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Lost In You (Swanson Court #3)

Page 12

by Serena Grey

I giggle and kiss his cheek. “We should be leaving.”

  His hands trail over my dress. “Fine,” he says. “Let’s go.”

  THE drive to the theater is short, and Landon’s hand is curved over mine the entire time.

  “I forgot to ask…” he says. “How was your farewell party?”

  “I shed a few tears,” I tell him, suddenly a little nostalgic. “But, I consoled myself with the thought that I’m moving to bigger and better things.”

  “I love how happy you look at the prospect of editing short stories,” Landon laughs. “It’s charming.”

  “Oh shut up.” I punch him playfully on the arm. “We can’t all build hotels all over the world. This is my equivalent if you really want to know. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do. Well…” I pause, “after I changed my mind from undercover agent and racecar driver.”

  “You’re an excellent ‘under covers’ agent,” he teases.

  My mouth drops open and I give him a shocked glare. “I… I have no idea what to say to that!”

  “What? It’s a compliment!” He’s laughing hard and I join him, happy to see him so relaxed. “When I was little, I wanted to be Superman.”

  “You and every other little boy.”

  “Well…” He grins. “After a while, I decided I wanted to be a pilot. I distinctly remember that. Not just any pilot, one of those World War II Navy pilots.” He chuckles, and his smile turns a little sad. “Then I just wanted Aidan to start talking again.”

  His words make me quiet, and I lean toward him and plant a kiss on his lips. “You’ve been an awesome big brother.”

  “I know.” He laughs softly. “These days I can’t get him to shut up.”

  He can’t hide his pride though. Outside the theater, he spends a long moment gazing at the sign with Aidan’s name at the entrance, his delight written plainly on his face. I think again how lucky Aidan is to have him, how great he has been as a big brother…

  He’ll be a great father.

  The thought sneaks in uninvited, and I turn my eyes away from Landon, unwilling to entertain it. Love leads to many places, but it’s foolish to assume that it’ll always lead to that. Especially when we hadn’t even discussed that at all.

  The red carpet event is dazzling, and I try not to gawk at Hollywood stars. After Landon has been approached by almost every prominent personality in the city, Betsy and Wilson Hayes join us. Betsy immediately envelopes me in a soft hug. “It’s so nice to see you again,” she exclaims, looking me over. “You’re positively blooming.”

  I blush, thinking how Landon had everything to do with that. Wilson takes my hand, saying something that echoes his wife, then we all go into the theater where an usher directs us to our seats.

  There have been a few changes to the play since the last time I saw it, and the finished version is even more perfect. Elizabeth Mckay, the star, is electrifying, commanding the stage with a skill that seems at odds with her years. I sit beside Landon, so entranced that the intermission is like a punishment. When the curtain rises at the end of the last scene to show all the members of the cast taking their final bow, the applause is deafening.

  “Your brother has a bright future ahead of him,” a notable critic tells Landon when we go out to the lobby again. “I saw the whole thing a few days ago, and I couldn’t resist coming back for a second look.”

  “I read your review this morning,” Landon is just the right amount of friendly and gracious. “Even if it hadn’t been my brother’s play, that review would have intrigued me enough to add it to my schedule.”

  The man laughs. “Well, have a good evening.”

  The cast is still backstage, but as many people congratulate Landon as they do the producer, who looks like he’s about to burst from happiness. I remember that Elizabeth McKay is his daughter, and I get it. The best part, I decide, is that after tonight, nobody will ever say again that she got the part because of her father.

  Betsy and Wilson leave immediately after the play because they’re having a late dinner with some old friends. Landon wants to go backstage to see Aidan, but a couple of business types waylay him, giving me a chance to wander off to the mezzanine floor to find the bathrooms.

  When I emerge a few minutes later, I find Ava Sinclair leaning on the balustrade outside. She’s waiting, and from the gleam in her eyes when she sees me, I guess she’s waiting for me.

  “Hello, Rachel.” She smiles. “How nice to run into you.”

  “I didn’t know you were here,” I reply, unable to inject any sort of pleasure into my voice. Why is she even in New York? As usual, she looks stunning, a blue evening dress flattering all her curves.

