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Redeeming Viktor

Page 10

by Alexis Abbott

  I make sure to check the area before we scurry outside. We arrive just in time to watch John pull out of the parking lot, not stopping to save any of us. That man is no hero, but at least he will likely be spared a gruesome murder.

  Leading the way around the side of the building, I check around the corner. There, one of the thugs stands watch, and I waste no time: I put him down like a dog. Moral qualms be damned; my girl and daughter were on the line. Any man who poses a threat to us will meet the same fate.

  The three of us rush ahead to my car, which is right where I left it. The only difference is that the doors are left open, probably from the gangsters searching it. But that just makes it easier for us as we pile on in, me keeping a watch over my two girls.

  They both take the back, and Alice is already telling Cierra to keep low. She’s a smart woman, and she clutches Cierra as she buckles them in. Alice catches my eyes in the rear view mirror, and nods. She’s ready to get out of this, and so am I.

  Some of the thugs are already rushing out to stop us, and I pull us out into the road, horns honking as I try to make a fast getaway. They rush for their cars, and I steer my vehicle through the lanes of traffic to put as much distance between us all as I can.

  I switch my sights from the road ahead to the rear view mirror. I see the gangsters trying to weave through traffic behind us to catch up, their glitzy, expensive cars glinting in the hot Vegas sun.

  Cierra squeals, but Alice comforts her as I run a red light and take us through some more of the thick traffic. I don’t want us to get stuck out here when traffic gets bad. It would inevitably lead to a shootout in the middle of the day. So many witnesses, so many potential fatalities. I can’t let that happen.

  So we careen between cars, and all my training from overseas is put to use as I take us through the dangerous streets. Horns honk around us as I check back behind us, the thugs fall further and further behind. They can’t catch up. One of them even crashes his car, his vehicle flipping as traffic comes to a crazy halt behind us.

  I cringe to think of the innocent, uninvolved people that might be hurt, but that’s on the thugs chasing us. Their leader is dead, their gang is over, and their persistence will accomplish nothing. There will be no reward.

  Even if they killed me and my two girls, it’s over for them.

  Mark and his crew will sweep in and claim their territory regardless of whether I survive this mission. It’s a done deal.

  And that’s something I’m going to have to live with. But these dominos all started falling before I realized what I actually had to lose, and now that this is done, I have to make sure I’m out. Really out.

  I need to be there to see my little girl’s every momentous occasion. I need to see her go to her first day of school. I need to be at every one of her performances, big and small. I need to be there for her in the night when she’s sick, and when she’s graduating high school...

  I’m not going to miss out on those moments, and that’s what guides me through the streets and away from the chaos behind us.

  They’ve fallen behind enough that I can feel comfortable obeying the traffic laws. I can’t risk catching the attention of the cops right now. Not with a hot weapon and Alice covered in blood in the backseat. I can’t go back to prison, especially not for taking down those thugs who were up to so much worse than I could ever dream of.

  No, all I ever dreamed of was a life with a family who loved me. And now that I have that shot, I’m not going to let them go.

  My mind is already wandering to the life I dream of, the life I always wanted to settle into when I finished my tours in the marines. But distraction is the last thing I need now, cruising through heavy traffic… as the sirens of a police car resound.



  “It’s the cops,” I gasp, my hand going to Viktor’s shoulder. His brows are furrowed, his expression serious, and he nods to me. I hug our daughter in the backseat of the vehicle as Viktor expertly maneuvers through the traffic.

  We can’t get caught. I’m covered in blood, and Cierra is barely able to hold on. Our lives are in the hands of Viktor. My disappeared Prince Charming, back to rescue us from things we didn’t even realize we needed rescuing from.

  The sirens dim in the distance. They weren’t after us. In Las Vegas there wasn’t much of a shortage of emergencies for the cops to handle. One man going a little too fast wouldn’t even stand out to them. I breathe a sigh of relief, and relax back in the backseat of the car.

  “Are we okay mommy?” Cierra asks, and it breaks my heart how hopeful she sounds. It has been such a rough couple of days for her. And for me. For all of us.

  I nod my head, stroking her hair affectionately.

  “Yes, baby girl,” I say as I kiss the crown of her head. “Daddy has saved us.”

  “Is she asleep?” I ask, looking up at Viktor expectantly. I had taken the time to grab a shower while Viktor read Cierra a story on my Kindle. I couldn’t stand feeling the scuz of those criminals on my flesh.

  And honestly, I just needed some alone time to cope with everything that’s happened. For over four years I’ve been a single mom, and having someone to help...

  No, not just someone. Having Viktor to help. Her father, the only man I’d ever trusted and loved. Having him to help was something special. And I was afraid that now things were settling down, maybe he’d swoop out of my life again.

  Or be taken from it.

  He touches my cheek, bringing me back to the present.

  “Our angel is asleep,” he says, putting the emphasis on our. His touch is so gentle as he strokes my jawline. “Are you okay?”

  I nod, my lips curving into a smile.

  “Better than okay, now that you’ve saved us. Do you think that’s the last of them?”

  “Yea,” he says, his voice a bit gruff. “That’s the end of it. I’ll talk to my friend and make sure, and until then, we’ll just stay here. A few days max.”

