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Between HeVan and Hell

Page 20

by Lucy Kelly

  “Liar!” screeched Margie. “You said you were married to Jalen and I just saw you kissing Jett. All you know are lies!”

  “I’m married to all three: Jalen, Justyn, and Jett. They’re three brothers and my husbands. I didn’t lie,” said Grace.

  “That’s disgusting!” said Margie as she turned her head away.

  It took a few hours to get all the statements and filed. Before going in to sign her statements, she stopped by the condo for a quick shower and a change of clothes. Grace discovered that Margie was really Margaret Stamford, a Trust Fund baby with high-society parents. She spoke to them at length and knew they would see that Margie had good representation and good doctors. She hoped with all her heart that her friend would get the help she needed.

  She didn’t say anything on the drive to Addie’s house. She sat in the back seat and stared out the window. She allowed Justyn to hold her hand because he was still getting over the shock of the attack. So was she.

  Chapter Eighteen

  They finally arrived at Addie’s house. Grace got out of the car and was surprised to see so many new faces. She walked in the house and the dogs all ran over to say hello. She took a minute to greet them. She looked up at Arjun, one of her sister’s Ankida.

  “Where’s Addie?” she asked.

  “She took a nap after lunch; she’s still upstairs,” he said.

  That worried Grace; Addie never took naps. She wondered if Addie was already having problems with the babies. She took the stairs two at a time and was a little surprised to see another tall man standing outside the bedroom door.

  “What, are you worried she’ll escape the bedroom? What’s going on here?” she asked.

  Before the tall, blonde guard could answer, the door opened. Addie stood in the doorway with a sleepy look on her face.

  “Gracie, you’re here. Come in, don’t worry about him. They all think I need protection 24/7. It’s ridiculous, but Arjun says they’re mainly ceremonial and when we get to HeVan, it’s expected. So he wants me to get used to it,” she said.

  Addie went over to the sitting area over by a window that overlooked the back gardens and the fields beyond. Someone had let the dogs out and they were playing chase. Both Addie’s and Grace’s Ankida walked out into the yard and began throwing balls and sticks for the dogs. While Grace poured her heart out to her sister, her Ankida spoke to Addie’s.

  “Grace does not wish to be tied to HeVan just yet. She has wished all her life to be a police officer and she is very good at her job. Also, the case that she’s been working on will involve a long trial. Both she and Jett will need to testify in order to ensure a conviction,” Jalen explained to Arjun.

  “We formerly ask to be reassigned as Ambassadors to Earth so that we might stay here indefinitely,” said Jalen, and his brothers nodded their heads in unison.

  Arjun used the excuse of throwing the ball to think about their request. Addie liked the new guards; she was friendly with everyone. Still, he had noticed that she was not as relaxed in their presence as she was with Jalen and his brothers. He wished they would return to HeVan for Addie’s sake; her burdens would be great and she would need her family. Then he considered all of what Jalen had said. They weren’t giving up, only asking for time—time for Grace to come to terms with who she was now, and realize there was an even greater need for her skills on HeVan than here on Earth. He turned back to the three men.

  “As Nam-Nin, Addie will have to approve the appointment. Any Ambassadors have to be appointed by the ruling Supreme Queen, as you know. However, since this is for the benefit of her own sister, I think she’ll approve the request. You will be missed. We don’t know what mischief the Princess Regent has gotten into in our absence. We are expecting the worst, as Malpha is a devious and grasping woman,” said Arjun.

  “How much have you told Addie of the situation back home?” asked Jalen.

  “She has been learning of our history through the nano-patches. Each night at dinner, we have a historical discussion to cement the new knowledge in her mind and help her make sense of all the data she’s received. She hasn’t yet gotten to the former Queen’s disappearance,” replied Arjun.

  “I thought it best if she learned it all in context. At the rate she is learning, we have plenty of time before we leave for her to catch up.”

  “And how are the plans for the wedding ceremony coming along?” Jett asked Rune in another part of the yard.

  “When we first found out all that was involved, we were not convinced of the necessity of dressing in peculiar clothing and going through complicated rituals. Then Addie told us about a tradition called the honeymoon and with that to look forward to, we’re willing to suffer through all the rest,” he answered.

  “What is a honeymoon?” asked Justyn.

  “After completing the marriage ceremony, the Ankida and their Assat are supposed to have a special time alone. Traditionally, its two weeks alone in a distant location with no requirements except for sex and food,” finished Rune.

