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A Vampire's Thirst_Grey

Page 4

by Bella Roccaforte

  The watch in his pocket tickles at the back of his mind. It’s always what he goes back to when he considers feeding on a live human.

  Chapter Six

  “Where are you going now?” Hera asks sitting in the same position on the couch.

  “Back out, we need at least five thousand, so I’m going to make some money tonight.” Mila throws her purse over her shoulder.

  “You’re going to end up getting us caught,” Hera says mostly disinterested.

  “What’s it to you, anyway?” Mila says in a hurt tone, “You’re just sitting here doing nothing.”

  “You’re the one that’s on the run.” Hera snaps back. “I’d be sitting at home all comfy cozy if you weren’t trying to get away from Elomere.”

  “Elomere isn’t the only reason we came up.” Mila flips her long black hair over her shoulder.

  “If you want to go back, I can be” Hera stands up from the couch.

  Mila hangs her head, she doesn’t want to go back to the Underworld. Hera knows it and is banking on it.

  “That’s what I thought.” Hera sits back down. “You know, there are worse fates than having to be paired with Elomere.”

  “No, not many. He’s arrogant, inconsiderate and I just plain don’t like him. All the women can fawn over him, and they can also have him. He’s cruel to me, Hera and the thought of spending eternity with him as his primary mate makes me wish I could die.” Mila opens the door to their hotel suite. “I really don’t see what everyone sees in him. He’s just another pretty face and a puppet.”

  “A puppet that can give you a life of luxury.” Hera points out.

  “Not everyone wants that. I want happiness, love, passion and so much more than just a luxurious life. I don’t want to live as one of many lovers, I want to be with one man and be his only woman” Her voice is pleading.

  “That is ridiculous, besides, would you really be willing to give up your hunky feeding partner? Ty is quite the gift to women.” Hera pumps her brow.

  Mila shakes her head, “I’ll be back later, but you should make sure you’re ready to go when we get back. We’re going to need to move on soon.”

  “Great, I’ll be ready,” Hera says not looking away from the TV. “And if you want to go back, I’ll open the portal anytime.”

  Mila walks down the hallway of the hotel to the stairwell. “I wish I didn’t need her. Why can’t I open the portal?” She’s one of the only blood fairies that haven’t been able to master the art of portals. Probably her father’s doing so he can keep her in the Underworld.

  Mila stands outside the strip club and adjusts her white thigh high stockings under her long trench coat. She walks through the door and finds the bouncer, “Hey there. Can I talk to the manager?”

  “Looking for a job?” The tall, beefy man says.

  “Yeah, just temporary.” She says ticking her head.

  “Dancer or waitress?” He walks away and indicates for her to follow.

  “Dancer.” Mila looks around the dimly lit club. There are men sitting at the tables with eyes focused on the beautiful blonds on the stage. She can hear their blood pumping through their veins, and she’s reminded that she needs to feed. But not yet, she has to wait.

  “Hey, Georgie.” The bouncer calls to the man behind the bar with a belly that always arrives before he does.

  “Yeah?” Georgie answers impatiently.

  “Got a dancer.” The bouncer motions to Mila and heads back for the door.

  Mila smiles and reaches to shake his hand. He doesn’t take it. “You danced before?”

  Mila nods, “Yeah.”

  Georgie ticks his head, “What have you got, open the coat.”

  His eyes widen when she opens her coat. He slowly scans her from head to toe. “Very nice.”

  “Thank you.” Mila smiles with a rush of power knowing that he’ll give her anything she wants. At the core, she enjoys this game. Getting men to give her money.

  “Okay, go in the back and talk to Candy, she’ll put you in the lineup for tonight. If you do okay, we’ll keep you.” He waves her to the back and tries to turn away.

  Her eyes soften to a sultry gaze, “Thank you, Georgie.”

  “You’re welcome.” He sputters. “Yeah, you can…”

  She puts her finger over his lips, “I know I can.” She turns on her heel and heads for the back. That’s the rush she loves, getting them hot and walking away. It’s an addiction for her. She needs it almost as much as she needs blood.

