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Scornfully Yours (Torn Series)

Page 5

by Pamela Ann

  Okay…he is complicated and odd to say the least.

  “Can I just say that…you’re weird? I never thought Bass Cole would be weird until this moment.”

  “Hah. You are too cute sometimes.”

  Gee, thanks.

  Looking cute is what I aimed for tonight. Cute? Cute is for kids, not a grown almost twenty-one year old woman!

  Diverting from the touchy-touchy subject, he continued on.

  “What are your favorite films?” He asked as he prepared crackers with cheese and olives on them. Placing them on a cocktail napkin, he handed it to me. I murmured my thanks. The man had such gracious manners—so unlike Carter.

  I took a small bite and spoke. “Eurotrip was a blast. The Notebook, Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, Kingdom of Heaven, Defiance and Closer to name a few.”

  “Interesting choices you have there. I like it. So, what did you like about Closer?” he inquired, pretty laidback as he watched me eat and talk.

  I shrugged, “What’s not to like? It was a great film with great actors. The story was moving and relatable.”

  “So, you condone cheating then?” he pressed, figuring me out.

  “No, I never said that. I don’t condone it. I meant it was relatable in a sense that our society made it somewhat okay. If a famous celebrity cheats on someone, they publicize it to the hilt and it’s portrayed as acceptable to some, I suppose. I wish they didn’t though because it sets a bad example to others.”

  “Good answer.”

  “Thank you,” I murmured and downed my drink. Excellent choice of wine, I lavished.

  This was surreal…

  “Tell me, why The Notebook?” He was still pressing for answers.

  “Because that movie was hella awesome!? But to answer your question, I love how committed the Hero was to his love. His unfaltering dedication to his promise he made years back was astounding. I mean—he truly, deeply loved her. It’s that kind of love that stays with you, you know? The kind where it haunts you and there was nowhere to hide…” I trailed off, my thoughts on Carter and my wasted love.

  My heart gripped me for a second. I thought back at how cold he was when he told me to gather my things and leave his house. I was instantly brought back to the present.

  “Have you had that kind of love?” He inquired, pressing me further.

  “I thought I did once, but it was a mirage…there was no point on holding on to it. Maybe one day…I’ll get to have it. I would consider myself lucky if it ever did, not a lot of people can say that they have though,” I glanced at him and asked, “What about you? Have you ever had it? That kind of love I mean.” I had to clarify it just in case he took my question as an innuendo.

  He smiled at my question and his eyes glittered.

  “No, not yet. But if I do, I would embrace it and hold on to it for as long as I could. I haven’t loved a woman before. It’s not that I’m hiding from it, but it just hasn’t happened. But I do know that once I do, this woman would consume me and I would gladly surrender to it, to her. I would be enslaved to it and love her wholeheartedly, no holds barred,” Bass spoke with utmost depth and conviction.

  That’s quite intense and deep.

  That lucky woman would be very lucky indeed. Imagine all this hot goodness as yours to conquer and behold?

  Jealous much, Emma? I cringed at my stupid thoughts. Was I drunk already? Surely because my mind couldn’t be tamed. It just kept on wandering about.

  “Do you want to drive somewhere, Em? We can go wherever you like.” He considered.

  “It’s okay. I kind of like it here. It’s very peaceful. I’d like to stay here if you don’t mind?” I didn’t want to leave the beautiful scene before me.

  The scene was ‘the view on the patio’ and the beautiful man before me.

  “Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other. This person is one you could forever talk to. They understand you in a way that no one else does or even could. This person is your soul mate, your best friend. Don’t ever let them go, for they’re your guardian angel sent from heaven above.”

  - Author Unknown


  It was six in the morning and we were still on the patio, lounging and talking. The fireplace still strongly burned, giving us enough heat from the chilly early morning that settled in.

  He was kind enough to grab two blankets to keep us warm. He moved another chaise lounge and placed it next to mine. He even arranged it facing the view of the city as we tucked ourselves in the nice warmth of the blanket, side by side. Bass took the courtesy of brewing us coffee and we drank it quietly.

