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Suddenly Beautiful (Entangled Covet)

Page 17

by Brux, Boone

  “What?” She smiled and rubbed the spot between his eyes with her index finger. “You look contemplative.”

  “Why did I never see how beautiful you were?” He cupped her face in his hands. “Every day you’ve shown up for work and done everything I asked without complaining. Even things you didn’t have to do.” He rubbed his thumb against her cheek. “You’ve always taken care of me, and I didn’t even realize it.”

  Her smile faded, and it was her turn to look thoughtful. She traced the curve of his cheek and chin. “It’s because I love you, Tor.” Her eyes cut to his. “I always have, from the first day I met you.”

  Though he knew she’d had strong feelings, he hadn’t understood just how long she’d carried a torch for him. To be in love with someone and never ask for anything in return was the ultimate act of giving. Words clogged in his throat, not that he would have been able to say what he knew she wanted to hear. It was a step that he still wasn’t ready to take, but one that also didn’t seem so scary anymore. “I don’t deserve you.”

  A sweet smile laced with understanding and amusement creased her mouth. “Now that is a statement I will never argue with.”

  “Cancel tonight. Let’s stay in and do naughty things to each other.”

  She laughed and pushed out of his hold. “As tempting as that is, I can’t cancel.”

  He scowled, his jealousy putting in another appearance. Emotions, what a pain in the ass. “Why? You don’t have a thing for Creed, do you?”

  “No, not a thing.” She walked to the door and opened it, ushering him out with a sweep of her arm.

  Her words were cryptic, rousing his curiosity. He crossed the room and stopped in front of her. “Not a thing, huh? Then what?”

  She lifted her eyebrows and shrugged. “You’ll see.”

  “You’re very mysterious tonight.” He brushed his fingertips over her collarbone and followed the swell of her breast. He felt her breath hitch. “I like it.”

  She stepped forward, pressing her body against his, and whispered in his ear. “And I’m not wearing any panties.”

  “Really?” One arm snaked around her and held her tight against him. His hand slid down her back and over her firm ass, feeling for panty lines. There weren’t any. “You probably shouldn’t have told me that. I might not be able to resist tormenting you when we’re in public.”

  She pushed away and eased out the door. “That’s why I told you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wow, Tor at her door was the last thing Nikki had expected tonight. Their phone conversation the night before had been brief. Of course, she appreciated his effort, but at the toe-dipping pace he seemed to be wading into their relationship, she hadn’t been one hundred percent certain he was interested in her much beyond sex.

  But Tor racing to her house like her white knight did all sorts of things to Nikki’s insides.

  She’d told him she loved him. That was something she hadn’t planned on doing until she had a good foothold in their relationship—if that ever happened. But the moment had seemed right, and she thought he should know that she wanted more out of life than just a sexual fling.

  When she’d said the words it had looked like he was going to choke on his own saliva. But he hadn’t bolted, and he did pull out an “I don’t deserve you.” It wasn’t a declaration of love, but he hadn’t run screaming out into oncoming traffic. She’d call that a win.

  Self-preservation had kicked in then, and in a brilliant moment she’d thrown in that she wasn’t wearing panties. He’d instantly taken the bait.

  All the way to the bar Tor had touched her. His hand resting on her hip kept making a southern journey to cup her ass. And if she had to be honest, she wasn’t certain she was going to make it through dinner if he kept fondling her like this.

  As they approached the restaurant, a flash popped and the familiar click of a camera erupted. Herbert Longberger stood in a doorway of the next building, his camera trained on them.

  “Son-of-a…” Tor wrapped his arm around Nikki and hustled her into the restaurant. “How the hell did he know we would be here?”

  “This is one of my favorite places. He’s probably been asking around.”

  “I’m going to kill Demetria,” he muttered.

  Once inside, Nikki grabbed his hand and held on to it as she wove her way through the after-work crowd. Heads, male and female, turned and followed their progress. This was the first time she’d been to this place since her makeover. Never before had she gotten this much attention. Hopefully Tor was noticing it as well.

