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The Chaos Saga

Page 1

by Samuel JT Pratley


  Samuel JT Pratley

  Copyright © 2017 Samuel JT Pratley

  All rights reserved.


  Part One - The Xanthos Fall

  1: The Beginning

  2: The Newbie

  3: The Brother

  4: The Youngling

  5: The Chaos Marines

  6: The Gauntlet

  7: The Beast Mode

  8: The Lords

  9: An Unexpected Turn of Events

  10: The Army from Hell

  11: The Hive

  12: The New Armour

  13: The Hive King

  14: The End

  Part Two - Zac's Destiny

  1: Chaos

  2: The New General

  3: The First Loss

  4: The Newbie

  5: Family Quarrels

  6: The Newbie's First Fight

  7: The Space Wolves

  8: A Surprise Offer

  9: Betrayal

  10: The Gods

  11: The Second Loss

  12: The Elements

  13: Marines and Constructs

  14: Fighting the Betrayers

  15: Chaos Demons

  16: A Father's Sacrifice


  Part Three - Chaos' Reign

  1: The Tournament

  2: The New Leader

  3: Backup

  4: A New Perspective

  5: A New Advantage

  6: A Battle for Supremacy

  7: Righting the Wrong

  8: The Reunion

  9: Indecision

  10: Confrontation

  11: The New Powers

  12: The New Armour


  Part Four - Eternal Darkness


  1: Free Fall

  2: A Change In Leadership

  3: Finding Father and Friend

  4: Old Friends, New Allies

  5: New Friends, Old Allies

  6: Waking Nightmares Part One

  7: Waking Nightmares Part Two

  8: Chaos Element No More

  9: Failed Rescue

  10: Imprisonment

  11: A Battle With Chaos: Sam's Side

  12: A Battle With Chaos: Matthew's Side

  13: Explosive Escape

  14: Strength Only Grows

  15: The Destroyer

  16: The Third Loss


  PART FIVE - The Dragon's Awakening


  1: The Morph Armour

  2: Horus

  3: Arrest

  4: Betrayal

  5: Anubis

  6: Zac Vs Sam, Not A Fight To The Death

  7: Attack

  8: Brothers Face Off

  9: Family Reunion

  10: Secrets Revealed

  11: Training Begins

  12: The Dragon Of Time

  13: Dragon of Time and Dragon from Time

  14: A Team Once More

  15: Father and Son versus Brothers

  16: Another Elemental Blade Comes Forth

  17: Preparation

  18: The Final Battle (Part One)

  19: The Final Battle (Part Two)

  20: The Final Battle (Part Three)

  21: The Final Battle (Part Four)

  22: It's Not Over Yet



  Part One - The Xanthos Fall

  The Earth is under attack by an out of world species, The Xanthos. It is up to a young team of space marines to step up and fight the creatures to ensure the safety of Earth and its inhabitants.

  1: The Beginning

  "The only thing I can actually remember from back then were the big explosions all around us. Now, remember that I was only three back then so it was a while ago. After the explosions I remember my father carrying me. One second we were at home and the next we weren't. My father handed me to a strange man and then disappeared," explained a boy with short black hair, whose body wasn't overly strong for an eight year old.

  "Who was the strange man, Sam?" asked a much fatter boy with light brown hair that flowed over his podgy face.

  "Well, Matt, it turns out that he was the Base Commander back then. Everything after that is kind of a blur but I know that for the next five years he trained me to become a space marine. I was gonna have to be one anyway because my mother and father both were, but we were attacked and Dad thought that I'd be better off at the base."

  "That's such a heart warming story, Sam - needs more dragons though." The sarcasm came from an Asian boy who was shorter than the others. He had black hair as well.

  "Oh, shut up, Peter. If that hadn't happened we wouldn't be here right now." This time the voice was from a female with long chestnut hair, and she was much taller than the boys.

  "Yeah, Cheyenne's right. Shut up, Peter," Sam said and the group laughed.

