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Sapphire, A Werewolf Love Story

Page 12

by Dawson, Devyn

  He notices my mom and Hania are in the living room. “I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Of course she’s okay, dumbass! We’re the ones that love and protect her.” Ruby’s on a roll. She hates Parker and isn’t afraid to let him know.

  Instinctually, I put my arms around Parker and hug him. My soul is screaming in ecstasy as we hug.

  Parker bends down low enough to whisper in my ear. “You sense it don’t you? That’s your wolf, and she is happy her mate is with her.”

  I blush and pray no one heard him.

  “They didn’t hear, because your hearing is so good, you can hear everything.”

  “I’ll remember that in the future,” I whisper back. “I’m going to stand on the porch and talk to Parker for a minute. I’ll be quick.” I hear an audible sigh. My mom says to take my time.

  “Thank you for seeing me,” Parker says.

  His eyes, those beautiful eyes pierce through me. My heart surrenders to my wolf. Every ounce of fear is comforted, just by him standing close to me. “I’m glad you came, really I am. My heart is saying one thing; my rational head is saying to give-in. I’ll listen to my instincts. Contrary to what everyone wants, I am allowing myself to be yours…if you’ll have me.”

  The look on his face is priceless. His eyes are wide and a smile like no other, has filled his face, and my heart. “You’re serious?”

  “I’m serious. I might be crazy definitely crazy , but there’s a dark shadow over my heart when you’re not around. I need sunshine in my life. I need someone that won’t run and will help me. Parker, I know you’re those things for me. I want to take it slow, well, slower than having sex tonight. If you can handle it and not run away, I’m willing to try.”

  “I’ll give you all the time you need my love. Can I kiss you?” He steps in and puts his arms around me.

  I’m complete. Yes! Kiss me! “I’d like that,” I whisper. His lips, like soft pillows, press to mine, gently. Oh, yeah, that’s nice. My arms pull him closer to me, feeling his body pressed to mine. A low growl rumbles as he deepens the kiss. It’s as though we can’t breathe without the other. I want to go limp in his arms just so he would be forced to hold me tighter. People are waiting inside the house, I remind myself. I pull back, “We need to go inside.”

  “Oh yeah, lead the way.”

  “Come in, this is my mom, Pearl, and her friend the medicine woman Hania.”

  Everyone moves to the dining room to sit at the table. Mom (strange calling a woman I don’t remember “Mom”), has made coffee and a streusel cake. I laugh, nervous everyone is judging me, which they are. Except Parker, he isn’t, he accepts me for whom and what I am, whatever that is.

  Parker and I are sitting next to each other, my mom and Hania are sitting across from us and Ruby is sitting at the head of the rectangle table.

  Ruby is doing her best at giving Parker dirty looks. I’m about to die laughing inside, but I don’t want everyone to think I’ve gone crazy I’m already crazy .

  “I’m blessed to be here with you tonight. This is a tough time for your family as we heal our sister Sapphire. There will be things about Sapphire we’ll learn tonight, secrets that belong to her alone. I must ask you to keep an open mind, respect the spirits and keep the secrets at this table. If you can’t accept the rules, I’m asking for you to excuse yourself and leave. Is everyone okay with the rules?” Hania’s voice is melodic as she speaks.

  What secrets does she know about me? This can’t be good.

  Everyone agrees to silence.

  “Could someone explain why we’re allowing this man at our table? He isn’t part of this family, we don’t even know him,” Ruby bitches. She stretches her arms in front of her being melodramatic.

  “That is a good question,” Pearl says. “I’m not trying to be rude, but he isn’t part of our family.”

  Hania sets a white candle in middle of the table and lights it with a Bic lighter. “You’ll understand soon enough. Parker is part of your family, whether you believe it or not. His son is in the other room sleeping and dreaming about his mom right now.” She takes out a bundle of dried up leaves and a big feather. She holds the lighter to the bundle and lights it on fire. She blows out the flame and uses the feather to stoke the smoke. “Let’s begin.” Hania holds her arm out and walks around the table, chanting and fanning the smoke.

