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The Other Woman: A Steamy Contemporary Romance (The Bidden Series Book 6)

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by Crystal Cierlak

  Table of Contents












  The Bidden Series

  Candidate Four

  Sinful Reunion

  Secret Desires

  The First Candidate

  Beyond Ruin

  Unbidden Love

  The Honeymoon

  The Other Woman

  Contested Heart


  Bidden #6

  by Crystal Cierlak


  THE OTHER WOMAN is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are either fictitious or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental.

  Text copyright © 2017 Crystal Cierlak

  Cover design by Crystal Cierlak

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any format, digital or otherwise, without the expressed permission of the author.


  As always, for Jeffrey P.

  Table of Contents













  T he memory of seeing her for the first time remained as vivid to Audra Robertson today as it did all those many months ago.

  She was in her usual place that Friday night, sitting behind a desk in the hidden suite of offices at the Golden Palm, a mansion tucked away high in the hills above the glittering lights of Los Angeles. The Golden Palm was known amongst its select clientele as the best-kept secret in a world of millionaires and billionaires. And it was Fitson Entertainment Groupe’s - her company’s - cornerstone venture. The one that started it all.

  Every Friday night almost since its inception, the Golden Palm was host to twelve men and twelve women. The men - known only as Gentleman - all deep-pocketed and looking for an unforgettable night, had their pick of the women - known only as Candidates - all stunning and eager to earn a sizable check for giving up just one night of their life. It usually went off without a hitch.


  Earlier that afternoon Audra received an email from the on-site office manager that one of their regular Candidates, Quinn Potter, would not be available to attend the auction that evening. It was an unfortunate loss, and not just because Quinn was one of the club’s most profitable Candidates. Replacing a Candidate at the last minute was always stressful, but Quinn had done the work for them by offering the name of a friend to take her place. A new name and face. The requisite background checks were run, and by the time Audra received the updated list of Candidates for that night’s auction, the matter had practically resolved itself.

  When she arrived at the club later that evening she was surprised to find James, her business partner, and longtime friend, waiting for her at her desk.

  “When did you get back in town?” she asked as she set her purse down on the expensive glass surface. James had spent the better part of the week in New York attending to business and settling his affairs with his soon-to-be-ex-wife, Celine.

  “This afternoon. Antonin called on my way to the office. It seems our favorite Gentleman-“ he said the word with only the smallest hint of amusement, “has gotten himself into some legal trouble back in London. He’s on a plane headed to Heathrow as we speak.”

  “Damn,” Audra cursed with a thump of her fist on the desk. “We just got Quinn Potter’s replacement cleared. Now we’re short a client?” In the span of one afternoon, they had gone from eleven Candidates and twelve Gentlemen to twelve Candidates and eleven Gentlemen. She took a quick glance at her watch, knowing full well it was already growing dark outside and sighed. “Call Warren. He’s always happy to make another appearance. Lord knows he’s always trying to offer me extra money to get exclusive bidding rights.” And with any luck, he would cancel his plans for the evening and save her the embarrassment of having an uneven auction.

  “No need. I already have a replacement for him,” James announced.

  Audra settled a hip against the desk and crossed her arms over her chest. “Who?”

  By the look of intrigue in James’ eyes, the way the blue-green orbs were practically lit from within, she should have guessed. But still, he surprised her.


  “You?” She scoffed. “Hoping to meet the next Mrs. James Fitzgerald?” she teased, knowing it would only sting a little. The first and only time James had ever participated in the auction was during the inaugural event, way back when they were college students and the Golden Palm was nothing more than an epic college party they had monetized as part of a business class. It was that fated night over spring break when James, effectively acting as a Gentleman, bid on and spent the evening with a young blonde Candidate named Celine, who just so happened to be Audra’s sister. And later, James’ wife.

  “I need a distraction, Audra,” he said, sounding mildly defeated and very tired. “Between the lawyers and Celine and Frankie-“ he cut himself off, his daughter’s name a painful and unfinished thought.

  “So go on an actual date with someone,” she said as she moved about the desk, carefully avoiding him. “It’s Friday night in Los Angeles and you’re a rich, good-looking guy. Not to mention it will cost you a lot less money.” She switched on the two monitors seated on the desk, both serving as security feeds to the public spaces inside the expansive lot, and placed her laptop in front of James. She had work to do and wasn’t in the mood to indulge him in his carnal urges. There had to be some delineation between business and pleasure.

  “How’s Vic? You two engaged yet?”

  Audra bristled at the sound of her girlfriend’s name. It was neither the time nor the place to bring up that relationship. “Uh-uh. Don’t try changing the subject, Fitzgerald.”

