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Each Time We Love

Page 27

by Shirlee Busbee

  It was that kiss and the undisguised hint of wonder in his voice that were Savanna's final undoing, and when he came down beside her on the bed, she melted into his powerful embrace. He might not love her, but he cared about the child and she would try to be content. His hand cupped her breast and Savanna shuddered at the longing that went through her, and as his mouth closed urgently over hers, she reminded herself dizzily that whatever difficulties lay before them, at least they had this!

  Adam's thoughts, when he could think at all, were remarkably similar to Savanna's, but the heady enchantment of her drove coherent thoughts out of his brain. She was fire and silk in his arms and she smelled deliciously of lavender and tasted of honey and he could not get enough of her, his mouth and hands moving feverishly over her supple flesh. She was everything he wanted in a woman, everything, he realized dimly, that he would ever want; this knowledge made the aching desire that hummed through his taut body all the more intense because she was the only woman for him and he loved her as he had never dreamed to love any woman.

  Oblivious of everything but Adam's arousing lovemaking, Savanna was learning the contours and planes of his magnificent body. Wonderingly her hands roamed over him, across the broad shoulders, down the steel-hewn sinews of his back and the hard curve of his buttocks. It was exciting to touch him this way, to feel his big body tremble beneath her wandering hands and to know that she was giving him pleasure, that she was wantonly fueling the fire that was already within him, within them both....

  His mouth was sweet fire at her breast, the scrape of his teeth across her distended nipples causing her belly to clench in yearning anticipation, and she moved restlessly against him, moaning softly when his hand slid down her body and his knowing fingers sought the red-gold curls between her legs. He toyed with her, lightly rubbing, slowly exploring the soft flesh he found, driving her half mad. Her breathing became labored and she moaned in frustration, but the sensations he aroused by those intensely intimate caresses were still too new, too rousing, for her to accept casually, and at the first thrust of his finger inside her, she reared up, both seeking and rejecting his exploration.

  "Gently, gently, my sweet," Adam breathed raggedly against her mouth, never stopping the motions that had her nails digging into his shoulders and her body twisting with rising delirium beneath his ministrations. He smiled down into her passion-flushed face and murmured, "Don't fight me, sweetheart. Let me teach you, let me show you just how much pleasure a man can give a woman."

  He wasn't asking, he was telling, and Savanna's arms closed tightly around him as his plundering mouth found hers once more. He kissed her with leashed violence, the demands of his own body making it difficult to restrain his instincts. But he denied himself, wanting to please Savanna, wanting her to experience all the erotic delights he had promised himself he would lavish upon her.

  Dominated by the pleas of her clamoring flesh, Savanna was his willing captive, his kisses and caresses destroying rational thought and normal inhibitions, and she felt only the frankly lascivious sensations streaking through her body. He kissed her many times, half savage, demanding kisses that left her yearning for more when his mouth finally left hers and slid like fire down her breast to suckle briefly before continuing ever downward across her belly and lower....

  When his lips and tongue replaced his hand as he nuzzled the red-gold curls he found between her thighs, Savanna gasped with shocked, shameful pleasure and she froze, hardly able to believe what he was doing to her. Her stunned eyes met the hard glitter in his and Adam muttered thickly, "You are very beautiful to me—I want, no, need, to taste and explore every inch of you."

  Gripped by desire, Savanna couldn't have stopped him even if she had wanted to, and when he pushed her legs farther apart and bent his head to flick the tender flesh with his tongue, she shuddered with pleasure and went weak at the sensations he was evoking. The sucking and stroking of his mouth was unbearable, the movements making her twist and arch upward, a fierce excitement coiling in her belly. Helplessly, her hands clenched into his dark hair, wanting to touch him, to caress him and share with him the incredible feelings that were racking her body. She was on fire, her breasts aching, her mouth hungry for him, but she was held enthralled by what he was doing to her between her legs. Unable to help herself, she writhed beneath the lash of his tongue on that most private part of her body.

