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Seducing Their Princess

Page 3

by Michelle Hughes

  “No problem. We’ll see you this weekend.” My men surrounded her again, apparently feeling as threatened as I was by his presence. He shook his head and was smiling as he headed back to his chopper.

  “He seems nice.” Her comment flew over me all wrong. Jealousy is a monster that can bring the strongest man to his knees if allowed to fester.

  “You might not think so when I tell you he runs a pleasure resort.” I wasn’t into men, but I had eyes, Leon was the type of man good girls wanted to be bad with, and I wasn’t having it. “He brings sexual fantasies to life for a price.” I felt somewhat guilty for making it sound like a bad thing, because I thought it was an incredible service he offered. I just didn’t want her to think so.

  “Isn’t that illegal?” The demon in me wanted to dirty her up for being so naïve. It was wrong of me to say what I did.

  “For the right price anything is legal.” My men were looking at me strangely, and I knew I was acting out character. Usually I was the one who kept law and order, but for reasons I didn’t want to contemplate I was itching to cause mayhem. “He offered you a freebie, if you’re interested.” I can only say the devil made me do it, because her sweet little face looked shocked as hell.

  “Maybe I’ll skip the luau.” Her softly spoken words reminded me of what an ass I was being, and I knew I had to fix this. I motioned toward the waiting dune buggy and tried to figure out how to pull my foot out of my mouth. “He’s not a bad guy, and most people pay hundreds of thousands to spend a weekend having their desires fulfilled.” There. I’d been gracious.

  Jackston slid into the back seat and patted the space beside him, showing he wanted her to join him. She did, and Gage slid in on her other side. “What kind of fantasy would be worth that kind of money?”

  “None that you’d need to pay for sweetheart. He pressed against her, not knowing that she was off limits yet. “I’m Gage, baby. Langley didn’t tell us his sister was so hot.” He winked, and that beautiful flush found her cheeks yet again.

  She seemed intimidated by his size, and most women were at first. At six-five, and built like Conan the Barbarian, he was a man most men didn’t fuck with. Add into the equation that he was a control freak and a sadist, he could instill fear into most women. What people didn’t know, was that he had a kind heart. That might sound like an oxymoron to some people, but the women he played with enjoyed the sensual pain he inflicted.

  “I’m Brooke, and um, thanks.” Her eyes shot to mine for reassurance and that was a bigger turn on than it should have been. Reminding my ego that it didn’t mean I could claim her, I slid into the driver’s seat. Theo joined me in the front, still a little butt hurt about being rejected.

  “You’re welcome.” I drove and tried not to act like an overprotective jerk by looking in the review to make sure she wasn’t uncomfortable. Gage wouldn’t hurt her unless she gave him permission, and I doubted she was on board with his idea of fun.

  There were no lights on the road we’d cut through the forest here, and it could be treacherous to someone who didn’t know how to navigate the land. Thankfully, I could drive it blindfolded if needed. We’d acquired the island home at a steal after we busted the drug lord that owned it. We didn’t work for the government on their payroll but were called in often to take care of the jobs they couldn’t get their hands dirty with. They paid well to keep these assignments undercover.

  It had taken years to make the island safe enough to inhabit when we’d gotten possession. The only way to reach our oasis was by plane, but a few remaining members of the drug cartel had tried to start trouble and they landed in jail with their leader. Except for the one we had to take out when he pulled a gun. My theory was, if it came down to my life or those of my friend’s, a criminal deserved to be in the ground first. Being stupid enough to pull a weapon on any of us was a quick ticket to the graveyard.

  “This is your house?” Brooke’s awe-struck voice filled me with pride as we pulled up. I felt the same way the first time I saw this place. It was a four-bedroom sanctuary sitting on twelve acres of the most beautiful land. Most of the walls were made of glass, so you got a perfect view of the ocean and the surrounding greenery from all vantage points. We usually came here during our downtimes because our jobs were incredibly stressful and that disconnect from the filth we dealt with was sorely needed. Our home in Washington is where we stayed while working a case.

