. Tat has an aura about her that screams sex. It wouldn’t surprise me if she becomes a dom in her future. Her Texas twang and her MIT brain are sexy as hell. The younger guys aren’t into brains right now, they don’t see her the way I do. Tat doesn’t wear make-up, but her pale blue eyes are always sparkling as the wheels in her head spin with ideas. Phire had flowing long onyx hair, the kind that smelled freshly showered and when her head was arched, her hair hung to her ass. That perfect round ass that turned me on so many times that weekend. Without thinking, I smack my head backwards into the headrest, damning myself for going there. There is where Sapphire is, where my wolf’s mate is, where my heart is.

  I suck at keeping my thoughts of her at bay. When everyone gets back from Paris, I’m having a talk with Abel and Dolly. I want them to take into consideration that my wolf has been uneasy since I left her those years ago. How four damn days could have such an impact on me is beyond my comprehension. It isn’t fair to either of us, but I’m still against turning her into a werewolf. Can I go the rest of my life without my wolf’s true mate? Probably not. That’s where Tat fits in, no strings and no feelings.

  An owl swoops down in front of me, the headlights give the enormous wings a celestial look. I notice a wiggling snake dangling from his talons. What a magnificent hunter he is; it would be cool to shift into an animal that flies.

  A heaviness falls over me as I pull up to the house, its white pillars and deep red bricks give it an estate feel. The previous house was old and run down after years of the harsh Oklahoma summers. The pack went to Ireland together and visited some of the Phelan family while the construction crews built this house. Dolly had gone over the furnishings with a designer before we left town, and she wasn’t disappointed when we arrived home from Ireland to our magazine ready home. Everywhere I turn the General is there. His wolf spirit looms low over me as I get a grip of the reality that he isn’t here, and never will be again.

  Abel and Chrissy are on the porch as I pull up to the house. I haven’t figured out what he sees in her. She has the personality of a wet sponge, not really my type. Her prissy laugh and awkward walk make her a strange mate for our rising Great Wolf. However, I did loan her my Prius while I went on the road. Just because she isn’t my thing, doesn’t mean I won’t help her out.

  Abel walks over and debriefs me about the rogue situation. The girl they are calling Sam hasn’t returned to human. There isn’t anything I can do for her other than encourage her to remember who she was. I’ve never dealt with a person with amnesia before, so her not knowing about her own life could defeat her humanity and she’d have to die.

  Everyone left, leaving me with the skeleton crew that runs the farms crops and computer programs. Speaking of computers, I’m going to find Tat to burn off some primal needs I’m experien


  Before I have a chance to look for her, she comes bouncing over to the porch. “I thought I heard your car. I’m digging your whole metro look you’ve got going on,” Tatiana says.

  Oh hell no, she didn’t call me metro. “I see someone’s a little feisty this morning.” I pull her to me and back her up to the brick wall. She’s searching my face, waiting and anticipating her punishment. Her eyes give her away, she wants it and she wants it now. I lean in and bite her lower lip, just enough to make her squeak. “Let’s go inside.”

  The house is quiet for at least another hour. I’ll run with the guys to assure they know I’m in charge and won’t put up with their shenanigans. First, I have a need to fulfill. I take her hand and lead her to my room. I flip on the lights and take a deep breath, my way of knowing if anyone snooped through my stuff. A faint hint of a familiar smell lingers in the house. It’s as though the scent changed its DNA. Tat rubs her hand up and down my arm and laces her fingers through mine. She knows we don’t do affectionate, I’m emotionally checked out.

  “Get naked,” I demand. Her pale blue eyes sparkle with delight as she pulls her blouse over her head. “On the bed and start touching yourself.” She’s seductive by the way she saunters over to the king sized bed and sits on her knees in the middle. One hand between her legs and the other running through her hair, she’s moaning already as she shows off for me. I can tell by the little half-moon white patches under her butt cheeks; she’s been using a tanning bed.

  “Are you going to join me or should I take care of myself,” she purrs.

  It’s been too long, and I’m ready to go. “We’ll play this by ear, now back up to the edge of the bed. Get on your hands and knees.” I pull my shirt and pants off, springing to life my obvious excitement. I walk over to the side of the bed to take in the view. She didn’t find out I was coming to town until all the spas would be closed. I take my hand and glide my finger along her freshly waxed lips. Hmmmmm. “Let me check for condoms.” I fumble with my nightstand drawer looking for a condom. I find a box of Trojans hidden beneath some random papers. I rip the wrapper open and gently glide it down and into place. I join her where we left off. “Turn around and face me.”

  “May I be of service to you?” Her lip creeps up in a slight smile.

  “You may service me, keep your ass in the air as you give me head.”

  Her eager mouth slipped down over me and worked her magic. It didn’t take long for me to climax, my hands in her hair gripping tight as I found the release I needed. I like it to last longer, but we’re on a time crunch. She needs a little punishment, but I’m suddenly not in the mood to please her. Some would call it selfish; I call it she’ll- come-back- begging- for- more. I know she’ll be thinking about me when she takes care of herself. Stifling a chuckle, I walk away and head to the shower; leaving her frustrated on the bed with her mouth hanging open.

  “Morning, everyone,” I mutter as I catch up with the pack on the back patio. “Nice morning for a run. Once we’re done we’ll go to town for some grub.”

  “How long you stayin’?” Michael glares at me and pulls off the security wrapper on a five hour energy drink.

  “I’m the beta dipwad, and this is my pack. If you have problems with me, call 1 8 0 0 bite me. I don’t have time for your soap opera bullshit. Go shift and meet me in the clearing.” I turn around and pull my shirt over my head. Tatiana is looking at me like she has something she wants to say. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll meet you out back.” She runs off to the pool house. I wonder if she’s going to come clean that she’s having sex with another one of the pack members. If I had to guess, I bet it’s Michael. He’s never had any issues with me before, so I’m figuring he isn’t happy about his girl giving me a blow job.