  Savanna's response only added to Adam's growing excitement and he feasted even more hungrily upon her, eager to drive her over the edge and feel her convulse beneath him. He sensed that she was near, the almost painful ache between his own legs reminding him of how very close he was himself. The urge to plunge into her welcoming sheath was almost more than he could bear. Desperate to give her that scarlet oblivion, his hands cupped her buttocks and he held her thrashing body against the hot questing of his tongue.

  Savanna stiffened and a soft, choked cry escaped her as wave after wave of pleasure exploded through her. One moment she was buffeted by the sweet violence of her release and the next she was floating, drifting, her limbs weightless, her body sated. The world had spun away and when reality returned, there was only Adam, Adam holding her, Adam murmuring sensuous promises in her ear....

  She became more and more aware of her surroundings, her body tingling with tiny aftershocks of pleasure; she was both embarrassed and stunned by the force of the ecstasy that had shaken her. She was stingingly aware of Adam's warm body pressed to hers, and her thoughts were filled with the wickedly wondrous things he had done to her. Once her breathing had returned to normal and the last faint ripple of pleasure had disappeared, she realized that while she had reached the pinnacle, Adam had been denied it. She could not ignore proof of that as she lay cradled in his strong arms, his lips caressing her hair, her cheek resting against his hard chest while the rigid length of his swollen manhood lay like a burning brand against her thigh.

  She glanced up at him, her gaze noting the hard line of his chin and jaw, and involuntarily she reached up and gently explored the chiseled planes of his face. At her touch, Adam bent his head, and nipping her fingers slightly, he murmured, "Come back down to earth, have we?"

  Her eyes met his dark blue ones and, a beguiling blush on her lovely face, she smiled shyly. "I think so... but you never left, did you?"

  He grinned crookedly. "You do intend to let me do something about that, don't you?" he asked softly, his lips brushing her temple.

  To her astonishment, Savanna felt a quiver deep inside her at his words. She still wanted him, she realized with amazement, she wanted that hard body of his to possess her fully, and even as she acknowledged that thought, her nipples tightened and desire rapidly replaced her contentment. Stretching languidly, a surprisingly sensual invitation gleaming in the depths of her aquamarine eyes, she looked at him, her smile full of promise. "Oh, I imagine," she said mockingly, "that there is something I could let you do."

  With a soft growl, Adam caught her to him, his mouth crushing hers, one hand reaching for her soft breast. She responded to the fierce demands he made upon her, her body flaming into life at his touch.

  Despite the frantic urge to join their bodies, Adam held back, ensuring that Savanna was once more an untamed wanton before he finally gave them both the relief they sought. With a half savage groan of entreaty, he buried himself in her silken heat, and, their bodies meeting and parting in a carnal tempo, together they found paradise.

  During the long night that followed, Savanna learned that there were several things that a woman would let a man do to her—particularly when the man was her husband and she loved him... and he generously invited her to use his own body as she willed. It was a heady experience and Savanna took full advantage of it, her mouth and hands learning every inch of his lean physique, entranced that she could make him writhe and tremble beneath her own inexperienced caresses. Adam would bear the torture of her demands of him until, driven beyond control, he would lose himself again and again in her soft heat.

  The first pale streaks of dawn were gliding into the room and she was sweetly exhausted when Adam had slaked the worst of his craving for her and allowed them both to sleep. After all they had shared, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to sleep naked in his strong arms, his powerful body curved protectively next to hers, his lips buried in the red-gold mane of her hair.

  She had no idea how long she slept, but when she awoke, Adam was gone and she was alone in the big bed. She lay there for several seconds, gazing at the gold silk bed-curtains, images of the night just passed flickering through her mind. Uneasily she wondered how she was going to face him in the unsparing light of day or try to deny that in his arms she became another person, a wanton, passionate creature who had eagerly followed wherever he had led.

