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A Vampire's Thirst_Grey

Page 10

by Bella Roccaforte

  “I understand you’re more powerful than the werewolves, but Angus said there were vampires too. Aren’t you worried about them?”

  Grey smiles, “I am not concerned about the other vampires.”

  “Why? Are you just that good or that cocky?” Mila smiles playfully.

  “There are not many other vampires left in the world that are as old as I am, and therefore few that are as powerful as I am.” Grey keeps his eyes on the road, his expression softens. “Vampires get better with age.”

  She squirms in her seat as heat pools between her legs at the thought of being with him again. Her desire for him could never be satisfied for long, she’ll always want more of him. She’s not sure if it’s because he’s a vampire or they really are Bloodmates. Her eyes sparkle with desire, “You’re going to get better?”

  Grey flashes her a glance, “Yes, every moment we’re together it’s going to get better.”

  “I could get used to that,” Mila says with a sense of satisfaction.

  Mila feels Grey’s whole being stiffen. “What’s wrong?” She asks riddled with concern.

  “We’ve got company.” Grey hisses with his eyes darting to the rear view. “How the hell...”

  He drops his foot harder on the accelerator.

  Mila turns looking through the back window, “I don’t see anyone. The road is all but empty.”

  “I can feel them long before I see them,” Grey says gripping the steering wheel.

  “That’s a good talent to have.” She says weighing the options. There’s not much, mostly grassy fields and a few houses from time to time. “Where are we?” She asks.

  “We’re in Alabama,” Grey says still concentrating on the road.

  The engine groans going at top speed, taxing the car to it’s fullest. “What’s in Alabama.”

  “Nothing. We’re heading to New Orleans, I have friends there that can help.” Grey says with a tight voice.

  “Friends are good,” Mila asks still not able to see anyone behind them. “Are we going to make it?”

  “Yes,” Grey says quickly.

  “And once we get there, then what. If these guys are still on our trail what do we do?” Mila asks unsure of what the future holds. She doesn’t want to go back to the Underworld, she doesn’t want to leave Grey, and she’s sure that her father will not be okay with her bringing a vampire back.

  “We’re going to go to Vivienne’s, she’s neutral,” Grey says.

  A flash of jealousy flashes through Mila, “Lover?”

  Grey glances at Mila with agrin, “Is that jealousy?”

  “No.” Mila shakes her head not looking in his direction.

  “Vivienne is just a friend.” Grey takes one hand off the steering wheel to caress her cheek, “Mila, there is only one woman for me.”

  “Okay.” Mila relaxes, “But if she’s neutral what happens when we get there?”

  “I’ll be able to figure some of this out and talk with my friend in The Directive. Explain that you’re innocent.”

  “If we can convince them that I am innocent, that doesn’t change what I am and how I’m not allowed to be here,” Mila says with doubt in her tone.

  “Don’t underestimate my power,” Grey says with confidence.

  “Do you have the power to change laws?” Mila asks pinning him with a look.

  “Possibly, or at least make way for an exception to be made,” Grey smirks, thankful for his longtime good standing with The Directive. “I know very little about your race and was unaware of why you can’t be here.”

  “Blood fairies are insatiably hungry for human blood. We have a hard time controlling ourselves.” Mila shrugs, “And the supernatural beings here value human life.”

  “You don’t?” Grey’s tone is curious.

  “I value all life.” Mila’s tone is blanketed in sadness, “But it really isn’t a popular opinion among my kind.”

  “That would explain the ban.” Grey nods, “It’s going to be okay, no one will take my Bloodmate from me.”

  Mila believes him, trusts in what he says. “I know.”

  “Tell me about your world.” Grey wants to know more about her.

  “It’s a beautiful, but dark place. The sun only shines there for a few hours a day, not like here.” Wonder fills her voice as she looks out upon the field of flowers.

  “Sounds delightful.” Grey laughs.