  Creed and Stacey agreed to meet. Funny enough, they said they couldn’t promise anything. That if the conversation dragged, they’d make their excuses and cut the night short. Nikki was confident that once Stacey got a look at Creed, she’d be in for the entire evening. And seriously, what was not to love about Stacey? She was a hot Hispanic attorney with more curves than the Alaskan Highway and beautiful brown eyes you could drown in. Not to mention the whole demigoddess gig that Nikki was sure gave her an extra boost of sexy.

  Creed’s messy blond hair was the first thing Nikki zeroed in on. “There he is.”

  Tor interlaced his fingers with hers and gripped her hand a little tighter. She repressed a smile at his possessive gesture and gave his fingers a gentle squeeze. Creed was scrolling through his phone and drinking a beer. When she buried her nose in her phone it was usually to avoid making unwanted eye contact. He appeared to be actually working.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late, Creed.”

  He looked up and gave her a pearly smile, rising from the stool. “No problem. I’ve only been here a few minutes myself.” His gaze slid to Tor and down to where their hands were joined. His smile widened. “Hey Tor, I didn’t realize you’d be joining us.”

  “I hope you don’t mind me crashing your get-together.” Tor stepped forward and laid his arm loosely around Nikki’s shoulder. “I stopped by Nikki’s apartment earlier, and she invited me along.”

  “Great.” Creed winked at her, letting Nikki know everything was cool, and then gestured to two of the four stools. “Please sit.”

  “Thanks.” She sat and Tor claimed the stool next to her, which conveniently put Creed at the farthest point from her. Tor’s knees brushed against hers, and he settled his hand on her thigh. Trying not to think of the devious things she knew he was going to attempt, she focused on Creed. “What time is it?”

  He checked his phone. “Seven fifteen.”

  “Hmmm, I wonder where Stacey is. She’s usually crazy punctual.” Nikki reached into her bag and pulled out her phone to check for a text. “Yep, she’s on her way.”

  “Stacey?” Tor asked.

  The optimistic curiosity in his question made Nikki smile. “My best friend. She’s meeting us here.” She grabbed Creed’s hand and gave it a little shake. “And we’re so excited about that, aren’t we, Creed?”

  The creative director rolled his eyes. “Nikki is playing matchmaker.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Tor’s words sort of burst from him in an eruption of agreement, as if he suddenly realized what the get-together was all about. Then he repeated himself. “That’s just really, really great.”

  “Wow, you’re really excited about me meeting Nikki’s friend,” Creed said. “Maybe even more than I am.” Though he didn’t smile, his joking undertone was apparent. “Hey, you’re single, aren’t you?” Creed continued. “If it doesn’t work out with me and Stacey, then maybe you could date her, and I could date Nikki. It would be a nice little foursome.”

  Nikki bit her lips and looked at Tor, waiting to see what he would say.

  “Sorry, but I’m seeing someone.” He tilted his head toward her and ran his hand along her shoulder. “Aren’t I?”

  “Most definitely.” She leaned in and gave him a soft but quick kiss.

  “Holy crap, I’m fifteen minutes late and you’ve already got all the good-looking guys corralled and tethered.” Stacey set her bag on the f
loor and held out her hand to Creed. “Since she’s making out with him, I assume you’re Creed.”

  As he took her hand, he slid off the stool, his eyes wide and jaw slack. “I am. And you’re obviously Stacey.”

  “In the flesh. It’s nice to meet you.” She let go of his hand and climbed onto the stool in between Nikki and Creed. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I need a drink.”

  “How could I take that the wrong way?” Creed asked.

  She rested an elbow on the table and leaned her chin against her hand, giving him a sultry look. “By not buying me a drink.”

  He mimicked her pose. “Let me guess, you’re a vodka tonic gal.”

  Stacey lowered her arm and gave Nikki a look of approval. “I like him already.”