  One thing was patently clear, though. Despite last night, nothing had changed between them—the only reason for their hasty marriage was growing in her womb. There had been no word of love between them, and in spite of the pleasure he had given her, there was a deepening ache in the region of her heart. Burying her head in the pillows, she groaned. Without love, last night suddenly seemed sordid and tawdry and she wondered bleakly how she was going to regain the ground she had lost by the treachery of her very own flesh. She could not blame him for what had happened last night—after her initial resistance, she had been a willing convert to all the carnal joys he had revealed. If only, she thought grimly, I could hate him. Convince myself that he is totally despicable—convince my body to tremble with disgust, not with delight, when he touches me.

  Eager to escape the demons in her brain, Savanna sat up and dragged aside the bed hangings. Bright sunlight flooding the room made her blink and realize that the hour was very late. Finding the lovely gold-striped wrapper where Adam had tossed it last night, Savanna draped it around her and scooted from the bed. The room was empty, but she spied a piece of paper propped conspicuously on her dressing table.

  Crossing the room, she lifted it and read Adam's bold scrawl. He had some business to see about and would return soon. In the meantime, he had made arrangements for her bath and breakfast. All she had to do was touch the bell-pull and her wishes would be gratified.

  Half smiling, trying hard not to be warmed by his thoughtfulness, she did as he had directed and alerted the staff that she was now up and ready for their services. While waiting for the bath to arrive, she walked over to the tall satinwood wardrobe, where she had placed her clothing last night, and opening one of the doors, she gloomily surveyed the contents.

  Savanna had never possessed an extensive wardrobe, but then, what she had worn had never mattered very much to her... until now. Despite telling herself weakly that last night changed nothing between them, she couldn't deny that she would have liked to have something fashionable and stylish to wear. Viewing with a jaundiced eye the meager selection in front of her, she finally chose a serviceable, full-skirted gown of pale-green-striped gingham, the square neck and bodice trimmed with a dark green ribbon.

  She enjoyed her bath, as enthralled this morning with the lavender-scented bubbles as she had been the previous night. Feeling stingingly alive, she left her bath and dressed hurriedly in the striped gingham gown before reentering the bedchamber. She barely took a step into the room before the tantalizing aroma of coffee teased her nostrils, and glancing around, she noticed a tray of food and drink that had been placed on one of the marble-topped tables near the bed.

  A silver pot of steaming hot café au lait, a small crystal dish of glazed strawberries and beignets, still warm and fragrant, dusted with delicately powdered sugar, lay before her. Breathing in the delicious scents, she took a bite of the square beignet, the yeasty flavor of the fried dough melting on her tongue. Smiling, she took the tray out onto the small balcony of the bedchamber and in the summer sunlight, seated at the small table and chair she discovered there, enjoyed her breakfast.

  With her breakfast finished, Savanna wandered back inside and after sitting down at the dressing table, with nimble fingers she fashioned her rebellious hair into two braids, which she twisted around her head in a coronet. Standing before the cheval glass, she surveyed herself, her lips twisting. She looked... presentable, she decided with brutal honesty. Her hair was neat, her gown clean and not unattractive, and she was going to have to be content. Besides, she reminded herself miserably, have you forgotten that you're supposed to be angry with Adam? That he forced you into a loveless marriage and that no matter what physical pleasure you shared with him last night, it changes nothing? You're merely his broodmare and don't forget it. Be glad you have nothing more fetching than this old gown. That the dark green ribbon which trimmed the neckline of her gown formed a charming frame for her vivid loveliness, the severity of her hairstyle only making the sculpted perfection of her features more pronounced, didn't occur to her, nor did the fact that, while her gown was not in the first stare of fashion, it looked very attractive on her tall, lush form, the full skirts swinging gently with every step she took.

  Uneasy and restless, her emotions veering wildly first one way and then another, Savanna left the bedchamber and walked into the main salon. She was just starting to wonder how long Adam would be gone when he strolled in.

  Savanna's heart gave a silly little leap at the sight of him, his handsome face dark and vital above the starched white cravat, the dark blue jacket fitting his broad shoulders so superbly, the long length of his powerful legs outlined by the yellow nankeen pantaloons he was wearing. Oddly shy with him, considering the night that had just passed, she felt her cheeks burn as precise memories of what they had done to each other flooded her brain, and she rushed into speech. "G-g-good morning! D-d-did you complete y-y-your business?"