  It was a comfortable silence.

  Until I die, if we become friends or not, I would never forget this sweet moment with Bass Cole. The man sure knew how to make a first impression.

  He kept to his word. He was a true gentleman the whole time with me. The entire time, we just chatted on and on about whatever subject we could think of. I didn’t know there was a guy out there who liked to talk. Most men I knew didn’t care for idle chitchat. Imagine my surprise when this hottie turned out to be different. Bass certainly was different from the guys I knew.

  “Sunrise should be out soon. I want you to see it. It’s really beautiful,” he murmured out of the blue.

  I glanced at him, wondering if I heard him right. He loves watching sunrises?

  “I can hear you thinking, you know. It’s not easy to have my kind of success and not have a problem with sleeping. So on nights I have a hard time sleeping, I come out here and wait for the sun to come up. And no—I haven’t shared my sunrise with anyone else. You’re my first, Emma Anderson.” Bass gave me a quick glance and I gave him a smile.

  I wasn’t sure what that meant, but it felt good.

  The sun was brimming behind the mountains beyond. It’s blinding yellow heat, glistened from afar as it slowly moved upwards towards the sky. This was Mother Nature at her finest. How many times have I enjoyed a sunrise or let alone a sunset? Try never? Little gifts such as these should be admired and not be taken for granted.

  Bass took my hand, placed it inside the comforter, and held it against his chest. I didn’t mind it because it felt, comfortable? It was as if we had done this before, an odd feeling really.

  After the sunrise, we were still cuddling and I wondered why I didn’t feel a bit sleepy. “Aren’t you tired, yet? Don’t you have a movie to shoot or other things actors do?”

  “I just finished filming two weeks ago and got back in L.A. about a week prior. I have no plans on this very bright, sunny Sunday. Feel like joining me on my lazy Sunday?” he invited.

  As tempted as I am, I should say no. I barely knew him. Surely, spending too much time with him so soon would be a bad idea? “I don’t think so. I bet my friends are wondering where I am.”

  “Don’t worry. They know you’re with me. I told Cece I was taking you somewhere.”

  Oh. He was that sure I was leaving with him?

  “Are you always this forward? Towards women, I mean?” I wanted to figure him out. To find out what his motives were.

  “Of course, but you’re the only one I chased after, especially after you ditched me and dumped me to your friend, Cece. I don’t have to work all that hard to get women, to be honest. But I couldn’t let you walk out of that door. I don’t know why, but I just knew I couldn’t. That’s crazy talk, isn’t it? Here I was, had barely spoken a few words to you and yet I was captivated.”

  His words…made me feel something. Scared wasn’t the word, but somewhere in between…safe? Yeah, along the lines of safe.

  “Could it be your brushed rejection or aloofness that made you different? No clue. One thing I do know—is that your pure beauty compelled me to you. You’re honesty and depth bounded me even further. It’s frightening and at the same time fascinating. I couldn’t let you walk away knowing that.”

  Oh my God, what a fucking speech! Who says those things?

  An Oscar winner, perhaps?

p; “What do you want from me, Bass?” Eyeing him with determined regard as he silently studied me. His azure eyes locking with mine wouldn’t let me go. I felt their pulling, powerful intensity, their spell weaving through me and my guard.

  “I want to get to know you, Emma.”

  Okay, that’s easy. I could work with that.

  “So, you want to get to know me only, right? And this is not some ploy to get me into bed?” I turned to my side, clearly facing his perfect sculpted face, inches apart from me, as my eyes studied his damning profile. And what a fucking profile! His face was perfectly sculpted. Each curve was honed with perfection. His lips, his straight nose, perfect brows. He even had thick long lashes. I think his lashes were a tad longer than mine! How annoying is that?

  If there was a man who could make me get over The Carter Mason Fever, Bass was it and I knew it too. But would be using him, wouldn’t it?

