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The Warrior Elf

Page 18

by Morgan, Mackenzie

  Kevin lifted his eyebrows. “Hadn’t thought about that. I’ll see if Gen. Crandal knows who it was.” He made a quick note and then looked at Marcus and Alek. “Do I take it you’re both willing to testify before the council?”

  Alek nodded. “As far as I’m concerned, she saved our lives.”

  “Same here,” Marcus said. “She threw that knife in our defense. I wish I could say for certain he’d already strung another arrow, but I didn’t spot him until I saw her knife hit him.”

  “I didn’t spot him until he started falling through the branches,” Alek said. “But I can say he shot first without any problem. She was still standing beside the wagon when the arrow hit Marcus. Then she vanished.”

  “She translocated,” Kevin said. When Alek frowned, he added, “It’s an elf thing. They can jump from one place to another, often twenty feet away, sometimes more. Some can do it intentionally, but all of them can do it when surprised or startled. Makes a good defense.”

  Alek nodded.

  “So, what time do you want to leave?” Marcus asked.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Kevin said. “I’m going to take Rhianna to Crinsor Run so we can find out where we’re going and what time we need to be there.”

  Marcus nodded. “Just let us know.”

  “Thanks,” Kevin said as they stood up to go.

  After they left the office, Chris walked in. “All set up?”

  “They both volunteered to tell the council what they know, but since I don’t know what time we need to go, it’s not quite set up yet.”

  “But you’ve done all you can do for right now?”

  “I still need to talk to Theresa, but I’ll do that when I take her to Rainbow Valley this afternoon. By the way, do you happen to know who discovered Saryn?”

  Chris shook his head. “Darrell might know.”

  “I need to speak to whoever it was. I’d like to have someone who saw him before he was cut down go with us.”

  “I think Darrell was the one who cut him down.”

  “I thought one of the soldiers did.”

  “I’ll check with Darrell and get back to you. Is that it for now?”

  Kevin nodded.

  “Good.” Chris held out a stack of messages. “Then you have time to tackle these.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Right after lunch, Darrell knocked on Kevin’s door. “You wanted to talk to me?”

  Kevin motioned him in. “It’s about Saryn.”

  Darrell frowned. “What?”

  “Do you know who found him?”


  “I thought he was off duty that night. Didn’t Cpt. Lawrence say he went to Fenway’s with some of the soldiers?”

  Darrell nodded. “But he was back before daybreak, and Saryn wasn’t found until Trevor took his breakfast down.”

  “Why was he handling Saryn’s breakfast?”

  “It wasn’t Trevor’s idea. He was in the dining room when Gen. Crandal came in, so the general asked him to fix a tray and take it to the jail. When Trevor got there, Ashen, the soldier on duty, told him to take the tray on in. I remember someone said Trevor didn’t want to go inside, but Ashen said he couldn’t leave his post. So Trevor took the tray in and found him. Why?”

  Kevin explained about the meeting of the Council of Elders. “I was going to ask whoever found the body to go with us to explain that Saryn died from being hanged, not from his knife wound, but now I don’t think so. If Trevor thinks Rolan would want him to dump this in Rhianna’s lap, he’d do it. Keeping these spies around better pay off. Sometimes I think they’re more trouble than they’re worth.”

  “Well, I saw him hanging in his cell. I’m the one who cut him down. Want me to go?”

  “Maybe. I’ll let you know.”

  Darrell nodded. “Anything else?”

  Kevin shook his head. “Thanks.”

  After Darrell left, Chris stepped in. “What time are you supposed to take Theresa to Rainbow Valley? And are you picking her up? Or is she coming up here?”

  “I’m picking her up as far as I know. Has Rhianna made it back yet?”

  “She came by while you were talking to Darrell. She said she felt better, more relaxed, and she was going to go play with the kids out back for a while. She’ll see you at dinner tonight.”

  “Then I guess I’ll go get Theresa now, before something else comes up,” Kevin said as he took out his key.

