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Making of a Warrior

Page 31

by Frank David

  “That is not possible. All Imperial relations are recorded. If she were descended from one of Edward’s children, I would know, we would all know.” Stela wondered what Braynard was doing giving Malcolm these lies.

  “Her ancestor is Archibald Dorman, Edward’s oldest son and heir to his throne,” Malcolm added.

  “Abigail was his heir. Malcolm, there was no Archibald.” Stela knew Abigail’s family well. “Edward had two children, Abigail and Keirin.”

  “He is correct, Stela,” Braynard backed Malcolm’s story. “I had sworn him to secrecy, but I knew I could not trust him,” Braynard looked at Malcolm, who seemed to sink in his chair. “Archibald was the eldest son and heir of Edward. Abigail had Archibald falsely imprisoned. After their father was murdered in his cell, she released him but banned him from Jascaessau. He took his family to Norland.”

  “Are you telling me I am not the rightful ruler of Hulsteria?” Stela stood, the others staring at her. “You are telling me that Daniella or one of her siblings should be upon the throne?”

  “Abigail’s claims against her brother were untrue, but she knew he would rule the realm as their father had. She could not allow that to be the future for Hulsteria. She used her gift to convince the people of his guilt.” Braynard walked over to Stela. “Daniella and her siblings are planning to take the throne from you, Stela. Daniella has killed Malcolm’s mother and had planned on killing him and his children. I warned him and sent him here. His children are safe with Sofia at Rothmar.”

  “She is the third betrayal,” Stela realized. “She was the last prophecy Thomasine saw.”

  “She is Stela. She will not attack you now. She is waiting until after you face Edmund,” Braynard admitted.

  “I will have her arrested,” Stela confessed.

  “You will not be able to have her arrested. Her gift is the ability to inflict pain or even death. Your men would not be able to contain her.” Braynard gave her more insight. “You will have to face her.”

  “Then that is what I shall do,” Stela looked around her. “I have many that will stand by my side.” She looked and saw the man had vanished.

  “Majesty, why have you called me here,” the voice called out from behind her. She knew immediately it was Thomasine.

  “Thomasine, I am sorry that I have brought you here, but we have many questions and hope that you can answer them.” Stela gestured for her to join them.

  Thomasine entered the room and took a seat. Renee entered behind her.

  “Thank you, Renee,” Stela nodded toward the Empress Consort. “Thomasine, I know you claim to not know much about Braynard, but we need to know all we can about him.”

  “I am sorry, Majesty, I have nothing I can tell you. He hears all, knows all. I am sure he is not happy that I am here now. I am sure I will be punished for allowing myself to be brought here.” Thomasine was visibly shaken.

  “You fear him, Thomasine?” Charity asked.

  “You would be wise to fear him as well, Imperial Highness. If you knew who he was…” Thomasine’s face twisted and contorted as her words left her mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head. “Do not use this woman to learn about me. You know all you need. Do not make me show you my true power. I mean you no harm but if you continue to push this issue, I will have to deal with you as I would anyone I consider an enemy.” The voice was clearly Braynard’s. Thomasine’s face returned to normal. “See, Majesty, he sees all and hears all. I wish to return to my home.”

  “I am truly sorry, Thomasine.” Stela reached over and held the woman’s hand. It was shaking. “I will have a carriage take you back.” She gestured to a guard standing watch at the door to have a carriage prepared to take Thomasine home. “Roderick, will you escort Thomasine out to the carriage?”

  “Of course, Stela.” Roderick helped the woman stand and led her out to the courtyard. He waited until the carriage approached. He helped her in and watched as the carriage made its way beyond the palace walls.

  Thomasine was still shaking as the carriage reached the road to Helmsley and her home. Her eyes grew wide as the man materialized in the seat across from her. “My lord, I am sorry. I would not tell them the truth. I do fear you are pushing them all too far.” Thomasine tried to plead with the man.

