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The Endermen Invasion

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by Winter Morgan

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  Cover photo credit Megan Miller

  Print ISBN: 978-1-63450-088-3

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-63450-089-0


  Chapter 1: The Invitation

  Chapter 2: Reading Maps

  Chapter 3: Welcome to the Jungle

  Chapter 4: Almost There

  Chapter 5: Getting to Mushroom Island

  Chapter 6: Judges and Contestants

  Chapter 7: Mines and Mooshrooms

  Chapter 8: The Invasion

  Chapter 9: Endermites

  Chapter 10: Something Wicked

  Chapter 11: The Ender Dragon Isn’t the End

  Chapter 12: Begin Again

  Chapter 13: Fight in the Sky

  Chapter 14: The Battle of the Builders

  Chapter 15: Reunited

  Chapter 16: Command Blocks

  Chapter 17: Competition and Awards

  Chapter 18: Sail Away



  Steve received an invitation to participate in a building competition.

  “They said there are only five contestants,” Steve told his friend Max. “We have to build a house, and they’re going to judge who constructed the best house.”

  Max was excited for Steve. “Wow! Only five. That’s awesome that you were chosen!”

  “The contest is in a few days, and it’s pretty far away,” Steve explained as he handed Max a map from his inventory. “I want you to come with me.”

  Max smiled. “I’ll go. What an adventure! I can’t wait to cheer for you when you win.”

  “I’m not sure I’ll win, but I am honored to be a part of this competition,” said Steve.

  Lucy and Henry walked into Steve’s living room, and Max told the group about Steve.

  “The building competition taking place on Mushroom Island?” asked Lucy.

  Max looked at the map. “Yes.”

  “I’ve heard about it! It’s very impressive! Congratulations!” exclaimed Lucy.

  “What do you build?” asked Henry.

  “There are five contestants and each one has to build a house. Then the judges choose the best one,” explained Steve.

  “Wow, that sounds really exciting,” said Henry.

  “I want you guys to come with me,” said Steve.

  Everyone agreed they would join Steve. This would be an adventure, and they wanted to support their friend.

  “We need to celebrate tonight,” Henry told the group.

  Steve realized that his friends’ excitement was distracting him. He wanted to win the competition and he knew he had to stay focused, but he didn’t want to hurt his friends’ feelings. There were so many things Steve needed to do to prepare for the competition. He had ideas for the home he wanted to build and knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Yet, Steve wanted to show his friends that he cared about them and was thrilled they were going to join him.

  “I have to go to the village and get supplies for the competition. I need to make sure my inventory is full. I don’t think we’ll have time to celebrate, but once the competition is over I promise to throw the biggest party ever,” Steve told them.

  “Yes, we have to celebrate your victory!” exclaimed Lucy.

  “Lucy,” said Steve, “I told you, one of the other four people chosen might be the winner. But I’m just glad to be a part of it—and that you guys are joining me!”

  “And you’ll need a party if you lose. It will cheer you up,” Henry pointed out.

  “That’s not nice,” Max told Henry.

  “It’s fine. I want to have a party. I think it’ll be fun,” said Steve.

  There was a knock on the door. It was Steve’s neighbor Kyra. Before she could even enter the house, Lucy told Kyra the good news. Kyra tried to smile for Steve, but it was a forced smile; you could see a few tears in her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” asked Lucy.

  “I was hoping I’d get chosen for the competition. I entered, but I wasn’t picked,” Kyra told them with wet eyes.

  Steve comforted Kyra. “Kyra, you are an awesome builder. Why don’t you come with us? This year it’s my turn, but you might be chosen next year. I think you’ll enjoy coming with us.”

  “Kyra, look at the map,” said Max. “There are so many fun places to see on the way to Mushroom Island.”

  “We’ll need a builder like you. You’re an expert at building boats, and we’ll need them to travel to the island,” said Steve.

  “When the judges see the boat you’ve built, I’m sure you’ll be picked next time,” added Lucy.

  Kyra stopped crying. “With friends like you guys, I feel like I’ve won the best contest in the world. You are awesome. I think I will go with you, Steve. It was wrong of me to just think of myself. I’m so happy for you.”

  “So you’ll build us boats?” asked Steve.

  “Yes!” Kyra told him.

  “Let’s go to see Eliot, the blacksmith, and trade wheat for supplies,” said Steve.

  Steve and Kyra walked toward the local village and when they got to Eliot’s blacksmith shop, Steve opened the door.

  “Congratulations, Steve,” said Eliot, “I heard you were chosen for the building competition. Everyone in the village is talking about it.”

  “Thanks!” replied Steve, “And Kyra and my other friends are going to join me. She’s going to help build the boats that will get us to Mushroom Island.”

  “That’s an important job,” Eliot told Kyra. “You’re a good friend, Kyra.”