  A couple of moments later, Kevin was on the back porch at the chapel. Before he could knock on the kitchen door, Hayley opened it and motioned him inside. “Theresa’s with a patient, but she’ll be done in a minute. I’ll get you a cup of coffee while you wait. And Blair made a cake for lunch today. Want a slice to go with your coffee?”

  “Thanks,” Kevin said as he sat down at the table.

  Hayley set the coffee and cake down in front of Kevin and asked, “Are you going to be able to take us to Marcie’s tomorrow morning?”

  “As far as I know. When do you want to leave?”

  “We thought we’d go right after breakfast if that’s all right with you.”

  Kevin nodded as he took a bite of cake. “This is good. What kind is it?”

  “I’m not sure, but I liked it, too.” Then Hayley took a deep breath and said, “I asked Marcus to ask you to take us. It wasn’t his idea.”

  “Okay. Is there some particular reason why you want to go?”

  “I left patients up there, people I treated, and I need to make sure they’re all right. I want to check on Thom’s son, and be sure Marissa’s doing all right. And I think Gorge’s head injury was relatively minor, but I want to be sure he isn’t having any problems from it. I need to be sure I didn’t mess up.”

  Kevin smiled. “I’m sure you didn’t, but I understand how you feel. But Hayley, if this was worrying you, you should have said something earlier. You can go anytime you need to. You don’t have to wait for Marcus.”

  “You’d take me by myself if I wanted to go?”

  “Of course, and if for some reason I couldn’t, Chris or Laryn would.” Kevin paused and looked at Hayley. “I’d have done it for you when you were Theresa’s assistant, but you’re a Sister of Healing now. I’ll take any of the sisters anywhere they need to go. It’s the least I can do for the Sisterhood.”

  “Thank you.”

  Theresa walked into the kitchen in time to hear the last bit of conversation. “And speaking of taking sisters where they need to go, are you ready to take me to Rainbow Valley?”

  Kevin nodded and finished the last bit of cake and coffee while Theresa got her bag. Then they left the chapel.

  When they arrived at the cave entrance in Rainbow Valley, Theresa dropped her bag and folded her arms across her chest. “Okay. Spill it.”

  Kevin frowned. “Spill what?”

  “Whatever’s going on with you and Rhianna, and don’t hand me any romantic nonsense. I know you.”

  Kevin sighed. “All right, but you’ve got to keep this to yourself.”

  “And when have I ever not?”

  Kevin explained why Rolan’s men were in North Amden. “The only reason Rolan thinks Landis is in North Amden is because she was with Rhianna, so we’re trying to make him think Rhianna was with her at my request, as her bodyguard, not because the two of them are together. And everyone says the only reason I would have asked Rhianna to be her bodyguard is if Rhianna’s my girlfriend.”

  “So that’s why the two of you have been making the rounds.”

  Kevin nodded.

  “And ‘everyone’ decided this is what you need to do. Who’s everyone?”

  “Her family, Laryn, Chris, Glendymere, and Xantha.”

  Theresa nodded. “But I don’t understand how this is going to help. How would Rolan hear anything about it?”

  “Well, we’re hoping the spies will pass it on, as a piece of juicy gossip if nothing else.”

  “Spies? The ones who gave information to the assassins?” When Kevin nodded, Ther
esa frowned. “They’re still around?”

  Kevin nodded again.

  “Are you crazy?”

  “You sound just like Rhianna.” Kevin shook his head. “Since we know who they are, we can use them. If I’d gotten rid of them, he’d have found a way to put new ones in their place. By leaving the old ones alone, I can feed misinformation to Rolan through them.”

  “If they tell him. You can’t guarantee they will, but you can be sure they’ll feed him any information he can use to kill you or Landis.” Theresa shook her head. “I can see what you’re doing and I understand your strategy, but I still say you’re nuts.”

  Kevin shrugged. “You know the old saying, better the enemy you know...”

  “I think it was better the devil you know, but either way, I hope you’re not putting a target on Rhianna’s back. After all, she is an elf, and if I remember correctly, Kalen told us a relationship between a human and an elf was frowned upon on Terah. Remember?”