  “You didn’t, did you?” She lets her eyes drift over my clothes then languidly pushes away from the balustrade, falling into step beside me as I make for the stairs.

  “So you’re still with Landon?”

  I let my eyes drift down to where Landon is standing in the lobby. From up here, he looks golden, beautiful, like a Greek god. I glance at Ava. “Obviously.”

  Her hand touches my arm, her face taken over by a faux look of concern. “But I warned you, darling, he’s going to walk away from you.”

  “Like he did from you?” I mirror her smile of concern. “Don’t worry, darling. I can take care of myself.” I pause. “Since you care so much about Landon and me, why don’t you ask your brother to back off? He’s going around saying nasty things about Landon to anyone who’ll listen.”

  Her lips thin, and her expression of concern disappears, replaced by thinly veiled dislike. “Evans is just jealous of Landon, of what I share with him, which you should be too, by the way. We’ve shared more than you will ever know.”

  Fuck you. The contemptuous words hover on the tip of my tongue, but I decide to be mature. “Enjoy your evening Ava, I have plans to enjoy mine, with Landon.” I give her a sweet smile and walk away. By the time I reach Landon and enter the circle of the arm he leaves hanging casually at my waist, she’s walking toward us. She’s smiling charmingly in Landon’s direction, even though some guy is holding on to her arm. His face is handsome and spoiled, his voice cultured but entitled.

  To my relief, Landon is as charming and gracious with her as he has been to everyone else all night, nothing more. Thankfully, they don’t linger, and I do my best to forget about Ava as Landon and I make our way backstage. I’m not going to allow myself to worry about her when it’s obvious that she’s clutching at straws to try to make me insecure about my relationship with Landon.

  Backstage, it’s like an arboretum with all the flowers. The commotion is out of this world as assistants and crew run up and down. Landon seems to know the way, pointing to the fact that he’s been here to see his brother a few times. We pass the door that says ‘Elizabeth’ in block lettering, and there’s a woman in front who looks like an assistant, telling visitors to return in a few minutes and taking delivery of all the flowers.

  Aidan’s office is at the end of the hall, but it’s locked. We wait outside, Landon pulling out his phone to call Aidan, but before he starts the call, the door to Elizabeth’s room opens and Aidan walks out, almost stumbling over the flowers and the overstressed assistant. His jacket is open, his hair disheveled, but he looks happier than I’ve ever seen him.

  Landon has his phone in midair and his mouth drops open. I hide my smile and wait until Aidan clears the crowd of flowers with jaunty and carefree steps, before going to hug him. “The play was marvelous,” I tell him enthusiastically. “You must be so proud.”

  He hugs me back, giving me a grin that’s so like his brother’s it’s almost unnerving. “I’m not going to pretend that I’m not ecstatic, because I am.” He looks at Landon, “Though, I’m disappointed my brother is no longer duty-bound to get me drunk and procure the services of a couple of ‘hardworking women.’ That was going to be my consolation if the play bombed.”

  Landon smirks, and his eyes run over Aidan’s disheveled clothes, “I believe you’ve consoled yours
elf fairly well.

  Aidan smooths his hair, silent. A worried frown slowly creeps into his face, and I wonder if he’s apprehensive that his brother may not approve, or if he’s worried about his future with Miss Mckay.

  “I think it’s great that you worked out your differences with Elizabeth,” I tell him, “You’ll be working with her for a while, obviously.”

  He sighs and turns back to look at the increasing masses of flowers. “Yes,” he says distractedly. “It’s great.”

  He unlocks the door to his office. “Dennis Mckay is hosting a party tonight to celebrate the opening. Do you guys want to come?”

  Landon looks at me. “Since I no longer have to get you drunk, I’m only here to congratulate you. Go to your party and enjoy your success, you’ll be the toast of the evening.

  Aidan smiles and suddenly puts his arms around Landon. “Thank you,” he says, and I know he’s thanking him for a lot more than just tonight.