  “I think we should also complete this marriage ceremony so we can have a honeymoon also,” said Justyn.

  “I agree,” said Jett, “We will speak to Jalen about it later.”

  They all looked up and saw the sisters sitting near the window and waved; then they went back to playing with the dogs. Jalen took particular care to check on Sugar, as he knew she was carrying pups.

  Up in the bedroom, the women gave a little wave back and then continued their conversation.

  “I totally understand where you’re coming from, Grace. Kylan was actually the first to tell me he loved me in words. I can tell you that they do love you; they wouldn’t have married you if they didn’t. Their wings would not have emerged. It’s not only chemical, their minds and hearts are involved too,” said Addie, “but they absolutely should have said something to you by now. You are definitely entitled to your anger. I can’t believe you told them you were in love with them and they didn’t respond. They are complete idiots.”

  “Actually, I didn’t say anything; I was too scared. And then with everything with the case and the fake engagement, it just spiraled out of control. I really blew it, didn’t I?” asked Grace.

  Being a true sister, Addie knew exactly what to say in response to that comment. “Maybe you over-reacted, just a teeny, tiny bit. Still, they blew it first. They should have talked to you more than they did. They were way more wrong than you and they should pay for it. Make them sleep in the guest room,” she suggested, and they both giggled over the image of three men, each over seven feet tall, fitting on that double bed.

  “So you think you really can use a Chicago police detective on HeVan?” asked Grace.

  “Hey, I knew I’d have an uphill battle getting you to want to move. I know all about your dream of being the first female Superintendent of Police. Remember Crooked Cathy and Terry the Thief? I was the robber to your cop all through grade school,” said Addie. “You read me my Miranda Rights so many times as kids, I still remember them. So I’ve absolutely given thoughts as to how to lure you to HeVan. Because you have to want it; it’s going to be a lot of work. Not the hearts and flowers paradise the guys tend to describe.”

  “Arjun doesn’t say much; I know he doesn’t want to worry me. But I’ve been studying the current political situation on HeVan and it’s bad. The Regent who was placed in power when the last Queen disappeared? Well, it turns out she was instrumental in the disappearance. She’s dead now, but her granddaughter is now Princess Regent. She’s supposed to be a carbon copy of her grandmother.

  “I don’t think Arjun is aware of everything Jett gave me and the access I have to get more. This regent chick is really bad news, Grace. Her name is Malpha and she’s actually trying to bring back slavery, if you can believe it. It would really be great if I had someone who understood the law to interpret it for me. That’s where you come in. Because right now, though I haven’t come across one in their history, they are heading fast towards a civil war
if they don’t get some solid leadership in there.”

  “I’m not a lawyer, Addie, I’m a cop,” said Grace.

  “That’s right, a cop that really wants to be appointed to Top Cop. We both know coming up through the ranks isn’t enough. You went straight into the police academy from High School. Don’t tell me you haven’t been attending law school at night, because I know you. And Loyola is right there in Chicago,” Addie said, starting to get a little worried at Grace’s evasions.

  “Alright, yes, I have been taking night classes. But I haven’t graduated yet,” she said.

  “Fine, and it looks like I’m not going to complete my doctorate. I have more important things to do now than write a dissertation. I need to develop policy and decide which laws need to be revised or thrown out altogether. I need to appoint a cabinet or some such thing. I haven’t decided whether I should abolish the Monarchy and move to an elected government or not. There is a level of power associated with being Queen, true magical power that I can’t pass on to a group of people. I need people that I can trust.

  “So if I appoint you Attorney General for the ENTIRE WORLD, then I expect you to step up and slap on some nano-patches. Learn our laws, the laws of HeVan. Commit to this new adventure. I really don’t think you’ll regret it. After all, Gracie, when you get right down to it, which is more important, your job or your family?”

  She could see that Grace was clinging to her original stance, even though she no longer wanted to. She’d been like this all their lives; she took a position and stuck to it practically to the death.

  Addie remembered when they were kids sharing a bedroom. Gracie had the top bunk and she the bottom one. They had the most obnoxious buzzing alarm clock on the other side of the room and Grace had always waited for Addie to turn it off. Her argument was that since Addie slept on the bottom bunk, it was easier for her.

