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Lost In You (Swanson Court #3)

Page 7

by Serena Grey

  “I love you,” I reply, as pleasure and emotion interweave, leaving me helpless in his arms.

  Two intense orgasms later, we share a filling breakfast in the kitchen. Esmeralda, one of the Swanson Court service staff who works as Landon’s housekeeper, brings up and serves our food. She’s a plump woman close to middle age, with a sweet face, a permanent smile, and a lilting Eastern European accent. She’s obviously fond of Landon and according to him, has been at the Swanson Court for ages.

  If Landon is suffering any effects from last night, he doesn’t show it. He’s the image of the devastatingly sexy CEO in a deep-blue suit, his hair still slightly damp from our shared shower, and brushed back in sleek waves. Looking at him now, it’s hard to imagine him any other way but in total control.

  “See you in a few hours,” he tells me, after the short drive to the Gilt Building. He has just kissed me breathless, and his eyes are burning with intensity, showing me all the things he would do to me as soon as he gets a chance.

  “I’ll be counting the minutes,” I reply, pushing all thoughts of last night from my mind. We’ll deal with his nightmares, but maybe not today. For now, I want to enjoy the bliss of knowing that he’s mine.

  In the office, I’m still working on wiping the love-stoned smile from my face when I get a call from Carole Mendez, Jessica Layner’s fire-breathing secretary, summoning me to Jessica’s office.

  Jessica hasn’t asked for me in particular since the day she sent for me and I found Landon waiting in her office. He’d been a stranger then, a stranger I’d slept with. Now, I loved him so much that the magnitude of my emotions made my heart ache.

  She is seated at her desk when I walk in, going through some old issues of Gilt Travel, a frown of concentration on her face. She’s an older woman, still beautiful, with that ageless quality that money and success often give, when it’s not ruined by bad cosmetic work. She looks up when I enter, taking off her glasses to regard me with the frown still on her face.

  “Good morning.” I shift on my feet, wondering silently what she wants. I have a suspicion that it’s about my interview at the Gilt Review. She probably found out somehow. I wonder if she’s planning to talk me out of leaving, or to fire me and expedite the process.

  “How are you, Rachel?” she asks, motioning for me to sit.

  “Fine.” I take one of the chairs opposite her and wait, my hands in my lap.

  “Are you unhappy here?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Dissatisfied perhaps?”


  She gives me a look. “I’m assuming you know why I’m asking these questions. So you want to move over to the Review?”

  “You’re aware that I applied to work there initially.”

  She waves a slim hand dismissively. “Initially. That was what? Two, three years ago?”

  “Yes,” I pause. “But I still feel that I’m more suited to a place like the Review.”

  “We discussed this before,” she says, “and I told you that there’s no such thing as a right fit, especially in a place like Gilt. You have to take ownership of whatever space you find yourself.”

  I’m not sure if she’s selling me some promotional pitch just because she’d rather not lose one of her staff, so I stay silent.

  She leans back in her chair and regards me with speculation in her eyes. “Where do you see yourself in say, ten years? Here at Gilt? Doing what?”

  “I’d want to be an editor at the Gilt Review,” I reply. “Maybe editor in chief.”

  She smiles. “I thought you might say that. The thing is Rachel. By the time you get to editor in chief, it won’t matter which magazine you’re working at. You want to work at a literary magazine now, so you’re leaving Travel, but soon, you’ll be in a managerial position and the only thing that will matter will be to put out content, sell more magazines and make a profit, whether you’re here or at the Review.”

  I’m not entirely sure she’s right, and even if she is, I’ve wanted this for too long to give it up because of what she thinks. My eyes slip to the pile of magazines on her desk. “When you joined Gilt, which magazine did you want?”

  Jessica laughs. “I would have killed to work at Gilt Style. I came in for an interview with my hair perfect, my nails freshly manicured, and somehow they thought I was more suited to making coffee for Tim Bly, he was editor here at the time.” She pauses. “You know Gertrude Weyland is taking over at Review, do you?”