  My eyes are a little wet when we leave. Joe meets us backstage with the gift box Landon brought for Aidan, and after handing it to him, we head back outside. On the way back home, inside the car, Landon is quiet, deep in thought.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask, leaning towards him.

  He looks at me. “Just Aidan.” He sighs. “The direction his career is going to go now...”

  I frown. “It’s going to get bigger from what I see. I’m sure you’re very proud.”

  “Oh I am,” Landon replies, “I’m also worried. The pressure on him will be so much. He has to follow success with success.”

  “But you have faith in him?”

  “Yes, but...” he sighs. “Aidan is very prone to depression. He’s struggled with it since… almost his whole life.”

  Since the accident. I sigh. Of course. Landon wasn’t the only one who came out of that experience with scars. That day had changed their lives, all three of them, Landon, Aidan, and their father. I remember my conversation with Aidan, the first day we met. He’d alluded to his own scars, and credited Landon for rescuing him every time he gave in to his troubles. “Success makes some people depressed Landon, but not all of them. I’m sure Aidan can handle it.” I lean closer to him. “Tonight, you should be celebrating, not thinking about the past.”

  He strokes my cheek. “You’re right.”

  I cock my head, giving him a thoughtful look. “How can I take your mind off it?”

  The worried expression disappears, followed by that heated blue blaze I know so well. “You know how.”

  I chuckle, excitement pooling in my stomach. I lift my dress so I can straddle him, placing my knees on the seat on either side of his hips and my arms on his shoulders. The movement takes him by surprise, and his eyebrows go up. “Tell me what you want,” I whisper.

  He gives me a look, then smiles. “First, I want you to stay right where you are,” he says.

  “Done,” I laugh. My thighs are hovering over his hips, and I can feel his erection, hard and unyielding, already pressing into me, I grind a little and he sighs.

  “The drive’s not long enough for what I want to do to you.”

  “I know,” I reply, grinding again. “I’m just teasing you.”

  Landon chuckles then his hands flatten over my ribs, slowly finding their way up to cup my breasts. I lean forward and cover his lips with mine, running my tongue over his lower lip before sliding it inside his mouth. He kisses me back, taking possession of the kiss, as well as my senses, and soon I’m moaning and grinding against him, wanting so much more.

  I groan when his hand slides under the dress, finding the damp crotch of my panties, and palming me through the whispery-soft material. My back arches and my body presses into his touch, wanting more. His breath is warm and ragged against my face as he hooks a finger into the elastic and pushes the barrier aside. The next moment his fingers are slipping through my folds, teasing my clit in a slick massage, before finding their way inside me.

  The limo comes to a stop just as I draw my teeth over his earlobe, rolling my hips and encouraging him to plunge his fingers deeper. I look outside and we’re in the parking lot of the Swanson Court. I hear the driver’s door open and realize that Joe will come around to open the door any moment, frustrated, I slide off Landon, smoothing my dress just in time.

  The door opens, and Landon takes my hand as soon as we’re out of the car, which is just as well because my feet are unsteady. In the elevator, he doesn’t touch me. Instead, he teases me with a smile, raising his fingers to his lips to lick the tips.

  “Oh God!” I moan, the gesture causing my lower belly muscles to clench sweetly.

  “What,” he asks innocently.

  “Stop driving me crazy.”

  He comes to stand right in front of me, his body pressed against mine so I can feel his erection, hard against my belly. “Never.”

  The doors slide open and I shriek when he lifts me into his arms. He doesn’t drop me until we’re upstairs in the bedroom. He lays me gently on the bed, before straightening to take off his jacket. I notice the bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket beside a covered dish.

  “We’re celebrating?” I ask.

  “Yes,” Landon picks up a remote to dim the lights and turn on music from the hidden speakers. The soft, rolling sounds of vintage jazz flow into the room.

  “Aidan’s success?”

  “And you, and me?”

  He comes back to the bedside and pops the champagne, pouring out two glasses. He joins me on the bed and touches his glass to mine. “To you and me, to us.”

  “Us,” I repeat.