  “I know you meant no harm, but I cannot have you telling them everything. You are a liability, my dear. I put too much trust in you. My plan has come too far to allow it to fail because of an old woman.” Braynard stared at the woman. “I loved you like a daughter, but you will betray me. You will give them what they want, and I cannot have that. Stela will know the truth when I decide. She will know before both of our lives come to an end.” Braynard stared at the woman. Her hands came to her throat. He could hear her gasps, struggling for breath. Her dark skin showed a faint paleness, a sign her death was looming. He turned his gaze from her. Her color returned. She took deep breaths, regaining herself. “Remember how easy it would be for me to take your life, my dear.”

  “I am sorry. I like Stelaphina and I do not like what you are doing to her and those she holds dear,” Thomasine spoke, knowing her words would anger him.

  “Do you seek death this day?” Braynard asked.

  “I believe I prefer death to being your pawn in this game. I do not like lying to Stela about the visions. I do not like that you have forced me to lie to her. I know your intentions, but there must have been a better way to achieve your goal.” Thomasine was angry. In all the years she served him, never had she wanted to harm him as she did at that moment.

  “I have told you what lies ahead for Hulsteria and Saaveth. Do you not wish to see the glory that lies ahead?” Braynard asked.

  “Would Hulsteria achieve this same glory without your hand guiding all the players?” Thomasine asked.

  “No,” Braynard answered.

  “Then the fate of Hulsteria is of your making, not truly its destiny.” Thomasine pushed him further.

  “Does it matter how it gets there? I believe you will enjoy serving the new leader when the time comes. You will help the new leader become strong, learn the abilities. You have always been my most trusted devotee. Do not allow your faith to be swayed. Do not force me to end your life prematurely,” Braynard threatened.

  “I want nothing more to do with your plan. Please do not make me participate any longer. I will not interfere, but I will not contribute either,” Thomasine pleaded.

  “Very well, if that is your decision.” Braynard looked at her. It hurt him deeply that she had decided to no longer support him and his vision, but he would not force her.

  “It is, My Lord,” she replied. “Please try to understand.”

  “I do, my dear. Just know that I loved you almost as much as I love all of them,” Braynard said as he left the carriage.

  The curtains of the carriage began blowing heavily. The carriage was swaying from side to side. She looked out the window. The carriage was precariously close to the edge of the cliffs leading to Helmsley. She knew she had angered him and was now paying for that anger.

  “I am sorry!” she called out as the door opened and she was thrown from the carriage. The driver heard the scream as he looked back to see the woman plunge down the cliffs to the shore below. He brought the horses to a stop. He jumped down from the perch. He saw her body lying below. She appeared so small from his vantage point. He noticed another figure on the shore with the woman. It appeared to be another woman, her hair blowing in the wind from the sea. He watched as the woman reached down and touched his passenger. The two vanished. He turned the carriage back toward Frostmoor, not knowing what he would tell the Empress.

  The man stopped the carriage. He jumped down from the perch and approached the guards. “I need to speak with the Empress,” his voice shaking.

  The guards led the carriage driver into the dining room where Stela and the others were gathered.

  “You cannot have taken her to Rothmar and returned so quickly,” Roderick said as the man approached. />
  “I am sorry, Imperial Prince Royal, there was an accident,” he confessed.

  “What accident?” Stela asked.

  “The woman fell from the carriage to her death on the shores below the cliffs,” the man admitted.

  “How did this happen?” Charity was almost to tears thinking of Thomasine dead.

  “A strange, strong wind started blowing. I heard her screams as she fell. I have no idea how she fell out, but she did, I swear,” the man visibly was shaken.

  “Guards, please accompany the coachman to the shore to retrieve the body. We need to ensure she is given a proper burial.” Stela gave the command to the guards standing with the man.

  “Majesty, I am afraid there is no body to retrieve,” the man said quietly.

  “What do you mean there is no body? Did she or did she not die?” Stela questioned.

  “Majesty, I saw her fall and lie motionless upon the sands. A woman appeared next to her, from nowhere. Just as suddenly they were both gone.” The man was sure those listening would not believe his story.