  But people do it all the time…why question the dating karma cycle? Good point.

  Bass cleared his throat before he spoke, “Hell, I do want you in my bed. But I’m not dumb to not notice that you wouldn’t be up for that. I wouldn’t even insult you by trying to get into your pants knowing that bit of information. Apart from that, I do want to get to know you. The real you, what makes you tick and stuff. Simple as that—nothing scary or anything.”

  “Like friends, then?” I double checked.

  “Sure—as friends—for now. My intentions are much more geared towards a higher ground. But if that’s what you want to start out with as a platform, a common ground, then so it shall be. Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Em and I really mean that.”

  How was it that I didn’t have to explain myself fully to him? He seemed to just know and get it.

  It was disconcerting to say the least.

  “Good. I’d like that very much, Bass.” I glanced at him as he stifled a yawn. “You should sleep and I should head out back to my hotel,” I suggested.

  Bass shook his head. “No. I love having you here with me and I very much like holding your dainty hand. Don’t go yet.” He tried to hide another incoming yawn.

  Gosh, he even makes yawning look sexy. “Alright I’ll wait until you’re passed out and then I’ll leave.”

  He handed me his phone. “Program your number please? And set the alarm two hours from now? I promise I will call my driver to come get you and take you back to your hotel.”

  I consented, “two hours tops.” You sure you’re staying because you don’t want to leave his side either?

  “Thank you,” he murmured and finally closed his eyes.

  Since my hand was on his chest, I felt his heartbeat slow down.

  With one free hand, I added my name on his phone.

  I didn’t even dare browse through his contacts. I was tempted, but willed myself not to.

  Whoa! I didn’t even bother thinking about Carter for the past few hours. How the heck did that happen? I thought happily. Bass Cole’s charms were amazing, indeed!

  I studied his striking profile and thought how such a fucking beautiful man like him could see something in me? Apart from my striking features, what else did he see? I wondered insecurely.

  How the hell did I get myself into more trouble?

  Carter was enough problem as it is. Now I added another man into the mix. This shit could get complicated as hell, I thought as my eyes heavily shut down their lids.

  “When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and bring joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”

  - Jean Shinoda Bolen


  I could feel the heat of the sun starting to scorch my back. I groaned and tried to rollover to my other side but my hand was tucked somewhere. Bass was still holding my hand.

  Slightly opening my dreary eyes I immediately squinted at the bright surroundings.

  I shifted a bit and I heard Bass grunt something as he started to wake up.

  “Good morning sunshine.”

  “Good morning…” I said in between yawns then stilled. Shit, what time is it?

  “Oh my God, I have to get back!” I got up and hunted my purse down. When I got to it, I fished out my phone. Carter and Lindsey called a few times each and there were a few messages from both of them. Ignoring Carter’s messages, I scrolled to read Lindsey’s.

  Lindsey Mason: Em, I have to get back to SB. Sorry, this was unexpected. Could you get a ride from the girls? Thanks babe.

  Oh, no way.

  Why did she have to leave so soon? Wasn’t this her bright idea to begin with?

  No, no, no, no, no!

  I was not going to ride back home with the girls. I honestly didn’t feel like being interrogated by them. This totally sucked.

  “Is everything alright, Em?” Bass sat up from the lounger and scrambled to his feet.

  “I, um…” My voice trailed off as I watched in total fascination as he stretched his body. His black shirt lifted up and showed some of his famous abs with his faded jeans hanging low on his hips.

  I licked my lips as I stared.

  Why does he have to be so…hella sexy?

  “Yes, Emma?” Bass caught me admiring him and now he was teasing the heck out of me.

  Blushing and a tad mortified, I excused myself to the bathroom.

  Once inside, I looked around and realized I hadn’t had a clue where the bathroom was. I quickly turned around to look for Bass but he was right behind me—with a massive smile on his face.

  ”Where is the bathroom?” I reddened a little more as I asked the question.

  “Come here,” he pulled me towards him and gave me a hug, enveloping me in his large muscled body.