  James tapped his fingers together, his hands forming a triangle in front of his chest. “I’d rather just be with someone for the night, Audra. Please. You know I know the rules. And I’ll pay with my own money if that’s-”

  She was just about to persuade him to leave when she noticed his attention locked on one of the screens. There, in crystal clear, high-definition, was the feed inside the Candidates’ lounge. Nearly a dozen women, all repeaters, were congregated in the plush surroundings of the meticulously designed lounge, sipping champagne and talking amongst themselves. It was the usual assortment – blondes and brunettes, thin and curvy. All of them beautiful to one discerning eye or another. There was never truly a type of Candidate on any given Friday night. Their clients had varied tastes, and she aimed to accommodate them, and their money.

  “Who’s the redhead?” he asked. Audra looked up at the screen, finding Kimberley and her fire engine red hair almost immediately, but did a double-take at the sight of a redheaded woman in a black lace dress. She was sitting separately from the others, and while Audra couldn’t place her face, she knew the girl must have been Quinn’s replacement.

te for Quinn,” she answered him.

  “She looks cute.”

  Audra looked at the new girl, then at James, and finally back at the replacement Candidate once more. “You can tell that just by the dress and the back of her head? Actually, on second thought, don’t answer that.”

  She politely kicked James off of her desk chair and took her place in front of her laptop, intent on getting some work done before calling it a night. She never stayed longer than it took to process every Gentleman’s bid and prepare payment envelopes for the Candidates. Those tasks she preferred handling herself while everything else she delegated to the very capable and discreet staff she employed.

  But she knew James better than almost anyone and well enough to know that he was struggling with the divorce, and rightfully so. After nearly ten years of marriage, Celine admitted that she had cheated on James with a former boyfriend. And worst of all, that former boyfriend was the biological father of their daughter, Frankie. If anyone deserved an evening of distraction, it was James Fitzgerald.

  “Fine,” Audra acquiesced with a sigh. “Take Antonin’s place. But you’re paying the member’s fee on top of your bid.”

  James didn't even flinch at the amount of money she just demanded from him. Nor did she feel bad about demanding it. James Fitzgerald had more than enough money to re-invest back in his own company. And while it may have saved her the trouble of finding a replacement Gentleman on such short notice, it also gave her leverage to ask something of him later.

  When he left to attend to his own business, Audra settled into her work, content to answer correspondence and look over documents in peace while the auction started as it usually did, with the Candidates lining up outside the viewing room for final instructions. She glanced up at the security feeds every few moments, just long enough to make sure everything was moving as the well-oiled machine she’d trained it to be. With the placement of the camera in the hallway Audra could see Quinn’s replacement properly for the first time. Curious, she tapped a few keys on her keyboard and the camera zoomed in on the replacement’s face.

  Her wide, silvery-blue eyes set off against the creamy complexion of her soft face. She wore much less makeup than the other Candidates around her, and while they were all pretty, the new Candidate had a more natural beauty that set her apart from the others. The black lace dress she wore stretched sinfully across her body, draping over valleys of beautiful curves from her breasts to her hips.

  Audra glanced down at the stack of folders on her desk, all of them labeled with each Candidate and Gentleman’s name. She picked up one of the sleek black envelopes from the pile and admired the name written in crisp type.

  Natalie Harlow.

  Strangely, the name pinged a dormant memory in her mind. A memory she couldn’t place, though the name did sound very familiar to her. Admittedly she should have done more to vet the girl, but instead, she placed her faith in Quinn Potter that the girl she sent in her place was worth it. Now, she needed to see her for herself.

  Abandoning her desk, Audra made her way down from her office to the corridor outside the viewing room. Natalie Harlow stood fourth in line, her unmistakable hair - more copper than red in person - identifying her. A gaggle of tuxedoed men known only as Concierges - men who escorted each Candidate every step of the way - were already making their way to their assigned Candidate, ready to accompany them into the evening with their winning bidder.

  “Thank you all for joining us this evening,” Audra greeted from the end of the hallway. Each Candidate turned to eye her, some of the regulars looking surprised to see her standing there with them, and the moment she met the new girl’s silvery blue eyes Audra was mesmerized.

  Up close and personal, Audra still could not place where she recognized Natalie from, or why Quinn had chosen her as her replacement. She never in a million years would have pegged the beautiful redhead as a potential Candidate. She was far too… surprising. Though that word encompassed many things at once.

  She wasn’t just beautiful. Natalie Harlow was stunning. And likely completely unaware of it even as she stood there, feet tucked into a pair of glossy Louboutins - shoes that were the price of the average American’s monthly salary - her body poured into that black lace dress as though it were made just for her.

  “We wish you the best of luck tonight,” Audra finished, her voice dipping into a lower register even as she attempted to pull herself together and behave like the professional woman she knew was within her.