  “Did you see this woman’s face?” Stela wondered if it might have been Daniella.

  “I could not, her back was to me, and the distance between us was great. I only saw her hair blowing in the wind. It was dark as night. She was dressed in a dark cloak.” The man bowed giving all the details he could recall.

  “Thank you, please leave us,” Stela commanded. The man obeyed and left. “He did this. I did this. I should not have used her. Her death is upon my head. I have to wonder who the woman was and whether Thomasine is actually dead.”

  “The man seemed certain of her death. Stela, her death is Braynard’s, not yours. I fear none of us are safe if we question him. We need to keep our doubts about him to ourselves and we need to control our thoughts about him.” Harris did not want Stela blaming herself. She had no way of knowing Braynard would kill such a trusted advisor.

  “We are at the mercy of a mad man,” Roderick said, not caring about Harris’ warning. “We need to kill him!” As Roderick spoke the words, he collapsed. He was breathing but was not conscious.

  “Roderick!” Stela screamed as her brother collapsed. She rushed to him, the others coming around him as well. She could feel he had a pulse. “Braynard!” she screamed. “Bring my brother back. I will not question you. I will do all that you instruct. Braynard!” Her brother laid motionless.

  “He will remain in this state until I am convinced of your loyalties, all of your loyalties. Should any question me again, he will not survive. I did not wish to use such methods, but it is clear you refuse to see that I am helping you,” the disembodied voice echoed within the hall.

  “How is killing Thomasine helping us?” Harris called out.

  “I did not want to kill her but she forced my hand. My heart aches over her death. I do not wish any more deaths. Please just do as I say. If you do, I promise all will be explained in time.” The voice went silent.

  Stela sat silently next to her brother. She knew tears should come but none would. She looked to Charity, the tears rolling down her face. “He will be fine. We must stop questioning Braynard. We are forced to do as he says. I will not allow Roderick to die. We have now seen what Braynard is capable of. We cannot challenge him anymore.”

  “I agree, if we are to protect Hulsteria from Edmund we cannot all end up dead. Braynard has us, there is little we can do,” Astrid said wiping the tears from her face.

  “Guards, please take the Imperial Prince Royal to his room.” Stela watched as the guards raised her brother’s lifeless body. “Astrid, can you get word to Antonio letting him know what has happened to Roderick?”

  Astrid nodded and went to work writing the Benedictus.


  Daniella stretched as the sun bathed her room in light. She had been with her brother a week and was ready to return to her family at Tarmlan. The two had worked out the details of what was to happen next. Luke would present himself to Duke Stafford to try to arrange a marriage to his only daughter, Aaliyah. From what Daniella knew the girl had not been betrothed to anyone yet. It was rumored the girl was not attractive, making finding a suitor difficult for the Duke.

  She stood to begin preparing for her return to Red Hill. She saw him standing in the corner. “Braynard, it is rude to enter a room when a lady is preparing to change.” She had addressed him before he made his presence known.

  “I am sorry, Daniella.” Braynard stepped out of the shadows. “I was not spying on you.”

  “I do not think it matters if you are in the room or not. I think you are able to see any of us at your whim.” Daniella turned and began to undress, unfazed by his presence.

  “Daniella, things have changed. Malcolm is with Stela. He knows you killed his mother. The Empress knows of your plans.” Braynard knew Daniella would not take this new information well.

  “How has everyone become aware of my actions and plans?” Daniella turned to look at him. He quickly turned his face not wishing to look upon her nakedness.

  “Malcolm’s gift. He is able to feel things. I provided him with the information to fill in the gaps in what he felt. Malcolm was afraid to betray me, but Stela pressed him for answers. I gave her those answers.” Braynard looked at her.

  “You betrayed me? It was you that started me on this journey. Why would you sabotage me at this point?” Daniella walked toward the man.

  “Do not question me, girl. I am growing tired of all of you. I will do as I please and you will deal with the aftermath.” Braynard watched as she approached. She placed her hand on his arm.