  Steve and Kyra traded with Eliot and then made their way back to Steve’s house.

  “Are you nervous?” Kyra asked as the two walked through the fields toward Steve’s wheat farm.

  “I’ve never been to Mushroom Island, and you know that I’m not the best when it comes to traveling. I like to stick close to home. But I’m excited to build a house for the competition. I have lots of great ideas.”

  “I’ve never been to Mushroom Island either, but there aren’t any hostile mobs there, so it seems like a really safe place,” said Kyra.

  “I think they chose a place without hostile mobs so the contestants could just focus on building the best house without worrying about getting attacked,” said Steve.

  “Oh no!” Kyra called out. “Look!” Kyra pointed to a witch hut in front of them.

  “I wonder what th
e judges would think of her hut,” Steve joked as they walked past her hut and hoped she wouldn’t emerge.

  “Shhh!” Kyra hissed at Steve as they made their way toward the wheat farm. “I don’t think she heard us.”

  But they weren’t safe! Within seconds, a witch ran from the hut toward Steve and Kyra. The witch drank a potion as her evil eyes focused on her two victims.

  “Run!” Steve yelled at Kyra, but they weren’t fast enough. The witch was right behind them. Steve took out his diamond sword and leapt toward the witch, who held up a potion. As they battled, the witch splashed Steve with her potion.

  “Oh no!” Kyra called out.

  “Ugh!” Steve said weakly. Kyra rushed to Steve and gave him milk to help him get his strength back.

  The witch sprang toward Kyra, who struck the witch and defeated her.

  “Now you’ll have the strength to win the competition,” said Kyra as she gave Steve more milk.

  “I wish it were that simple,” Steve told her. “But we need to get back; it’s getting dark and hostile mobs will be on the prowl.”

  Kyra and Steve sprinted, but they still had a while before they were back at the farm and it was already dusk.

  Boom! There was a blast in the distance.

  “What was that?” asked Kyra.

  “I hope it wasn’t my house.”

  Kyra and Steve rushed toward the wheat farm, hoping everything was okay so they could start their journey to the competition.



  There was a patch of burnt grass by Henry’s feet.

  “What happened?” asked Steve.

  “There was a creeper!” Lucy told them. “Luckily Max destroyed it.”

  “I defeated a skeleton,” announced Henry proudly.

  “You don’t have to brag, Henry,” joked Lucy.

  Steve lit a torch. “It’s getting too dark to be outside,” he said. “Let’s get to sleep. Tomorrow we have to start the trip to Mushroom Island. We need our energy. Kyra, you can stay here with us if you would like.”

  “Thanks,” said Kyra.

  The group entered the living room but as they walked toward their beds, Max pointed to a pair of red eyes on the living room wall.

  “It’s a spider,” warned Kyra. The spider was camouflaged in the dark room, but its eyes stood out. The spider climbed up the wall of the home.

  Henry took out his bow and arrow and aimed at the spider that was about to pounce on the group. His arrow struck the spider and destroyed it.

  “Good job, Henry!” said Steve.

  The gang got into their beds and fell asleep. They dreamed of the adventures they would have the next day.

  When they woke up, Lucy roasted a chicken she had hunted, and everyone ate apples.

  “We need to have a full food bar before we go on the trip,” said Steve, as they feasted on an enormous breakfast.

  The competition was very far away, and Max had spent a long time studying the map to make sure they wouldn’t get lost. “We also have to fill up our inventory,” he said. “This trip isn’t going to be easy. And I’m hoping we can find some treasure on the way.”

  “Max!” exclaimed Lucy, “this isn’t a treasure hunting trip. It’s about helping Steve get to the competition and cheering him on.”

  The group followed Max as he led them toward Mushroom Island. As they trekked through what seemed like endless grass fields, Kyra asked, “What are we going to do for shelter at night?”

  “I came prepared,” replied Steve, “I have extra wood so we can make a shelter each night.”

  “Wood? That could be burned down in a minute by a creeper. I thought you were cautious, Steve,” said Henry.

  “It’s our only option. We’re going to have to risk it,” said Steve.

  “Wow!” Lucy was shocked. “I like the new Steve. You’re finally taking risks.”

  “I want to get to the competition.” Steve was sincere. He was excited to build the home for the contest. He had so many ideas, and he couldn’t wait to work on his entry.

  Rufus barked as the group walked out the door. “Should we bring him?” asked Kyra, and the dog looked at Steve.

  “I think bringing Rufus would be a bit too much for us. He can stay here and play with Snuggles.” Steve was heartbroken, he wanted to bring Rufus and Snuggles, but it was a long trip, and he knew they’d be safer at home.

  “The map!” Max called out to the group. “I can’t find it!”

  “Do you think somebody took it?” asked Henry.