  I shrug. “I heard.”

  “I would ask you to wait and see how well she does before throwing in your lot with her, but of course, we know she’ll probably do great.” She purses her lips. “Mark is leaving soon. You could be a senior editor here before the year runs out. Would you choose that over Review?”

  I think about it, and in my mind, I see myself editing travel articles from celebrity writers, thinking up filler pieces and sending features writers off to write promotional articles. I don’t want that, but I haven’t even gotten the offer from Review yet, and I feel a moment of panic. What if I tell Jessica I don’t want Mark’s job, and the offer from Gilt Review never materializes?

  I shake my head, deciding to trust my heart.

  “Very well,” Jessica says, putting her glasses back on. “You can go.”

  I wonder what she’ll do. I don’t want to underestimate her power within the Gilt family. Could she make it impossible for me to move from Gilt Travel and somehow take away my chance to go to the Review? I have no idea what to expect.

  I get up, about to leave, then I stop and face her. “Did you know why Landon Court wanted me to go to San Francisco with him?”

  She looks at me from above her glasses, her expression placid. “He never said he wanted you, particularly.”

  “Of course not,” I reply. What had I been thinking? That I would point out that she’d knowingly thrown me into Landon’s arms, and she would feel some remorse, and maybe not stand in the way of the job I wanted really badly? She probably thought she’d done me a favor.

  I start to walk away, but her voice stops me. “He did seem very interested in you,” she says. “I knew his parents, and met him when he was a boy. Apart from a few words at social events, we’d never actually spoken. Suddenly he was offering me an exclusive, and talking about how he’d read your articles. So yes, I could read him from a mile away. There were no conditions, but I was interested. I may be old, but I’m not blind.”

  “So you decided to send me…to satisfy your curiosity?”

  She snorts. “You’re overthinking it. I sent you on an official assignment, where you were allowed to conduct yourself in your free time, any way you pleased. So what if Landon Court was attracted to you? That shouldn’t have stopped you from being professional, and then if you decided to go the other way and have an adventure. It doesn’t make you less of who you are.” She frowns at me. “Is that why you want to leave? Because you think I put you in a bad position?

  I shake my head. “That’s not why I’m leaving.”

  She sighs. “Because that would be ridiculous. Everyone sometimes has to work with people who find them attractive. It’s how you handle it that matters.”

  How had I handled it? I think of Landon, this morning, his hands on my body, his mouth… I sigh, making an effort to come back to the present.

  Jessica is still looking at me, her eyes speculating. She adjusts her glasses. “I hope you’ll like it over at Review. I hope you can take advantage of the many opportunities for a young woman like yourself to rise to the top at Gilt.” She looks down at the open page on her desk. “You can leave now.”

  BACK in my office, the first email I read on my computer is the offer from the Gilt Review. It’s slightly more generous than my current arrangement at Gilt Travel and I quickly call Liz Buckley to accept. Just as we finish the phone call, my door opens and Chelsea comes into my office.

  “You won’t believe what I just heard,” she exclaims. “Jack Weyland is leaving Gilt.”

  So he was really leaving. I’m surprised and pleased by how little the knowledge affects me. “Yeah, I know.”

  Chelsea gives me a look. “How come? Everyone else is just finding out.”

  “He told me last week,” I say. “Stalked me on my way to lunch.”

  “Awww.” She pauses. “I saw him hurrying out after you that night at Insomnia. What happened?”

  “He was being a total asshole about Landon,” I grimace. “He said he loves me,” I roll my eyes. “Imagine that.”

  “I thought it might be something like that,” she mutters. “Men are crazy. First they want you, then they don’t, then as soon as it seems like they can’t get you, they just can’t let you go.”

  I arch a brow at her. “Wanna tell me about it? Is it the hot neighbor?”

  She sighs. “He’s driving me crazy, but I’ll tell you another time. I’m trying not to dwell on my feelings.”