  Daniella concentrated. She saw his heart. The man was unmoved by her attempts to take his life.

  Braynard laughed, “Do you think you can harm me?”

  She moved her hand to the center of his chest. She could feel his heart. She started her assault. His eyes grew wide as he felt his heart being crushed.

  Braynard put his hands on her. The look of anger in his eyes made Daniella increase her grasp. He pushed his arms against her and she was thrown across the room.

  “Enough!” he yelled. “Let me show you what your power can really do when you master it.”

  Daniella tried to stand but was unable. She felt the bones in her legs being crushed. She screamed out as the pain increased.

  “Imperial Highness!” The guard yelled from behind the door. “Is everything alright?”

  Daniella could not speak, only screams left her mouth. She heard the guard trying to push past the door to no success.

  “Understand, I need you, but if you ever try to use your powers against me again, I will crush every bone in your body.” Braynard vanished.

  Daniella stood, her legs healed. She was shaken. The guard entered to find Daniella leaning against the bed. “Imperial Highness, what happened?”

  “Nothing, I stumbled getting out of bed.” She could not hide the fear in her voice. She suddenly realized she was naked and pulled the bed sheet to cover herself.

  “I will be right outside the door if you need anything,” the guard said as he closed the door to allow Daniella to dress.

  “Leave Uhl at once.” The voice spoke again. “Return to Norland.”

  “What will I do in Norland?” Daniella asked, the pain now gone.

  “You will find the others who follow the Goddess,” Braynard answered. “They will take you in and protect you.”

  “What about my family?” Daniella asked looking around for the man who was not there.

  “Take them with you. You must give up the titles you hold so dearly if you are to survive long enough to face Stela.” Braynard sensed her searching. “Foolish girl, I am not in the room with you. I will not give you the opportunity to try to attack me again.”

  “I am to return to nothing? I have done so much to achieve all that I have.” Daniella did not like the idea of leaving her title and home behind.

  “What have you done? You saved the Emperor Consort who is now guilty of treason and is
set to attack Hulsteria. I am sure Stela is regretting your attendance for Sofia’s birthday celebrations,” Braynard laughed.

  “I have done everything you commanded. Why am I losing it all now?” Daniella was confused. He set her on this path. It would seem now she was losing everything he promised.

  “I was not aware you and your brother had been given over to Diana. You will return to her. If it is her will that you have the power you seek, she will help you achieve it. I will have nothing more to do with either of you.” She could sense the anger in his voice.

  “It was our parents that cemented the pact with Diana, not us. We were only children!” Daniella pleaded with him.

  “You are hers, not mine. Had I sensed her in you, I would have never agreed to help you. I think it is the Imperial blood you carry that kept me from noting your devotion to her,” Braynard replied, unmoved by her pleas.

  Daniella finished dressing. She knew Braynard was serious, he was finished helping them. She needed to get her brother and parents away from Uhl. She was sure Stela would make a move to imprison her or perhaps just her family. She was in a panic. She packed a few items. She needed to leave quickly, forced to leave most of her possessions behind. She rushed to Luke’s room.

  “Luke, get up!” she yelled as she entered, finding him still sleeping.

  Luke sat up looking at her. He could sense her panic. “What is the matter?”

  “We need to leave. Gather a few things quickly and meet me downstairs.” Daniella grabbed the trunk and began filling it with clothing.

  “Why must we leave? Calm down, what happened?” Luke got out of his bed and approached her. He grabbed her by the arm. The vision was clear. He saw what had her upset. “Braynard has turned his back on us?”

  “How do you know that?” Daniella stopped and looked at him.

  “When I touched you, I saw and heard his words to you.” Luke looked at her, confused.

  “That must be your new gift. Yes, he is upset that we serve Diana. He has told Stela everything. She knows I killed the Dowager Duchess. She knows we are descendants of Archibald. She will be sending her guards to arrest us. We must return to Norland.” Daniella kept throwing his clothing in the trunk.


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