  “The sun, how can you be out in the sun?” Mila asks realizing that it shouldn’t be possible for him to be out in daylight.

  “I told you, vampire’s get better with --” Grey is cut off by a jolt that rattles the car.

  Mila spins around seeing a small black car ramming into them. “Grey!” Mila shouts.

  “It’s okay.” Grey attempts to calm her. “I’ve got this.”

  “But they’re right behind us.” She cries out.

  “It’s okay.” Grey focuses on the road ahead. “They won’t be able to keep up for long.”

  Mila shifts her glance between Grey and the car behind them. The vampire behind them cuts a sinister grin into his cheek. She feels him looking through her.

  Mila shudders with fear. “He’s pure evil.”

  Grey looks at her with a serious stare, “I can also be pure evil.”

  Mila is lost in his gaze, the danger all around them melts away in the safety of his presence. She watches Grey as his eyes widen. “No!” Grey yells.

  Mila turns in a split second to see the shape of something in the road. Grey jerks the wheel to avoid hitting whatever it was. The car is unable to sustain the quick movement and begins to flip several times. Dirt and debris fly through the air as the car tumbles through the field.

  Grey wraps his arms around Mila to get them out of the car, but before Grey can, Mila phases both of them out into a nearby silo. Not a moment too soon, the car bursts into flames in the field. They both watch as black smoke billows from the car.

  Relief runs through her as she releases a breath and turns to Grey, “Are you okay?”

  Grey scoops her up into his arms and huffs a laugh, “I’m fine, are you okay?” He pulls her to him protectively.

  “I am now.” She nuzzles into him.

  “You’re going to have to teach me how to do that.” Grey remarks kissing the top of her head.

  “Sorry, it’s a fairy thing.” She pumps her brow.

  Mila drinks in the way he looks at her and revels in the heat flowing through her from him.

  Movement in the field draws Grey’s attention, “We should go.”

  Mila sees a group of men coming toward them. She doesn’t feel afraid, she knows that Grey will protect her.

  “Are you ready?” Grey asks.

  Mila nods, “How are we --”

  Grey lifts her into his arms and takes off at full vampire-speed. Mila digs her fingers into his back holding on.

  Some of the men shift into wolves and give chase, but they can’t keep up with Grey for long.

  She marvels at his speed and how he holds her firm, but gentle as though she’s fragile and might break.

  She nuzzles deeper into his chest to shield her eyes from the wind. Mila inhales his scent deeply and knows that he is hers.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Grey dashes through the open fields to the nearest thicket of trees and forest. The cover of the trees will help them gain some ground before they have to go back to more wide open areas.

  He laments the loss of his car, this trip would’ve been much better if he didn’t have to run. But he will do whatever it takes to keep his mate safe. Grey can hear the wolves in the distance, but they can’t catch up.

  Darting through the trees he feels Mila’s fingers grip him, the sensation drives him to maintain his top speed on foot. But being broad daylight, he has to find shelter or a vehicle soon. His strength will wane once the midday sun is beating down on them.

  He gazes down at her momentarily her content smile as she’s pressed against him fills him with joy. He wants her,
now and always.

  City sounds can be heard in the distance. Grey has to move fast while he’s there. The plan unfolds in his head before they get to Montgomery, Alabama. Grey runs all the possible scenarios through his mind. He needs a fast car, but doesn’t want to steal one.

  Grey gently places Mila on the sidewalk as they enter the city. “We’ve got to be careful. Are you okay to walk?”

  “I’m fine really.” Mila gazes into his eyes missing the full contact she had with him.

  “We’ve got to get a car.” Grey wraps his hand around hers.

  “Okay, what’s your plan for that? I could get us one.” Mila wants to be helpful.

  “Really?” He says, “How would you go about it?”

  “I can get one.” She says reassuring him and motioning to the cars around them, “Just tell me which one you want.”

  “Just like that?” He asks with a chuckle.

  “Yes.” She nods.

  “I’d rather obtain a car legally.” He says lowering his chin.