  I nod, totally getting it. “I have news too. I’m also leaving Gilt Travel.”

  She looks dismayed. “No!”

  “Yes.” My smile widens. “I’m moving to Review.”

  Chelsea squeals and comes around the desk to hug me. “I hate you so much right now, but I’m so happy for you. Does that make sense?”

  “It does.”

  She makes a sad face. “My workload is going to fucking skyrocket. I fucking hate you. How am I going to finish my book?”

  I stick out my tongue. “I’ll read and edit for you anytime you’re ready. I’m an assistant editor at The Gilt Review now. It’s obvious that I know literature.”

  After she leaves, I reach for my phone, eager to call Landon and tell him my news. I’m almost deliriously happy. I have my dream job, the man I love… It’s as if everything I’ve ever wanted has finally come to me.

  The thought comes with a little sliver of fear, especially when my mind goes back to last night. How long can I expect things to stay perfect? How long until something comes along to ruin it?

  I shake the fear away and make the call to Landon. He answers on the first ring, almost as if he’d been waiting for me.

  “Rachel.” His voice is deep, warm, and sexy.

  “Hi,” I breathe.

  “What’s going on?”

  I sigh, so lost in his voice that I have to try to remember why I called in the first place. “… I got the job.”

  “I knew you would.” He sounds very confident.


  “Yes, because they have to know how lucky they’d be to have you.”

  “Aww.” His faith in me is so gratifying. I spend the next few minutes telling him about the meeting with Jessica, leaving out the part where we talked about him.

  “It sounds like she didn’t want to lose you.”

  “Oh well.” I shrug.

  “So,” he pauses. “Did you ever solve the mystery of how you got the interview?”

  “Oh… I’m not quite sure, but…” I tell him about the dinner with Gertrude Weyland, and Jack’s belief that she had something to do with it.

  Landon is quiet, and for a moment, I wonder if he’s thinking of the part about me going with Jack to visit his mother, or having lunch with him.

  “Are you sure you want to work with her?” he says finally. He sounds more concerned than jealous.

  “I don’t mind,” I reply. “She seemed interesting.”

  “You could try to confirm if she had anything to do with it. Find out what she wants, and if you don’t like it, you can always take me up on my offer and come work for me.”

  “Nice try.” I smile. “What exactly would I do at Swanson Court International?”

  “Anything you want. You could be my boss if you like. You already are, in a way.”

  “If I were your boss, you wouldn’t be on the phone with your girlfriend.”

  “You see why we need you around here?” His voice is half-serious.

  “Stop trying to steal me away from my job.” I chuckle. There were enough people saying goodbye to Gilt already. “Jack is leaving Gilt too,” I mention.

  There is a short pause. “I know.”

  “How?” I frown. “People in my office only found out today.”

  He sighs. “I happen to own a small stake in a production company that just signed a very lucrative deal with him.”

  A few alarm bells go off in my head. “So you have something to do with him leaving?”

  “I had nothing to do with the deal,” Landon explains. “I only have the information because I’m a shareholder.” His voice turns serious. “I’m not insecure about us Rachel, and I trust you. Although, it’s flattering that you think I’m powerful enough to press a button and send Jack Weyland across the country just because I don’t want him around you.”

  I breathe, glad to be wrong. “I’m not sorry he’s leaving,” I say. “It’s just... it’s great that you don't think that I’m still attracted to him or anything like that.”

  “I don’t.” His voice is firm. “Forget Weyland. The most important right now is that we have to celebrate your new job. What would you like to do?”

  “Why don’t you think of something?” What I don’t say is that being with him is already celebration enough for me.

  “I will,” Landon promises. “See you tonight, baby.”

  “See you tonight, beau.”

  His laughter teases my ears as I go back to work, and I don’t even bother to try to wipe the smile off my face.

  WE celebrate with a candlelit dinner at Landon’s apartment, and afterward we make love, both of us flush with good food and wine, then he takes me home so I can help Laurie with her packing.