  “Home sweet home.” Theo seemed to be coming out of his pissy mood as he slid out and stretched. This place was our own private heaven and even he wasn’t immune.

  “We own the island. The only thing you need to worry about here is making sure you wear sunscreen.” Jackston offered his hand to help her out, and she took it not looking at him, but the architecture. “The only way to get on or off this island is by plane, so trust me when I say you’re safe.” His hand moved to the small of her back and he walked her inside.

  I loved seeing the wonder on her face as she took in the indoor-outdoor living space. All the floors were hardwood and the furniture white, not too shabby for a bunch of bachelors who didn’t give a shit about decorating. We kept it understated because during the daytime the scenery made the place. The asshole that lived here before us had the thing done up in harlot red and gold. The first thing we’d done was gutted everything.

  “It’s incredible. If this were mine, I’d never be able to leave.” I was happy she liked our home, and had she been a different kind of person, maybe she’d have been the one we finally allowed to live here permanently with us. That was a pipe-dream, because we’d yet to find a woman that could live this way for longer than six months. We were a demanding bunch when it came to our sexual appetites.

  “Did the crew stock us up?” Gage was always hungry. It was amazing he stayed as fit as he was with all the groceries he put down. We had worked out a deal with Leon’s supplier for food and essentials and he was supposed to stock the kitchen and bathroom supplies. I hoped we wouldn’t have to wait until tomorrow.

  Jackston was our resident chef, mainly because he refused to eat the slop, as he called it, we put together. Walking over to the refrigerator he opened it and it was full of a little of everything. He checked the cabinets and pantry as well and gave his nod of approval. “We definitely won’t starve.”

  “Hell yes. Get something going. We can’t have our guest starving her ass off while she’s here.” It was for her benefit he said it that way. What he really meant was he was hungry and if Jackston didn’t get a move on he was throwing something together.

  “I’m not that hungry, but I would like to freshen up.” The shock and awe of our paradise seemed to be wearing off and she looked nervous again. I guess in her position I might have been a little worried too. She was stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere with four strange men she didn’t know.

  “We should call your brother first.” Langley spoke about his baby sister in the highest regard, so I knew he was worried even if he hid that behind his macho man attitude.

  “Can I use the restroom while you call.” That beautiful blush appeared, and I grinned. The girl had to pee. It had been more than a few hours and she hadn’t escaped to the bathroom on the plane once.

  “You’ve got one in your room. Come with me and I’ll show you.” We didn’t have a guestroom here, so we’d have to draw straws or something later to see which of us would be bunking up. Biting back a groan at the idea of losing and having to sleep with one of these snoring assholes, I led her to the middle bedroom. I loved my friends but unless we had a sexy woman between us I preferred my space.

  I guess to a woman it might look all romantic with the sheer netting around the canopy bed, but it was there for practical reasons. If we decided to sleep with the doors open, you didn’t want bugs, insects or animals climbing into bed with you. “Make sure you use the curtains if you decide to listen to the ocean tonight.”

  She was staring around the bedroom in fascination and it pleased me that she liked our home.
“Thank you for taking me in.” Her voice was so soft I had to strain to hear the words.”

  “No problem.” Come out when you’re done so we can feed you.” Getting out of her bedroom was imperative. She looked so damn sexy standing by the bed. Every instinct told me to throw her down on it and show her what she’d been missing. I left abruptly.

  chapter three



  This place was amazing. Alec and his men had to be loaded to afford it. It was a crass thought, but owning an island? Who could afford that, outside of celebrities? Everything in this place was immaculate. From the white oak floors, to the stark white bed and chest of drawers. The bedroom was twice the size of my living room.

  The bathroom had the same glass wall as my bedroom and I wondered how I was supposed to bathe without being seen. Clothes! Crap. I had nothing to wear and washing the same clothes every day? I guess it couldn’t be helped. With a sigh, the beauty of the place lost some of its charm and I took care of my needs. I longed to sink into that sculptural tub, but anyone could walk by and see everything I had. The walk-in shower at least offered some protection even though the doors were only frosted glass.