  Kevin nodded. “That was one of my arguments when this plan was first discussed. If it gets to Rolan, it’ll get to the other seated sorcerers, but I can’t go before the council and say don’t worry about it, it’s all a ruse.”

  Theresa laughed and then got serious. “Just be careful that neither of you gets hurt, and I don’t mean just physically.”

  “We won’t. We know what we’re doing.”

  “I’m not so sure of that.” Theresa picked up her bag. “You’ll pick me up Sunday, right?”

  “Around lunchtime. But before you go, I need to talk to you about something else.”

  Theresa set her bag back down and tilted her head to one side. “There’s more?”

  Kevin explained about Rhianna’s summons. “I’m sure we can convince the council she did nothing wrong, but I’d like for you to be there if you don’t mind.”

  “I’ll be glad to, but I’m not sure what good I’ll be. I was inside when it all happened. I didn’t see a thing.”

  “But you treated his wound. You can say it was not life-threatening.”

  “That I can do, and I can say she left the chapel a long time before he did, but do you really think they’ll listen to me?”

  “From what Rhianna said, elves hold sisters in high esteem, so I imagine so.”

  “Well, count me in. When are we going?”

  “The meeting’s Monday, but I’m not sure what time we’ll need to leave. I’ll let you know Sunday.”

  Theresa nodded, picked up her bag, and headed into the cave.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Rhianna and Kevin left for Crinsor Run shortly after dinner. With the time difference, they arrived while Gwynn was in the kitchen fixing theirs. After hugging her mother, Rhianna asked, “Do you know where Father is?”

  Gwynn nodded towards the back door. “The last time he was in here he said something about throwing out some hay in the back pasture. But if you want to talk to him about the summons, why don’t you wait until he comes back in? I’m sure he’d rather think about that while he’s sitting down with a cup of tea.”

  Rhianna nodded and started fidgeting around the kitchen. Finally, after several tense minutes, Gwynn sighed. “Go on. Find him. You won’t settle until you talk to him and you’re driving me crazy.”

  Rhianna kissed her mother’s cheek, grabbed Kevin’s hand, and headed out the back door.

  They found Hayden as he was coming in from the back pasture. He was dusty and had hay stuck to his tunic and in his hair. Rhianna laughed as she brushed it off. “Save any of it for the horses?”

  “Laugh if you like, but you used to get it all over you, too,” Hayden said as he hugged his daughter. Then he turned to Kevin and held out his hand. “Nice to see you again, Myron. I take it things are going well?”

  Kevin smiled. “Gossip about us and our intentions has become the main topic of conversation in Milhaven as well as at the castle. But everyone was ready for something new to talk about after all the hoopla over Laryn’s wedding and the mess Gwendolyn stirred up. Things were starting to get dull.”

  Hayden laughed and put his arm around his daughter. “We’re glad to be of service anyway we can.” Then he got serious. “I take it today’s visit has to do with the Council of Elders.”

  Both Rhianna and Kevin nodded.

  “Father, Myron has offered to take me to the meeting, so Xantha won’t need to.”

  “Well, I assure you he wouldn’t mind, but that’s fine,” Hayden said. Then he turned to Kevin. “Have you ever been to South Port?”

  Kevin shook his head. “I have no idea where South Port is, much less Weldon’s office. I was hoping you’d take a quick trip out there with me this evening. Once I’ve been there, going back won’t be a problem. We don’t have to stay, or talk to anyone. Just a quick in and out would do it.”

  Hayden nodded. “We could do that while Gwynn’s getting dinner on the table. The two of you will stay for dinner,” he said, more as a statement than a question.

  Rhianna caught Kevin’s eye and nodded.

  “We’d love to join you while you eat dinner.”

  “Good. Let’s head back to the house so I can change tunics. Rhianna, you can stay with your mother while we go.”

  Half an hour later, Hayden and Kevin were back from South Port. Hayden had used Kevin’s key to take them straight to the building that housed both Weldon’s office and the meeting room for the Council of Elders.

  “Rhianna tells me you plan to attend the meeting with her Monday,” Gwynn said as they sat down at the table. “Is that right?”

  Kevin nodded. “And I’m taking some other people with us too, people who were there, who saw the whole thing.”

