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The Chaos Saga

Page 19

by Samuel JT Pratley

  "Well, maybe since we're the only ones able to contact each other it means that we're near each other," Matthew suggested.

  "Are you two done with plotting to escape?" another voice asked through the comms - a voice that neither Sam nor Matthew recognised.

  "Who is this?" Sam asked.

  "My name is Cameron. I can help you out."

  "Oh, really? Where are you?" Matthew asked, crossing his arms.

  "Well, if you'd uncross your arms I might tell you," Cameron said.

  Matthew walked to the edge of his cell and saw that Cameron was the person in the cell across from him.

  "Sam, I'll contact you later," Matthew said. "Okay, Cameron, how are we getting out of here?" Matthew said, turning his comms off and leaning on the cell door.

  11: A Battle With Chaos: Sam's Side

  Brin and Apollo flew up to the large prison station stealthily. Together they hid against one of the walls and pressed themselves against it whenever a patrol came by. It was hard for a red and yellow armour and a golden armour to hide against a grey stone wall, but they somehow managed to not get found.

  They flew beneath the prison, hoping to find some kind of access port. As they neared an opening from which waste flowed out, they began to hear radio chatter.

  "Where are you, Taine?" It was Lachlan's voice.

  "I'm in the west wing, near the main entrance. Where are you?" Taine replied through the comms.

  "I'm near your position now. Hold on."

  "Hey Lachlan, can you guys hear me?" Brin asked through the comms.

  "Is that you, Brin?" Lachlan asked.

  "Yep. Apollo and I are outside. We're gonna break you out. Well, to be honest we had no idea that you were in here - we're actually here to rescue Cameron."

  "Well, gee, that's reassuring. Oh, hold on. Here come Jareth and Cheyenne," Lachlan said.

  "Where do you want us to meet when we break you out?" Apollo's voice interrupted their conversation.

  "The hangar bay will do. That way we can take one of their ships and get off this planet," Lachlan said.

  "Okay, we'll meet you at the hangar bay. Apollo over and out."

  Sam sat silently in his cell, cross legged with his hands on his knees and his eyes closed. His elemental powers - along with everyone else's - were disabled so he couldn't just Blink out or use his fire powers to melt the bars. He was concentrating, waiting for something … someone.

  The guard patrol walked by and Sam let out a small whistle. When the guard turned to look, Sam stopped, but then as the guard turned away he let out another whistle.

  "Oy! Prisoner! No noises!" The guard banged his rifle on the bars. In that second Sam rushed forward, grabbed the rifle and shot the guard. He then grabbed the guard before he shattered into shards, and took possession of the key for his cell.

  Sam unlocked his cell and walked out into the large corridor. Searching the guard he found a silenced pistol plus multiple magazines of ammo. As he began to leave the cell block, other prisoners began to say how they wanted to escape as well. Sam just walked past them and killed each one.

  He began to walk silently through the grey corridors. As he came across guards he shot each one and stripped them of their ammo before killing them and letting them shatter into shards.

  An explosion rocked the station, followed by a voice through the comms.


  "Any S1 marines read me?" Brin's voice came through the comms.

  "Is that you, Brin?" Sam asked.

  "Yeah, Sam, it's me. Me and Apollo are in the hangar waiting for you guys."

  "Marines, report in," Sam said.

  "Matthew here."

  "Jareth here."

  "Cheyenne here."

  "You have reached Lachlan."

  "Taine here."

  "Nathan and his team reporting in."

  "Okay team, I'm heading up to the control room to get everyone's gauntlets. I want the rest of you to head to the hangar bay and get out of here," Sam ordered.

  "I'm coming to help, Sam," Jareth said.

  "I'll be there with you," Nathan said.

  "Okay, but the rest of you have to head to where Brin is," Sam responded.

  Sam met up with Jareth and Nathan near the control room. Nathan had grabbed a Chaos Marine sword and Jareth had a Chaos Marine rifle. Sam still carried his pistol.

  As they neared the entrance a click could be heard and the door exploded off its hinges. Chaos walked through the fire and towards the marines.

  "He loves blowing stuff up to make an entrance, doesn't he?" Sam said as he began to fire at Chaos.

