Outer Bounds: Fortune's Rising
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If you’d like to keep up-to-date on my next projects (including the next books in the Outer Bounds series), I’m super-approachable and only bite a little. Friend me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/kingfiction, check out my website at http://www.kingfiction.com, or sign up for my mailing-list at kingnovel@gmail.com.
Currently, I’m working on my 17th novel, and I am walking that tightrope between publishing old material and producing new. If you liked Outer Bounds and are itching to read more character-driven fiction, you might enjoy some of my other series. At present, I have the Guardians of the First Realm, Millennium Potion, and Terms of Mercy series in the Kindle Store, though plans are in motion to publish my Form and Function and After Earth series by the end of the year.
-Sara King
July 3, 2012