  I washed my hands, and opened the medicine cabinet, happy to see an unwrapped toothbrush and paste. An array of products rested inside, and they were all meant for a female. I could study my surroundings later, my stomach was starting to growl, even though I’d thought I wasn’t hungry. I’d forgotten I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, but my stomach knew.

  I brushed my teeth and thought about these men who now held my life in their hands. They didn’t act like millionaires, in fact, some of their manners left a lot to be desired. Jackston seemed to be a sweetheart though, and Alec seemed okay. I wasn’t sure about Gage yet, and Theo was kind of an asshole. I’d grown up around military men because of my family, so I could handle his attitude.

  Walking back into the living room, I saw all the men standing around the island bar in the kitchen and they seemed to be having a heated debate. When they saw me that conversation ended, and I had to wonder if they were talking about me. “Is everything all right?”

  “It’s fine. We were just setting some guidelines for your time with us. Protocol and such.” Alec’s words were pointed, and he looked at each of the men in turn as he spoke. Why did they need guidelines because I was here? There weren’t any other women, so their kinky lifestyle obviously wouldn’t be a problem, unless they flew one in.

  “Please don’t change your routine on my account.” Maybe they had other quirky habits they didn’t want me to know about? Like what was the deal with the glass walls everywhere? Were they nudists as well?

  “Careful what you say, baby. If we don’t change our routine, you’ll be in our bed.” Gage chuckled at his comment, and I gasped. I was shocked that a man that looked like him would even consider sleeping with me. Maybe men weren’t as choosy as women when it came to their sexual partners. What did I know?

  “Okay. Maybe a small change is good.” My face was burning at the idea of him trying to seduce me. I was definitely not his type. “Besides I’m sure I’d bore you in five minutes.” I didn’t want to act like the prude I was, but I was even more embarrassed at the words that slipped out.

  “You wouldn’t bore any man.” Jackston’s eyes filled with heat, and I was shocked that he seemed to find me attractive too.

  “Hell no, she wouldn’t. With a little training her tight pussy would be purring in our bed.” My hand flew to my mouth at Theo’s statement and not only because his crudeness shocked me but the fact that I wasn’t completely turned off when I should be.

  “Enough!” Alec slammed his hand down on the table, and I jumped slightly at the authority in his voice. “This discussion is over. Brooke is our guest and will not be sharing anyone’s bed. We need to call your brother, and then get you fed.”

  The conversation ended abruptly and none of the men, outside of Alec, was looking at me now. It was apparent who was in charge and I guess I should be thankful that he’d laid down the law, so to speak. I didn’t want to lead these men on, and even if I was a little flattered, he was right, I wasn’t going to sleep with any of them.

  Alec grasped my elbow and led me over to a small office. “This is the only phone that works on the property. I must ask you not to make outside calls without running it by me first. This line is encrypted and it’s safer for you if they can’t trace it back here.” He was acting professionally, in a cold, almost impersonal way.

  “Outside of my cat and Langley, I don’t really have anyone that I need to talk to.” It was sort of depressing to say that aloud, but it was true nonetheless. Frankie was my only other friend and he was skiing in Aspen with his husband.

  He looked confused by my confession, but quickly closed off his expression. “Then we shouldn’t have a problem.” Lifting the receiver on the outdated phone, he dialed a number and began speaking. “Everything went well, we have her secure.” A small tick appeared in his cheek, and his words were abrupt. “The situation is handled, there’s no need to discuss it further.” He held out the phone for me.

  “Were than any problems on the way over?” Langley’s voice was clipped, and I could hear the stress in it.

  “Everything’s fine.” I was pleased he cared enough to worry and felt a little guilty for misjudging him earlier.

  “How are they treating you? Are they minding their manners?” I rolled my eyes at his question and decided not to mention the slightly crude comments.