  “What do you mean?” Mila’s innocense tickles at his emotions.

  “I don’t want to steal one.” Grey continues down to the sidewalk in deep contemplation of how to get a car fast, “We’ve broken enough of The Directive laws today, I’d like to not break any others if we can help it. And honestly, none of these cars would do.”

  “You’re going to have to explain some of this to me later.” She hurries to keep up with him.

  “We can’t use magic around non-supers. The Directive is in place to keep supernaturals hidden. It’s just better that way for us.” Grey truly believes in The Directive's purpose and never thought he’d find himself on the wrong side of their operatives.

  “But aren’t we on the run because of them?”

  “We’re on the run because someone is draining humans.” Grey points out.

  “But I’m not going to be able to stay because of The Directive’s rules.” Mila hangs her head.

  Grey stops and turns to Mila taking both of her hands in his. “Nothing is perfect, and I don’t know all the details of why Blood Fairies can’t be here. Honestly, The Directive, while stern is also very reasonable.”

  Mila looks up at him with fear in her eyes. It destroys him to see her so afraid, “I’m going to protect you. If I have to go to Magno Zara and throw myself at his mercy, I’ll do it. I know he’ll understand and make it right. That’s part of what this trip is about.”

  “How so?”

  Grey continues down the sidewalk toward an upscale condo community. “My friend, Vivienne can help us move around undetected for a while and also help me navigate the politics of The Directive as it pertains to Bloodmates.”

  “So she’s part of The Directive?” Concern fills Mila’s tone.

  “No, but she’s very old, very wise and if there’s any way we can get out of this mess, she’ll know how,” Grey assures Mila while looking around to see if anyone’s watching. He takes her into his arms to jump over a gate. “She also is rumored to be very friendly with Magno Zara.”

  “Who’s Magno?” Mila says putting her feet back on the ground.

  “He’s the leader of The Directive.” Grey nods.

  As he continues through the gated community, he’s looking at the garage doors. “Damn it.” He says full of frustration.

  “What are you looking for?” Mila asks.

  “I’m hoping to find one of these garages open,” Grey says still scanning the area.

  Mila smiles, “Pick one.”

  He looks down at her with a knowing grin and points toward the two car garage at the end of the driveway. “That one.”

  Mila puts her arms around him, pumps her brow, “Hold on.”

  She phases them into the garage. Grey recovers and looks at the two cars inside the garage. “Yes!” He says balling his fists in victory.

  “Find what you were looking for?” Mila asks leaning up against the white Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe. Grey eyes the car and runs his finger along the hood.

  “Yes, I did.” He nods as he opens the car door. “Now let’s hope the keys are in it.”

  Grey slides down into the car and looks over at the Jeep Grand Cherokee sitting in the other bay. He takes a moment to think and steps out of the car. “I think we should take the Jeep.”

  “Either works for me.” Mila says heading for the Jeep. “But why? The white one looks a lot faster.”

  “It is faster, but we could need something that can do well in the mud.” Grey opens the door for her, and she slides in. He goes around and gets in the driver’s side, “But this baby has 475 horsepower, and can travel at a good clip on the highway with decent control.”

  “People here really take these things seriously?” Mila widens her eyes.

  “I take vehicles very seriously,” Grey says with a ghost of smile dancing on his lips. He leans across sliding his finger under her chin drawing her lips to his. “I take all things of beauty very seriously.” He seers her with a lustful glare.

  Mila expels a breath, and her cheeks redden. “I’ll remember that.”

  “I’ll remind you.” He says pushing the button on the garage door opener. The door lifts open, and he pushes the start button relieved that the key fob is inside the car somewhere.

  He pulls the jeep out of the garage, “Can you open up that glove box, please?”

  “What’s that?” She asks looking around.

  Grey points guiding her to the latch, “Right there. There will be some papers with the owner’s name and address on it. I want to make sure they are paid for their trouble.”