  My senses were on full alert, I inhaled the very scent of him, and boy doesn’t he just smell fantastic!

  He pulled back a little and looked at me, our faces mere inches away.

  “You know you look even more beautiful when you blush like that?” Bass whispered.

  The cat got my tongue.

  My mind went blank and all I could see was Bass and amazing eyes, dilated and very much engaged at me.

  Compelling me…

  Calling me…

  I snaked my tongue out to wet my dry lips and his eyes zeroed in on them. He pulled my face a little closer and I closed my eyes readying for his kiss—but his lips landed on my jaw and he nuzzled his nose all the way to my ears. He then whispered to me, “You’re not ready for my kiss yet, my darling Emma. And when I do kiss you—I will be the only one you can think of, the only one that can possess you and no one else. You, Madam, certainly are not ready for that kind of possession.”

  His words weighed heavy inside me. Bass was right, I wasn’t ready and I appreciated him being noble about it. Because if he chose to kiss me, I wouldn’t have pulled away and I might’ve ended up regretting it later on. He’s merely a stranger and yet he respected me.

  He’s simply remarkable.

  Bass kissed my forehead and squeezed me tightly. “Go freshen up while I make us some breakfast. Take two lefts and the bathroom is on the right. See you in a bit.” With another kiss on my head, he strolled towards his enormous stainless steel kitchen.

  For a good minute, I just stood there and watched him walk away.

  Oh My God! What is going on? My nerves are all over the place! I’m confused as hell. This is like an odd dream or one of those movies where the plot was too good to be true and then out of nowhere an axe murderer joins in and kills the happily ever after.

  Mentally shaking my head, I strode towards the directions he gave me and found the bathroom without difficulty.

  “I look like a bedraggled cat,” I voiced out loud as I stared at my reflection.

  I fished out my phone and called Amber. After two rings she picked up.

  “Girllll, you are getting it ooon!” Amber announced happily.

  I groaned. Did I expect anything else? They’re going to tease and tease the hell out of me un
til they get some juicy info.

  Shit. Here we go.

  “Listen—Linds left and went back to the dorms. I was hoping I could ride back with you guys.”

  “Oh no, we left like an hour ago, doll. We’re like around Summerland babe. Sorry, cupcake.” Amber did sound sorry.

  Oh crap, what the hell was I supposed to do?

  I groaned. Uh, this is what I got for being so idiotic. Why didn’t I figure this out last night? Since when was I never prepared? The old Emma would’ve made sure I had a ride before I left the club last night. The new me was obviously too star-struck to think coherently, like getting a simple fucking ride home!


  “You know, why don’t you ask the bad boy BC himself? I bet he has a hot ride!” Amber suggested with tons of innuendos in between her words.

  Bad boy BC, was that his nickname?

  “Emma!!!! Was he good in the sack?” I could hear Trista in the background. I guess the entire car could hear me. Damn speaker phones!

  “Good God! I didn’t sleep with him!” I countered back. This was still unchartered territory for me—dating and the like. I’m still learning here, I’m not going to sleep my way around.

  “No fucking way, why not? THIS is The Bass Cole, Emma! You’re such a bore whore!” Amber sounded aghast.

  Thank you, I guess?

  “Need I remind all of you that I just broke it off with Carter? Yeah—exactly! I am a bore whore, whatever.”

  “Carter’s pissed as shit. You better watch out for the angry monster when you get back in town.” Cece added with derision.

  Yeah, because you posted fucking videos on Facebook! Who fucking does that? Of course, she’s friends with like the entire campus. Of course, each person who saw it would mention it to Carter. Carter Mason was like their freaking school hero. They simply loved him.

  “Gee, thanks for the heads-up. Anyway, I have to go and look for a ride elsewhere.” I muttered.

  “Damn straight! And that ride better be Bass Cole’s warrior! You better tell me the deets and how he is between the sheets. Please, please, please!” Amber begged. She was obviously going bonkers.


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