  “I understand a young sorcerer was wounded by the man Rhianna hurt,” Hayden said.

  Kevin nodded again. “Marcus, and he’s going with us. When I told him she was being called in to explain her actions, he offered to show them his scar.”

  Hayden chuckled. “If nothing else, that should eliminate the unprovoked part of their claim.”

  “And the sister who treated Saryn said she’d go, too. She wasn’t out there when everything happened, but she can say the knife wound was not life-threatening.”

  “Good,” Gwynn said, relief showing in her eyes. “I was concerned about that. I know Rhianna said it wasn’t a fatal injury, but having a Sister of Healing back her up will help.”

  “Saryn. That’s the name of the man you hit?” Hayden asked Rhianna.

  She nodded.

  “I thought you didn’t know him.”

  “I didn’t at the time, but later, after Sister Theresa treated him, I was in the room while General Crandal interviewed him. He told us his name then.”

  “So he was questioned?” Gwynn asked.

  Kevin nodded. “He admitted trying to kill Landis, and said if it hadn’t been for Rhianna, he’d have been successful.”

  “Are you going to tell the council that?” Gwynn asked.

  Kevin nodded again.

  “Well, sounds like you’ve got this under control,” Hayden said as he smiled at Rhianna. “Do you want me to be there?”

  Rhianna shook her head. “You don’t need to.”

  Hayden nodded and went back to his food. After a moment, he looked at Kevin. “I don’t need to tell you to stop by here on your way home so she can tell us how it went, do I?”

  “No, sir, but I’ll take the others home first.”

  Hayden frowned. “You’ll have the sorcerer and the sister, right? They’re welcome to come, too.”

  “I’ll also have Alek and maybe Darrell.”

  “Why?” Gwynn said. “Were they involved, too?”

  “Alek was with Marcus, Landis, and Rhianna. He was a witness to the whole thing, and he’s the one who checked out Saryn’s injuries after he fell out of the tree.”

  “That’s how he broke his leg? Falling out of a tree?” Hayden asked, raising his eyebrows at Rhianna.

  “That’s where he was hiding, Father.”

y didn’t you tell me he was in a tree?”

  “I didn’t think it mattered.”

  “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong. The fact that he was hiding in a tree when he shot the sorcerer makes him an assassin. Don’t leave that out Monday.”

  Rhianna nodded.

  “And although Darrell wasn’t involved at the chapel, he’s the one who cut him down the next morning,” Kevin said. “He can say Saryn died from hanging, not from the knife wound.”

  Gwynn glanced at Rhianna. “Another detail you neglected to mention.” Then she looked at Kevin. “I’m glad you’re handling this. These little details tell a different story than the one that’s making the rounds up here. I feel better now. Thank you.”

  “Rhianna saved the life of my apprentice and the lives of several of my people. We’re in her debt,” Kevin said. “I’ll do anything I can to help out.”

  While they ate dessert, conversation turned to news about Rhianna’s family, and shortly after everyone was done, Kevin and Rhianna left.

  When they got back to the office, Chris said, “See, Nikki? I told you they’d be back soon.” Then he looked over at Kevin. “She’s been waiting forever for you to come home and take her for a walk.”

  Kevin raised his eyebrows. “There’s nothing I need to take care of?”

  “Nothing that won’t wait,” Chris said as he stood up and stretched. “It’s been a long day, for all of us. I’m heading up, but Nikki needs to go out for a bit. Do you want to take her, or do you want me to get one of the guards.”

  “Let’s take her,” Rhianna said as she rubbed Nikki’s head. “After all, she’s been waiting for you, and who could say no to that face?”

  Kevin laughed and followed the two of them out the door.

  Once they were outside, Rhianna asked, “Aren’t you taking Marcus home tomorrow morning?”

  Kevin nodded. “He and Hayley are going for the day. Why?”

  “I was wondering if you’ll have time to take me to the canyon lands for an hour or so.”

  “I can, but why?”

  “I want to make a few tornadoes. I’ve passed worried and moved on to angry, and I need an outlet. Building a tornado will probably work.”


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