  The room they were in was their team's bunk room. It was small and had two bunk beds on either side of the door. Each bed had its own computer built into the wall. The screen of Sam's bed lit up and showed an image of an older man who was around 30. His hair was brown and short, and his stubble was shorter.

  "Sam, we've got reports of some Xanthos causing havoc on Alpha 6," the man said.

  "Alpha 6 is the desert planet, right Doc?" Sam asked.

  "Yeah, that's the one. You better get down there before someone dies and it'd be all your fault. Oh, and S2 will be joining you," Doc said as his image faded on the screen.

  "No! Oh well. Matt, Peter, Cheyenne - looks like we have a job to do."

  Sam, Cheyenne, Matt and Peter were all part of a faction of Space Marines called the Ultra Marines. These were the best of the best. Due to Sam's five years of training, he had become the top adolescent in the faction. He had earned the privilege to lead the best team of adolescent Ultra Marines: S1. The teams of the Ultra Marine Corps were ranked from A to Z, with the exception of S which were the prestige teams. Within those 26 ranks were 20 teams ranked 1-20, 1 being the best. Every team looked up to S1, even if it was just a bunch of 7-8 year olds. Other teams strived to become a member of S1. The S1 members should have comprised the greatest fighters in the faction. Instead, Sam had decided to have his friends from school in his team.

  The S1 team were teleported down to the desolate plains of Alpha 6. The first thing that they noticed were the beings with white flesh and purple scales that formed the armour plating of the Xanthos. The creatures were attacking a nearby town of sandstone buildings.

  Sam, Peter, Cheyenne and Matt were all wearing the signature armour of the S ranked marines: the Terminator Armour, with its signature Ultra Marine blue colouring. The armour was much bulkier than those of the lower ranked teams but it was still deadly if it was in the right hands. The bone white helmet had the appearance of a skull and usually signified that death was near for whoever faced one. Each marine's armour was slightly different from the others, whether it was the shape of the armour or the weapon they carried. Sam's weapon of choice was a gravity hammer in his right hand and a pulse shield in his left. Matt carried dual Gatling guns that wouldn't have been able to be lifted by other armours. Cheyenne chose to use swords as her weapons. Because of this her armour was lighter than the boys'. And for Peter - well, let's just say that he liked big explosions.

  They met up with S2, who were Sam's main rivals. Chris was their leader. Gareth, Shaun, Luke, Alex and Xavier were his team mates, all of whom were in their late teens and much taller than S1.

  "We're ready to follow your lead, oh great S1 leader," Chris said sarcastically as he looked down upon Sam.

  "Just for that, Matt, Peter and your whole team can wait here until we draw them out. We d
on't want any buildings destroyed," Sam said as he and Cheyenne walked in the direction of the town.

  They spotted six different Xanthos in the midst of the town. The Xanthos were a race of white aliens with purple scales which formed pads of armour that dotted their bodies. The scales were unbreakable, making them very hard to kill. But the white flesh was very soft and very weak. Hitting this soft flesh was the only way to kill them. Each of the Xanthos' multiple arms had either scythe-like blades, claws or acid cannons on the end and they walked on two legs.

  As they approached the town, Sam bashed his hammer against his shield to get the Xanthos' attention. It worked. The Xanthos faced the two marines and five of them readied their acid cannons.

  "Oh gosh," Sam said as he saw the cannons. He planted his shield in the ground and crouched behind it just before a volley of acid was fired. The remaining Xantho ran towards Cheyenne with its scythes ready to strike. Cheyenne walked back until she was behind Sam. The Xantho swung its limbs and Cheyenne dodged gracefully. The Xantho was directly across from Sam so he picked up his shield and ran towards the Xantho and bashed it, making them both fall to the ground. Sam bashed his hammer into the Xantho's head, breaking its skull. A horrible screech came from the other Xanthos. It was their battle cry. They finally decided to face the marines instead of just firing acid at them, and they charged.