  He lifts his glass to his lips, then I do the same, feeling the bubbly tickle my upper lip. The teasing that began in the car continues while we eat, and somehow, Landon undresses me and feeds me caviar at the same time. It’s sexy, decadent, and arousing as hell.

  By the time we’re both full of food and champagne, we’re also naked. He nudges me back on the bed, kissing me long and hard, until I want so much more, then he leans over me to retrieve something from the drawer in the nightstand.

  I crane my head and see him place a black velvety box on the bed. “What’s that?”

  “Shhh.” He opens the box, then comes back to kiss me again, taking both my hands and stretching them over my head. “Do you trust me?”


  “Okay,” he instructs. “Close your eyes.”

  I obey and feel the flutter of silk as he binds my wrists, each one to one of the bedposts, then I feel him get off the bed, and a second later, he’s binding my legs.

  Excitement unfurls in my stomach. “Can I open my eyes now?”

  The bed dips as he joins me again, “Yes.”

  My eyes flutter open. Landon is kneeling between my legs, his cock hard and ready. A sound escapes me, like a moan. I want him so much.

  “How do you feel?” he asks.

  “Ahhh,” I sigh. “Expectant?

  He grins and reaches for something inside the box. I only see silky straps before his hand disappears between my legs. I wait as he fastens whatever it is, two straps on my waist, then the other two going between my legs then up from behind so he can tie them all together, as he tightens the straps I feel the sensual touch of… something on my clit. It’s soft and velvety smooth, and when Landon adjusts it and does something to make it start vibrating, I gasp.

  “Oh my God!”

  “Do you like it?” His eyes are on mine.

  My response is another moan. I’m incapable of movement, totally at his mercy. The device continues to vibrate, and the sensations are unbelievable. My body starts to writhe, caught between indescribable pleasure and the unrelenting need for more.

  “Tell me you like it,” Landon whispers.

  “I love it,” I manage.

  He smiles, and leans down to kiss me on the lips, his weight on his elbows as his lips trail down, hovering over each nipple before laving them with his tongue, all the while the vibrations on my clit are driving me slowly, se
nsually insane.

  He lets one hand trail down my body, between my legs and over the little device pulsing at my clit, then lower. One finger slip inside me, and I groan as my body clenches around it, drawing it deeper. My legs start to shake.

  “Landon.” I’m begging, though I’m not sure what I’m asking for.

  He looks up at me and I meet his eyes, my whole body weak with pleasure and need. “You’re perfect,” he says huskily, dropping a kiss on the heated skin of my stomach. A moment later, his finger slips out of me and I moan in protest.

  “Shhh,” he whispers, his hand moving yet lower until he’s sliding it between my butt cheeks.

  I resist the urge to ask what he’s doing, concentrating only on the intense sensations I’m already feeling. When he slips something soft and lubricated into my tight rear opening, I cry out in pleasure. This too is vibrating, sending me into spirals of sensation that I’m sure will drive me mad.

  “Oh God!” I cry out, almost frantic with pleasure. “Landon!”

  “Hmm,” he replies, attentive to my every response. “How does it feel?”

  “So good,” I moan. My voice is thin and weak, and my eyes are trying to stay open. My whole body is shaking. I feel like I’m going to come any moment. “I’m going to come,” I moan weakly, my body moving restlessly. “I’m coming.”

  Landon slips his finger back inside me, and I scream his name in helpless pleasure, falling apart as waves and waves of sweet sensation flow through my body.

  His lips cover mine, kissing over my cries. My climax leaves me weak, and yet the vibrations continue. I’m drowning in a sea of pleasure, and yet I want more. I watch Landon rise on his knees between my legs and the sight of his cock; turgid and thickly veined, horizontal because of how hard he is…is almost enough to make me come again.

  “I want you inside me,” I beg desperately, “Please fuck me.”

  He positions his cock between my legs, leaning both hands on the bed as he pushes into me. With the intense combination of sensations, I almost come at once. I pull helplessly at the binds as he starts to grind into me, each movement of his hips threatening an explosion in my body. The way he moves, the way he fucks, it’s as if he was created for this, to give my body maximum pleasure.


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