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Suddenly Beautiful (Entangled Covet)

Page 13

by Brux, Boone

  “But you practically ran out the front door. How was that helping me?”

  “I’m sorry.” Stacey cringed away from Nikki. “I freaked. You finding out you’re a demigoddess was the last thing I expected.” She relaxed slightly. “But I’m here now. Ask me anything.”

  Some of Nikki’s anger melted away. Maybe things really weren’t all that different between them. Stacey had always stood by her when her relationships failed. Her undying loyalty had never wavered in all the years they’d been friends. “Athena, eh?”

  Stacey nodded.

  “Well, that explains that huge brain of yours.” Nikki smiled and her friend visibly relaxed. “Man, my dad must be a real ass.”

  A grimace creased Stacey’s mouth, her gaze cutting to the ceiling as if expecting lightning to strike. “Easy with the name-calling. The gods have eyes and ears everywhere. It’s what they do best.”

  “What’s Ares going to do? Smite his own daughter?” After all, if the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, dear old dad should expect a little attitude. She repressed the urge to flip him the bird, realizing her fight response was still pumping through her veins. “He missed my teenage years. I think he deserves a little petulance for being a deadbeat dad.”

  “Shit, Nikki, keep it down or you are seriously going to piss him off.” Stacey looked genuinely distraught.

  “Fine, but I can’t promise I won’t cause the god of war to bring his wrath to apartment 7B at some point.”

  “Well, let me know when that’s going to go down and I’ll make sure to be in Jersey.”

  “Wait, you said nobody was allowed to tell me who my father was, but Tor told me.”

  “Yeah, well, Tor gets away with a lot of things the rest of us don’t.” Stacey set aside the pillow and reached for her wine. “Look—” She took a deep drink. “Being one of their kids—” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Is like having a gym membership. There are people you see all the time but never talk to. People you hear gossip about and people you make friends with. Tor is like that gorgeous guy who goes to the gym to work out but never socializes. He’s unapproachable and a bit of a legend around the gym, if you know what I mean.”

  “Really?” The analogy Stacey spun piqued Nikki’s interest. Maybe she could gain a little insight into her boss’s psyche, insight she could use to her advantage. “What makes him special?”

  “For one thing, he’s Aphrodite’s son, and unlike our parents, she raised him.” A coy smile spread across Stacey’s pouty pink lips. “You know you’re the first demigoddess he’s ever slept with in years. It’s rumored he’s sworn off anything that looks like a goddess.”

  Nikki snorted. “It’s not like he slept with me by choice. Demetria practically spoon-fed him Ambrosia.”

  Stacey’s eyes rounded to the size of half dollars. “Is that what you meant by drugging?”

  Nikki nodded.

  Stacey looked like she was about to burst. “Do you know anything about Ambrosia?”

  “Just what I’ve read in Greek mythology books.”

  A whoop of laughter erupted from her friend. “Okay, check this out. On gods it makes them drunken sluts. They’ll bang anything that moves, but on their demi-offspring it only enhances what that person truly wants.”

  “You mean Tor really did want to sleep with me?” Nikki sat a little straighter. “And all the things he said to me last night?”

  “Those desires might have been so deep they would have never come out, but thanks to Demetria and her jug-o-Ambrosia, she inadvertently unlocked his feelings for you.” Stacey rubbed her hands together like an evil villain. “And get this, even if she’d been the one to escort Tor to his apartment, he wouldn’t have slept with her, because he doesn’t desire her.”

  “Not that we know of.”

  “Trust me, if he’d wanted to sleep with her he would have. There’s no denying she’s got strong mojo, but once she makes her conquest, she moves on to the next kill. She’s a serial ho. It’s in her nature.”

  “Doesn’t Demetria know about the effects of Ambrosia on demigods?” Nikki couldn’t believe that her know-it-all enemy wouldn’t have learned everything about manipulation and used any powers she had at her disposal to get what she wanted. “I mean, she’s not stupid.”