  One Saturday morning when they were both children, Addie had woken up before the alarm went off. She’d rushed downstairs to the den to watch the morning cartoons, (early bird got control of the remote,) and after a while, Addie heard the alarm go off and thought Grace would be coming down soon. Then she forgot about it because of the action taking place on the TV screen. An hour or so later, she realized that she was still hearing the buzzing sound of the alarm when she went to get some juice.

  Walking into the bedroom, Addie saw Grace lying stiff on the bed, eyes scrunched up, hands fisted at her sides. Addie walked over and turned off the alarm; Gracie had put up with that obnoxious sound for over an hour because she thought Addie was still in the bottom bunk refusing to turn off the alarm and suffering right alongside her. Remembering that story, Addie knew just what to say to Grace.

  “Still waiting for me to turn off the alarm, Gracie?” she asked and Grace’s head shot up.

  “I can’t believe you’re still bringing that up,” said Grace.

  “Oh, honey, I’m telling that one to your grandchildren,” said Addie with a big grin. “In fact, I’m telling the guys at dinner tonight. They need all the help they can get. So are you gonna wait until there’s an assassination attempt on me to show up or what?”

  “Okay, if I have to keep saving your butt, I might as well be there. You so owe me on this one, though. Attorney General has a nice ring to it. Can you really do that?” she asked.

  “You learn all the laws and tell me,” Addie retorted.

  “Well, I guess we’d better go down and give them the good news. Hey, this will put me one up. I’m bound to get great mileage out of this going forward, don’t you think?” asked Grace as they got up to leave.

  “Oh, absolutely, giving it all up for love, traveling to a distant planet and leaving everything behind. They’ll have to let you win a bunch of arguments for that one,” said Addie. “I’m looking forward to the whole ‘I gave up my career to become your Queen and now I’m knocked up with your six babies argument.’ Can you even imagine the stretch marks I’m going to have?”

  “Hey, Addie, what’s happening to your freckles? And did you grow taller?” asked Grace.

  Addie just laughed and said she’d explain later. They continued talking on their way down the stairs, the guard following behind at a respectful distance. He couldn’t help but overhear some of the conversation and he blushed red.

  Down below in the garden, the men noticed the women leaving their position by the window. They whistled for the dogs and started walking to the door to meet them inside. Just as they were entering the living room, they heard Grace say something that sounded like “…frostbite on my ass…” when they saw the men and went quiet.

  Jalen, Justyn, and Jett immediately walked over to Addie and knelt at her feet.

  “My Queen, my brothers and I humbly request to be relieved of duty from your Royal Guard. We request permanent assignment on Earth as its Ambassadors,” said Jalen.

  “You jerks!” said Grace, “Can you believe them?” she asked Addie, hands on her hips.

  Addie also gave them a glare and added, “Totally inconsiderate of them to horn in on your big moment like that. Especially since they haven’t even told you that they love you. I wouldn’t forgive them so easily, Grace, if I were you. Oh, stand up,” she said waving her arms. “I already convinced her to come to HeVan with us,” she explained to them all. “You really should have greater faith in your Queen.”

  “But of course we love Grace,” said Jalen.

  Addie pointed to her sister. “Don’t tell me, tell her!” she said, throwing up her hands.

  The three men got up and immediately went to Grace.

  “I love you, Grace; you are my world,” said Jalen.

  “I love you, Grace; I couldn’t live without you,” said Jett.

  As usual, Justyn said nothing. He stood still, waiting for her complete attention. He lunged forward and picked her up, pulling her into his arms.

  “I love you, Grace; I have from the first time I saw you and lost my ability to think. I’m going to love you for all eternity. I’ll never let you go. And if you had not decided to come, I’d resign my position and stay here anyway. I won’t let anyone take me away from you,” he said fervently.

  The other men gasped because what he implied was a punishable offense.

  Grace thumped him on the arm. “You were doing really well up until that last part. Now how am I supposed to make the big sacrifice and leave Earth to be with you guys on HeVan when you guys come in and steal my scene? I absolutely love you all more than my job. I was looking forward to racking up those points in the whole relationship deal and now look where you’ve put me!” she said, her voice getting louder.

  She didn’t get to say anything else because Justyn started kissing her. After a few minutes he let her up for air. Grace had her arms around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. She was about to dive in when Addie spoke up.

  “Get a room! And there’s only one available, too. The bunk beds are still there, Gracie,” she said. She could hear Grace’s laugh as she ran up the stairs, her Ankida rushing behind her.




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