  After breakfast I ask Tatiana to stay behind and enjoy a cup of coffee with me privately.

  “Okay. I rode with Michael, let me tell him I’m staying for a few minutes.” She’s nervous about talking to me, never a good sign.

  “Hey hun, can I get you anything else?” The middle-aged waitress asks. “You want some more coffee, it’s guaranteed to put more hair on that nice broad chest.”

  “Yes, dear,” I rumble. “I’ll take some with creamer please. I’ll take one of those bear claws to go with it.”

  She grinned from ear to ear as though she’s having her own conversation in her head.

  “I can’t walk away without you flirting with someone. Shame on you,” Tatiana says and sits down next to me. Public display of ownership doesn’t happen on my watch. What’s she up to? I’m about to find out. “Hello Mr. Beta, what can I help you with? Would you like to slip into the bathroom and get a quickie?”

  She just asked me to have sex with her in public. Classic diversion tactic. It might work on some horny wolves, but I know her game. “Would you like to tell me anything new going on with you?”

  Her face goes pale instantly and she wrings her hands together fighting her nervous energy. “Oh Parker, what makes you think I have anything to tell?” She’s smart, she knows a wolf can tell when someone is nervous…so why is she giving all the obvious signs?

  “Tatiana,” I gasp. “I think you have a secret to hide and I’m pretty sure I know what it is…would you like to tell me or would you like me to tell you?”

  “Okay,” She takes her hand to her mouth and bit her cuticle. What the hell? Why do people chew on their hands?

  “Stop biting your nails.” I stood and slid into the seat opposite her.

  “I’m sorta dating someone,” she blurts out.

  “Sorta dating…hmmmmm like sorta a virgin but not really? What does sorta dating mean? Are you sorta fucking him too?”

  “No, oh no….no we’re not….we haven’t had sex. You and I, we’re cool. I need sex in my life, you know I can’t go a long time without sex.”

  She didn’t make the situation any less awkward. “You’re dating one member and fucking another? You know that’s wrong and goes against our code of conduct. I could pull rank and claim you as my own, but I sense you wouldn’t want me to. So, what do you want Tat?”

  Her head drops forward and she puts her hands over her face. “Parker, I want to have sex with you, but I need a companion. I want to go to the movies with someone who wants to be with me. A bed bunny doesn’t cut it for me. I mean, yeah we’re great together in bed….but we’re oblivious to everything going on in the other’s life. I don’t want to make this decision. He knows… he saw me leaving your room this morning. I came clean.”

  “Really?” I proclaimed. Her eyebrows dipped in as she squints at me. “I noticed you were completely waxed. Is that something you did for him or for me?”

  Her face turns seven shades of red before she could reply back to me. “Ugh…. We were going to have sex tonight. We’ve planned it for a few weeks. He’s pretty pissed off at both of us, so I don’t think he wants me anymore. He is concerned since you’re our Beta.”

  I reach across the table and take her hand into mine. “Love, it’s okay. I told you from the beginning when you find someone to let me know. Let me guess, it’s Michael right?” Tat nods her head but doesn’t pull her hands from mine. “Find him and tell him we broke it off. I’m not going to bed another wolf’s partner.”

  “Please don’t do this to me,” she pleads.

  “Sorry, Tat. I might be an ass, but I follow the code of conduct. Have a nice day Tat.” I take a sip of my coffee before giving my attention to my bear-claw. Tatiana walked away sulking about getting cut off. Good thing I got a blow-job this morning, it might be a while before I get another one.

  I have no idea how long I’d been sitting there, thinking about nothing. I guess it’s time to go introduce myself to Sam the wolf.

  Chapter 14. Bite


  3 days post bite

  Something’s wrong, I say to myself as I look around. Obviously I’m in a tent, how in the hell did I get here? It sme
lls like it’s been used before, that musty camping equipment scent lingers throughout the tent. It’s still dark outside and I hear leaves crunching somewhere close. I feel around to see if there’s a candle or something I can light. I doubt I can rub two sticks together to make fire. The man is gone, I don’t know if he’s been here, but I don’t think he’s staying here. There’s three cans of ravioli, what does that mean? Is that my three meals for a day, or one meal for three days? Either way, I’m not staying to find out.

  A flashlight by the zipper gives me comfort that I can pee in the woods without using a bear as toilet paper. Do we even have bears in Oklahoma? Maybe I’m not in Oklahoma, maybe I’m in another state. Shit.

  After I stumble around, squat in the woods and pee on my pant leg, I go back to the tent and zip myself in tight. The birds are chirping, I guess that’s what they mean about ‘the early bird gets the worm’, too damn early to chirp.

  Sitting back on the sleeping bag, I take inventory of everything around me. For some unknown reason, I’ve no idea what day of the week it is and how I ended up here. I need to get home; it would be great if I knew where home is. Why don’t I know? Panic pulsates through my veins as I realize something’s wrong. Terribly wrong. Who am I? How do I not know that? Something simple like a name should be etched in my memory. I look through the tent to see if I have a wallet or purse, something with my name.

  I turned everything in the tent upside down and inside out. Not that there were a lot of things to go through, but I checked over and over until I flopped on the ground and cried. What if someone is home wondering where I am and they’re worried. Worse, what if no one is home wondering where I am? I put my hand in my front pocket for a tissue, and find a crumpled up piece of paper. Wait, how did I know to look in my pocket for a tissue? Obviously it’s a habit. Clue number one, I carry tissue in my front pocket. I bet that’s the news story of the day - girl who blows her nose is missing. I’d laugh at my own joke, but it isn’t very funny.


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