  “Small space,” I say and I glance around with a smirk. The hotel we’re at is small but clean, and has a separate bedroom with a queen sized bed for the three of us.

  “It’s not the smallest space I’ve been in,” he says, and I can see a bit of sadness lurking in his eyes.

  “You’re never going back the prison, Viktor. You have me and Cierra now.”

  “I know,” he says, his thumb tenderly brushing along my skin as his gaze bores into mine. His emerald eyes are so intense, and I feel them burn through me. Everything about him is so intense. Just like when I first met him, but his passion has built into something even greater while he was away.

  The intensity doesn’t scare me though. It thrills me, because it’s him. Because I know just how he feels, because it’s in my heart as well.

  I open my mouth to speak, but he silences me with a kiss. I’m taken by surprise, but eagerly melt into it as his tongue caresses mine. When he pulls back, my lips tingle, and I’m left breathless.

  “I’m going straight, Alice. No matter what it takes. I got involved with things I shouldn’t have when I was desperate. Things before I had you in my life. But they’re also things that brought you back into my life, so I’m not going to waste time with regrets. I’m happy for every single shitty decision I’ve ever made that made it so that you are Cierra are here with me.”

  “I have some savings,” I say, and it kind of takes me by surprise. That was always my secret savings. I’d never told anyone about that.

  But I’d also never felt like this before.

  And he shakes his head. “As a last resort, we touch your savings.”

  I can’t help but laugh. If I’d told John about my savings, the first thing he’d spend is that.

  Viktor looks at me, confused, and I just shake my heads.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve just never met anyone like you,” I say honestly, and his eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles at me.

  He presses his forehead to mine, our breath shared as he holds me so tende

  “There’s no one in this world like you, my sensual Aphrodite. My loving Alice.”

  My heart thumps harder in my chest, my breath once more stolen from me, this time just from his words. He has such a power over me. His fingers stroke my cheek as his other hand goes to my bathrobe, teasing his fingers down the center of my chest until he reaches the belt around my waist.

  “I never forgot your smell. That sugary sweet smell,” he says, the tip of his nose brushing along the edge of my hair. “The feel of your hair on my face, so silky soft. Your skin,” he breathes out, his voice growing heavier with lust.

  I squirm, excitement building in my stomach.

  “Every night I’d shut my eyes and I’d be back at the stage, seeing you for the first time as you danced. It felt like I had all your attention, and I couldn’t believe my luck, just getting a glance from you.”

  His mouth finds the hollow of my throat, kissing me before his tongue traces along my tendons for a second. I’m at a loss of words, but it doesn’t matter, because he keeps going.

  “I felt like such a boy back then. Even after serving in the marines. Seeing you made me feel like I was back in high school, with a bad crush. But when you opened up to me, and told me about Alice... that’s when I fell madly in love with you.”

  “Viktor,” I whimpered as his mouth trailed lower, and then there was no more words. He gathered my nipple in his mouth, suckling on it with such a reverential expression. His gaze was on mine as his tongue swirled around the stiffened peak.

  I moan softly, biting down on my lower lip so I didn’t wake Cierra. She’s in the other room with the door closed, but I still want to keep quiet. He grins, a devilish spark in his eyes as his other hand works its way down betwixt my thighs, stoking my fires.

  He’s teasing me, building me up so high with his perfect touches. He knows just how to thrill me, somehow. Like our bodies just communicate to each other without our say so.

  We took so long to get back to each other. To find one another through all the shit the world threw at us. We’re different now, yet I still feel like I did that first night we met. Like this is all fate. Like this is something that was always meant to be.

  Maybe he’s right. Maybe regretting the missing years and all the crap I had to put up with is worth appreciating, because it brought Cierra into my life. Because it brought Viktor back into our lives.

  I always raised her alone, like she was mine. No one else was ever allowed being a father to her. I guess some part of me always knew that one day, Viktor would be back. That I would once again get to feel my body turn to molten fire at his perfect touches, at the way he knows just how to kiss me and turn me on.

  “Viktor,” I whimper as his body melts into mine, his tongue teasing my nipple to hardness, letting his teeth glance against the sensitive buds and making me shiver. He tastes me like I’m a delicacy, like I’m something he never wants to forget the feel of again.

  His fingers play along my sides reverentially, his touch light and teasing as he traces circles and shapes across my skin. Then he kisses down, lower over my stomach, parting my robe even more to reveal my pussy to him.

  He inhales the clean, fresh scent of my body, looking up at me with such desire.

  “You’re always my Goddess, Aphrodite,” he says reverentially before he parts my legs, angling his head up as he goes between them. I’m standing on my tip toes to give him enough room, but I don’t have enough time to think about how cramped he must be between my legs, because his mouth finds my clit and sparks fly before my eyes.

  I’ve never felt oral sex like this, from this position, and even though I feel shakey and like I might buckle over, somehow my body seems even more sensitive. I can feel everything so intensely when his tongue roams over my slit, tasting my rich honey.