  “Yes. Of course, they’re being nice.” I was perfectly capable of handling myself, even if he didn’t believe that.

  “Good. I knew you weren’t their type. Keep your chin up, sis. We’ll catch these guys and have you home before you know it. I won’t call again unless I have news.” He didn’t give me a chance to answer because the line went dead. Langley wasn’t one for small talk.

  I should have been offended that my brother thought I wasn’t attractive enough to warrant their attention, but, how could I be? I’d been blessed with a great mind but in the looks department my luck ran out. “Thanks.” I hung up the phone and wondered what happened next. I’d never been in protective custody before or stranded in a house with four sexy men.

  “No problem. Let’s eat dinner and then we’ll watch some television unless you’re tired?” Problem solved. I was happy to know we had some form of entertainment.

  “Honestly? I’m too hyped up to sleep yet.” I wish I had some books, television wasn’t really my thing, but this wasn’t a vacation.

  I followed him back into the kitchen, where Jackston had a huge tossed salad with bread sticks out on the counter. “Hey honey, I’ll be throwing the steaks on the grill in just a minute but feel free to grab a bowl for now. The view on the patio is beautiful if you’d like to take it out there to eat.”

  Taking him up on the offer, I grabbed a bowl from the counter and made a salad with all the fixings and put a light balsamic dressing on top. I was about to walk outside when Alec’s voice stopped me. He’d picked up two bottles of wine and lifted an eyebrow.

  “White or red?” I wasn’t a drinker, but after the day I’d had? A little wine might help settle my nerves.

  “You pick. I don’t know anything about wine.” He poured a glass of red and motioned with his head for me to follow. The other men were sitting around a table outside that could seat eight, and I could see what Jackston meant about the view. The full moon reflected off the water and it was like being in paradise with the sounds of the crashing waves.

  That old saying about cutting the tension with a knife? I finally knew what they meant because no one was looking at me or speaking. I ate my food, barely tasting it. “Have I done something wrong?” I couldn’t think of anything, but they were all completely closed off and earlier everyone had been speaking.

  “Nothing you’ve done.” Gage’s eyes were shooting daggers at Alec, and I was lost. “We wouldn’t want to offend your sensibilities.
” His gaze when he turned back to me was slightly mocking.

  “My sensibilities?” What was he talking about. “Believe me if you offend me I’ll let you know. Seriously, I don’t need to be treated with kid-gloves.” I got enough of that crap from my brother when he was around.

  “Told you.” Theo’s eyes shot to Alec’s and a smirk lifted his lips. “Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass is worried that you aren’t experienced enough to handle our quips.”

  “Enough.” Alec sat down, and his expression was filled with anger. “We’ve discussed this.”

  “No, you decided, and the last time I looked I didn’t need your permission to have a conversation, or for that matter to fuck a woman if she was willing.” Gage was ticked off. From the way they were glaring at each other, I expected them to fight any second. I didn’t like violence, so I decided to intervene

  “Wow. Um. Hey, guys. Listen. I’m glad Alec’s worried about my feelings and all, but there’s no need. If you offend me I’ll let you know, and if I don’t want something? You sure won’t be getting it. So, can we act like adults and enjoy each other’s company?” Did men ever grow up? They were sulking because Alec gave an order concerning me? I didn’t need his interference.

  Gage tossed back his head and chuckled deeply. Theo gave a superior look toward Alec who still looked ready to start a fist fight. Jackston walked out carrying a pan of uncooked steaks seeming to notice the emotionally charged atmosphere because he began shaking his head. “Told you your idea wouldn’t work.”

  “Fine. If any of you hurt her, I’ll personally kick your ass into next week.” Alec was that worried about me with his men? Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.

  “When have we ever hurt a woman before? Well if she didn’t ask for it, at least.” Gage grinned and Theo high-fived him. Seriously? It was like being in a dorm room of college guys and I was certain all of them had been out of school for many years.


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