  "Sam, our bullets aren't doing anything. How are we gonna take this guy down?" Jareth asked, reloading his rifle.

  "Sam, me and a few others are gonna place charges around the station so we can blow the place to hell when we get out of here," Matthew's voice said through the comms.

  "No! What if there are other marines trapped here?" Sam asked, taking his attention off Chaos.

  "OOOOHHHHHH CRAP! I didn't think of that. It doesn't really matter, does it? We're the only ones that matter, aren't we?"

  "I guess, but if anyone asks it's your fault."

  "You got it. Matthew over and out."

  Sam felt a heat on his hands, which he thought was from the fire at Chaos' entrance. When he looked down he realised he had a fireball in his hand.

  "Guys, we have our elements back!" he yelled.

  "Yes! That means I can do this. Earthen…"

  "No, Nathan," Sam said, stopping Nathan short. "Not here. This hallway is too small for our beast forms. I'll blink in there, grab our gauntlets, blink back, and then we can fight fairly," Sam said.

  Sam focused his powers and blinked into the control room. Heat immediately struck his body but his fire powers stopped him from being injured. He quickly found the gauntlets, put his own on and then blinked back to the others.

  12: A Battle With Chaos: Matthew's Side

  "Okay, Cameron. How are we getting out of here?" Matthew asked, turning his comms off and leaning on the bars of his cell.

  "Wait a while. I have an idea but it will require patience," Cameron said.

  "I have a better one," Matthew said, kicking the doors with no avail.

  "Oh, what a great idea," Cameron said, sarcastically rolling his eyes.

  "That wasn't it. Here comes the idea," Matthew said, looking down the corridor and seeing a guard coming towards them. Matthew continued to kick the cell door until the guard was directly in front of him.

  "Guard, I don't like my cell mate. Can you transfer him to another cell block?" Matthew asked innocently.

  "Shut up, prisoner. You're not here to get what you want," the guard responded.

  "But Lord Chaos wouldn't want his prized prisoners to be miserable, would he?"

  "Fair enough," the guard said, walking over to Cameron's cell. He unlocked it and Cameron pounced on him, snapping his neck. Cameron grabbed his keys and unlocked Matthew's cell.

  "See, I told you it would work," Matthew said, walking out of the cell block. As they were about to exit, a voice came over the comms.

  "Marines, report in." It was Sam's voice.

  "Matthew here."

  "Jareth here."

  "Cheyenne here."

  "You have reached Lachlan."

  "Taine here."

  "Nathan and his team reporting in."

  "Okay, team. I'm heading up to the control room to get everyone's gauntlet. I want the rest of you to head to the hangar bay and get out of here," Sam ordered.

  "I'm coming to help, Sam," Jareth said.

  "I'll be there with you," Nathan said.

  "Okay, but the rest of you have to head to where Brin is," Sam responded.

  Matthew turned off his comms and he and Cameron made their way to the hangar bay. They came across guards but Cameron quickly took care of them. They came upon the hangar bay and found Cheyenne, Taine, Brin, Apollo and Nathan's team.

  "Brin!" Cameron yelled as they

  "Cameron! You're alive," Brin responded.

  "Yeah, yeah. We can get the formalities out of the way back at base. For now we need to get off this prison station," Matthew said, interrupting them. "Alexis can you and your team get a ship ready for take off?" Matthew asked, turning to Nathan's team.

  "Yeah, we can get one up and running for you," Alexis answered. She ran off with her team to find a good ship to fly back to base.

  "I think we need to leave this place with a lasting impression. We need to blow it up," Matthew suggested.

  "I agree. Let's teach these Chaos Marines not to mess with S1," Taine said.

  "Sam, me and a few others are gonna place charges around the station so we can blow the place to hell when we get out of here," Matthew said through the comms.

  "No! What if there are other Marines trapped here?" Sam asked.

  "I didn't think of that but it doesn't really matter, does it? We're the only ones that matter, aren't we?"

  "I guess, but if anyone asks, it's your fault."

  "You got it. Matthew over and out."

  "I'll help, Matthew," Brin said.

  "Same here," Cameron offered.

  "I want to help too," Cheyenne said.