  He moans and I try to quiet him, but it just comes out as a languid moan. All the adrenaline from evading the cops, from escaping those kidnappers, has coiled my body up tight. With every lick of his tongue, he helps unwind me... and then wind me up in an entirely new, and much more fun way.

  When his fingers find my pussy lips and part them, curling them towards my g-spot, though, there’s no holding back.

  “Viktor,” I hiss, trying to be quiet. “Viktor, ah! Ah! If you... ah!” I gasp out, him stealing my words as he sucks my clit and rubs that sensitive spot within me until no longer can I protest, no longer can I hold it back.

  My knees quiver and go weak as I start to orgasm, his body eagerly working me up to the highest peak I’ve ever felt before I nearly crash down upon him. I’m almost sure I hurt him with the force of my intense spasms as the orgasm washed over me again and again and again, but he never relented. Not until I was grasping the wall for support and completely out of breath did he finally relinquish his hold on me.

  And even then, he wasn’t done.

  “Why don’t we try for baby two?” he growls as he picks me up, pushing me against the wall.

  I can’t help but smile broadly, wrapping my arms around him as I nod eagerly.

  The past just slips away, and the future spreads out before us so huge and beautiful. We’ve so much time to make up for, and instead of making me feel sad, it fills me with excitement and hope.

  My mouth presses against his as he grabs hold of his hard cock, bringing it between my soaking thighs and thrusting it into me. He’s so huge, and I’m so wet, and our bodies just fit together so perfectly.

  His tongue dances with mine before his kisses move lower, down to the sensitive part of my neck that he knows makes my toes curl. I gasp and wiggle and writhe atop his cock as he keeps piercing into me hard and fast.

  “I love you,” I gasp into his ear, and that just drives him on harder, his muscular body honed to make me feel so good.

  It isn’t long before my over sensitive body leaves me reeling through another orgasm, and my pussy squeezes his cock, milking him of his come. Begging him, with my body, to knock me up. To give us a big family. To make up for all the lost time.

  And when he finally does fill me, we’re left panting in each other’s arms, kissing each other with such reverence and appreciation.

  It’s been a long journey, but we’re finally home.

  Just the three of us.



  Several Months Later

  The blindfold is snug around my eyes, the silky material blocking out all of the world. I can’t see anything, and it makes my other senses more acute. Though that does little to help me. It’s completely quiet, and I’m more aware of my clothing, the black dress hugging my curves.

  “Are you ready?” Viktor asks before taking my blindfold away from my eyes and unveiling the sight of three towers overlooking us.

  “I should’ve know,” I tease him, leaning over the middle of the car to kiss his mouth. “You really are splurging for our anniversary.”

  “Wait until you see the suite. I went Penthouse this time. All the way at the top.”

  I laugh as I look back at the hotel he’d booked for our special night out.

  “This must’ve cost—”

  He cuts me off, his finger on my mouth. “Don’t worry about the cost. I already missed five potential anniversaries. I want to make the sixth something to always remember.”

  The valet arrives and takes the keys from Viktor, and he swiftly checks us into our private penthouse room.

  While we wait through the process, I can’t help but think of our daughter. I have to admit, it’s weird being without Cierra. She’s actually spending the weekend with Viktor’s mom, as funny as that is. She flew in to see her son, and they had a lot of catching up to do, obviously.

  It’s strange, because I never expected to be able to trust Cierra with anyone else. For all her life, it felt like it was just us against the world. But now I’m finding more support, and hell, Cierra’s grandma dotes on her like mad. She wasn’t even a little upset to find out about her granddaughter the way she did.

sp; Viktor and I make our way to the elevators and he hits the top floor. I squirm in my little black dress, gnawing on my lip a little. This is the elevator ride that changed my life, once upon a time. It feels like an eternity has passed, and since Viktor’s return into my life, well... we’ve made up for a lot of lost time.

  It feels like it takes forever just to get half way up the building, and though I’m trying to be patient, he can’t hold back any longer. His lips crash against mine, his fingers finding the apex of my thighs. The odds of anyone getting into the elevator going up are slim, but the risk of being caught is exciting. Especially since there are cameras literally everywhere.

  Being a stripper always tickled my exhibitionist streak, but now that Viktor’s with me, well... Life has changed a lot, and I’ve quit the club. I only have a few more months before Cierra is in school full time, and both of us want me to be able to get as much time with her as possible. Besides, we can afford it.

  Viktor gave up working with his friend in crime, but for his last act of wiping out the rival gang he was given a large nest egg. Enough for us to live our dreams, to retire to a small town on the east coast and start up a business for ourselves. Viktor runs a construction company now, while I’m working on my plans to open a little seamstress and fashion store. Nobody knows our pasts; it’s a fresh start.

  But we came back here to Vegas to relive the memory of when we first met.

  It’s not easy to think about that though with Viktor’s hands and lips all over me. His fingers find my clit, and he presses down on it, whispering in my ear, “I still can’t believe you’re not wearing panties. That thought drove me crazy all through dinner.”

  “That was the point,” I moan back. “I was hoping you’d take me right then and there.”

  He growls, his teeth finding my neck. “Careful. I just might bend you over and fuck you right here in the elevator if you keep this up.”


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