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We Wish You A Naughty Christmas: A Christmas Collection

Page 44

by Skye Warren

  I slam into her again and again, the bed creaking under us, her moans accentuated by the slapping of our skin as it comes together. Her pussy clenches around me, her juices gathering in my pubes and dripping down my balls. As her moans turn into screams of ecstasy, I spit on her asshole and slide a finger in, while my cock fills her tight pussy.

  She freezes for a moment, gasps, and then comes in one long, shuddering howl. Under normal circumstances, I would pull out of her pussy, yank off her bra and come all over her tits. But nothing about tonight is normal. Gripping her waist, I pull her into me so I can slam into her harder and harder. Once, twice, a third time and then I come in two hot spurts, filling her tight little cunt with my seed.

  Chapter 4


  Well, that happened.


  Now I just need to make sure it happens some more. And some more. And then some more again.

  To say I’ve had a crush on Scott Weaver for as long as I can remember is one of the biggest understatements of my life. He’s the bar to which I hold up all other men. My own personal ‘You Must Be At Least This Tall To Ride This Ride’ sign. I’ve made it twenty-one years without anyone measuring up.

  Sure, I’ve messed around with guys before. Scott wasn’t my first BJ, nor was he my first orgasm. I’ve got books and vibrators and my own favorite porn sites that have helped me get my jollies up to this point. But he was, undoubtedly, no question about it, my first. I saved myself for Scott and damn if it wasn’t the best decision of my life.

  “Maisie?” Scott draws me to him, wrapping his strong arms around me and pressing a kiss into my hair.

  “Hmmm?” I ask, all loose and warm and half-drunk on post-orgasmic bliss.

  “You’re bleeding a little.”

  My eyes shoot open and I prop myself up on an elbow, peering down at the tiny red blotch on the crisp white hotel sheets. For as brazen and bold as I pretended to be up until this point—thank you dirty novels and PornHub for teaching me how—I am now officially embarrassed and self-conscious. Nothing in my dirty novels or videos has prepared me for how to handle the ‘Yes, You Took My Virginity’ speech with my dad’s best friend. All my instincts tell me to tread lightly here so Scott doesn’t freak the fuck out.

  “Maisie?” His voice is gentle, almost reverent.

  I lift my gaze to his. “Hmm?”

  “Were you a virgin?”

  I suck in my lips and nod my head. “I was.” A grin pulls up at the corner of my lips. “I’m not anymore.”

  Scott laughs, a low sound, personal and warm. “No, you’re not anymore.”

  And that’s all he says about that. He pulls the covers up around us as I kick off my shoes—that’s right, I just got fucked from behind by a hot older guy wearing a pair of kickass heels. Is this even real life?—and then wraps his body around mine. I drift off to sleep, lazily tracing the lines of the tattoos winding up his forearms, totally and completely awash in the wonderful feeling of knowing dreams really do come true.

  I wake up and roll over, finding Scott propped up on an elbow, his cheek resting on his hand, smiling down at me. “Good morning,” he says, his voice low and intimate.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t run out of here screaming,” I reply.

  “I couldn’t do that.” Scott brushes a hair off my forehead and then leans down to press a kiss to my lips. “The screaming would wake you up.”

  Judging by the white-hot sunlight streaming through the crack in the curtains, I guess we overslept. The whole reason Scott got me a room here at the hotel with him—a room I’m not going to use, but that’s beside the point—was to make sure we could leave at the buttcrack of dawn so we could get to my parents’ in time. When I ask Scott why he didn’t wake me, he just shrugs and says he didn’t want to ruin the moment. While I’m not really sure what he means by that, it sends a whole cascading waterfall of butterflies down into my stomach and I get dressed in a haze of happiness.

  When I’m dressed, I expect Scott to rush me down to the car so we can get on the road and make up for lost time but he doesn’t. Instead, he hands me my coat and takes me down to the middle of downtown Pittsburgh, where they have an ice-skating rink set up right next to a humongous Christmas tree.

