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Cursed: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Page 11

by Jami Brumfield

  “What the vampires did to you was wrong.”

  “It was heinous, despicable. The word wrong is too good for what they did.”

  “You’re right. But I had nothing to do with any of this.”

  “And yet, you’re in the middle of all of it.” He placed two sunny side up eggs on a plate and put them in front of me. “I know about your vampire lover. I can smell him on you.”

  “So you know my heart is not mine to give.”

  “I don’t need your heart, mate. I need your life force joined with mine. I need you to support me as a wife should. I need you to carry on the family line. In time, maybe your heart will join the journey.” He cracked two more eggs into the frying pan.

  “Unlikely. You can’t force me.”

  “I won’t force you. Don’t mistake my generosity, Piper. If I need to make you mine, I will. I’d rather have you as a willing participant in all of this.”

  “All of what?”

  “Once we are mated, we will join forces and destroy the vampires.”

  “You’ve already made me into a killer. I won’t be responsible for annihilating an entire species.”

  “Don’t worry, wife, I’ll handle all the heavy lifting.” He flipped his eggs onto his plate. “Now eat. You need your strength.”

  I reluctantly took a bite of the food in front of me. It held no taste, but sustenance was necessary. He was right about one thing. I needed to eat and gain my strength. I was going to have to save myself. I couldn’t risk Sebastian coming here and Jonathan attacking him. Sebastian. Don’t come looking for me, he’ll kill you.

  I’ll kill him. Where are you?

  It was like I was under some kind of mind control. I tried to stop the images that began flowing through my mind, but they went to Sebastian’s mind of their own accord. Jonathan must have planted them there because I couldn’t have given him those types of directions myself.

  I’m coming for you.

  Please don’t! He will kill you. It’s a trap!

  I know.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “THANK YOU, VIPER, I OWE you one.” I pocketed the amulet he’d spelled for me and handed him the agreed upon cash. “Are you positive this will work?”

  “Absolutely. But it will work on any gargoyle in the area. I can’t direct the spell to only capture one without that gargoyle’s blood.” His warning was almost as ominous as the nasty scar that sliced his cheek in half. Viper could use magic to glamour the scar away, but he preferred to keep it. It made him look more threatening to strangers.


  “I see the plan you are hatching, old friend. It is in-advisable” His one brown eye and one blue eye followed my movements as I put the amulet around my neck, and hid it under my sweater.

  “I know.”

  Viper shook his head. “I can see how she is torn between you and him on a physical and mental level. You’re fighting a battle that could lead to your demise.”

  I ran a nervous hand through my dark waves. “Have you and my sister been chatting?”

  “No, but I’m thinking you should take some backup.”

  His suggestion was smart, but dangerous. I didn’t want to spook Jonathan or cause any collateral harm to come to Piper. It was better if I went in alone, did the deed, and took her home. Unless… “Are you interested in joining me?”

  “I’m more of a sideline guy, but I do have a few names that can help you if you’re interested.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Viper nodded. “Okay.” He handed me a paper produced out of thin air with multiple names and phone numbers. “Any one of these will accompany you, especially after you tell them I’ll remove their debt if they do.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “Oh, their debt will transfer to you, but yes. We’ve been friends for a long time, and I don’t want to see you die anytime soon.” He clapped me on the back. “Besides, you owe me a lot more than they do.”

  “I figured you’d be here.” Chloe entered the magic shop surrounded by two large vampire goons.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Lending a hand.” She smiled. “You didn’t expect I’d let you go into this trap on your own, did you?” She hugged Viper. “How are you, old friend?”

  Viper smiled and kissed her lips in greeting. “Wonderful, now that you’re here. You never fail to light up a room, love.”

  “And you as well, Vipe.”

  “Should I leave you two alone for a while?”

  “I’ll share his debt,” Chloe ignored me and focused on Viper, “but instead of your list, how about you make a small army?”

  “You’re looking for foot soldiers?”

  “Magically created, of course.”

  “How many?”


  “Necromancy is dangerous. They’ll be hard to control.”

  “Less casualties. The council doesn’t want more deaths by Jonathan’s hands.”

  “Fine. But I’ll need to wait until tonight. Meet me at this graveyard.” He handed her a paper with an address written on it that appeared out of thin air. “I need to call in a specialist. It won’t be cheap.”


  I waited to speak until we left the shop. “Why are you interfering with my business, Chloe?”

  “I’ve told you, because you’re my only brother left.”

  “And if we both die?”

  “Then our family line dies too.” She waved her hand in the air as though to shoo away the negative vibes from the thoughts I was having.

  “Which I am not okay with.”

  “Father taught us one thing. We are all we have. We fight for each other. If and when it comes time for me to fight for a true love, I know you’ll be there for me as well.”

  I shrugged. “Of course, but--”

  “Then it is settled.”



  Sebastian, please answer me.

  I’m coming for you, Piper. Just be prepared to escape when I get there.

  No, you can’t.


  Because… I don’t want to leave. It was a lie. I did, but it was the only way I could ensure he wouldn’t come, and his life would be saved. He’d done so much to protect me. It was my turn to return the favor.