  “Oh, she knows,” Stacey said. “But she’s Narcissus’s niece. To her nothing in the universe is more powerful than her beauty. That narcissistic bitch can’t take no for an answer when it comes to men.”

  “Could I have possibly snapped her heel with my thoughts?” A twinge of guilt tempered her anger at Demi. “Because I think I pulled a Darth Vader this morning.”

  “I guess it’s possible.” Stacey reached for the bottle of wine and refilled their glasses. “Damn, I wish I would have been there for that.”

  “So you think I’m responsible for her injury?”

  Stacey shrugged. “Sure. I can make things happen when I’m emotional, why not you?” Her eyes brightened and she pointed at Nikki. “Let’s come up with some ways you can mess with Demetria.”

  “I know she’s a bitch, but I don’t want to hurt her again. I feel horrible and ya know, I actually kind of feel sorry for her.”

  “Tell me again how sorry you feel for her when she finds out you and Tor slept together.” She struck a pose that reminded Nikki of a rapper. “I guarantee she’s going to come at you with all she’s got.”

  The idea of Demetria Mirrors declaring war against her put a sick feeling in Nikki’s stomach. Maybe she wasn’t as much of a fighter as she thought. Shouldn’t the daughter of Ares welcome confrontation? Azzura was probably to thank for her softer side. Nikki made a note to call her mother. “What do you suggest?”

  Stacey clapped her hands in excitement. “What does Demi love most?”

  That was easy. “Demi.”

  “Exactly, so to hit her where it hurts, I say we focus on her image.” Stacey tapped her finger against her chin. “How about a unibrow?”

  Laughter burst from Nikki at the thought of the drugging hag with one continuous eyebrow. “And no matter how much she tweezes, it keeps growing back.”

  “Bushier,” Stacey added. “Oh, and butt sweats.”

  Nikki shook her head. “What are butt sweats?”

  “Exactly like it sounds. When she stands up she’ll have cheek marks on her skirt.”

  “That is so gross…and so perfect.” They both began to laugh. “And a yeast infection.”

  “That’s perfect.” Another fit of laughter hit Stacey and she gasped for breath. “I can see her now, rubbing her coochie against the edge of her desk or attempting a sneak-scratch during a meeting.”

  The image had Nikki doubled over. Yes, she was going to have fun tormenting Demetria. It was the least she should be allowed for all the crap the bitch put her through. Their laughter slowly died. Now that they had revenge against Demi planned, it was time for Nikki to figure out how to handle her boss.

  “What should I do about Tor?” A giddy high rushed through her. If what Stacey said was true, then Tor really did care about her—maybe more than cared—loved her. “Maybe I should make him a batch of heart cookies or buy a dominatrix outfit and force him to submit to me.”

  Stacey held up her hands. “Slow down there, warrior princess. You’re getting your loving and your warring stimuli jumbled in a hot mess. You need to be smart about this. If you rush at Tor like you’re going into battle, he’s going to fight you at every turn.”

  “You’re right.” She needed to be clever about her plan of attack. “What should I do?”

  “I say dangle the carrot just out of reach for that stubborn mule.”

  Nikki shook her head. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning, let him see what he could have, but don’t let him have it. Give him a nibble but don’t let him have the whole muffin. Make him jealous that another kid on the block is licking your ice cream cone.”

  “I like it.” Nikki took a sip of her wine and swallowed. As Tor’s assist
ant opportunities to seduce him were numerous. “Speaking of seducing, there’s somebody I want you to meet.”

  A look of suspicion crossed Stacey’s face. “Who”

  “Creed, the new creative director. I think you two would be great together. Nikki scooted a few inches closer to her friend. “He’s really good-looking.”

  “What kind of good-looking are we talking about? He’s got a great personality and lives with his mother or twisted steel and sex appeal, underwear-model shit.”

  “Definitely underwear model material.” She tapped Stacey’s knee. “And he wants to meet you.”

  “Meet me?” Her friend leaned back, her gaze narrowing to a suspicious point. “Have you been matchmaking again?”

