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The Chaos Saga

Page 25

by Samuel JT Pratley

  They entered the room and found four other marines getting out of their armours.

  "Hey guys, how'd the battle go?" Gamma asked as they walked in.

  "Alright, I guess," the one in the dark blue armour said.

  "Yeah, for you maybe, Omega. At least you got to fight while the rest of us stayed back and did nothing," another one yelled.

  "You weren't doing nothing. I had you stay back and defend the general!"

  "Well, maybe I would be doing something if you actually let me!"

  "Delta!" Theta yelled.

  Delta reluctantly stood at attention, arms by his side, back straight and head held high. He was clearly upset, and squirming.

  "What the hell happened down there?" Theta yelled.

  "We blinked down…" Omega began.

  "Shut it, Omega," Theta glared at him. "Delta! What happened down there?"

  "Omega blinked us to the base where we met with the General and a marine called Matthew."

  Sam and Jareth exchanged a glance at their old team mate's name. They sat on one of the couches and watched the exchange between Theta and his team.

  "We told them about the battle. Omega told me and Sigma to stay behind and defend the General while he and Bravo went down and helped the marines," Delta said, somewhat reluctantly.

  "I don't see the problem in that plan. Omega and Bravo are my best fighters. What's the problem then, Delta?" Theta asked.

  "I just don't like always being held back … I mean, not being able to show you all my strength," Delta responded, lowering his head.

  "Omega is my second in command, Delta. That means that he's in charge when I'm not able to be there. You need to trust his judgement. This discussion is over. We have guests," Theta said, turning to Sam and Jareth.

  "Hi," Sam said, awkwardly waving.

  11: Training Begins

  Matthew stood panting after the long battle, as dead Chaos Marines and Ultra Marines littered the plains outside the base. Matthew jumped and readied his cannon, when a hand touched his shoulder. He turned to see Lachlan standing behind him.

  "Come on, Matt. The General wants to see us," Lachlan said. Matthew could only nod. He and Lachlan had killed an uncountable number of Chaos Marines together, and they were all people brought into the crazy war.

  Matthew and Lachlan walked up to the General's throne room in silence while they each recounted the harsh battle. They were bleeding from wounds and gashes but they didn't notice, nor did they care. Matthew had some serious burns on his body as well. The Fire Elemental had set Matthew's armour alight. If it hadn't been for Lachlan he'd probably have been burnt alive. They arrived to see the General sitting in his throne, shouting at someone through the comms. He slammed his fist against his left arm rest and hung up on whoever he'd been yelling at. Matthew and Lachlan stood at a slack attention in front of him and heard him sigh.

  "Hey, boys. How'd the battle go?"

  "We won but not by a lot. We suffered a lot of losses but not as much as the Chaos Marines. We didn't see Sam, though, so he must've not have come through with them," Lachlan said.

  "No, he did," Matthew said finally. "He tackled Jareth back through a portal a few minutes into it. I saw it happen but I haven't seen either of them since. I think Chaos saw that they weren't there either and that's why he left."

  "You're both injured," the General said, looking at their armours and seeing the cuts and bruises all over both of them.

  "Just scars of victory, Sir," Lachlan said. Matthew let out a laugh and the General smiled.

  "Head down to the med bay and get stitched up. I want you and your team ready and back in action as soon as possible, Matthew."

  "Yes, Sir," they both said, standing at attention.

  Sam and Jareth were led out to a small open concreted courtyard by Omega, Theta and Apollo.

  "Why are we out here, Dad?" Jareth asked.

  "Firstly, you call me Apollo. Secondly, Theta, show them!" Apollo said, turning to Theta.

  Theta flicked his wrist and a blade of earth appeared in his hand.

  "What is that?" Sam asked, seeing the blade appear from out of nowhere.

  "This is an Elemental Blade - a very rare weapon that only the strongest of elementals can wield them. These are weapons that must be earned. They cannot be given out willy-nilly," Theta explained.

  "As Theta has one, he also has the ability to sense who else has an Elemental Blade. He has sensed it within one of you two," Apollo said, pointing at Sam and Jareth.