  I don’t believe you.

  It is the truth, I insisted, but knew my heart wasn’t in my words.

  We will arrive tonight. Be ready.

  He shut off the communication link between us. It was getting weaker. It had been a day since I’d last taken his blood. Soon, our connection would be lost. That thought saddened me. I liked his presence in my mind, enjoyed knowing he was simply a thought away. I pushed those thoughts away. If he was coming tonight, I needed to find a way to escape. Maybe I could find a way to keep him from coming after all. Besides, I wasn’t comfortable with being a damsel in distress.

  Jonathan entered the cabin with a handful of freshly cut wood. “Has your attitude gotten any better?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’d be in better spirits if you released me.”

  “I already said I can’t do that. Besides,” he started putting logs on the flickering fire, “if I let you go, I wouldn’t get the chance to meet your vampire hero… Sebastian, isn’t it?”

  I refused to answer him.

  “I know you’re blood bonded to him. I told you I could smell the vampire stench on you. I also know you’ve been in telepathic contact with him.”

  “I haven’t.”

  “You’d be a fool if you haven’t, and I don’t take you for a fool, wife.”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “Would you rather I call you a vampire’s whore?”

  “I’d rather you let me go. But if you’re not going to do that, then just call me Piper.”

  He crossed the room and stepped into my personal space. “This doesn’t have to be difficult, Piper.” He ran his war
m hands up and down my arms.

  I pulled away. “Don’t touch me, either.”

  He stepped forward and grabbed the hair at the nape of my neck, forcing my face up, lips inches from his. “I’m trying to be patient, wife. But pushing my buttons could rile up the animal in me. We do not want that.” He forced his lips on mine.

  I reacted, stomping on his foot and kicking him in the groin. He crumpled to the floor and I ran.



  The trek up the mountain to the secluded cabin location was far more strenuous than I would’ve first believed. The zombie army of ten goons had the most casualties as they were ripped and torn to shreds from the treacherous terrain. If things continued at this pace, we’d lose our army before we even arrived at the cabin.

  It was a stroke of luck that I spotted my dark-haired vixen running through the tree line ahead with Jonathan hot on her heels. “Is that a mirage or do you see what I am seeing, Chloe?”

  She nodded. “I see her. Let’s go get her.”

  Chloe headed to the north with her two bodyguards and I went west. One of us would catch them first. And the other would bring up the rear. My only fear now was that Jonathan would catch her and make her pay for trying to escape.

  The army of the undead limped their way behind me as they brought up the rear. I had never run so fast in my life. What happened next made my feet freeze. Jonathan changed mid-run into a gigantic gargoyle. He was three times the size of Piper’s beast. She turned, fear in her eyes for just a moment in time, then something flashed in those blue pools, and all terror was gone. She instantly changed into her own gargoyle. The two slammed into each other in mid-air, crashing across the meadow, and smashing into a large tree that cracked under the impact.

  They snarled, teeth and talons snapping and slashing at each other. Blood coated their marble skin. The undead creatures Viper had summoned for us caught up to me, and ignited the spark to get moving again. They were about a half mile away. I quickened my pace, and slid into the meadow in order to slow down.


  The smaller of the two beasts turned toward my voice. I swear I saw recognition in her eyes.

  “It’s okay, love. I’m here to save you.”

  The larger of the two beasts tossed her across the meadow like a hacky sack, and then charged toward me. Chloe and her two body guards made it to the clearing. She watched in fear as Jonathan’s beast descended upon me. I tried to move out of the way, but he was too strong and powerful. He wrapped his talons around my body and started to squeeze.

  The bodyguards attacked him from behind, their hits barely impacting the half stone creature. His grip tightened. I tried to reach the amulet under my shirt, but my arms were trapped. Chloe flew across the field and latched onto Jonathan’s back, stabbing him with her daggers.

  He flinched, but the attacks didn’t distract him enough to ease up. It was Piper, whose jaws snapped onto Jonathan’s neck, who managed to gain my freedom. Jonathan swung his lanky body around, sending Chloe and the body guards flying. Piper locked her jaw in place and refused to be thrown. The undead army joined her in the fight.

  “Piper, I need you to get away from Jonathan.” I choked out as I tried to get my strength back. I pulled out the amulet, but couldn’t use it when Piper was in the vicinity.

  Jonathan and Piper started rolling across the grass. He was obviously focused on escaping Piper. Piper wasn’t hearing my pleas. Chloe and the rest of our group were trying to recover. It was in the midst of this fight I realized we were royally screwed. If this man got his way, all the vampires would be demolished.

  “We need to get Piper away from him, Chloe. I can’t use the amulet with her here.”

  “She’s obviously protecting you. I think you’re the only one that can reach her.”

  “How?” I looked at Chloe as helplessness filled me. If we didn’t get her away from the monster, she’d be injured or killed.

  “Your blood bond.”

  Of course! Piper, look at me if you can hear me.

  For the briefest of moments, she glanced in my direction. Even as the monster, I could reach her. Love, I have a weapon to use against him, but you need to get away from here. Otherwise it will hurt you too.