  She gets to the back and scans the room for a girl that looks like she’s in charge. There’s a woman that was once probably quite pretty, but time has not been kind to her. “Are you Candy?”

  “Yeah, who’s asking?” She says while picking up clothes off one of the couches in the back lounge area.

  “I’m Mila, Georgie said to talk to you about being in the lineup tonight.” Mila looks around at the lit vanities for one that’s not cluttered with makeup.

  “Well, Georgie can suck it. There’s no room in the lineup.” Candy doesn’t look up at Mila.

  Mila knows this will require a little more persuasion than Georgie, “Surely you can squeeze me in.”

  Candy stops and lifts her eyes to Mila, she takes her in as Mila slides her coat off her shoulders. Mila slowly walks closer to Candy and slides her finger down Candy’s bare arm. “I’m sure you have room.”

  Candy sucks in a breath, “I don’t..” She trails off.

  Mila licks her lips getting closer to Candy’s ear, her finger trails down in front and she gently presses against her clit through her panties. “Don’t what?” Mila challenges working her clit harder.

  Candy’s breathing becomes erratic. Mila licks Candy’s earlobe, “You can squeeze me in.”

  “Yeah, I’ll squeeze you in.” Candy agrees.

  Mila steps away from her, leaving Candy cold. “Thank you. What’s the split?”

  Candy takes a moment to recover, catching her breath, “The Club gets ten percent, I get five, got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Mila says with a bounce.

  “What’s your name?” Candy asks.

  “I told you, I’m Mila.”

  “Is that your real name or what you dance under?” Candy says studying her with lustful eyes.

  “My real name.” Mila nods.

  “Your new name is Siren.” Candy brushes past her nearly recovered from the hot encounter. “Any particular songs you dance to?”

  “Nope, I can dance to anything with a beat.” Mila smiles.

  “Okay, I’ll get you in on the next set, until then make yourself at home and get ready.” Candy stops taking in Mila’s shape, “You’re going to make some money tonight!”

  “I hope so,” Mila says with a twinkle in her eye.

  “How long have you been dancing?” Candy asks.

  “Not long. But I like it. I like feeling sexy.” Mila shrugs.

  “You are sexy,” Candy’s eyes rake Mila’s body. “If you’d like to get together after closing…”

  “I’d like that.” Mila nods, knowing she’ll be long gone at closing.

  “You like making money.” Candy raises her brow.

  “That too.” Mila agrees.

  “I’m surprised some sugar daddy hasn’t come along and snatched you up.”

  “I’m not one to be owned.” Mila lowers her head, “Back home...let’s just say my betrothed is a man of great means.”

  “But he just doesn’t stoke your fire, huh?” Candy laments the thought leaving Mila wondering if Candy can relate.

  “No, he’s arrogant and possessive. I can’t see myself with someone like that.” Mila says with a stream of worry that Elomere could be getting closer to finding her.

  “Remember, hun, no matter where you go, there you are. You can’t run forever.” Candy says waving a finger.

  “Who says I’m running?” Mila’s taken aback by Candy’s frankness.

  “That scared look in your eye and the need
to rake in cash fast.” Candy takes a few steps toward Mila, “Did he beat you?”

  Mila ticks her head back, “No. My father would’ve had him beheaded.”

  “Protective Daddy, huh?” Candy huffs a laugh.

  Mila giggles internally realizing that Candy thinks she’s exaggerating. “Something like that. It’s not okay to hit women in my culture.”

  “It’s not okay in my culture either, but it still happens all the time.” Candy says rolling her eyes.

  “You’ve been beaten by a man?” Mila’s shocked, “And he lived?”

  “Yes, and they’re all still alive and well.” Candy steps away and turns for the door.

  “Did you ever fight back?” Mila asks feeling completely incensed that anyone would lay a hand on Candy. She seems so kind but understands why she’s jaded.

  “If by fighting back, you mean running away, then yes.” Candy turns and looks back at Mila, “Get ready for your set and knock em dead.”