  "Don't forget about me. I wanna see these guys go up in a ball of flame," Taine said, rubbing his hands together.

  "Alright then, we'll go set the charges if you can go and look after Nathan's team, Apollo," Matthew said, taking charge. Apollo nodded and they split off.

  As Matthew and his team neared the doorway a loud noise came from down the corridor. The wall in front of them exploded, pushing them back as a dark blue and black elephant burst through the wall.

  "Riley," Matthew said with discontent.

  "It's good to see you, Matthew. How's Sam treating you these days?" Riley asked through his beast form.

  "Better than you ever did!" Matthew responded.

  "Guys, we have our elements back," Sam's voice blared through the comms. Matthew smiled.

  "Shadow Cerberus!" Matthew's form changed to a black three headed dog. "Brin, Cameron, Taine, Cheyenne - go place the charges. I'll handle the undying Riley."

  "No, Matt. I wanna help," Cheyenne said.

  "Fine, but the rest of you get going."

  "Matthew, try to keep Riley up that end of the hangar. We don't want him destroying our ride home," Apollo said through the comms.

  "Ready, Cheyenne?"

  "Hell, yes. Shining Prowler!"

  "Oh, I'm gonna have fun ripping your insides out," Riley taunted.

  "Cheyenne, blind'em."

  "Shining pulse!" A bright light shone through the hangar, blinding everyone. Almost as soon as it happened it was gone, leaving everyone temporarily blinded.

  "Gee thanks, Cheyenne. Because it wasn't already hard enough to hotwire a space ship in the dark," Alexis' voice blared through the comms.

  "Oh, quit your complaining. I can't control how many people become affected by my light."

  "Cheyenne! Focus!" Matthew yelled, dodging Riley's tusk attack.

  "Shining Fang!" Cheyenne's fangs glowed with yellow light. She punched on Riley's back, biting him and momentarily dispersing the darkness that wafted off Riley's beast form.

  "Cheyenne, let's sneak attack him!" Matthew yelled.

  "Hah! It won't be a sneak attack if you announce that you're going to attack," Riley laughed. To Riley's disbelief Cheyenne faded away, fusing with the light around them until she was unseeable. Matthew walked back into a shadow in the hangar and also disappeared.

  "Chaos Eruption!" Riley stomped his front feet and a wave of pure Chaos energy surged outwards.

  "Shadow Buster!"

  "Shining Beam!"

  The two attacks came out of nowhere and sent Riley sprawling backwards. Cheyenne and Matthew appeared together.

  "Had enough, Riley?" Matthew asked with one head while the other two readied another attack.

  "Not by a long shot," Riley said, regaining his footing.

  13: Explosive Escape

  Nathan and Jareth were pinned down by Chaos and a few Chaos Marines firing at them. Jareth had run out of ammo and Nathan couldn't do much with his sword.

  "When the hell is Sam gonna help us?" Jareth asked as another bullet chipped the corner he was hiding behind.

  A shattering sound came from the Chaos Marines. Two chakrams flew past Nathan and Jareth and on to Sam who had blinked to where they were.

  "Put these on and let's take these guys down," Sam said, throwing the gauntlets to them.

  "We should just head back to the others," Nathan suggested as he put his gauntlet on.

  "Nah, let's just kill these guys. Chimera Armour activate!" Jareth said, activating his armour and running into the fray.

  "Ebony Armour activate!" Nathan said. A dark blue armour with gold highlights along the joints of the armour covered his body, and a large black and red sword hung across his back.

  "Since when did you get that?" Sam asked.

  "I've had this since my last girlfriend died a few years back. It's named after her," Nathan said, lowering his head. "I promised her that I'd take down these monsters."

  Nathan ran after Jareth. Sam was about to run after them when he got a call through the comms.

  Lachlan ran through the halls of the prison station looking for someone … someone he knew. Lachlan had his gauntlet on because he'd gone straight to the control room and retrieved it. He was in his beast form, bounding through the halls, freezing the floor with each step. He came upon the cell block that he was looking for. He slowly walked down the hall and found the cell he was looking for.

  "Em?" he asked, still in his beast form.