  “Just a little, but I think you’ll like him. He’s successful and gorgeous, and is looking for something more substantial than one-night stands.”

  “There you go, trying to make me into a respectable woman again. No, thank you.”

  Nikki softened her gaze, letting her eyes round like those of a sad puppy, knowing the look always got Stacey to do what she wanted. “Please, just meet him.”

  “Don’t do that.” Stacey tried to look away, but Nikki added a tiny pout. A low growl preceded her friend’s acquiescence. “Fine, I’ll meet him, but you have to be there too in case I want to bail.”

  “Agreed.” Nikki took a drink of wine, hiding her smile. Stacey appeared tough and a little caustic to the rest of the world, but she was really just a big marshmallow inside. “I’ll set everything up.”

  “Drinks, not dinner or lunch.”

  “Fine, drinks, and I’ll stay the entire time.”

  “The things I do for you.” Stacey scowled. “Now, let’s get back to you. As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted with your matchmaking, if you carry on, business as usual, Tor will take notice. He’s too alpha and not used to women dismissing him.”

  “But that’s what he wants. He said things should go back to the way they were.”

  “That’s what he says he wants, but Demetria already did the hard part for you.” Stacey tapped her temple with her finger. “No matter what he does, his feelings are out there. And don’t forget, you’re a demigoddess. Use what you got.”

  “I don’t have great control over my powers.” Nikki glanced at the wall, unable to meet Stacey’s eager gaze. “I kind of cursed him with a perpetual erection this morning.” Her friend burst out laughing. “I didn’t mean to—didn’t even know I had.”

  “Oh my god, I think I’m going to pee myself.”

  “I’m glad you think it’s funny but it confirmed Tor’s reason for not dating demi-goddesses.” Her heart ached just saying it out loud. She really had messed things up.

  Stacey waved her hand. “It doesn’t matter. It’s a proven fact that men want what they can’t have.”

  Nikki contemplated Stacey’s advice. She was right. Tor wouldn’t fall for her willingly and he was a man that like a challenge. That was probably something no woman had ever given him. If she took her friend’s advice and he still didn’t succumb to her, then she would leave him in peace. Because no matter how much she loved him, she wouldn’t be with somebody who didn’t want her. “Okay, I’ll try it.”

  Stacey held up her glass in a toast. “Here’s to Operation Cheesecake. Beautiful to look at in the bakery case, but even better to have in your own refrigerator.”

  Nikki cocked a brow. “You’re hungry, aren’t you?”

  “Starving, let’s eat.”

  As they made their way into the kitchen, Nikki thought about how much her life had changed within twenty-four short hours. A speck of time to the eternal gods. But a lifetime of change for her. She now had two wars to wage: one defensive against whatever schemes Demetria would try, and one offensive to win Tor’s love.

  Hopefully her romantic endeavors wouldn’t turn into a Greek tragedy.

  Chapter Ten

  Spice and…

  Nikki stood next to Tor at her desk going over the day’s agenda. It was hard to concentrate when he smelled so damn good. Every time he leaned close, she was reminded of an old world spice market or what she’d imagine the sands of the Sahara to smell like. Her elbow brushed his, sending butterflies dancing through her body. She didn’t react.

  Business as usual.

  The elevator door slid open, drawing their attention away from the task at hand.

  Creed stepped out of the elevator car. He carried a huge cup of coffee from the downstairs shop and wore a smile aimed directly at Nikki. “Morning.”

  Nikki never been so happy to see anyone. His presence would help divert her attention and give her time to fortify her weakening willpower to remain aloof.

  Creed wore a royal-blue, button-down shirt, which he’d tucked into a pair of tailored charcoal slacks. The leather necklace was gone and instead he now wore a sleek black and brushed stainless steel watch around his wrist. That small change gave him an air of business confidence he hadn’t had before.

  Nikki gave him a bright smile. “Morning, Creed. You look very handsome today.”

  “You think?” He stopped and held out his arms, performing a single turn. “I remembered you saying how much you liked this color.”