  Adam grinned at her and, sweeping her into his embrace, kissed her soundly. His lips warm against hers, he murmured, "Indeed I did. I can only hope that you will be pleased with the results."

  Her mouth throbbing from his kiss, Savanna stared at him. "Me? What do I have to do with your business?"

  Adam only smiled and looked mysterious. "Have you eaten?" he asked. When Savanna nodded, he said merrily, "Excellent! Now come with me; there are some places I want to show you."

  Reluctantly Savanna allowed him to usher her out of their rooms. She felt ill at ease, thinking she should not be enjoying his company quite so much, nor that she should fall in with his plans so effortlessly; thinking that if she were wise, she should try to explain to him why she didn't want what had happened last night to happen again....

  Savanna would have been hard-pressed to explain the turmoil inside her , but she perceived uneasily that, despite the bitter fact that she loved him, Adam had to be made to see reason, had to be forced to realize that while she would bear his child, she couldn't share his bed. Pride would not let her. She couldn't bear to continue to be subjected to those stunning intimacies, knowing that he didn't love her... that it was only lust, lust that any woman could satisfy.

  The stiffening of Adam's body distracted her and she glanced at him. His expression gave nothing away, but something was wrong. As they reached the bottom of the staircase and stepped onto the tile floor of the cream-and-gold foyer of the hotel, Savanna noticed the couple bearing down on them, but for the life of her couldn't understand why the sight of them had made Adam so tense. Unless he was ashamed of her and didn't want to introduce her to his friends....

  The woman was lovely. Garbed in the first rank of fashion, she was small, blond, winsomely curved and with a pouting beauty that turned more than one head. As they approached, it was apparent that the attractive, fair-haired man at her side was a relative, their facial features similar, although the man's handsomeness was not as eye-catching as the woman's beauty. The gentleman, too, was dressed impeccably, his dark green coat as superbly tailored as Adam's, his cravat as blindingly white and his boots as highly polished.

  Paying not the least heed to Savanna, the woman drifted up to Adam, and tapping him playfully on the arm with her ivory-and-lace fan, she sa
id gaily, "Oh, Adam! Here you are! Someone said that you were going to be visiting in this area, but I never dreamed that we would actually run into you this way. Charles and I have left Natchez and are on our way to stay with the Michauds at their plantation, Oak Shadows, on Bayou Tchoupitoulas." She smiled archly at him. "Perhaps you might come to call...."

  Politely, but barely, Adam replied, "Hello, Miss Asher—what a surprise to see you here in New Orleans." He nodded to the man at her side and added, "And you, Asher."

  Charles Asher, apparently no happier to see Adam than Adam was to see them, said stiffly, "Pleasure. Are you here for very long?"

  "No. Merely a few days." Manners dictated that he introduce Savanna, and wishing Betsey Asher and her brother to the devil, Adam said coolly, "Allow me to introduce my wife, Savanna St. Clair. Savanna, this is Miss Betsey Asher and her brother, Mr. Charles Asher."

  The effect on Betsey was stunning. She went white, her mouth falling open, while Charles looked extremely satisfied.

  "Your wife!" Betsey ejaculated in an ugly, shocked tone. "You must be jesting!"

  Adam smiled grimly and fairly dragged Savanna away from them. "No, I assure you, I am not," he said. "Excuse us, we have an appointment."

  With malevolent, narrowed green eyes, Betsey watched them stride away. It was only Charles's insistent tug on her arm that broke her stare. Under his breath he hissed, "There is nothing you can do. He is married! You will just have to set your cap for someone else."

  Betsey's mouth thinned and something dangerous moved in her green eyes. "Don't tell me what to do! Wife or not, I still intend to have Adam St. Clair as my husband!" she said in a voice shaking with rage. Full of malice, she stared at Savanna's disappearing form and added viciously, "I don't know where she came from or what hold she has on him, but I'll wager this sudden marriage—and it has to have been sudden—is no love match. I want him and nothing, not even a current wife, is going to stop me."


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