  Mila hands him a packet of papers and Grey makes a call on his cell phone. “May I please speak with Carlos?....Yes, I’ll hold.” Grey finds the remote control for the gate and pulls out onto the street and heads for the highway. “Carlos, I’m fine how are you?....Yes, please have a courier deliver a cashier’s check to Andrew Lydon in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars.” Grey gives him the address. “Include a note with an apology for any inconvenience.”

  Grey listens for a moment and asks Carlos to confirm the information, “No, you don’t want to know...Thank you.” He hangs up the phone.

  “What’s a cashier’s check?” Mila asks.

  “It’s a check that’s as good as cash. It also doesn’t have to have my name on it. I want to be sure the owner of the car is paid.” He says.

  “You’re really serious about all this honor stuff.” Mila hangs her head, “Things are very different from where I’m from.”

  “I can’t wait to hear all about it and all about you.” Grey says squeezing her thigh. “We’ve got about a four hour drive if the roads are clear.” He lowers his head slightly, “In broad daylight, we need to stay close to the speed limit.”

  “You don’t like to go slow, do you?” She leans over the console of the car whispering in his ear.

  “No, I don’t.” He breathes out. “But I do have to stay focused on the road. No more accidents and we have to watch for operatives. It’s unlikely they’ll catch up or even be able to find us while we’re in this car.”

  “One thing I do know is that werewolves have an excellent sense of smell.” Mila says with concern.

  “Yes, but they have to catch up with us first.” He ticks his head at the rearview mirror, “I intend to make sure that doesn’t happen this time.”

  “I trust you.” Mila says putting her hand on his thigh.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Mila gazes out the window as Grey winds through the streets of New Orleans. “Are we close?”

  “We're here,” Grey says parking the car on the street.

  Mila's eyes convey sadness looking out over a cemetery across the street. She opens the door and jumps out running into the cemetery.

  “Mila wait!” Grey calls following after her.

  She moves through the cemetery brushing pebbles off the headstones. “Why do you let this continue?” She cries out in anger.

  The man standing by the grave say
s nothing.

  “Mila, who are you talking to?” Grey asks looking around.

  Mila motions to the man, “He’s a Shomer. They don’t realise what they’re doing.”

  Grey takes her by the shoulders, “There’s no one there.”

  “There is.” She insists, she turns to the Shomer pleading, “Please, you have to let them pass on.”

  “Mila, what’s going on?” Grey asks looking around and seeing nothing but gravestones.

  “The Shomers, when they die they continue to guard the graves of those they’ve watched over after their death. Many of them leave the pebbles on the grave, not allowing their souls to pass on to the next world,” Mila hangs her head, “My world.”

  “I don’t understand,” Grey says confused. “Your wor --” He stops himself working it out in his mind, “Your world. As in the Underworld, is the actual place you go after death.”

  “Yes, what did you think I meant?” She says going to the next grave to brush the pebbles off. “These poor souls are trapped here, unable to move on.”

  “So to be clear, the pebbles on the headstones keep the dead from moving to the next world?” Grey asks.

  “Yes!” Mila pleads, “These Shomers have always had it wrong, they think they are helping by keeping the dead here, but they suffer for eternity in the grave.”

  “Okay, we take the pebbles off the graves.” Grey still doesn’t have complete understanding, but he wants to please her. He begins brushing the pebbles off the headstones.

  Mila smiles at seeing him helping her, she continues on disregarding the Shomers until she finds herself completely surrounded by them.

  “You must stop this.” One of the Shomers says in a menacing tone.

  “No, these souls need to move on. Not be trapped in their coffins for eternity.” Mila says standing her ground. “You’re supposed to be guarding them until we take them.”

  Grey is by her side as soon as she begins to speak, he tries to see who she’s speaking to but is unable to see anyone other than Mila.

  The Shomers all take a step back from Mila when Grey is by her side. Mila studies Grey trying to figure out why they’ve all stepped back.


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