  The rest of the week follows the same pattern, dinner at his place, and making love in his bed before he takes me home to my apartment.

  Before I can really get used to the fact that Laurie is actually moving out, Saturday arrives. Brett comes over to help with the lifting. Landon comes too, joining Brett in carrying the heavier boxes while Laurie and I make a big deal out of encouraging them and admiring their muscles.

  Brett has a truck waiting downstairs. The driver, Malik, is an acquaintance from the gym, and with his help, it doesn’t take long to get Laurie’s things into the back of the truck.

  When we’re done, we all stand outside on the sidewalk, me and Laurie hugging over and over again while Malik drives off. A taxi is already waiting to take her and Brett to their new apartment.

  “Are you sure you won’t need help over there,” Landon asks Brett, The long sleeves of his gray t-shirt are rolled up and the wind is ruffling his hair. He looks manly and sexy and I can’t wait to get him back inside so I can pounce on him. “We could come.”

  Brett shakes his head. “There really isn’t much. I’m sure Malik and I can manage.” He looks at me and winks, “I know you can’t wait for us to leave you two alone.”

  I snort. “Don’t tease me, Brett. Not when I still hate you for stealing my cousin away.”

  “I’m not taking her to Siberia,” he exclaims. “You can still see each other every day if you want.”

  “You won’t understand,” Laurie tells him. “We’re obligatory twins.”

  Landon chuckles. “There’s no such thing.”

  “Of course there is,” I reply, starting to explain. “It’s when your parents are twins, but you’re not. You’re cousins but obligated to be twins.”

  “Like us,” Laurie agrees, “and the obligation grows on you until you can’t imagine life without it.”

  Both Landon and Brett look at us as if we’re crazy, then they shake hands in that casual but charming guy way. “Thanks, bro,” Brett tells him, before turning to Laurie. “My lady, your chariot awaits.”

  She sticks out her tongue in a very unladylike manner, before hugging me one more time, and then they’re gone. Upstairs, the apartment feels unbelievably empty. Almost everything is the same, because Laurie didn’t take much, but I feel her absence nonetheless.

  “It feels so empty!” I

  Landon closes the door behind him and comes to slide his strong arms around my waist, nuzzling my neck with his warm, firm lips. “Empty serves my purpose at the moment,” he murmurs. “And, as Brett said, you can see Laurie as often as you want. She’s not that far away.”

  I arch my neck, giving him more space to trail kisses along my skin. “It won’t be the same though.”

  His lips move from my neck to my shoulder, and my breath hitches as the first waves of desire fan out of my belly. “Maybe I could console you?”

  I turn around to face him, a smile playing on my lips. “All words,” I tease, “no action.”

  A single eyebrow goes up, and he grins, a predatory look crossing his features as he lifts me off my feet. I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck as he carries me into my bedroom. He sets me down on the bed and covers my body with his. “This kind of action, you mean?”

  I shrug, looking up into his eyes. “Maybe.”

  His laugh is soft as he lowers his head and covers my lips with his, his tongue gently pushing into my mouth.

  I moan, my fingers digging into his hair as his lips move over mine, his tongue teasing and caressing mine while he grinds his body against me, making me aware of his need for me. I kiss him back, breathless with desire, grateful when he works magic with my clothes, making them disappear. Soon I’m naked beneath him, but he’s still fully dressed.

  “It’s not fair that you have so many clothes on,” I complain breathlessly. I push my hands under his t-shirt, my fingers running over his rock hard abs. “I want you naked.”

  Landon laughs. “Be patient.” His words are followed by another long kiss, which leaves me trembling, aching, and needy. After he has thoroughly plundered my mouth, he starts on a sweet trail from my lips to my neck, and down to my breasts. He gives one nipple a slow sensuous lave with his tongue, then he does the same with the other breast, licking both nipples until they’re pebbled and sensitive under his tongue. When I’m moaning helplessly, my body writhing with pleasure, he gets to his feet and pulls his t-shirt over his head.


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