  Parker squeezes my hand, which he is holding under the table. Something about him comforts me. What happens if I remember? I’m a werewolf, not a puppy…or a cute little fox…no, I’m a werewolf. Parker explained as much as he could about why he never came back. Ruby has made it her mission to remind me I was a weak, pathetic, broken girl curled up in a ball. I didn’t have the guts to tell Parker about our son. At this moment, I understand neither of us handled the situation well.

  Hania sits back down across from me and closes her eyes. Her eyes open wide and she stares at Parker for a second longer than normal.

  “My spirit guide is Alo; she’s a deceased descendent from the eighteenth century. This is my second lifetime with Alo by my side. The first time, we actually were sisters, much like you and your sister. Ruby loves you very much, and as the family suffers growing pains, you need to remember your love. Sapphire, Alo tells me we can regain your memories.” She reaches across the table for my hand. “I want to assure everyone, the person who abducted you did not harm you. He did not rape you or cause you harm.” Parker clears his throat. “Parker, you’re right to distrust him. He brought you together again, and ultimately he realigned the stars for the both of you.”

  “Oh gag me, you’re saying that whoever kidnapped my sister did it to bring this a-hole in our life?”

  “Ruby, one more word and you’re out. Do I make myself clear?” Mom says.

  “Crystal,” Ruby replies haughtily.

  “An old Arapaho saying is, When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us. I want you to remember those words for the rest of your days. Sapphire, I want you to know that your new status in life does not overpower your link to the Arapaho tribe. I’d like for you to close your eyes. We’re going to play a word association game. When I say a word, I want you to say the first thing that comes to mind.”

  “Okay.” I’m not sure how a spirit guide comes up with word association. I don’t remember being Indian, so who am I to question her tactics.

  “The first word is, summer.”


  “Very good. Rooster.”

  “Hen.” I remember my farm animals, I’m a farm animal.





  “Very good, that was one step closer. Chocolate.”


  “Does Sapphire have a chocolate allergy?”

  “No, but Storm does,” Ruby announces.

  “You’re doing great. Rock.”


  “Sugar cookie,” Hania asks. Her voice is soothing as she talks; it makes me want to sleep.

  “Favorite.” I have a favorite cookie!


  “Beta,” I realize what I say the minute it comes out of my mouth. Thankfully, only one other person knows what it means. Sadly, he’s sitting next to me.


  “Storm.” There it is…a tidal wave of memories hit me straight on in the chest. I double-over smacking my forehead on the table as I clutch my stomach. Anger mixed with jubilation cloud my head of rational thoughts. I remember the boy in first grade who called me a bug-eyed-creep. The time I walked in on Stone with his girlfriend and I ran out screaming. Parker, my beautiful wolf-man. I prayed he left me for a good reason. As much anger Ruby has towards him, I’m not angry. My heart is screaming with happiness at the memories of Parker. The earth moving sex, and waking up with him on the back patio. Every memory is phenomenal, and I look up to see Parker staring at me. His sacrifice makes sense now
that I’m a wolf too. The human I was would never have understood being a werewolf. She’s right, Pedro brought us together. He didn’t go the right way, but unbeknownst to him, I’m glad to know our secrets. I own a store…and a motorcycle. “Where’s my bike?” She didn’t say I can open my eyes, but I remember everything, so we don’t need a spirit guide.

  “It’s in the garage, Stone and I picked it up. Your nitwit employees had no idea where you were and they didn’t bother calling anyone about you not showing up to work. It was Ruby who discovered your bike at the shop and she couldn’t find you. I wanted to fire them, but mom wouldn’t let me.”

  “They probably thought I left the bike overnight. It doesn’t matter, I’m home and my memory is back. Thank you for helping me.”

  “We’re not finished. This is for the best, it will be easier for them to understand with me here.”

  Like a little kid, I’m scared to tell them what’s going on. She’s right, there’s no time like right now.