  The Concierges resumed their business, keeping a far enough distance from the women so as not to crowd or intimidate them. Most of the Candidates hardly noticed anyway, and the few repeaters even went so far as to smile or wink at the familiar men in bespoke suits. Audra felt eyes on her back as she made her way across the room, an effort to discreetly maneuver herself until she was close enough to Natalie.

  She breathed in the scent of her. Orange blossom and jasmine perfumed her senses, awareness prickling the skin of her neck and arms. And then she snapped out of it, the professional within her taking over.

  She crossed to the control room as the Candidates were ushered through the doorway to their places in front of the waiting Gentlemen. Morris, the Golden Palm’s very own Oz who remained hidden in the control room and presided over the viewing session with nothing more than his tablet, a microphone and his rich, deep voice greeted her with a curt nod of his head before turning to the one-sided mirror that separated them from the auction’s participants.

  “Gentleman we have a fine assortment to offer you this evening,” Morris began, kicking off the night. Audra scanned the line of Candidates, her eyes falling almost immediately on Natalie and her black lace dress. Audra typically remained in her office for the viewing session, only coming down to watch the proceedings on rare occasions. It wasn’t until she followed Natalie’s direct line of sight to the far corner of the row of Gentlemen that Audra remembered who else was partaking in the events for the evening.

  Natalie’s eyes were squarely on James Fitzgerald. Or as he would be known that night, Gentleman Twelve. Audra didn’t need to see him to know that he was staring right back at Natalie.

  “During this viewing session, you may look at but not touch the Candidates. If you’d like to see more of any specific Candidate before making your bid, please input your request in the menu screen and a Concierge will assist you immediately.”

  This was the part of the auction that always intrigued Audra the most. And perhaps the part she liked the least. She had never liked the idea of the women being nothing more than buffet offerings for lust-hungry men, but it was all part and parcel of the pageantry of the auction. And though it had been many years since the club’s inception, she never once forgot that way back when this all first started the idea for an auction may have come from James, but she was the one who thought it was brilliant.

  “Candidate Number Seven, please turn to your left. Slowly,” Morris instructed, reading off the tablet he held in his hand. Each Gentleman’s request was fed to Morris, who then instructed the Candidates. Rarely did they ever have to deny a Gentleman or suffer the inconvenience of a rogue Gentleman absconding from the house rules. Each and every one of them was hand-selected to join the Golden Palm, and each went through vigorous background checks and vetting. Millionaires and billionaires were more prone to colorful backgrounds and occasionally questionable pastimes, but none of the members of Audra’s club were dangerous. She considered the safety of the Candidates to be a top priority.

  “Candidate Number One, please turn your back to the Gentlemen.”

  The instructions continued until nearly every Candidate had been called upon to stand or pose in such a way, all at the request of the men who were deciding which Candidate to spend their money on and their time with. Except for Natalie. From her vantage point, Audra could see James sitting at the end of the line watching the proceedings before him, his tablet resting unused in his hand.

  “Candidate Number Four, please
put your arms above your head.”

  Audra bit the inside of her bottom lip, waiting. When Natalie didn’t move, a Concierge came up on the stage she and the other Candidates stood on to assist her. She must have realized all the attention in the room was focused on her. She moved, bringing her arms up tentatively in the air. The dress moved in kind, shimmying up her thighs as her arms reached higher. She joined her wrists above her head and waited. Audra waited with her, breath held as she let her eyes wander down the length of Natalie’s form, appreciating the athletic slope of her long legs as they dipped down into those stunning black heels with red soles.

  “Candidate Number Four, please sit on your knees on the floor.”

  The concierge tapped Natalie’s shoulder again and she lowered her arms before crouching down to the floor, legs folded beneath her. Audra bit down on the inside of her cheek hard enough to hurt but remained motionless, said nothing as she watched.

  “Concierge, please bind Candidate Number Four’s hands behind her back,” Morris continued to instruct. Even from her place in the darkness of the control panel Audra could see Natalie’s eyes widening at the request. The Concierge who tapped her shoulder took possession of her hands and moved them behind her back, binding them there with his hands.

  “Candidate Number Four, please spread your legs shoulder-width apart and open your mouth.”

  Audra leaned forward, watching the events unfolding before her with a mild sense of… of what she didn’t know. Natalie did as instructed, though the vein of confusion was evident on her pretty face. Her knees inched apart, opening up her legs just enough to meet the request. Audra’s breath hitched in her throat when, to her amazement, Natalie’s eyes locked on hers. In one brief moment, as her heart temporarily stopped beating, Audra doubted whether the dark tinting of the one-way glass was doing its job.


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