  She hadn’t said any such thing and she had to wonder if he was trying to make Tor jealous despite her previous refusal. At this point she’d take any edge she could get. “It’s my favorite.”

  “I thought green was your favorite color?” Tor asked.

  “It used to be.” She looked up at him and smiled. “It really depends on my mood.”

  His brows pinched together. She recognized that look—analysis laced with consternation. The expression usually meant he was trying to puzzle something out. The way he tilted his head to the side and stared at her had always reminded Nikki of a robot assimilating data. She repressed the urge to rub the spot between his eyes and confess that green was still her favorite color.

  Creed strode to where she stood and handed her the cup of coffee. “Cream, no sugar, right?”

  Usually she preferred her coffee black and administered through an intravenous line directly into her vein, but the ginormous cup he handed her was a wonderfully inspired gesture, especially since they’d never discussed her coffee preference. “Oh, that’s so sweet.”

  He gave a sheepish shrug. “Sorry, Tor, I didn’t know if you drank coffee. Otherwise I would have brought you one.”

  “I don’t, but thanks anyway.” Tor’s answer cut through any further coffee chatter. “What can I help you with this morning?”

  “Nothing. I just stopped by to see Nikki before I get to work.” Creed kept his demeanor cool in the face of Tor’s polite but businesslike tone. “My staff and I have a lot of things to finalize for the Goddess launch in two weeks.”

  “How is that coming?” Tor said. Obviously he had no intention of giving her and Creed any privacy, which sent a little thrill of happiness through Nikki.

  “I’ll send you the rundown of what the team planned before I got here and what we get accomplished today,” Creed said. “Oh, and I wanted to make sure you received Nikki’s contract.”

  “Yes, legal brought it to me yesterday.” Tor looked at Nikki. “I was planning on going over it with you this afternoon.”

  “Perfect.” Her voice sounded a little wistful, but dang it was hard not to stare into his topaz-colored eyes. “Maybe during lunch.”

  “Or… you could try to fit it in later so I can take you to lunch.” Creed poured on the charm and winked. “Can I tempt you with that new Greek place around the corner?”

  Man, he was really laying it on thick.

  Before she could reply, Tor answered for her. “Maybe another time. We were just going over our schedule for today, and lunch will be the only time we can sit down without interruption.” He turned to her. “Sorry.”

  She nodded and gave Creed her best apologetic look. “Sorry, but I do want to get the contract reviewed and signed.”

gave a heavy sigh. “I guess I’ll just have to wait until Friday.”

  “Fantastic.” She nodded and smiled. Friday after work was when she’d planned on introducing him to Stacey. Tor shifted next to her, his stance stiffening. “We can finalize things later this week.”

  “Sounds good.” Creed clapped his hands together once. “Well, I’ll leave you to it, then.” He pointed at Nikki. “Call you later?”

  Note to self. Give Creed my cell number when Tor is not around. “Why don’t you call me tonight after work? I’ll have more time to talk then.”

  Creed made a pistol with his fingers and pretended to fire at her. “It’s a date.”

  Finger guns were never cool—never, and Nikki repressed the urge to roll her eyes.

  Tor had been silent during their exchange and remained so for several seconds after the elevator doors had closed. Finally he said, “You two seem to be hitting it off.”

  “Yes, he’s very nice.” She walked around her desk and set down her electronic tablet. “And a brilliant creative director.”

  Another few seconds passed until Tor replied. “So, are you seeing him?”

  His direct question took her by surprise. “Define ‘seeing him’.”


  She struggled for a way not to lie without blowing her ruse. “Friday night will be our first date.” It was the truth, though she conveniently left out that our meant three, not just the two of them—. “Why?”

  “I don’t think getting involved with someone you work with is wise. It always ends badly.”

  “Your opinion is acknowledged.” She leveled her stare at him. “But who I see really isn’t any of your business. You’ve made it perfectly clear you’re not interested.”

  He pitched his voice low and leaned in, resting his hands on top of her desk. “It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”


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