War Stories III
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Africa. See North Africa
Afrika Korps
Alexander, Sir Harold
Alison, John
All American Girls Baseball League
Allen, Terry
Allies. See Britain; United States
ALSIB, Operation
America First
American Civil Air Patrol
American Leader, MV
American Legation
Anderson Shelter
Anti-Comintern Pact
Antwerp, Belgium
Anzio, Italy
Arcadia Conference (1941)
Archer, Lee
Argentia, Newfoundland
Argentina, SS
Argonaut Conference
Arkansas, battleship
Ark Royal, HMS
Arnold, “Hap”
Athenia, MV
Atlantic Charter
Auchinleck, Claude
Audacity, HMS
Auschwitz, Poland
Axis. See Germany; Italy; Japan
Axman, Arthur
Badaglio, Pietro
Barfoot, Van T.
Barter, Douglas
Bate, David
Battle of Britain; Brothers, Peter and; casualties of; Dick, Ron and; Drake, Billy and; Leah, Charles and; London Blitz and; Operation Eagle and; Operation Sea Lion and; Quinn, Christina and; Raal, Gunther and; terror bombing and
Battle of the Atlantic; Duffy, George and; Nash, Edgar “Ed” and; Petersen, Peter and; U.S. Merchant Marines and
Battle of the Bulge; casualties of; Jamar, Emile and; Merriken, Bill and
Beer Hall Putsch
Belgium; Operation Market Garden and
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Bell Aircraft
Biddle, Frances
Bigham Hill, Britain
Bismarck, battleship
black Americans
Black Thursday
Blaise, Madame
blitzkrieg (lightning war)
Boeing Corporation
Boitnott, Joe
Bolshevism, Bolsheviks
Bordeaux, France
Bormann, Martin
Bradley, Omar; France, liberation of, and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Market Garden and
Braun, Eva
Britain: appeasement of Hitler by; Battle of Britain and; Battle of the Atlantic and; Crete and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Husky and; Operation Torch and; Soviet Union, German invasion of, and; U.S. neutrality and
British Isles. See Battle of Britain
British Special Operations Executive
Brokaw, Tom
Brothers, Peter
Bunker, Walt
Burgett, Donald
Butler, Richard
Calais, France
Calhoun, Charles
Carafe, Sergeant
Casablanca, Morocco
CCC. See Civilian Conservation Corps
Chamberlain, Neville
Chartres, France
Chennault, Claire
Chiang Kai-shek
Churchill, Winston; Arcadia Conference and; Battle of Britain and; Battle of the Atlantic and; end of World War II and; Eureka Conference and; “Europe First” strategy of; Normandy invasion and; North Africa and; Operation Husky and; Operation Shingle and; Operation Torch and; Soviet Union, German invasion of, and; U.S. entry into World War II and; Yalta Conference and
Cisterna, Italy
Citadel, Operation
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Civilian Pilot Training program (CPT)
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Clark, Mark; Operation Avalanche and; Operation Shingle and; Operation Torch and
Colepaugh, William Curtis
Communism, Communists
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation
CPT. See Civilian Pilot Training program
Crosby, Ken
Cullen, John
Cume, Jack
Curley, Charles
Dachau, Germany
Daladier, Édouard
Darlan, Admiral
Dasch, George
Daughters of Charity
Defourneaux, Rene
de Gaulle, Charles
Deitrich, Sepp
Dempsey, Dorothy
Dempsey, Miles
Der Sturmer
Desert Fox. See Rommel, Erwin
Dick, Ron
Dole, Robert “Bob”
Dollman, Friedrich
Dönitz, Karl; Battle of the Atlantic and; end of World War II and; Nuremberg trials and
Donovan, William
Doolittle, Jimmy
Douhet, Giulio
Drake, Billy
Duffy, George
Dunkirk, France
Duquesne, Fritz
Duquesne spy ring
Dyas, Timothy
Dynamo, Operation
East Indies
Ehlers, Roland
Ehlers, Walter
Einsatzgruppen (SS)
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; end of World War II and; France, liberation of, and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Avalanche and; Operation Husky and; Operation Market Garden and; Operation Shingle and; Operation Torch and
El Alamein, Egypt
Enabling Bill
England. See Britain
Espionage Statute
Etterlin, Frido
Eureka Conference
Executive Order 9981,
Faustova, Maria
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Fest, Joachim
Final Solution (Endloesung)
Fire Mission! The Siege at Mortain (Weiss)
First Special Service Force
First U.S. Army Group (FUSAG)
Fort Wayne Daisies
FOX News
France: aerial combat in; appeasement of Hitler by; fall of; German invasion of; Hitler’s rise to power and; Italian invasion of; liberation of; Normandy invasion and; Operation Anvil/Dragoon and; Operation Cobra and; Operation Torch and; post–World War I Germany and; U.S. neutrality and; Vichy
Franco, Francisco
Frank, Hans
Fredendall, Lloyd
Free a Man to Fight
Free French
Free Polish
French First Army Group
French Foreign Legion
Frick, Wilhelm
Fee Czech
Führer Directive No.