  "Wait! One of us can wield an Elemental Blade?" Jareth asked.

  "One or both. It's hard to pinpoint just who has the power to wield one. It's kind of a rough estimate as to who can wield one but yes, one of you can definitely wield an Elemental Blade."

  "So you're an Earth Elemental, Theta?" Sam asked.

  "No, I'm an Unbound Elemental but earth is my predominant element so that's what my blade comes out as. Sam, yours will either be light or fire, and Jareth's will either be earth or darkness. That's if either of you have it," Theta said.

  "How do we earn the right to use a blade?" Jareth asked.

  "It depends on the person. Usually it's through battling but it changes, depending on the person," Omega said.

  "Well, then I say we make this a challenge. If Sam and Jareth have to fight then we should make it interesting. I'll teach Sam while you two train Jareth," Apollo said, rubbing his hands together.

  "You're on! I know that Jareth is the one who will wield the Elemental Blade. But we need something for the loser to do," Theta said.

  "We'll discuss that once I've won," Apollo said, upping himself.

  "If the losing team has to do something then I don't want any part of it. It's not fair. If you lose only you get punished, but if we lose, we both get punished," Omega brought up.

  "Alright. Fine then. It'll be between me and Theta."

  Sam gave Jareth a worried look as they parted and headed off to opposite sides of the base. Sam and Apollo walked in silence as they neared another court.

  "So you're a Light and Fire Elemental, aren't you?" Apollo asked as they stepped out into the courtyard.

  "Ahh … well, no. Ever since Horus and I fought a Destroyer I've been an Unbound Elemental," Sam replied.

  His father tilted his head and revealed a confused look on his face. "That's a surprise. Theta and Alpha will be happy."


  "Because they've been recruiting Unbounds for the upcoming Element War. Now they'll try and recruit you."

  "I don't want to fight alongside that mutant. And I'm certainly not going to kill my old friend just because that monster wants me to."

  "It's not because he wants you to. It's so this war doesn't have to happen. If you can kill Chaos then we kill Ragnarok and the Element War won't happen."

  "So I'm going to be the guy to blame when this all turns to shit."

  "No, that's not the reason you're the one that's going to be killing Chaos."

  "Then what is it?"

  "I don't know! Alpha just wants you to be the one who kills Chaos!"

  "Well, too bad, because I've made up my mind and I'm curing Hayden when we fight!"

  Something stirred within a cave high atop a mountain. The beast roared, causing time in the nearby forest to halt. Birds stopped in mid-flight, animals halted mid-scurry and leaves ceased from falling. A dark blue shadow flew from the cave and the forest stayed frozen in time.

  12: The Dragon Of Time

  Sam dodged another fist encased in fire. He could feel the heat from the punch as it passed harmlessly over his head. Instantly he retaliated by encasing his fist in earth and throwing a right hook to Apollo's stomach. Apollo dodged it by blinking to the tile covered roof behind Sam.

  Sam cautiously looked around for his father, and slowly turned around while trying to think of another strategy. When he turned sharply he found his father standing directly in front of him. Apollo brought his leg up and kicked Sam against the far wall. Apollo cased his f
ist in fire again and leaped at his opponent. Sam ducked out of the way, making his father's fist slam into the concrete wall.

  "You're getting good at hand to hand combat but you need to learn to counter my attacks with your elements," Apollo said, pulling his fist from the wall.

  "How do I do that? The Light Element doesn't exactly have any way to fight," Sam said.

  "Not true. Light is one of the most powerful elements when used in the right hands. Use the light to blind your opponent, or blink around them, hit them and then blink back around. Light is an amazing element. You just have to learn to wield it correctly. Have you ever heard of Solid Light?"

  "Solid Light?" Sam asked, tilting his head.

  "It's a special ability that only the strongest of Light Elementals have. Solid Light is the ability to create solid objects out of light. For example, Apollo disband." Apollo defused from Sam's father and stood off to the side.

  "I haven't done this in a while."