  The marines ran back to the others. Cheyenne reached them first due to her light armour. Sam, on the other hand, was slower. He knew that the Xanthos were catching up so he threw his shield and it planted itself facing the other marines. Sam dived for it and crouched behind it.

  "Just fire. Take them down," Sam commanded. Immediately an eruption of bullets, grenades and plasma flew over head.

  One by one, the Xanthos fell. All but one were dead. The last one furiously ran towards Sam, who was still crouched in front of his shield. Sam braced himself as Chris had leapt onto his shield and sliced the Xantho clean in half.

  "Thanks," Sam said, breathing heavily.

  2: The Newbie

  The next few years passed and the S1 team were now at intermediate school. Sam and Matt were 12 and Peter and Cheyenne were both 11. They were all sitting in their room doing nothing when Sam's bed screen lit up and Doc's face appeared. His stubble had grown into thick facial hair and more wrinkles had appeared on his face.

  "Sam, there's someone here who wants to meet you. Can you and your team come up to the command centre?" he asked.

  "Yeah, sure, but who's this person?" Sam asked back. Doc didn't reply.

  Sam and his team had all grown taller and more mature as the years had gone by and they had all proven their worth on multiple occasions. They had the same armours, just bigger versions.

  Sam, Matt, Cheyenne and Peter all headed to the Central Spire in the centre of the base. It was the tallest building and the most predominant. At the top of the spire was the Base Commander's headquarters, but Sam and the others were heading to the floor below, to the command centre.

  The command centre was a large room with consoles against every wall, taking up most of the floor space. Each console was for a certain team that lived on the base, each with its own tactician. The exception to this were the middle three consoles that were on a raised floor. Those consoles were specifically for S1 and S2 tactician, Doc. Sam didn't use him as a tactician, however. To Sam Doc was more a guide or an overseer.

  Sam and the others entered the command centre and found Doc standing next to a marine in terminator armour. Both were on the raised floor in the centre of the room.

  "Is this him?" Sam asked, trying to sum up the marine to see if he was any good.

  "Sam, this is your new member. Now, we have a mission for your team. Some lizard men are attacking a city and we need your team and S3 to take them out," Doc said, without answering Sam's question. "Head down to the teleporter room. S3 is waiting for you there," Doc continued, fiddling with the console that he was working on.

  Sam, Matt, Peter, Cheyenne and the no-named terminator found S3 sitting impatiently in the teleporter room, waiting for them. The eleven of them (five on Sam's team and six on Jordan's) teleported to a searing hot planet that was littered with erupting volcanoes. There they found the city under siege from the lizard men.

  The lizard men were a race of man-sized two-legged blue lizards. Most had tribal tattoos to show which tribe they were from. These ones had yellow bolts up their arms and legs, and they carried primitive spears and rock swords. Really they were no threat to fully armoured marines. That was, of course, unless they also had a Mammoth-Gator. The Mammoth-Gator was a giant two-legged alligator-like creature that towered above the buildings of the city. It was only native to the lizard men home planet, Gärüńthüïä (roughly translated to mean 'jungle', which the planet was blanketed in). And yes, they had a Mammoth-Gator.

  "Well, this just got about a million times harder," Sam complained to the S3 leader, Jordan, as he saw the Mammoth-Gator.

  "Don't worry. Lachlan, see if you can find any weaknesses in that thing's armour. Also, take down a few of the lizards as well if you can," Jordan said to his second in command.

  Lachlan wore the lighter version of the terminator armour but didn't wear a helmet. He was mainly a Stealth Marine and his armour was equipped with a cloaking generator that cloaked his whole body including his head. Lachlan jumped over a wall into the town and couldn't be seen anymore.

  "I've heard about Lachlan. I hear he's been working his way up through the ranks really rapidly. He'll probably be in S2 before the end of the week, and then in my team before the end of the month," Sam joked as he looked over to his new team member. He also wore the light terminator armour. Sam could see his weapon of choice was dual chain swords, which were a combination of sword and chainsaw.