Führer Directive No.
Führer Directive No.
Führer Directive No.
Funk, Walther
FUSAG. See First U.S. Army Group
Garcia, Angel
Gavin, Jim
GE. See General Electric
General Electric (GE)
German-American Bund
Germany: Anschluss of; Battle of Britain and; Battle of the Atlantic and; Battle of the Bulge and; Eastern Front and; espionage activities of; France, liberation of, and; Great Depression and; Jews in; League of Nations and; military in; military of; Normandy invasion and; Operation Husky and; Operation Shingle and; Operation Torch and; post–World War I, ; Soviet Union, i
nvasion of, and; Versailles Treaty and. See also Hitler, Adolf
Gimpel, Erich
Glorious, HMS
Godl, Alfred
Goebbels, Paul
Goering, Hermann; Battle of Britain and; end of World War II and; Nuremberg trials and
Gough, Mr.
Great Depression; Germany and; Roosevelt, Franklin D. and; United States and
Green, Robert
Greer, USS
Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Guderian, Heinz
Gustav Line
Hangsterfer, Charles
Havana, Cuba
Hess, Rudolf
Himmler, Heinrich
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hitler, Adolf; appeasement of; assassination plots against; Battle of the Atlantic and; Battle of the Bulge and; Beer Hall Putsch and; in Berlin underground; Britain, invasion of, and; Final Solution of; France, liberation of, and; as Führer; Italy’s surrender and; Jews and; last days of; Mein Kampf and; Mussolini, Benito and; Normandy invasion and; Nuremberg laws and; Operation Husky and; Operation Market Garden and; Operation Torch and; Poland and; public works and; rise of; Rome-Berlin Axis Agreement and; Soviet Union, German invasion of, and; Soviet Union, invasion of, and; suicide of; U.S. entry into World War II and; U.S. home front and. See also Germany
Hitler Youth
Hodges, Courtney
Hong King, China
Hood, HMS
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopkins, Harry
Hube, Hans
Husky, Operation
Il Duce. See Mussolini, Benito
Illustrious, HMS
Italy: Egypt and; France, invasion of, and; Greece and; Jews in; Operation Avalanche and; Operation Husky and; Operation Shingle and; surrender of; Tripartite Pact and
Jaguar Standard Motor Works
Jamar, Emile
Japan; Pearl Harbor and; Tripartite Pact and
Jews: German; Hitler, Adolf and; Italian; Polish; Soviet
Johnson, Leon
Junge, Traudl
Justice Department
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
Kauffman, Draper
Kearny, USS
Keitel, Wilhelm
Kent, England
Kesselring, Albert; Italy’s surrender and; Operation Avalanche and; Operation Shingle and
Kinnard, Harry
Kristallnacht (night of broken glass)
Kuschick, Sergeant
League of Nations
Leah, Charles
Lebensraum (living space)
Leclerc, Phillippe
Lee, John C. H.
Lehmann, Armin
Lend-Lease Act
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich
Leningrad, Soviet Union
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Lomell, Leonard
London Blitz
Lucas, John P.
Luftwaffe; Battle of Britain and; France, liberation of, and; German invasion of Soviet Union and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Torch and
MacArthur, Douglas
McAullife, Anthony
McGovern, George
McKeogh, Pearl
McKey, Phyllis
McNair, Leslie J.
Maginot Line
Mahurin, Walker “Bud”
Malmedy Massacre
Manhattan Project
Manila Bay, Philippines
Markham, Jerry
Marowitz, Richard
Marshall, George
Mein Kampf (My Struggle) (Hitler)
Menges, USS
Mercury, Operation
Merriken, Bill
Midway Island, Battle of
Millhander, Billy
Mitchell, Archie
Mitchell, Billy
Model, Walther
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939)
Montemaro, Angelo
Montemaro, Joe
Montemaro, Mike
Montemaro, Peter
Montemaro, Vincent
Montgomery, Bernard; Battle of the Bulge and; end of World War II and; France, liberation of, and; Italy’s surrender and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Avalanche and; Operation Husky and; Operation Market Garden and; Operation Torch and
Moscow, Soviet Union
Mullins, Lt. Col.