  “I told you.” Nikki gave a little wave of her hand. “Oh, and in case you were curious, I’d love a glass of Riesling.”

  “Let me.” Tor stood, his mood quite a bit happier now that Stacey had arrived. “Another, Creed?”

  “Sure, thanks.”

  After Tor left, Stacey turned a wide-eyed expression on her. “What the hell is going on? I thought you were going to dangle the carrot.”

  Nikki glanced over her shoulder to make sure he was out of hearing range and then back to Stacey. “I know, but he showed up on my doorstep as I was leaving. I couldn’t just tell him to get lost, so I asked him if he wanted to come along.”

  “Why not say you had other plans? Now he knows you’re putty in his hands.”

  “I know.” She’d tell Stacey about Tor rushing to her aid when Creed wasn’t around. No need to drop the demigoddess bomb on him before he and Stacey’s relationship ever got off the ground. Nikki shrugged. “But I think I’d rather know if it’s going to work out or not. I’m not great at playing games.”

  “Obviously.” Stacey turned to Creed. “She’s too good for her own good.”

  “It’s not a bad trait to have.” His gaze tracked down her torso and back to her face. “I, on the other hand, could never be accused of that.”

  “I just bet you couldn’t,” Stacey said.

  Nikki knew that look on her friend’s face. She was interested—very interested. Tor arrived before she had to suffer through any more of their sexual innuendos. Before sitting, he scooted his chair a few inches closer to Nikki’s and when he sat, their legs and hips lay flush against each other. The familiar warmth of desire stirred inside her. Being here with Tor felt right, like they were meant to be a couple—like they actually were a couple.

  Over dinner the conversation split. Creed and Stacey fell into a discussion about philosophy, and she and Tor were left to make small talk of their own. Determined not to speak about work, their topic turned to likes and dislikes, which quickly turned to desires and fantasies.

  Tor’s exploring fingers added an extra layer of exhilaration to the conversation. Accommodations for dinner were intimate and the tablecloth long enough to hide any activity going on below board. With expert skill, his fingers found their way under her dress. Each glorious inch he gained sent ripples of pleasure up her thighs to her core.

  Their conversation slowed since she was having a difficult time concentrating on what he said and Tor was preoccupied with gaining ground. Her body tensed when he drew precariously close to that most joyous of places between her legs. His fingers skimmed her feminine lips, and it was all she could do not to moan. She spread her legs, letting his fingers work their magic.

  He stared at her, watching her expression as he gently stroked her clit. This was never going to work. Another few seconds of this sublime torture and she’d be writhing in her chair. She laid her napkin on the table and pushed her chair back. “I need to use the restroom.”

  “All right,” Stacey said, giving her a cursory glance and turning her attention back to Creed.

  Tor smirked and leaned back in his seat, watching her walk away. Damn, the man was making her crazy. Screw dessert, all she really wanted was to get him back to her place and do dirty, glorious things to him. She checked her makeup in the mirror. Perfect as always since her demigoddessness had kicked in. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure, and opened the bathroom door.

  Tor waited just outside, his body lounging against the dark rich panels of the dimly lit hall. “I’m ready to go.”

  The argument that it wouldn’t be polite to duck out so early was instantly quashed by the intense look of desire in his eyes. She nodded. He held out his hand, and she took it.

  He led her out of the restaurant. Just as Nikki passed the glass partition, she caught Stacey’s eye and her friend gave a little finger wave. All seemed good with her and Creed, not that Nikki had been worried after their initial meeting and obvious instant attraction.

  The cab ride back to her apartment had her feeling like she was in college again. It was all she could do not to hike her skirt up and do Tor right there in the backseat of the taxi. He sat next to the window and she sat pressed against him. His fingers caressed her inner thighs while he kissed her senseless.

  When they pulled up at her apartment, he tossed a hundred dollars at the cab driver. “Keep it.”

  Before the driver could thank him, Tor was dragging her from the car. Once in the elevator, he backed her against the wall like he’d done the first night they’d been together.