  Steve was worried; he tried to hold back his tears. “If we don’t have the map, we won’t make it to the competition on time and I’ll be forced to give up my spot . . .”

  “I looked at it so long, maybe I can help us find our way there from my memory?” suggested Max.

  “I don’t think that’s the best idea, Max,” Lucy said.

  Max was annoyed. “Do you have any other ideas?”

  “We have to find that map.” Steve went back into his house and started to search through his inventory.

  “Everyone, check your inventory,” Henry instructed the group.

  “I know the trip started out going past the fields and the village and toward the jungle,” Max told them.

  Steve sat down beside Rufus. “We can’t do it without a map,” he said.

  “I’m sorry,” said Max. “I feel like this is all my fault. I was the one with the map.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Steve told him. “But now we can’t go to the contest.”

  Max urged his friend not to give up. “Yes, we can!” he said.

  “I also remember looking at the map, and Max is right—we go through the jungle to the water. Mushroom Island is just off the jungle in the sea,” said Henry.

  “I’m not going to take a chance getting lost. It’s not worth it. We won’t make the competition, and who knows if we could ever find our way back home. It’s too risky,” Steve said sternly.

  “Risky? I agreed to go on this trip when you told us that we’d be sleeping in wood houses every night even though we could be killed by a creeper, and now you’re giving up just because we lost the map,” said Kyra.

  “You act like losing the map isn’t a big deal! It’s the only way we can get to the competition,” said Steve.

  “After what happened with Thomas and all the griefing he caused us,” said Kyra, changing the subject, “I am worried that a griefer stole the map.”

  “There’s nothing we can do about it,” said Steve, “and it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to the contest.”

  Lucy had another theory about the missing map. “I bet another contestant stole the map,” she said. “They knew you were going to win because they saw your nice house.”

  “Or Max could have just lost it,” added Henry.

  “But I have no idea how that would have happened,” said Max. He was upset; he didn’t want to be responsible for losing the map.

  “You can’t give up, Steve,” Lucy pleaded. “You were so excited about the contest.”

  Steve sighed, “Let’s all check our inventory one more time.”

  Suddenly Kyra called out, “I have the map!”

  Everyone was shocked.

  “You didn’t hide the map because you weren’t chosen and you were jealous, did you?” Henry asked Kyra.

  “Henry, how can you ask such a question?” said Lucy. She was upset. “Kyra is our friend.”

  “No. It just showed up in my inventory,” said Kyra. “I wonder how that happened. I hope it wasn’t the work of a griefer.”

  Steve was excited. “It doesn’t matter how it got there. Now we can go.”

  Kyra gave Max the map, and he led them in the direction of the contest. Cows grazed in the meadow, and the trip seemed quite scenic and peaceful until they reached an area where there were so many trees, they couldn’t see anything but leaves.

  Steve stood a foot from Kyra and called out, “Kyra, where are you?”

I’m behind the tree,” Kyra said. From the sound of her voice, Steve realized she was in front of him and he reached out for her.

  “How are we going to make our way out of here?” asked Henry.

  “We’re lost in the thick of the jungle!” cried Lucy.

  “Don’t worry, I have the map,” Max reassured them.

  “Can you read it?” asked Steve.

  There was no response.



  “Max!” Steve called out.

  “I can’t see anybody,” said Lucy in a quivering voice. “Steve, is everyone here?”

  “Everyone, say your name,” instructed Steve.

  Kyra, Lucy, and Henry called out their names in unison. Max was the only one missing.

  “Where’s Max?” asked Lucy.

  Steve walked slowly through the dense jungle and called out Max’s name. He was about to give up when he heard somebody say, “I’m over here.” The voice was very faint and Steve wasn’t sure it was Max’s voice.

  “Max is that you?” Steve was hopeful.

  “Yes! I found a temple!” Max said, sounding much closer. “I’m walking toward you. I want to help you guys find it.”

  Lucy was annoyed. They had to get to Steve’s competition, and there wasn’t any time for treasure hunting. “Was that on the map?” she asked.

  “No, it was covered by trees,” said Max, “I just stumbled upon it. A jungle temple is very rare. We have to go inside and see if there is a treasure chest.”

  Henry was excited. “We could get emeralds or an enchantment book.”

  “Do we have time to go into the temple?” Kyra asked the group.

  “Yes, we can’t pass this up,” Steve told them.

  “But where is it?” Lucy asked.

  Trees surrounded the gang. The trees were enormous; the deep green leaves looked as if they were touching the clouds.

  Henry looked up at the trees. “I bet if we climbed up one of these trees, we’d be able to play in the clouds.”

  “That sounds dangerous,” remarked Steve. “Imagine falling from the top of one of those trees.”

  “Who cares about climbing the tree? I want to find treasure!” Max told them, as he reached Steve.

  “I can finally see you!” Steve stood in front of Max.


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