  Mila considers Candy’s story, she wants to know more about it. She wants to defend her, avenge her in some way. She’s knows this is a very different world than her own, but she can’t imagine a place where someone would get away with beating another person. Where she’s from, they handle things in a civilized manner, a fight to the death.

  This is one crazy world these humans have, she thinks to herself.

  Chapter Seven

  Grey busts through the door to his hotel suite with a cold sweat forming on his brow. He goes to the couch and looks back at Angus. “I need to feed.”

  “I got you,” Angus brings a bag to Grey. “Here you go.”

  Grey gulps directly from the bag finishing it and feels immediately unsatisfied. “Ugh, this is awful. It’s cold.”

  “Well, yeah it’s cold. Do we need to go to a feeding ground?” Angus asks full of concern.

  Grey shakes his head, “No, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been fine on donor blood for a very long time. But right now, I need warm blood flowing down my throat…”

  “Hey, stay with me,” Angus says snapping his fingers. “We need to figure out what’s wrong with you. Today you were feeding on a live donor directly.”

  “It’s been nearly a hundred years.” Grey rakes his fingers through his hair. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s only going to get worse with nightfall.” Angus sits on the couch next to him.

  “I’m not sure how it can get worse,” Grey’s eyes widen and tries to shift his hard cock in his pants, “Blood isn’t the only thing I’m craving. I feel like I’m going to go insane if I don’t have what I want.”

  “You’ve got to get hold of yourself. Could this be some sort of infection? A bad batch of blood? Did Charles do something to you?” Angus tries to come up with an explanation.

  “I don’t know.” Grey looks at Angus with desperation in his eyes, “You’ve got to help me.”

  “I don’t know how to help you. I can bring you all the live donors that are willing to help you with both of your needs, but save you from it...that’s not my specialty.” Angus ticks his head towards Grey’s pants.

  “What the fuck good are you?” Grey stands from the couch and goes to the balcony for fresh air. It does nothing to soothe him. So many heartbeats in the city, and he can hear them all.

  The madness is taking him over.

  He closes his eyes and tries to regain control. The sweet scent catches his attention, familiar and intoxicating. He has to find the source. He goes back into the room. “We’ve got to go.”

  “What?” Angus says in a panic, “You’re in no condition to go anywhere. Your face is all…” He makes a circle around his own face and cringes. “Vampire-ey.”

  Grey takes another bag of blood and drinks it down. It does nothing to soothe his burning need, either of them. He’s rubs himself and knows he needs to have some sort of release soon or there are going to be consequences.

  He looks at Angus, then the door.

  “I know what you’re thinking right now, Grey and you’re right. I’m no match for you. I’m not as strong, fast or deadly. So I’m asking you as your friend, don’t put me in that position.” Angus pleads with seriousness in his tone. “I’m just trying to keep you from doing something I know you’re going to regret.”

  Angus’ tone reaches a small part of Grey before he gets to the door. He doesn’t say a word, ready to snap and trying his level best not to. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the pocket watch. Grey runs his finger over the inscription on the inside cover. “Time has a way of showing us what really matters.”

  He exhales, able to center himself for a brief moment. His phone dings in his pocket, a notification of an email.

  “Melanie,” Grey hesitates on opening up the email.

  “Who’s Melanie?” Angus asks intrigued.

  “One of my students. She’s apparently done with her paper. She always sends them to me before submitting them through the system.” Grey’s irritation is apparent.

  “I don’t really care what all that means,” Angus says realizing that the email brought Grey back to himself. “Why don’t you read it?”

  “I guess I can look it over,” Grey says ready to open the document.

  “It seems to be calming you down.” Angus remarks.

  “Yeah, it’s a good reminder of why I try to always do the right thing.” Grey nods affirmation as the document opens on his phone.

  Professor Hart,

  I hope you enjoy my paper. If you have any suggestions before I submit it, please let me know.


  “Aw, isn’t that sweet, she uses a little heart for the A in your name.” Angus teases.

  “Melanie’s definitely special.” Grey rolls his eyes and takes a glimpse at the paper.