  A loud roaring came from the city.

  "I guess Lachlan failed at being stealthy," Sam stated. "Don't worry, Cheyenne and I will go and get him. Cheyenne, c'mon. Actually, newbie, you come too," he said, signalling for the new member to follow.

  "We'll come too. Max, you're with me," Jordan said, waving over another of his team.

  The five of them ran to the city to see Lachlan narrowly avoiding getting pounded by the Mammoth-Gator. The newbie continued to run towards Lachlan and the beast. He swung one of his chain swords and it sliced the bottom half of one of the beast's legs off.

  "Wow, he seems pretty good. He's almost as good as me," Sam said as they followed the newbie's lead.

  The Mammoth-Gator was really angry now. There were no lizard men around. The beast swung its arm and it connected with Lachlan's torso. The claws had torn through the armour and into his flesh. He was dying. Sam, Jordan and Max got the beast's attention while Cheyenne and the newbie carried Lachlan away. The beast couldn't move far because of its leg but it still had one usable arm and claws that could apparently tear through armour. Max had the beast's attention when he tripped over a rock. The beast took the opportunity to make its hand into a fist, which he slammed it down onto Max, crushing him. The beast flailed its arm, hitting Jordan and flinging him into a building on the other side of the street they were fighting on. Sam was now the only one capable of fighting the Mammoth-Gator. It slammed its hand into the ground, causing the earth to shake and Sam to fall to the ground. The beast seized the moment to ready its fist to slam down upon the hopeless marine. It began to descend when...

  "Stop the simulation…"

  Their surroundings faded away, leaving the Holo-Room.

  "Wait, what? We were just in the base the whole time? So that means that Max and Lachlan didn't die, and the city wouldn't have been destroyed?" Sam asked, still in awe and shock. He looked around to gladly saw that Lachlan was alive and his armour was fixed. He also saw that Max wasn't flattened and Jordan wasn't damaged. They were all in shock. The other marines, who had seemed 500 meters away from them in the simulation, were actually only 10 metres behind Sam and the others.

"I honestly thought that the eleven of you would be able to do that," Doc's voice boomed over the intercom. The marines looked up to see Doc and the Base Commander looking down upon them from a booth high above them.

  "Head up to the control room, S1. I'll meet you there," Doc said.

  3: The Brother

  "I see you still haven't introduced yourself, Jareth," Doc said to the newbie.

  The newbie took his helmet off to reveal short brown hair that fell to just below his ears. As his armour slowly deactivated, Sam noticed that the newbie had a stern posture and a very serious look on his face, but what shocked Sam more was his face.

  Sam lifted the boy into the air with one hand and asked angrily, "Why do you look like my mother?"

  "You mean, why do I look like our mother?" the newbie responded.

  "What? That doesn't make sense. Just tell me why you look like my mother."

  "Oy, idiot! I'm your brother. I look like Mum and you look like Dad. I am your brother, Sam."

  Sam wasn't buying it. He forced Jareth against a wall. "I have no brother. I think I'd remember him."

  "How could you? You were three when Dad decided that you should be left at the base. I was two and with Mum at the time. You wouldn't remember me because we were too young."

  "Why did Dad leave me then, huh?"

  "Because of the one marine per family rule. Dad left you here so they could take care of me. They knew that you were going to be the stronger brother so they decided to train me personally and leave you in the care of the Base Commander."

  Sam dropped Jareth at that point but still didn't believe him.

  The Base Commander walked into the control room where the S1 team were. Everyone knelt for him as he entered the room. He ordered them back to work and walked over to Sam and his brother.

  "Sam, this is Jareth. He is your brother. Please believe me. He is to be in your team from now on, whether you like it or not."

  "Fine. You can be in my team if you can defeat Cheyenne in a one on one fight," Sam said finally.

  "Well, then, I give you permission to fight in the new arena we just built. Doc will show you where it is," the Base Commander said as he walked off.


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