  Before she could make a move, Jonathan managed to get the upper hand and sent her flying. He was a bloody mess. He turned towards me. In that moment when our eyes connected, I knew he knew my plan. He took flight before I could take action. Chloe and her bodyguards went in pursuit, using super vampire speed to keep the monster in their sights. I ran to Piper and pulled her limp body into my arms. Gone was the stone monster, and in its place was a beat up, naked Piper. I took off my shirt and did my best to cover her up.

  “Go help my sister,” I commanded the undead army.

  They followed Chloe’s path. I messaged Chloe on her phone after she refused to pick up my call. Stop the pursuit. Meet me at the hotel. We need reinforcements.

  I needed to get Piper to safety. I gave her some of my blood to help speed the healing process, then pulled her close to me and started down the path. Chloe would meet me at the hotel, and we could head back to Colorado in the morning. We needed help, lots of help. Neither one of us, together or apart, were strong enough to take on Jonathan.

  Chapter Sixteen


  EVERY INCH OF MY BODY ached when I woke up in the bed with Sebastian beside me. I focused my attention on the hot vampire I was curled up next to. He was beat up pretty good. Factoring in the supernatural healing abilities, and I got a good idea of what happened. I remembered running from Jonathan. I also remembered defending myself from his monster’s attack by unleashing my own beast. What happened next, I couldn’t make out. It was like every time I was the gargoyle I couldn’t remember what happened.

  “Are you okay?” Sebastian’s voice was groggy.

  I looked at the window. The sun was shining. “How can you be awake?”

  “Your blood has a positive effect on me.”

  “That’s good because yours has a good effect on me too.” I snuggled into his chest. I missed his coolness and his rain storm scent. “Did we defeat Jonathan?”

  “No, he got away.”

  My fingers glided up his torso and landed on an odd looking silver amulet with a red stone. “What is this?”

  “A weapon.”

  “A weapon?”

  “Something to help us defeat Jonathan.” He kissed the top of my head, and then he took my hand from the silver amulet and kissed my knuckles. “It’s dangerous to all gargoyles.”

  Understanding dawned on me. He didn’t need to say it. “We lost to Jonathan because you couldn’t use it with me around.”

  “That doesn’t matter. We’ll get him.”

  “He has it out for the vampires. How many of them will die while we’re working to capture him again?”

  He rubbed my back absently. “I don’t know.” Silence stretched between us for a few moments. Then, without warning, he grabbed me by the waist, and had me straddling his hips. “I don’t want to think about that right now. All I can do is think of possessing you.”

  I felt his erection against my bottom, smelled his need. The aches disappeared as desire pooled in my core. “Are you up for this?”

  He pressed his rock-hard rod closer to my core and wiggled his dark eye brows. “What do you think?”

  I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips. “I’d say you’re definitely up for it.”

  “I barely slept last night. You are very distracting to sleep with.” He pulled my lips to his and staked his claim. “The question is, are you up for it?”

  I raked my fingers against his chest hard enough to draw blood. I licked the line of red liquid slowly and grinned when he moaned. “Oh yes.”

  There was no warning. He thrust himself deep inside me and took possession of my body. We rode each other, neither finding a steady rhythm, both wanting to feed the need that burned in our souls. Control
was not something either of us liked giving up. One minute I was on top, the next, he had me pinned to the bed as he took the lead.

  When he was close to exploding, I used his strength against him, rolling us onto the floor where I was able to take the top position and ride my stallion. Moments before we tumbled over the edge of ecstasy, we bit into each other’s wrists, taking each other’s blood. The connection sent us flying into the stratosphere. When the waves of passion subsided we collapsed into each other’s arms.

  “Now that is what I call a wake-up call.” Sebastian chuckled.

  “I can get used to this.” I wrapped my arms around his strong, solid shoulders. “Why do you think the gargoyle didn’t attack this time?”

  He twirled a strand of my hair around his index finger. “Maybe it has something to do with our blood exchange. Perhaps the monster recognizes gargoyle DNA in my blood because I’ve drunk from your veins.”


  “It has changed me in small ways, but the changes go against what is considered normal in the vampire world.”

  I looked at him. “If that is the case, we need to keep it under wraps. There are a lot of good gargoyles out there. If vampires found out our blood can give them benefits then we’d be hunted down and killed for it.”


  A knock on the door pulled us away from our sexual afterglow. “Who is that?”

  “Probably Chloe.” He lifted me up to the bed and tossed the blanket over me. Then, he put on his jeans to look halfway presentable before he answered the door.

  The woman that breezed past him was a vision from the past. I jumped up, blanket close to my body as I stared at a woman who looked exactly like my dead mother. “Mom?”

  “Yes, darling, I am your mother, and I am here to bring you back to your mate.”

  “You can’t be her. You’re dead.”

  “The news of my death is greatly exaggerated, or whatever that saying is. Your father stole you from me and told you I was dead.” Olivia dropped her Louis Vuitton purse on the desk, then she approached me on the bed and held her arms out. “Give your mother a hug.”


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