  “Am I going to have to teach you to do everything?” he says when he learns that I’ve never been ice-skating before.

  “As long as you promise to show me how to do things just the way you like them.”

  Scott laughs and slaps me on the ass before helping me out of my skates and buying me a hot chocolate. Things are easy with him. Better than they’ve ever been with anyone I’ve been with. Partly because I’ve known him my whole life. The sex just feels like a natural extension of who we are to each other. But I think the other part is because Scott and I are very much the same kind of people. We laugh at the same stuff, like the same things, and enjoy each other’s company.

  And by enjoy each other’s company, I mean that we can’t keep our hands off each other. If he isn’t slapping my ass, I’m grabbing his and I swear I’m going to have to change my panties as soon as we get to my parents’ because I’ve been wet almost all day. I keep thinking about his hard cock, the way it felt in my hands, in my throat, and best of all, in my pussy. I don’t know how it’s going to work, us sharing a house with my mom and dad, because there’s no way I can be around him and not want him in me.

  By the time we get in the car, I’m utterly and completely wound up. Wouldn’t you know, we get stuck in a traffic jam and it’s all I can do to keep my hands to myself. It’s when I realize just how dark his windows are tinted that I get an idea. Maybe I don’t actually have to keep my hands to myself. We’ve been completely stopped for the last half hour, so I take my seatbelt off and lean across the small space separating us. Scott looks surprised when I undo the button on his jeans.

  “What are you doing?” he asks, shifting in his seat as I slide down his zipper.

  “Exactly what I want to.”

  By the time I get his cock out, it’s totally hard. I swirl my tongue around his tip, lapping up the salty drop of precum waiting for me there. Scott leans back and moans while I lick and suck and bob my head up and down. I don’t have to wait long for that spurt of hot cum to hit the back of my throat. I swallow and sit up, wiping my mouth.

  “You’re fucking amazing,” he says, his head leaning back against the headrest.

  I just smile and shrug. “Just remember. You owe me.” As I sit back in my seat, I lock eyes with the driver of the car in front of me through his rearview mirror. He shakes his head and catches Scott’s eye before lifting his hand to give us one big thumbs up.

  Chapter 5


  Pinch me, somebody, because I’m dreaming. The night with Maisie was fucking amazing. Then, I find out she was a virgin. And better yet, she was a virgin because she was waiting just for me. After discovering that, I couldn’t just pop her in the car and drive her to her parents’, where this dream will surely turn into a nightmare. Nope. Maisie deserves a chance to feel loved and cared about, so I took her ice-skating. If I didn’t already know that she is pretty much the perfect girl for me, today proved it.

  Hot? Check.

  Sweet? Check.

  Great sense of humor? Check.

  Willing to go down on me in the car? Hell fucking yes. Check.

  We get to Jason and Marion’s without issue and that’s when things get weird. I just fucked my best friend’s daughter. And I plan on fucking her again. Soon. And if I get way the fuck honest with myself, I’ve wanted to fuck her from the moment she turned eighteen. And it wasn’t just because of those sultry brown eyes and freaking fantastic curves. This is a woman with a quick wit and sharp mind. She’s almost done with her engineering degree, for fuck’s sake. In all my years, I haven’t found a person who makes me as comfortable as she does, and that’s saying a lot.

  Jason’s waiting for us on the front step as we pull into his driveway in a subur
b outside of Philly. The yard is covered in a blanket of snow and Jason’s got on one of those tacky Christmas sweaters that everyone thinks are so hilarious nowadays. A mug of something warm and steamy is in one hand and he raises the other in greeting as he comes down the steps towards us.

  “Suburban life sure has tamed you,” I say as we clap each other on the back.

  Jason quirks his head to the side. “Looks can be deceiving.”