  Sam's father closed his eyes and concentrated. His body pulsed and became cloaked in light. When the light died down, he was now in a glowing yellow armour that was made of Solid Light.

  "Go on then. Hit me," he said.

  Sam encased his fist in earth and punched his father in the stomach. The earth around Sam's hand shattered and his father's armour held strong.

  "That is the power of Solid Light. Nothing gets past it. Other elements can create an armour but light is the only one that can do it for long periods of time. There are other perks to it as well. Throw something at me."

  Sam continued his earth attacks and sent boulder after boulder at his father. The boulders fell apart before hitting the Solid Light Armour. His father was using his arm to slice the boulders in half.

  "Now there are a few rules about Solid Light. You can't create it without light, but you can wield it for long periods of time - it'll just sap you of energy when there's no light. Since you're a Light Elemental you should be able to create it. Give it a go. Concentrate and think of the light engulfing you, creating an armour."

  Sam concentrated and pictured the light around him creating an armour all over his body. He opened his eyes and found that he was in a Solid Light Armour that clung close to his body but was a few inches thick. Sam couldn't tell he was wearing it unless he looked at it. The armour weighed nearly nothing.

  "Well done, Son. You'll do well against Jareth."

  "There's something I want to try first."

  Sam concentrated once more and the Solid Light Armour dispersed and created a ball of light in front of him. Sam reached into the ball and quickly brought his hand out of it and out to the side. He clutched a Solid Light sword in his hand. Sam looked at his father, tilted his head and noticed the shocked look on his father's face.

  "What's wrong?" Sam asked worryingly.

  "Sam, you've just created an Elemental Blade. How did you do that?" he asked back.

  "I just concentrated like you told me to, but this time I used the light to create a blade. And I did it."

  "That's a Solid Light Elemental Blade. I've heard about them. They're supposed to be the strongest of the Elemental Blades and they're unbreakable."

  "Are normal Elemental Blades breakable?" Sam asked.

  "Yes, if put under enough stress they will break. However it is possible for the wielder to create another one - they're not lost forever."

  "Do you have an Elemental Blade?"

  "No, but I've never tried making one. I always thought you'd have to earn it. Well done, Sam."

  Apollo re-fused with Sam's father and walked over to Sam.

  As they neared, a dark shadow flew over them, causing both Apollo and Sam to look up. A loud roar echoed through the sky. A dark blue dragon hovered in place just above the training yard where Sam and Apollo were.

  Dark blue with light blue under its wings and claws, a light blue pattern spanned from horn to horn on the dragon's head. All over its body including on its underside were dark blue scales, whilst light blue spines ran the length of the dragon's back and tail. Two dark blue horns protruded from the back of the dragon's head. Two sapphire eyes stared directly at Sam.

  "Sam, get back!" Apollo yelled.

  Apollo jumped at the dragon but stopped mid-jump. Sam looked up at the dragon and noticed its eyes had gone bone white. Sam watched as its eyes faded back to their normal colour.

  The dragon spoke without moving its mouth. "So you are the one who has corrupted my time line."

  "What are you talking about? Who are you and what have you done to my father?" Sam asked.

  "No, it is not you. It is the one who resides within you. I can sense the virus that has slipped past me but he is not within you at the present time. Where is he?" the Dragon roared.

  "Who? Ugh!" Sam collapsed onto his knees. He could feel the dragon searching through his mind. Sam clutched his head as the dragon brought back the old memories of his friends.

  "Get out!" Sam shouted. He created his Solid Light Armour, this time making a helmet so the dragon couldn't scour his brain for whatever it was he was looking for.

  Another roar echoed though the sky. A second dragon appeared and this one had pitch black scales all over his body. It was the spitting image of the first but was differently coloured. The second one had black where the first had dark blue, and silver where it had light blue. The second Dragon hovered next to the first.

  "You know you are not allowed to make contact with the humans, Dialgus," the second dragon snarled.

  "You and Ragnarok did, Alpha. Why does that mean the rest of us can't? I am one of the Sacred Three as well. That should make me eligible to make contact with whoever I choose to. And this little vermin holds the reason we can't stop Ragnarok," Dialgus said.