  Passion and desire, a thirst that can only be quenched by your one true love...

  “Oh my God that’s it.” Grey stands from the couch and begins to pace.

  “What’s it?” Angus is lost.

  “The Thirst. I have the Thirst.” Grey says waving his hands.

  “Well, we knew that.” Angus twists his expression with sarcasm.

  “It’s very rare.” Grey breathes the words out, “It can’t be, though.”

  “The Thirst? Nah, I’ve seen lots of vamps crazy with hunger.” Angus waves Grey’s words off.

  “No, no.” Grey inhales an impatient breath, “When a vampire is near their Bloodmate, they get the Thirst. It can only be sated by finding their Bloodmate.”

  “So you mean to tell me that there’s some Vamp-tart running around that we have to find?” Angus asks. “Crazed with this Thirst?”

  “Don’t talk about my Bloodmate that way.” Grey balls his fists at his sides.

  “Sorry, just trying to figure all of this out.” Angus holds his hands up in surrender.

  “We have to find her.” Grey starts for the door.

  “Whoa, whoa, what about Michael?” Angus stands in front of the door.

  “Fuck Michael,” A flare of anger runs through Grey.

  “Hold on. We have to --”

  “No, we have to find her. I have to find my Bloodmate.” Grey goes to the door with purpose.

  “Any ideas where to start?” Angus asks following behind him.

  “None. But I know her scent. That’s where I need to start.” He opens the door and is startled seeing Vash standing on the other side. He’s rarely surprised, especially by a werewolf. I’ve got to get on my game, he thinks to himself.

  “On your way to wreak more havoc?” Vash asks looking Grey dead in the eye.

  “I’m not sure what you mean, but you should get the fuck out of my way,” Grey tries to push past him, and Vash puts his hand on Grey’s chest.

  “I’m onto you. I’ve got seven bodies, all drained, all vamp attacks and everything leads back to you.” The threat in Vash’s tone insites Grey.

  Grey grabs Vash’s hand and bends it all the way back putting him on his knees. “Listen to
me, dog. I haven’t killed anyone…” He lowers himself closer to Vash’s ear. “Yet.”

  Vash remains silent, apparently smart enough to know when he’s out of his league.

  “That’s what I thought.” Grey releases him and goes to the elevator. “Fuck this.”

  Grey leaves in a flash down the stairs, much faster than the elevator.

  When he reaches the lobby, he doesn’t slow down leaving nothing but a breeze in his wake.

  He gets to the streets, deciding to forego the car so that he can try to pick up on her scent. Her delightful bouquet. He stands for a moment, hoping the inspiration will come to him on which direction to go.

  Angus comes out the revolving door of the hotel room, “Grey.”

  “What!” Grey answers irritated.

  “I think we need to either decide to abandon Michael or go find him. I know you need to find this mate of yours, but the body count is rising. The Directive is going to send someone bigger than locals if it doesn’t stop.” Angus pleads.

  “That does not concern me,” Grey says trying to focus on her scent.

  “It should,” Angus says with a seriousness he’s not heard from him before.

  Grey looks down at Angus, “Why?”

  “If this Thirst thing affects your Bloodmate the same way it’s affecting you...” Angus asks hoping Grey will understand.

  Grey lifts his head in thought, “Oh, I..I believe it could. If she’s a vampire.”

  “Right, what if it’s not Michael doing all of the killing? What if your Bloodmate doesn’t have hundreds of years of control under her belt?” Angus brings up the point.

  “If it is her doing the killing we’ve got to get to her. Once we’re together, the Thirst will subside.” Grey says with more determination in his voice than before.

  “So, we need Vash to find out where the bodies have been found and what leads he has, to beat him to her,” Angus explains.

  It all makes sense, but one thing, “But Vash thinks I’m doing it?”

  “Vash believes you could be doing it, there’s a difference. He still has information we need, and we need to keep home office Directive out of here. It could be dangerous for you, her and Michael.” Angus says looking back toward the door where Vash is coming out.


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