  “Mom, this is Parker. He’s a kind and generous man. Yes, he left me and yes, I balled up and cried for days. I know that was hard to watch, trust me, it was hard to live through. If you’ll set your thoughts to the side, we have something to tell you, please hear us out.” I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly, my thoughts become clear and undamaged. “This conversation is for your ears only, I have to have your word you won’t go to the tabloids or anything.”

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, whatever you have to tell us isn’t tabloid worthy. Get on with the show,” Ruby slaps her hands on the table.

  When memories are stripped away, and returned, the good is so much better than the bad. Ruby and I were tight before Storm came along. She started resenting me when I couldn’t go out any time I wanted. She was mad because I didn’t sue Parker for child support. Now, she’s a short-tempered grouchy woman.

  Hania stood up and clapped her hands together to get our attention.

  “Ladies, as much as I love what I do, you’re sucking the fun out of this experience. Ruby, I’m sure you love your sister, and you miss having fun with her. As people, we evolve every seven years. If there’s another outburst, I will leave. Please give Sapphire and Parker you attention, no comments, listen.”

  I sit nervous, my hands on the table, fingers laced together to hide the fact I’m shaking. My stomach is flipping, afraid I’ll say something wrong, I stammer as I find my words.

  “Well, I’m not sure how things like this are exposed to family members; I’ll try to say it as eloquently as possible. It’s true; Parker and I were only together for a short amount of time, a few days. In everyone’s book, that’s not enough time to know each other. Some people call it insta-love. There isn’t anything instant about love. I’ve read books about people falling in love at first sight. I’ve read reviews on those books that complain about it being too fast. How long should love take? Parker and I were together spiritually and physically. If this were my fairy tale written out for the world to see, would they say it was unbelievable? Would my story pull the hopeless romantic in to feel the touch of a man? When you read my story, should it be a tragedy or triumphant? I’ll always remember good over evil at all costs. What do you consider evil? Would I be less spiritual if I develop animal instincts to hunt?” I stand up and walk around the table; everyone has a puzzled look on their face as I use metaphors to talk about my existence. “If you believe in Native American lore, surely you’ll believe in lore passed down from Ireland. There are stories of men who could shift into another animal. Native Americans don’t call it a werewolf, they talk about their wolf though. I have a wolf, she has been released, no longer hidden in my soul. She is a living breathing wolf. She’s pretty bad-ass too.” Ruby is sitting, staring at me but not looking at me. She’s thinking it through, she’s processing the words.

  Parker stands up and pulls me to his side. “I’m going to do show-and-tell for you to understand what she’s talking about.” Parker pulls his olive green shirt over his head, and unties his shoes to slip them off.

  “What the hell is this all about?” Mom asks. “This isn’t a bridal shower; a stripper isn’t going to help matters. Why is he taking off his pants?”

  “Cute huh?” I tease in reply. “It’s getting’ hot in here!”

  “Sapphire, this is inappropriate,” mom fidgets around in her seat.

  “Good God Almighty, hell, I’ll do him if you don’t want him,” Ruby says but never averts her eyes from his perfectly tanned body. He’s hairy in the right places. I blush remembering our nights together.

  Hania speaks next. “Keep your mind open and your mouths closed. This is the most beautiful spiritual event I’ve ever witnessed.” Ruby raises her eyebrows at Hania, I can see she’s starting to question Hania’s mental state.

  “Phire, will you hand me that rose on the table?” Parker takes the rose and says he’s going into the hallway for a second and to remember how he’s holding the rose with his teeth.

  Within the minute his wolf walks into the room. I gasp as I see his lean body transformed into a wolf. My heart is hammering so loud, I’m certain Storm is going to hear us and wake up. I can’t help to touch Parker. His fur is softer than I expected. The rose is still between his teeth, he drops it at my feet.

  “Simply beautiful. Praise the heavens, we aren’t the only earth dwellers. As sure as I am of my own abilities, I’m pleased to know the others still exist.” Hania walks over to Parker, she moves slow with fear and curiosity across her face.

  I turn to face my mom and tears are streaming down her face. I look over at Ruby and no wonder she’s quiet, she fainted.