  'Did he say Alpha? Is that really what Alpha looks like in his dragon form?' Sam thought, looking up at Alpha.

  "You weren't supposed to make contact with any humans until Ragnarok had been exposed. You were supposed to be resting atop the mountain, regaining your strength for the final battle. You are still weak from transporting Ragnarok through time," Alpha responded.

  "And we won't be able to defeat Ragnarok unless we can get rid of whatever is interfering with my time. Which is what that little runt is doing!" Dialgus said, pointing at Sam.

  "Is that true, Samuel?" Alpha asked, looking down at him.

  "I don't know what either of you are talking about. What have I done?" Sam asked back.

  "You harbour a being from the future!" Dialgus said.

  'What is this guy on about?'

  "You must die!" Dialgus said abruptly.

  He flew straight towards Sam. Alpha made no attempt to stop him. Sam realised that Alpha was no longer flying and his wings were stopped mid beat. Now Alpha was a useless mass of scales in the sky. Dialgus had done to Alpha the exact same thing he had done to Sam's father. Dialgus was now flying straight towards him.

  13: Dragon of Time and Dragon from Time

  Matthew walked out of the med bay after being held up there for days of recovery. He was the last of S1 to be cleared for work. He walked alone until Lachlan found him walking to the S1 room.

  "How are you holding up?" Lachlan asked as they walked. Matthew shrugged a response and carried on walking.

  "Look, Matt, if you don't think you're fit to lead the team, just name me your second in command and I'll take over," Lachlan said, stopping in his tracks.

  "No. I need to be in command for when Sam comes back."

  "But Matt, the way you've been since the last fight with the Chaos Marines screams to me that you're not up to fighting anymore. Look, take some time off."

  "But what if Sam…" Matthew said in a tired monotone.

  "Screw Sam. He wouldn't want to come back and find out that you've exhausted yourself too much."

  "Yeah, okay. I'll head back to our room."

  "No, Matt go home."


  "That's an order!"

  "Yes, Sir," Matthew said weakly, saluting b
efore heading to the teleporter room.

  Lachlan was heading up to the General's throne room to tell him about Matthew when Anubis came running down the hall.

  "Master. Horus has left the base."

  "What? When?"

  "Only a few moments ago."

  "Where's he heading?"

  "We don't know but the General thinks he's going to see Sam."

  Sam backed up against the wall as Dialgus slowly walked up to him. Dialgus licked his lips.

  "Mmmmm, I haven't had a human heart in years."

  "You eat humans?"

  "Oh, yes. You're a very rare delicacy in the universe," Dialgus said, reaching out with one claw pointed towards Sam's heart.

  As Dialgus neared, Sam created his Elemental Blade and slashed the tip of Dialgus' claw. Dialgus brought his hand back and balled it into a fist.

  "I wanted you fresh but I guess I can eat you dead," Dialgus said, bringing his fist up above Sam's head.

  As Dialgus brought his fist down, a large fist of rock burst out of the ground and smashed Dialgus in his lower jaw, forcing his head back and sending him reeling back. Sam looked around and saw Omega run over to him.

  "Omega, glad you're here."

  "It's not just me. The whole team's here."

  Sam saw Bravo jump from a nearby roof and slam his ice encased fists into Dialgus' back. Gamma ran in front of Sam and Omega and used her light powers to blind the dragon. Theta and Jareth came running from either side and smashed into Dialgus' sides with earth encrusted limbs. Finally Delta and Sigma caused lightning to burst from the clouds and hit Dialgus square in the back. Everyone regrouped with Omega and Sam while Dialgus got up from the attacks.

  Dialgus roared in anger. "I've had enough of you pathetic humans. Just die!" Dialgus' eyes went bone white and everyone froze in time.

  Dialgus walked over to the helpless marines. As he brought his hand up, ready to kill everyone, something smashed into the side of his head causing it to lurch to the side and into a wall. He turned his head and saw a metal dragon flying above him.


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