  “I’m beginning to really like elevators,” Nikki said.

  “They are quite convenient.” His lips nipped at her ear, his tongue burning a trail down her neck. “But I think I’d rather have you naked in bed right now.”

  With those words, the elevator shot to the seventh floor and the doors opened. All the way down the hall he kissed her, guiding her backward toward 7B. When she began to search for her keys, he waved his hand and the click of the dead bolt unlocking sounded.

  Nikki stopped kissing him. “That’s also convenient—and slightly disturbing.”

  “Yeah, you should really add some extra security to your apartment or you never know who might show up in your house.”

  She licked her lips. “Hopefully it’s you.”

  He pushed open the door and scooped her into his arms. Nikki gave a little squeak of surprise and clung to him. Once inside, he gave the door a quick kick and mentally locked the dead bolt again. He carried her through her dark apartment to her bedroom, where he laid her on the bed.

  For the next ten minutes he undressed her, which was pretty amazing since she wasn’t wearing anything but her dress and heels. She ached for him, but the way he worshipped her body, stroking, kissing, and admiring nearly every inch of her, made the wait worth every agonizing second.

  After he discarded his clothes, he joined her on the bed. His skin felt so good against hers. The hard planes of his body molded to her softer curves. He slid his knee between her legs and rested his hand on her stomach. “I think we need some ambiance.”

  She really hoped he didn’t want to do it with the lights on. “I have candles.”

  “Perfect.” With a wave of his hand, he lit the four votives she had placed around the bedroom. And with another wave, he turned on her stereo. Soft music wafted from the tiny speakers. “That’s better.”

  “For somebody who doesn’t like to admit he’s a demigod, you sure are working your magical mojo tonight.”

  “Maybe I’ve finally found a reason good enough to use it.”

  “Well then, maybe I’d better return the favor and show you a little charm of my own.”

  His hand dipped between her legs. “Yes, please.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her, slow and deep. It was the kind of kiss she’d read about in romance novels. The kind of kiss that caused her to yearn for more. The kind of kiss that stripped away inhibitions and made her give everything her soul had to give.

  Bliss-inducing caresses and tender words accompanied their passion. Wrapped in each other’s arms. Sitting face-to-face. Up against the wall. Nikki lost count of all the fabulous positions he twisted her into that night.
r />   At the end of their lovemaking, she fell asleep with Tor curled around her. All those years of wishing and dreaming were no comparison to having the real thing next to her. The strength of his body and the safety she felt, knowing he was beside her while she slept, was something she hadn’t counted on. Everything was perfect. Almost too perfect.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nikki opened her eyes and screamed.

  A large man sat on the small slipper chair across from her bed, his body dwarfing the delicate green seat. He was staring at her. No, more like glaring at her. She sat straight up in bed, tugging the sheet up to her chin.

  “Who are you? Where’s Tor?” She scooted her back against the headboard. “Tor!”

  “Save your breath.” The man’s voice sounded like water rushing over rocks, smooth and powerful. “I sent him home where he belongs. Not here, bedding my daughter.”

  Some of the fear bled out of her. Not much, just the part where she realized it wasn’t a psycho killer who had broken into her home, but her father, Ares. His long dark hair hung to his shoulders and his green eyes stabbed her with fatherly disapproval, even though he didn’t look older than forty. Her outrage at him barging into her house was tempered only by the fact that he could kill her without even flinching.

  Still, a little part of her wanted to have her say before she embraced death. “Oh, now I’m your daughter? Where the hell have you been for the past twenty-nine years?”

  “You dare speak to me in that tone?”

  Now that she thought about it, having her say was worth dying for. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, sending vibrations along her skin. “You dare enter my house uninvited.”

  He stood, his massive body blocking out the entire corner of her bedroom. “Uninvited? I don’t need an invitation. I am the god of war. I go where and when I please.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Like hell you do. Get out.”

  “I won’t!” He crossed his arms. “I will stay as long as I see fit.”


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