  The girl in the cell looked up and moved her black hair from her face, revealing emerald eyes. She approached Lachlan cautiously.

  "Lachlan?" she asked.

  "Yeah, babe. It's me," Lachlan said, putting his head against the bars. They began to freeze instantly, causing Em to jump back. Lachlan put his jaws over the bars and tore the whole section free. Em approached Lachlan cautiously, put her hand on his fur and ran her hand down his back. She touched the large ice crystals on his back and immediately recalled her hand. The crystals on Lachlan's back felt like they were freezing.

  "Hop on. I'm getting you out of here," Lachlan said, gesturing for her to jump on his back. Em jumped on his back and grabbed hold of his light blue fur.

  They bounded through the halls, killing guards as they went. They meet up with Matthew and Cheyenne battling Riley.

  "Lachlan, Nathan's team is preparing a ship to leave. Get whoever is on your back to them, then come and help us," Matthew said, jumping off Riley's back.

  Lachlan dropped Em with Nathan's team and then ran back to help Cheyenne and Matthew.

  "What do you guys want me to do?" Lachlan asked.

  "Fire some ice spears when I say to. At the same time, Cheyenne, I want you to blind him. Okay?" Matthew asked.

  "I'm ready whenever."

  "Same here."

  "Hey, Riley, you and Chaos are gonna lose this war and then you're never gonna come back from the dead. I'm gonna be glad to be the last person you ever see," Matthew taunted. Riley seemed to anger more with each word.

  "Chaos Tusk Slam!"

  Riley's tusks became cloaked in Chaos and he charged at Matthew.

  "Now guys!"

  "Arctic Spear!"

  "Blinding Pulse!"

  Lachlan's spears embedded themselves in Riley's knee joints, causing him to stop, while Cheyenne's pulse blinded him, causing him to topple over.

  "Sam, we need some help," Matthew said through the comms while he was blinded.

  As the light died down Matthew saw Sam standing on top of Riley with his trident sticking out of Riley's head. Sam hopped off Riley's head and the beast form dispersed.

  "Are we all ready to go?" Sam asked as Taine, Brin and Cameron appeared nearby.

  "Yep, the charges are planted. We're ready to blow this place to hell and b
ack whenever you're ready Sam," Brin said, making their way over to Sam.

  "The ship's all ready to go, Sam," Apollo's voice came through the comms.

  "Alright, everyone on board," Sam said, leading everyone to the ship.

  "Where's Nathan?" Alexis asked.

  "And Jareth?" Cheyenne added.

  "You guys take off. I'll go get those two," Sam said, looking around the ship's interior before blinking away. As Sam reappeared near Jareth and Nathan, who were still fighting Chaos, the first explosions rocked the halls.

  "C'mon guys, we have to go," Sam yelled.

  Nathan and Jareth were too caught up in fighting the Chaos Marines to notice him. The explosions moved closer.

  Sam ran and grabbed Jareth's shoulder plate, and then dragged him over to Nathan and did the same thing. He then blinked out of there, just as the section they were in exploded.

  14: Strength Only Grows

  Sam landed hard as he, Jareth and Nathan appeared on the grassy field from Sam's attempted blink. It was dark where they were. A grassy field near their school was the only place Sam could think of in the heat of the moment.

  They slowly got up, exhausted from the long blink. Sam looked around and saw a Chaos Portal opening in front of them.

  "Holy shit, when will this guy learn?" Sam said, panting.

  Nathan and Jareth slowly got up and followed suit. They stood behind Sam, whispering profanities about Chaos.

  Chaos stepped through the portal, followed by Zac. Zac didn't have his helmet on and had a sadistic smile on his face, like he was ready to kill someone.

  "What's wrong, Chaos? No Riley this time?" Sam taunted, still puffing from the power drain.

  "He isn't needed to destroy you, Samuel. I can do that all by myself."

  "Then why's Zac here?" Jareth asked.

  "To watch you all die at the Master's hands."

  "We'll see about that," Nathan said, running towards Zac with his sword drawn. Zac drew his own sword and they clashed head on. Chaos tried to attack Nathan but Sam threw his chakrams at him.

  "Your fight's with me, Chaos," Sam said as his chakrams flew back to him.


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