  And with that, he leaves my side to swoop his only daughter into his arms and lead her inside while I carry in our bags. We spend a long night, all of us laughing and drinking and telling old stories. That steaming cup of something in Jason’s hands? Turns out it was hot cider with rum and it’s fucking delicious. We drink until we’re drunk and stifling yawns behind our hands.

  “Looks like the nightclub business is treating you well,” Jason says. Marion hands him his fourth cup of apple cider and curls in next to him on the couch. Maisie’s sitting next to me and we’re very intentionally not touching. The space between us has almost taken on a life of its own.

  “I’ve got no complaints.”

  Beside me, Maisie shifts. Her leg grazes mine and all I can think about is getting her naked and in my hands again. She saved that pussy just for me and I am going to make good use of it.

  “What about you?” I ask. “You happy out here in ugly sweater land?”

  Marion laughs. “We don’t exactly fit in here. Even when Maisie was young, we were never the mini-van dad and soccer mom types, you know?”

  We chat about stupid stuff like that and important stuff like the economy and finally, just when I don’t think I can take it any longer, Jason and Marion announce that they’re going to bed.

  “You can show yourself to the guestroom,” says Jason, stretching into a yawn. “Lord knows you’ve stayed there enough.”

  Little does he know that I have no intention of staying there tonight.

  As soon as all the lights in the house are off, I sneak into Maisie’s room and find her waiting for me. She’s sitting on top of her bed, wearing nothing but a black lace bra and panties. The moment she sees me, she spreads her legs.

  “I knew you’d come.”

  “And I know you’ll come,” I say, laughing a little as she shakes her head at my silly attempt at innuendo.

  Careful not to ruin another pair of her underwear, I slide the thin scraps of fabric that constitute her panties down off her hips and ball them up in my hand. She unhooks her bra as I step out of my clothes and climb up between her legs.

  “You’re going to have to be quiet,” I say, pressing a finger to her lips. “Can you do that?”

  My dear, sweet, obstinate Maisie, always the bad girl, shakes her head, a wicked glimmer in her eyes.

  “I thought that’d be your answer. Open up,” I say. When she does, I cram her panties into her mouth and slide my cock into her waiting pussy. She drops her head back in ecstasy and I bring my mouth to her breasts, biting and sucking until I leave little red marks all over her skin.

  “Mine,” I whisper as she looks down at my marks.

  I rock my hips into her and thread my hands into her hair, leaning in close. “You saved this for me and I’m claiming it. You’re mine, Maisie Cook. Do you understand that?”

  She loses herself to an orgasm, moaning against the wad of black lace in her mouth and I clamp a hand down over her mouth. She clenches and comes, drenching my cock with her orgasm. She gets so wet, so fucking wet, and it just about sends me over the edge.

  I come without warning, shooting into her and spasming like I might be having a seizure, missing out on yet another opportunity to come on those perky little tits. Next time, I promise myself. Because you damn well better believe that there’s going to be a next time.

  Chapter 6


  The last week has been really weird. Amazing, but weird. Scott and I have shared a house with my parents. We get up and pretend nothing’s going on, my dad still calls him my Uncle Scotty—which has a certain ugh factor now—and my mom just keeps wearing her chunky jewelry and flowing dresses while cooking us all totally delicious and entirely from scratch meals. But in the quiet moments, when no one’s looking, Scott has me pushed up against a wall, his hands cupping my tits or my ass while he works some sort of magic on me with his lips. And it never fails, the moment after my parents go to sleep, he’s in my bed or I’m in his.

  Today, I’m in the kitchen with my mom, making our traditional holiday cookies. Not a winter goes by that we don’t spend our fair share of time in the kitchen making more cookies than anyone could possibly eat. It’s so soothing, spending time with my mom. Even when we’re not talking, her presence is just a huge comfort to me.

  “So who is he?” Mom doesn’t look up from her decorating, which is a good thing because I can feel the blush flaring out like crazy across my cheeks.