  Parker goes back to the room and shifts back.

  Mom, Ruby and I spend the rest of the evening answering questions. Everything goes well, up until I tell them I’m moving out. Parker explains it will be in my best interest to move to the farm. We all lived here to help mom pay the mortgage, but last year I paid the balance off. She’s mortgage free and Ruby can stay and everything will work out. Ruby decides to sleep at mom’s tonight after she finds out Parker and I are staying the night.

  “No howling either!” Ruby says as she leaves through the patio door to go to mom’s.

  Chapter 19. Love


  As soon as Sapphire and her family drive off, I called an emergency pack meeting. We meet everyone in the front lawn.

  Dolly, Abel and I had a private meeting before stepping out on the porch. The atmosphere is charged with energy as we walk outside. Abel stands on one side of Dolly and I on the other.

  I look out at the sea of werewolves and know they are ready to bring justice on behalf of Sapphire. Dolly clears her voice and everyone stops and gives her their attention. “Thank you for dropping whatever you were doing and joining us for this quick meeting. As you know, we’ve had a young were with us over the last few weeks. Today, we learned her name is Sapphire, and she’s Parker’s friend. We will respect Sapphire as a member of this pack, I will not accept anything less than respect for her. Is that understood?” She looks out over the crowd and everyone nods their head in agreement. “I’m turning this over to Parker. Tatiana, when the meeting is over, I want to meet with you in my office.”

  No one as much as blinked as Tatiana stands red-faced looking anywhere but at me. “I’m not going to draw this out. I want a rogue wolf brought in, the sooner, and the better. I am offering a twenty-five thousand dollar bounty from my account for him to be brought to me alive. The pack is kicking in a ten thousand dollar incentive to combine with my twenty-five to bring in any rogues he’s associated with. Add it up everyone; thirty-five thousand dollars. His name is Pedro, and I have some material with his scent, I have the fabric in the house for those that want to go out hunting. This is a business, don’t forget your obligations here at the farm. No one is to go off alone, and under no circumstances are you to kill him. He’ll pray for his death when I’m finished, but no, he’s going to live. Abel and Oakley are your go-to guys. Leave me and Sapphi
re alone. Any questions?”

  “Is that the dude you castrated two years ago?” Bryon asks.

  I shake my head up and down. “Yes.”

  Michael steps forward, he holds his head cocked with a sarcastic look on his face. “Is Sapphire your girlfriend? It’s odd to me she appears at the farm and you didn’t know who she was. Now, she’s miraculously your friend.” Michael is challenging me with his venom laced words.

  “My personal life is of no concern to you.”

  “Let’s get this straight, you’re not my alpha. I don’t get why you can stake claim into every woman who shows up at the farm.” Michael isn’t given a chance to finish his rant. Abel has lifted his hand and waves of energy flow from his hand to Michael. The next moment, Michael is grabbing his head and dropping to his knees.

  “Michael, you and I will have a meeting about your punishment for speaking to your beta that way. I want everyone to be clear, I’m not the alpha…yet. Dolly holds that position with Parker as her beta. Even though I’m not the alpha of this pack, I am the Great Wolf, and I’ve called rank. Your punishment will be at my discretion. If anyone else has anything to say regarding Pedro, speak now.” Not a soul says anything. Abel is new to the werewolf life, but he’s a natural. “Michael, meet me in Dolly’s office after Tatiana is released.”

  “What the fuck ever,” he mutters.

  “Come again?” I ask, knowing full well what he said.

  “I said, yes sir.”

  I put my hands in my front jeans pockets. “If you bring Pedro in within forty-eight hours, I’ll add another five thousand. Be sure to fill out your calendar with your intentions and comings and goings. Hunt well!” I tilt my head back and howl. The pack howled with me, continuing the battle cry of the wolf, a tradition wolves do before they go to battle.


  Dolly knows I want to catch up with Sapphire to make sure she’s protected. After two minutes, Tatiana storms into the room, obviously irritated she was called out.


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