Mussolini, Benito: Africa and; Egypt and; freeing of; Greece and; Hitler, Adolf and; imprisonment of; Operation Husky and; overthrow of; Rome-Berlin Axis Agreement and; U.S. entry into World War II and
Nash, Edgar “Ed”
National Defense Council, U.S. (NDC)
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Nazi Party (National Socialist Party)
NDC. See National Defense Council, U. S.
Neeper, Lloyd
Neutrality Act of 1935,
Neutrality Act of 1939,
Nevada, battleship
New Zealand
Normandy, USS
Normandy invasion (Operation Overlord); casualties of; D-Day for; Ehlers, Walter and; failure of; Lomell, Leonard and; Markham, Jerry and; Operation Fortitude and; planning for; Ryan, Bernard and; Van Cook, Arthur “Art” and
North Africa: Operation Torch and; Rommel, Erwin and; Vichy French in
Nova Scotia
NRA. See National Recovery Administration
Nuremberg laws
Nuremberg trials
Obercommando der Wermacht (OKW). See Wehrmacht
Office of Strategic Services (OSS); France, liberation of, and
Oklahoma, USS
OKW. See Obercommando der Wermacht
“Old Blood and Guts”. See Patton, George
Olds, Robin
Omaha Beach, Normandy, France. See Normandy invasion
Operation ALSIB
Operation Anvil/Dragoon
Operation Avalancheig
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Baytownig
Operation Citadel
Operation Cobra; casualties of; Defourneaux, Rene and; Garcia, Angel and; Pulver, Murray and; Weiss, Robert and
Operation Drumbeat (Palkinshlog)
Operation Dynamo
Operation Eagle
Operation Fortitude
Operation Husky ig; “Bloody Ridge” and; casualties of; D-Day for; Dyas, Timothy and; objectives of; Operation Mincemeat and; POWs and; problems during; Sayre, Edwin and; Speairs, A. H. “Ed” and; Stafford, Edward and
Operation Lumberjack
Operation Lüttich
Operation Market Garden; Battle of the Bulge and; Burgett, Donald and; Kinnard, Harry and
Operation Mercury
Operation Mincemeat
Operation Overlord. See Normandy invasion (Operation Overlord)
Operation Quicksilver
Operation Sea Lion
Operation Shingle; battle at Cisterna and; Sadoski, Raymond T. and; Sparks, Felix and
Operation Slaptsickig
Operation Tidal Wave
Operation Torch: casualties of; goals of; Green, Robert and; North Africa and; Perrine, George and; POWs and; Stone, Duane and; White, Jefferson and
Operation Typhoon
Operation Veritable
Oran, Algeria
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services
Ostfriesland, battleship
Palermo, Italy
Panama Canal
Patrick Henry, USS
Patton, George; Battle of the Bulge and; end of World War II and; France, liberation of, and; Normandy invasion and; Operation Husky and; Operation Market Garden and; Operation Torch and
Paul Hamilton, MV
Paulus, Friedrich
Pearl Harbor, Japan and
Peiper, Jochaom
Perkins, Frances
Perrine, George
Pescott Trot
Petain, Philippe
Petersen, Peter
Philip Morris
“Phony War”
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland
Prague, Czechoslovakia
Prescott, Lucian
Pride, Ken
Prince of Wales, HMS
Prior, Lourelei
prisoners of war (POWs): Operation Husky and; Operation Torch and; Russian; Soviet Union, German invasion of, and
Pulver, Murray
Quadrant Conference
Queen Mary
Quinn, Christina
Raal, Gunther
Raeder, Erich
Rangoon, Burma
Ray, Norman
Reagan, Ronald
Red Army
Red Baron. See von Richtoffen, Erich
Redding, Chuck
Regan, Joe
Reichstag (German parliament)
Reuben James, USS
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Rome, Italy
Rome-Berlin Axis Agreement
Rommel, Erwin; Afrika Korps of; France, liberation of, and; Normandy invasion and; North Africa and; Operation Torch and
Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Arcadia Conference and; Battle of the Atlantic and; death of; end of World War II and; Eureka Conference and; “Europe First” strategy of; Great Depression and; Operation Husky and; Operation Torch and; Pearl Harbor and; Soviet Union, German invasion of, and; U.S. entry into World War II and; U.S. homefront and; U.S. military and; U.S. neutrality and; Yalta Conference and
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
Rosenberg, Alfred
Royal Air Force; Battle of Britain and; Drake, Billy and
Royal Oak, HMS
Rubluski, John
Rudder, James
Ruhr River valley, Germany
Russell, Captain
Ryan, Bernard
SA. See Sturmabteilung
Sadoski, Raymond T.
San Francisco, USS
Sauckel, Fritz
Saudi Arabia
Sawokla, MV
Sayre, Edwin
Schacht, Hjalmar
Sea Lion, Operation
Sears Roebuck Company