  “Who is who?” I drop a glob of sprinkles on a sugar cookie and avoid eye contact.

  Mom puts down her icing smeared knife and leans on the counter. “Don’t you try to play it off like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I can read you like a book, Maisie Jasonine.”

  I cringe at the use of my middle name, a tribute to my dad that my mom finds touching and he finds as regrettable as I do. “Maybe you used to be able to read me like a book.”

  “Still can.” Mom picks her knife back up and goes to work. “Spill it.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Oh, sweetie. You haven’t stopped smiling since you got here. There’s only one reason a woman looks like that.”

  “She’s found true love?”

  Mom shrugs. “Maybe. But that look you’re wearing? It means you’ve found someone who knows how to make the magic happen in the bedroom.”

  My eyes go wide and my jaw drops. “Mom!” Not only am I shocked that she would say something like that to me, but I’m busy playing out how she would react if she found out just exactly who had been making the magic happen in the bedroom.

  “What? I’m a grown woman, Maisie. I know what it’s like to have a man who—”

  I hold up my hand to stop her. “I’m sure that’s true, but we do not need to go there.”

  We laugh and go back to decorating our cookies. After a few silent minutes, I decide to share a little with her. I mean, she can know just how happy I am without knowing just exactly who I’m being happy with. Right?

  “It’s someone I’ve had a crush on for a long time,” I say, smiling down at the cookie in my hand. “He’s strong and wonderful and I can’t help but smile when I look at him.”

  Mom gives me a sharp look before a wide grin brightens her face. “How long have you been seeing each other?”

  “Just a few days.”

  “It must be hard,” she says. “Being separated from him like this.”

  I bite my lip. Something about this week has been hard. Hard as fucking steel. I just shrug because there’s no way I can answer that question without mom knowing something’s up. As much as I rather she didn’t, she really can read me like a book.

  “He’s so sweet to me, mom,” I say instead. “And sexy. I mean, like, classically good looking. And smart. And strong. And he’s got a good job.”

  Mom arches one eyebrow in my direction. “Sounds almost too good to be true.”

  “God, I hope not. I could easily see myself falling all the way in love with him.” I sigh and finally meet her gaze. “Scratch that. I think I already am in love with him. I can easily see myself spending the rest of my life with him.”

  Just as I begin my last sentence, Scott comes into the kitchen with my dad. There’s this moment of the two of us holding horrified eye contact as I replay what I just said. The part about spending the rest of my life with him. The part I know he totally heard. Oh my god. Kill me now. Way to ruin one hell of a hot fling.

  “Who’s got my little girl thinking about happily ever afters?” asks my dad, a happy twinkle in his eye.

  I give all
my focus to the cookies on my tray. There’s not one conceivable way to rescue this conversation. I’ll either offend Scott or embarrass him in front of my parents. Or, you know, I could ruin Christmas. Remember that tine that Maisie fucked your best friend and then announced him as her one true love in the kitchen?

  I can just see it now.

  I lift my gaze to Scott’s, hopeful he can see the apology in my eyes. To my utter fucking amazement, he crosses the kitchen and wraps an arm around my shoulder. Drops a kiss onto the top of my head and looks my dad in the eyes.

  “I think that’d be me,” he says.

  And that’s that. Merry fucking Christmas, Mom and Dad.

  Chapter 7


  I heard everything Maisie said about me. Every last thing. And the truth of the matter is that I’ve loved her for a long time, too. As she graduated high school and turned into one hell of a witty woman, smart and intelligent and driven, it got harder and harder to ignore my feelings for her. They went beyond the lines of lust and right into … well … you know … feelings.

  That’s part of the reason I left Philly to open my club in Miami. I needed out of here sooner rather than later because Maisie had made her way into my heart and wasn’t going to find her way back out again. And what’s more fucked up than falling for your best friend’s daughter? But now, after this week, I don’t want her to find her way back out again.

  I know Jason’s going to lose his shit at me in three…


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